Thread: Reg: libpq support in pgODBC driver

Reg: libpq support in pgODBC driver

"M, Anbazhagan"

Dear Team,


We are currently trying to connect to postgresql database with target_session_attrs, we could see that pgODBC supports libpq. Hence we tried to utilize the benefit of using target_session_attrs.


Sample connecting string used,
"Driver={PostgreSQL Unicode};Server=hostname1,hostname2,hostname3;Database=postgres;Uid=odbc_user;Pwd=Welcome;Port=5432;sslmode=require;target_session_attrs=read-write;”

But it is always connecting to hostname1 mentioned under “Server” . Is it possible to mention the multiple hosts under parameter called “host” as in libpq psql in the connection string and ensure it honours the target_session_attrs parameter value ?