Thread: Inquiry about Functionality Availability in PostgreSQL

Inquiry about Functionality Availability in PostgreSQL

Sultan Berentaev

Dear PostgreSQL Development Team,

I am inquiring about the availability of certain functionalities in the standard PostgreSQL database. Could you please confirm if the following functionalities are currently available in PostgreSQL:

1. Enforcement of Security Attribute Expiry
2. Restricted Data Audit Management Access
3. Limit on Concurrent Sessions
4. Access History for PostgreSQL

If any of these functionalities are not present in the standard PostgreSQL database, could you kindly let me know and provide any relevant insights about their potential implementation in future versions?

Thank you for your time and assistance. I look forward to your response.

With Regards,

Sultan Berentayev

Re: Inquiry about Functionality Availability in PostgreSQL

Ashutosh Bapat
Hi Sultan,
Thanks for your email and interest in PostgreSQL.

On Wed, Aug 2, 2023 at 8:41 AM Sultan Berentaev <> wrote:
> Dear PostgreSQL Development Team,
> I am inquiring about the availability of certain functionalities in the standard PostgreSQL database. Could you please confirm if the following functionalities are currently available in PostgreSQL:

It might help if you describe each of these functionalities in a sentence or two.

> 1. Enforcement of Security Attribute Expiry

This looks like a broader term. Each attribute (certificates, passwords, ) may have a different mechanism of expiry. Some attributes may not have expiry enforcement. Some may have expiry controlled by external agents. Can you please provide more details about what you are looking for?

> 2. Restricted Data Audit Management Access

I have vague understanding of what this could be but I think more details will be helpful.

> 3. Limit on Concurrent Sessions

If it's just the number of client connections PostgreSQL is supposed to handle at a time, max_connection is all you need.

> 4. Access History for PostgreSQL

More details on what kind of access you are looking for will be helpful. PostgreSQL has GUCs that enable/disable different kinds of accesses to be logged to server error log.

> If any of these functionalities are not present in the standard PostgreSQL database, could you kindly let me know and provide any relevant insights about their potential implementation in future versions?

Core PostgreSQL may not provide some of the functionalities by itself but extensions like pg_audit may provide those functionalities. Maybe you want to look for such extensions.

Best Wishes,
Ashutosh Bapat