
Frank Gunseor

I am trying to connect to a PostgreSQL database remotely.

I have read the documentation for PostgreSQland pgAdmin, but apparently it is not sinking in or making sense. 

My situation is:

I am running PostgreSQL 15 on a Windows 10 Pro virtual machine on VirtualBox. The virtual machine also has a Host Only Network besides the NAT Network. I want to connect to the database from my desktop that is hosting the VM with VirtualBox using pgAdmin. I can connect to the database on the virtual machine on VirtualBox using pgAdmin.

Here is the connection string: "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=googleLens user=postgres password=XXXXXXX sslmode=prefer connect_timeout=10".

Do I need to remove the sslmode to connect remotely?

The postgresql.conf  contains listen addresses = '*'.

I have tried so many combinations in the pg_hba.conf that I am almost going blind.

I can not connect using pgAdmin on the desktop.

In the Register - Server windows under the General tab can the Name be anything?

Under the Connection tab is the Host name/address the Host Only Network of the machine the server is running on?

Everytime I try to connect I get an "Unable to connect to server, connection timeout expired" error!

I would appreciate any and all help. Or point me to a clear resource. Please DO NOT tell me to RTFM because I HAVE done so numerous times.

Thank you.

Frank Gunseor


Дмитрий Иванов
If I understand correctly, you are trying to connect to the guest operating system through the parent operating system's localhost ( local loopback. Moreover, it is not clear what mode the network of the guest operating system is in. Connection is not possible in NAT mode. In Host-Only Networking mode, you must specify the IP address of the guest operating system. The encryption mode is irrelevant to the problem.
In any case, your problem is not related to the topic of the forum. 
Check out the VirtualBox networking documentation.

пт, 4 авг. 2023 г. в 04:13, Frank Gunseor <>:

I am trying to connect to a PostgreSQL database remotely.

I have read the documentation for PostgreSQland pgAdmin, but apparently it is not sinking in or making sense. 

My situation is:

I am running PostgreSQL 15 on a Windows 10 Pro virtual machine on VirtualBox. The virtual machine also has a Host Only Network besides the NAT Network. I want to connect to the database from my desktop that is hosting the VM with VirtualBox using pgAdmin. I can connect to the database on the virtual machine on VirtualBox using pgAdmin.

Here is the connection string: "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=googleLens user=postgres password=XXXXXXX sslmode=prefer connect_timeout=10".

Do I need to remove the sslmode to connect remotely?

The postgresql.conf  contains listen addresses = '*'.

I have tried so many combinations in the pg_hba.conf that I am almost going blind.

I can not connect using pgAdmin on the desktop.

In the Register - Server windows under the General tab can the Name be anything?

Under the Connection tab is the Host name/address the Host Only Network of the machine the server is running on?

Everytime I try to connect I get an "Unable to connect to server, connection timeout expired" error!

I would appreciate any and all help. Or point me to a clear resource. Please DO NOT tell me to RTFM because I HAVE done so numerous times.

Thank you.

Frank Gunseor