Thread: BUG #18043: Merge fails to insert when source and target are same table and table is empty (contains no rows)
BUG #18043: Merge fails to insert when source and target are same table and table is empty (contains no rows)
PG Bug reporting form
The following bug has been logged on the website: Bug reference: 18043 Logged by: Clark Pearson Email address: PostgreSQL version: 15.2 Operating system: Windows Description: I have checked the release notes for 5.3, FAQ & TO DO, and can find no mention of this as a known bug, or as work in progress. I am currently on 15.2. This test case demonstrates failure to insert a row into an empty table when source/target are the same table (I have not explored whether it applies in a wider context, only when source/target are the same table): postgres=> create table t (id integer, val integer); CREATE TABLE -- Table is empty, merge id=1 row :: does not insert postgres=> merge into t n using t o on( = 1 ) when matched then update set val = o.val+1 when not matched then insert(id,val) values(1,1); MERGE 0 -- Table is still empty, change join condition alias to 'o' (old) rather than 'n' (new) :: still does not insert postgres=> merge into t n using t o on( = 1 ) when matched then update set val = o.val+1 when not matched then insert(id,val) values(1,1); MERGE 0 -- Insert a row, id=1 postgres=> insert into t values(1,1); INSERT 0 1 -- Rerun original merge statement, id=1 row is found and merge-updated (t.val column is set up by 1 to 2) postgres=> merge into t n using t o on( = 1 ) when matched then update set val = o.val+1 when not matched then insert(id,val) values(1,1); MERGE 1 -- Now run merge on row id=2 (new row), merge correctly inserts a row postgres=> merge into t n using t o on( = 2 ) when matched then update set val = o.val+1 when not matched then insert(id,val) values(2,1); MERGE 1