Thread: [Patch] Use *other* indexes on the subscriber when REPLICA IDENTITY is FULL

[Patch] Use *other* indexes on the subscriber when REPLICA IDENTITY is FULL

"Hayato Kuroda (Fujitsu)"
Dear hackers,
(CC: Önder because he owned the related thread)

This is a follow-up thread of [1]. The commit allowed subscribers to use indexes
other than PK and REPLICA IDENTITY when REPLICA IDENTITY is FULL on publisher,
but the index must be a B-tree. In this proposal, I aim to extend this functionality to allow
for hash indexes and potentially other types.
I would like to share an initial patch to activate discussions.

# Current problem

The current limitation comes from the function build_replindex_scan_key(), specifically these lines:

         * Load the operator info.  We need this to get the equality operator
         * function for the scan key.
        optype = get_opclass_input_type(opclass->values[index_attoff]);
        opfamily = get_opclass_family(opclass->values[index_attoff]);
        operator = get_opfamily_member(opfamily, optype,

These lines retrieve an operator for equality comparisons. The "strategy number"
[2] identifies this operator. For B-tree indexes, an equal-comparison operator
is always associated with a fixed number (BTEqualStrategyNumber, 3). However,
this approach fails for other types of indexes because the strategy number is
determined by the operator class, not fixed.

# Proposed solution

I propose a patch that chooses the correct strategy number based on the index
access method. We would extract the access method from the pg_opclass system
catalog, similar to the approach used for data types and operator families.
Also, this patch change the condition for using the index on the subscriber
(see IsIndexUsableForReplicaIdentityFull()).

However, this solution does not yet extend to GiST, SP-GiST, GIN, BRIN due to
implementation constraints.

## Current difficulties

The challenge with supporting other indexes is that they lack a fixed set of strategies,
making it difficult to choose the correct strategy number based on the index
access method. Even within the same index type, different operator classes can
use different strategy numbers for the same operation.
E.g. [2] shows that number 6 can be used for the purpose, but other operator classes
added by btree_gist [3] seem to use number 3 for the euqlaity comparison.

I've looked into using ExecIndexBuildScanKeys(), which is used for normal index scans.
However, in this case, the operator and its family seem to be determined by the planner.
Based on that, the associated strategy number is extracted. This is the opposite
of what I am trying to achieve, so it doesn't seem helpful in this context.

The current patch only includes tests for hash indexes. These are separated into
the file for convenience, but will be integrated in a
later version.

How do you think? I want to know your opinion.


Best Regards,
Hayato Kuroda

Hi Hayato, all

This is a follow-up thread of [1]. The commit allowed subscribers to use indexes
other than PK and REPLICA IDENTITY when REPLICA IDENTITY is FULL on publisher,
but the index must be a B-tree. In this proposal, I aim to extend this functionality to allow
for hash indexes and potentially other types.

Cool, thanks for taking the time to work on this.
# Current problem

The current limitation comes from the function build_replindex_scan_key(), specifically these lines:

When I last dealt with the same issue, I was examining it from a slightly broader perspective. I think
my conclusion was that RelationFindReplTupleByIndex() is designed for the constraints of UNIQUE INDEX 
and Primary Key. Hence, btree limitation was given.

So, my main point is that it might be useful to check RelationFindReplTupleByIndex() once more in detail
to see if there is anything else that is specific to btree indexes.

build_replindex_scan_key() is definitely one of the major culprits but see below as well.

I think we should also be mindful about tuples_equal() function. When an index returns more than
one tuple, we rely on tuples_equal() function to make sure non-relevant tuples are skipped.

For btree indexes, it was safe to rely on that function as the columns that are indexed using btree
always have equality operator. I think we can safely assume the same for hash indexes.

However, say we indexed "point" type using "gist" index. Then, if we let this logic to kick in,
I think tuples_equal() would fail saying that there is no equality operator exists. 

One might argue that it is already the case for RelationFindReplTupleSeq() or when you
have index but the index on a different column. But still, it seems useful to make sure
you are aware of this limitation as well.

## Current difficulties

The challenge with supporting other indexes is that they lack a fixed set of strategies,
making it difficult to choose the correct strategy number based on the index
access method. Even within the same index type, different operator classes can
use different strategy numbers for the same operation.
E.g. [2] shows that number 6 can be used for the purpose, but other operator classes
added by btree_gist [3] seem to use number 3 for the euqlaity comparison.

Also, build_replindex_scan_key() seems like a too late place to check this? I mean, what
if there is no equality operator, how should code react to that? It effectively becomes
RelationFindReplTupleSeq(), so maybe better follow that route upfront?

In other words, that decision should maybe happen IsIndexUsableForReplicaIdentityFull()?

For the specific notes you raised about strategy numbers / operator classes, I need to
study a bit :) Though, I'll be available to do that early next week.



RE: [Patch] Use *other* indexes on the subscriber when REPLICA IDENTITY is FULL

"Hayato Kuroda (Fujitsu)"
Dear Önder,

Thank you for giving comments! The author's comment is quite helpful for us.

When I last dealt with the same issue, I was examining it from a slightly broader perspective. I think
my conclusion was that RelationFindReplTupleByIndex() is designed for the constraints of UNIQUE INDEX 
and Primary Key.

I see. IIUC that's why you have added tuples_equal() in the RelationFindReplTupleByIndex().

I think we should also be mindful about tuples_equal() function. When an index returns more than
one tuple, we rely on tuples_equal() function to make sure non-relevant tuples are skipped.

For btree indexes, it was safe to rely on that function as the columns that are indexed using btree
always have equality operator. I think we can safely assume the same for hash indexes.

However, say we indexed "point" type using "gist" index. Then, if we let this logic to kick in,
I think tuples_equal() would fail saying that there is no equality operator exists.

Good point. Actually I have tested for "point" datatype but it have not worked well.
Now I understand the reason.
It seemed that when TYPECACHE_EQ_OPR_FINFO is reuqesed to lookup_type_cache(),
it could return valid value only if the datatype has operator class for Btree or Hash.
So tuples_equal() might not be able to   use if tuples have point box circle types.

BTW, I have doubt that the restriction is not related with your commit.
In other words, if the table has attributes which the datatype is not for operator
class of Btree, we could not use REPLICA IDENTITY FULL. IIUC it is not documented.
Please see attched script to reproduce that. The final DELETE statement cannot be
replicated at the subscriber on my env.

For the specific notes you raised about strategy numbers / operator classes, I need to
study a bit :) Though, I'll be available to do that early next week.

Thanks! I'm looking forward to see your opinions...

Best Regards,
Hayato Kuroda

On Thu, Jun 22, 2023 at 11:37 AM Hayato Kuroda (Fujitsu)
<> wrote:
> Dear hackers,
> (CC: Önder because he owned the related thread)
> The current patch only includes tests for hash indexes. These are separated into
> the file for convenience, but will be integrated in a
> later version.

Hi Kuroda-san.

I am still studying the docs references given in your initial post.

Meanwhile, FWIW, here are some minor review comments for the patch you gave.


1. get_equal_strategy_number

+ * Return the appropriate strategy number which corresponds to the equality
+ * comparisons.
+ *
+ * TODO: support other indexes: GiST, GIN, SP-GiST, BRIN
+ */
+static int
+get_equal_strategy_number(Oid opclass)
+ Oid am_method = get_opclass_method(opclass);
+ int ret;
+ switch (am_method)
+ {
+ case BTREE_AM_OID:
+ ret = BTEqualStrategyNumber;
+ break;
+ case HASH_AM_OID:
+ ret = HTEqualStrategyNumber;
+ break;
+ case GIST_AM_OID:
+ case GIN_AM_OID:
+ case BRIN_AM_OID:
+ /* TODO */
+ default:
+ /* XXX: Do we have to support extended indexes? */
+ ret = InvalidStrategy;
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;

In the file syscache.c there are already some other functions like
get_op_opfamily_strategy so I am wondering if this new function also
really belongs in that file.


Should that say "operator" instead of "comparisons"?


"am" stands for "access method" so "am_method" is like "access method
method" – is it correct?


2. build_replindex_scan_key

  int table_attno = indkey->values[index_attoff];
+ int strategy_number;

Ought to say this is a strategy for "equality", so a better varname
might be "equality_strategy_number" or "eq_strategy" or similar.


3. IsIndexUsableForReplicaIdentityFull

It seems there is some overlap between this code which hardwired 2
valid AMs and the switch statement in your other
get_equal_strategy_number function which returns a strategy number for
those 2 AMs.

Would it be better to make another common function like
get_equality_strategy_for_am(), and then you don’t have to hardwire
anything? Instead, you can say:

is_usable_type = get_equality_strategy_for_am(indexInfo->ii_Am) !=


4. get_opclass_method

+ * get_opclass_method
+ *
+ * Returns the OID of the index access method operator family is for.
+ */
+get_opclass_method(Oid opclass)
+ HeapTuple tp;
+ Form_pg_opclass cla_tup;
+ Oid result;
+ tp = SearchSysCache1(CLAOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(opclass));
+ if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tp))
+ elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for opclass %u", opclass);
+ cla_tup = (Form_pg_opclass) GETSTRUCT(tp);
+ result = cla_tup->opcmethod;
+ ReleaseSysCache(tp);
+ return result;

Is the comment correct? IIUC, this function is not doing anything for


+# insert some initial data within the range 0-9 for y
+ "INSERT INTO test_replica_id_full SELECT i, (i%10)::text FROM
generate_series(0,10) i"

Why does the comment only say "for y"?


+# wait until the index is used on the subscriber
+# XXX: the test will be suspended here
+ q{select (idx_scan = 4) from pg_stat_all_indexes where indexrelname
= 'test_replica_id_full_idx';}
+  )
+  or die
+  "Timed out while waiting for check subscriber tap_sub_rep_full
updates 4 rows via index";

AFAIK this is OK but it was slightly misleading because it says
"updates 4 rows" whereas the previous UPDATE was only for 2 rows. So
here I think the 4 also counts the 2 DELETED rows. The comment can be
expanded slightly to clarify this.


FYI, when I ran the TAP test the result was this:

t/ ...................... 1/? # Tests were run but no plan
was declared and done_testing() was not seen.
t/ ...................... All 2 subtests passed
t/ ...................... ok

Test Summary Report
t/                    (Wstat: 0 Tests: 2 Failed: 0)
  Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output
Files=36, Tests=457, 338 wallclock secs ( 0.29 usr  0.07 sys + 206.73
cusr 47.94 csys = 255.03 CPU)
Result: FAIL


Just adding the missing done_testing() seemed to fix this.

Kind Regards,
Peter Smith.
Fujitsu Australia

On Mon, Jun 26, 2023 at 11:44 PM Hayato Kuroda (Fujitsu)
<> wrote:
> BTW, I have doubt that the restriction is not related with your commit.
> In other words, if the table has attributes which the datatype is not for operator
> class of Btree, we could not use REPLICA IDENTITY FULL. IIUC it is not documented.
> Please see attched script to reproduce that. The final DELETE statement cannot be
> replicated at the subscriber on my env.

Missing attachment?

Kind Regards,
Peter Smith.
Fujitsu Australia

RE: [Patch] Use *other* indexes on the subscriber when REPLICA IDENTITY is FULL

"Hayato Kuroda (Fujitsu)"
> Please see attched script to reproduce that. The final DELETE statement cannot
> be
> replicated at the subscriber on my env.

Sorry, I forgot to attach...

Best Regards,
Hayato Kuroda

Hi Hayato,

BTW, I have doubt that the restriction is not related with your commit.
In other words, if the table has attributes which the datatype is not for operator
class of Btree, we could not use REPLICA IDENTITY FULL. IIUC it is not documented.
Please see attched script to reproduce that. The final DELETE statement cannot be
replicated at the subscriber on my env.

Yes, I agree, it is (and was before my patch as well) un-documented limitation of REPLICA IDENTITY FULL.
And, as far as I can see, my patch actually didn't have any impact on the limitation. The unsupported
cases are still unsupported, but now the same error is thrown in a slightly different place.

I think that is a minor limitation, but maybe should be listed [1]? 

For the specific notes you raised about strategy numbers / operator classes, I need to
study a bit :) Though, I'll be available to do that early next week.

Thanks! I'm looking forward to see your opinions...

For this one, I did some research in the code, but  I'm not very comfortable with the answer. Still, I wanted to share my observations so that it might be useful for the discussion.

First, I checked if the function get_op_btree_interpretation() could be used here. But, I think that is again btree-only and I couldn't find anything generic that does something similar.

Then, I tried to come up with a SQL query, actually based on the link [2] you shared. I think we should always have an "equality" strategy (e.g., "same", "overlaps", "contains" etc sounds wrong to me).
And, it seems btree, hash and brin supports "equal". So, a query like the following seems to provide the list of (index type, strategy_number, data_type) that we might be allowed to use.

    am.amname AS index_type,  amop.amoplefttype::regtype,amop.amoprighttype::regtype,
    op.oprname AS operator,
    amop.amopstrategy AS strategy_number
    pg_amop amop
    pg_am am ON am.oid = amop.amopmethod
    pg_operator op ON op.oid = amop.amopopr
    (am.amname = 'btree' and amop.amopstrategy = 3) OR
    (am.amname = 'hash' and amop.amopstrategy = 1) OR
    (am.amname = 'brin' and amop.amopstrategy = 3)

What do you think?

RE: [Patch] Use *other* indexes on the subscriber when REPLICA IDENTITY is FULL

"Hayato Kuroda (Fujitsu)"
Dear Önder,

Thank you for your analysis!

Yes, I agree, it is (and was before my patch as well) un-documented limitation of REPLICA IDENTITY FULL.
And, as far as I can see, my patch actually didn't have any impact on the limitation. The unsupported
cases are still unsupported, but now the same error is thrown in a slightly different place.
I think that is a minor limitation, but maybe should be listed [1]?

Yes, your modification did not touch the restriction. It has existed before the
commit. I (or my colleague) will post the patch to add the description, maybe
after [1] is committed.

For this one, I did some research in the code, but  I'm not very
comfortable with the answer. Still, I wanted to share my observations so
that it might be useful for the discussion.

First, I checked if the function get_op_btree_interpretation() could be
used here. But, I think that is again btree-only and I couldn't find
anything generic that does something similar.

Thanks for checking. The function seems to return the list of operator family and
its strategy number when the oid of the operator is given. But what we want to do
here is get the operator oid. I think that the input and output of the function
seems opposite. And as you mentioned, the index must be btree.

Then, I tried to come up with a SQL query, actually based on the link [2]
you shared. I think we should always have an "equality" strategy (e.g.,
"same", "overlaps", "contains" etc sounds wrong to me).

I could agree that "overlaps", "contains", are not "equal", but not sure about
the "same". Around here we must discuss, but not now.

And, it seems btree, hash and brin supports "equal". So, a query like the
following seems to provide the list of (index type, strategy_number,
data_type) that we might be allowed to use.

Note that strategy numbers listed in the doc are just an example - Other than BTree
and Hash do not have a fixed set of strategies at all.
E.g., operator classes for Btree, Hash and BRIN (Minmax) has "equal" and the
strategy number is documented. But other user-defined operator classes for BRIN
may have another number, or it does not have equality comparison.

    am.amname AS index_type,
    op.oprname AS operator,
    amop.amopstrategy AS strategy_number
    pg_amop amop
    pg_am am ON am.oid = amop.amopmethod
    pg_operator op ON op.oid = amop.amopopr
    (am.amname = 'btree' and amop.amopstrategy = 3) OR
    (am.amname = 'hash' and amop.amopstrategy = 1) OR
    (am.amname = 'brin' and amop.amopstrategy = 3)

What do you think?

Good SQL. You have listed the equality operator and related strategy number for given
operator classes.

While analyzing more, however, I found that it might be difficult to support GIN, BRIN,
and bloom indexes in the first version. These indexes does not implement the
"amgettuple" function, which is called in RelationFindReplTupleByIndex()->index_getnext_slot()->index_getnext_tid().
For example, in the brinhandler():

 * BRIN handler function: return IndexAmRoutine with access method parameters
 * and callbacks.
        amroutine->amgettuple = NULL;
        amroutine->amgetbitmap = bringetbitmap;

According to the document [2], all of index access methods must implement either
of amgettuple or amgetbitmap  API. "amgettuple" is used when the table is scaned
and tuples are fetched one by one, RelationFindReplTupleByIndex() do that.
"amgetbitmap" is used when all tuples are fetched at once and RelationFindReplTupleByIndex()
does not support such indexes. To do that the implemented API must be checked and
the function must be changed depends on that. It may be difficult to add them in
the first step so that I want not to support them. Fortunately, Hash, GiST, and
SP-GiST has implemented then so we can focus on them.
In the next patch I will add the mechanism for rejecting such indexes.

Anyway, thank you for keeping the interest to the patch, nevertheless it is difficult theme.


Best Regards,
Hayato Kuroda

RE: [Patch] Use *other* indexes on the subscriber when REPLICA IDENTITY is FULL

"Hayato Kuroda (Fujitsu)"
Dear Peter,

Thanks for reviewing. PSA new version.
I planned to post new version after supporting more indexes, but it may take more time.
So I want to address comments from you once.

> ======
> src/backend/executor/execReplication.c
> 1. get_equal_strategy_number
> +/*
> + * Return the appropriate strategy number which corresponds to the equality
> + * comparisons.
> + *
> + * TODO: support other indexes: GiST, GIN, SP-GiST, BRIN
> + */
> +static int
> +get_equal_strategy_number(Oid opclass)
> +{
> + Oid am_method = get_opclass_method(opclass);
> + int ret;
> +
> + switch (am_method)
> + {
> + case BTREE_AM_OID:
> + ret = BTEqualStrategyNumber;
> + break;
> + case HASH_AM_OID:
> + ret = HTEqualStrategyNumber;
> + break;
> + case GIST_AM_OID:
> + case GIN_AM_OID:
> + case SPGIST_AM_OID:
> + case BRIN_AM_OID:
> + /* TODO */
> + default:
> + /* XXX: Do we have to support extended indexes? */
> + ret = InvalidStrategy;
> + break;
> + }
> +
> + return ret;
> +}
> 1a.
> In the file syscache.c there are already some other functions like
> get_op_opfamily_strategy so I am wondering if this new function also
> really belongs in that file.

According to atop comment in the syscache.c, it contains routines which access
system catalog cache. get_equal_strategy_number() does not check it, so I don't
think it should be at the file.

> 1b.
> Should that say "operator" instead of "comparisons"?


> 1c.
> "am" stands for "access method" so "am_method" is like "access method
> method" – is it correct?

Changed to "am".

> 2. build_replindex_scan_key
>   int table_attno = indkey->values[index_attoff];
> + int strategy_number;
> Ought to say this is a strategy for "equality", so a better varname
> might be "equality_strategy_number" or "eq_strategy" or similar.

Changed to "eq_strategy".

> src/backend/replication/logical/relation.c
> 3. IsIndexUsableForReplicaIdentityFull
> It seems there is some overlap between this code which hardwired 2
> valid AMs and the switch statement in your other
> get_equal_strategy_number function which returns a strategy number for
> those 2 AMs.
> Would it be better to make another common function like
> get_equality_strategy_for_am(), and then you don’t have to hardwire
> anything? Instead, you can say:
> is_usable_type = get_equality_strategy_for_am(indexInfo->ii_Am) !=
> InvalidStrategy;

Added. How do you think?

> src/backend/utils/cache/lsyscache.c
> 4. get_opclass_method
> +/*
> + * get_opclass_method
> + *
> + * Returns the OID of the index access method operator family is for.
> + */
> +Oid
> +get_opclass_method(Oid opclass)
> +{
> + HeapTuple tp;
> + Form_pg_opclass cla_tup;
> + Oid result;
> +
> + tp = SearchSysCache1(CLAOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(opclass));
> + if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tp))
> + elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for opclass %u", opclass);
> + cla_tup = (Form_pg_opclass) GETSTRUCT(tp);
> +
> + result = cla_tup->opcmethod;
> + ReleaseSysCache(tp);
> + return result;
> +}
> Is the comment correct? IIUC, this function is not doing anything for
> "families".

Modified to "class".

> src/test/subscription/t/
> 5.
> +# insert some initial data within the range 0-9 for y
> +$node_publisher->safe_psql('postgres',
> + "INSERT INTO test_replica_id_full SELECT i, (i%10)::text FROM
> generate_series(0,10) i"
> +);
> Why does the comment only say "for y"?

After considering more, I thought we do not have to mention data.
So removed the part " within the range 0-9 for y".

> 6.
> +# wait until the index is used on the subscriber
> +# XXX: the test will be suspended here
> +$node_publisher->wait_for_catchup($appname);
> +$node_subscriber->poll_query_until('postgres',
> + q{select (idx_scan = 4) from pg_stat_all_indexes where indexrelname
> = 'test_replica_id_full_idx';}
> +  )
> +  or die
> +  "Timed out while waiting for check subscriber tap_sub_rep_full
> updates 4 rows via index";
> +
> AFAIK this is OK but it was slightly misleading because it says
> "updates 4 rows" whereas the previous UPDATE was only for 2 rows. So
> here I think the 4 also counts the 2 DELETED rows. The comment can be
> expanded slightly to clarify this.

Clarified two rows were deleted.

> 7.
> FYI, when I ran the TAP test the result was this:
> t/ ...................... 1/? # Tests were run but no plan
> was declared and done_testing() was not seen.
> t/ ...................... All 2 subtests passed
> t/ ...................... ok
> Test Summary Report
> -------------------
> t/                    (Wstat: 0 Tests: 2 Failed: 0)
>   Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output
> Files=36, Tests=457, 338 wallclock secs ( 0.29 usr  0.07 sys + 206.73
> cusr 47.94 csys = 255.03 CPU)
> Result: FAIL
> ~
> Just adding the missing done_testing() seemed to fix this.

Right. I used meson build system and it said OK. Added.

Furthermore, I added a check to reject indexes which do not implement "amgettuple" API.
More detail, please see [1].


Best Regards,
Hayato Kuroda

On Fri, Jul 7, 2023 at 1:31 PM Hayato Kuroda (Fujitsu)
<> wrote:
> Thank you for your analysis!
> >
> Yes, I agree, it is (and was before my patch as well) un-documented limitation of REPLICA IDENTITY FULL.
> And, as far as I can see, my patch actually didn't have any impact on the limitation. The unsupported
> cases are still unsupported, but now the same error is thrown in a slightly different place.
> I think that is a minor limitation, but maybe should be listed [1]?
> >


> Yes, your modification did not touch the restriction. It has existed before the
> commit. I (or my colleague) will post the patch to add the description, maybe
> after [1] is committed.

I don't think there is any dependency between the two. So, feel free
to post the patch separately.

With Regards,
Amit Kapila.

RE: [Patch] Use *other* indexes on the subscriber when REPLICA IDENTITY is FULL

"Hayato Kuroda (Fujitsu)"
Dear Amit,

> > Yes, I agree, it is (and was before my patch as well) un-documented
> limitation of REPLICA IDENTITY FULL.
> > And, as far as I can see, my patch actually didn't have any impact on the
> limitation. The unsupported
> > cases are still unsupported, but now the same error is thrown in a slightly
> different place.
> > I think that is a minor limitation, but maybe should be listed [1]?
> > >
> +1.
> >
> > Yes, your modification did not touch the restriction. It has existed before the
> > commit. I (or my colleague) will post the patch to add the description, maybe
> > after [1] is committed.
> >
> I don't think there is any dependency between the two. So, feel free
> to post the patch separately.

Okay, thank you for your confirmation. I have started the fork thread [1].


Best Regards,
Hayato Kuroda

On Mon, Jun 26, 2023 at 7:14 PM Hayato Kuroda (Fujitsu)
<> wrote:
> Thank you for giving comments! The author's comment is quite helpful for us.
> >
> When I last dealt with the same issue, I was examining it from a slightly broader perspective. I think
> my conclusion was that RelationFindReplTupleByIndex() is designed for the constraints of UNIQUE INDEX
> and Primary Key.
> >
> I see. IIUC that's why you have added tuples_equal() in the RelationFindReplTupleByIndex().
> >
> I think we should also be mindful about tuples_equal() function. When an index returns more than
> one tuple, we rely on tuples_equal() function to make sure non-relevant tuples are skipped.
> For btree indexes, it was safe to rely on that function as the columns that are indexed using btree
> always have equality operator. I think we can safely assume the same for hash indexes.
> However, say we indexed "point" type using "gist" index. Then, if we let this logic to kick in,
> I think tuples_equal() would fail saying that there is no equality operator exists.
> >
> Good point. Actually I have tested for "point" datatype but it have not worked well.
> Now I understand the reason.
> It seemed that when TYPECACHE_EQ_OPR_FINFO is reuqesed to lookup_type_cache(),
> it could return valid value only if the datatype has operator class for Btree or Hash.
> So tuples_equal() might not be able to   use if tuples have point box circle types.

I also think so. If this is true, how can we think of supporting
indexes other than hash like GiST, and SP-GiST as mentioned by you in
your latest email? As per my understanding if we don't have PK or
replica identity then after the index scan, we do tuples_equal which
will fail for GIST or SP-GIST. Am, I missing something?

With Regards,
Amit Kapila.


I also think so. If this is true, how can we think of supporting
indexes other than hash like GiST, and SP-GiST as mentioned by you in
your latest email? As per my understanding if we don't have PK or
replica identity then after the index scan, we do tuples_equal which
will fail for GIST or SP-GIST. Am, I missing something?

I also don't think we can support anything other than btree, hash and brin as those lack equality operators.

And, for BRIN, Hayato brought up the amgettuple issue, which is fair. So, overall, as far as I can see, we can 
easily add hash indexes but all others are either very hard to add or not possible.

I think if someone one day works on supporting primary keys using other index types, we can use it here :p


On Mon, Jul 10, 2023 at 7:43 PM Önder Kalacı <> wrote:
>> I also think so. If this is true, how can we think of supporting
>> indexes other than hash like GiST, and SP-GiST as mentioned by you in
>> your latest email? As per my understanding if we don't have PK or
>> replica identity then after the index scan, we do tuples_equal which
>> will fail for GIST or SP-GIST. Am, I missing something?
> I also don't think we can support anything other than btree, hash and brin as those lack equality operators.
> And, for BRIN, Hayato brought up the amgettuple issue, which is fair. So, overall, as far as I can see, we can
> easily add hash indexes but all others are either very hard to add or not possible.

Agreed. So, let's update the patch with comments indicating the
challenges for supporting the other index types than btree and hash.

With Regards,
Amit Kapila.

RE: [Patch] Use *other* indexes on the subscriber when REPLICA IDENTITY is FULL

"Hayato Kuroda (Fujitsu)"
Dear Amit, Önder

Thanks for giving discussions. IIUC all have agreed that the patch focus on extending
to Hash index. PSA the patch for that.
The basic workflow was not so changed, some comments were updated.

Regarding the test code, I think it should be combined into
because they have tested same feature. I have just copied tests to latter
part of 032.

Best Regards,
Hayato Kuroda

Hi, here are some review comments for the v3 patch

Commit message

89e46d allowed using indexes other than PRIMARY KEY or REPLICA IDENTITY on the
subscriber, but only the BTree index could be used. This commit extends the
limitation, now the Hash index can be also used.


Before giving details about the problems of the other index types it
might be good to summarize why these 2 types are OK.

These 2 types of indexes are the only ones supported because only these
- use fix strategy numbers
- implement the "equality" strategy
- implement the function amgettuple()


I'm not sure why the next paragraphs are numbered 1) and 2). Is that
necessary? It seems maybe a cut/paste hangover from the similar code


1) Other indexes do not have a fixed set of strategy numbers at all. In
build_replindex_scan_key(), the operator which corresponds to
"equality comparison"
is searched by using the strategy number, but it is difficult for such indexes.
For example, GiST index operator classes for two-dimensional geometric
objects have
a comparison "same", but its strategy number is different from the
which is a GiST index operator class that implements the B-tree equivalent.


Don't need to say "at all"


2) Some other indexes do not implement "amgettuple".
assumes that tuples could be fetched one by one via
index_getnext_slot(), but such
indexes are not supported.


"Some other indexes..." --> Maybe give an example here (e.g. XXX, YYY)
of indexes that do not implement the function.


RelationFindReplTupleByIndex() assumes that tuples could be fetched
one by one via index_getnext_slot(), but such indexes are not

RelationFindReplTupleByIndex() assumes that tuples will be fetched one
by one via index_getnext_slot(), but this currently requires the
"amgetuple" function.


+ * 2) Some other indexes do not implement "amgettuple".
+ * RelationFindReplTupleByIndex() assumes that tuples could be fetched one by
+ * one via index_getnext_slot(), but such indexes are not supported. To make it
+ * use index_getbitmap() must be used, but not done yet because of the above
+ * reason.
+ */
+get_equal_strategy_number_for_am(Oid am)


Change this text to better match exactly in the commit message (see
previous review comments above). Also I am not sure it is necessary to
say how it *might* be implemented in the future if somebody wanted to
enhance it to work also for "amgetbitmap" function. E.g. do we need
that sentence "To make it..."


6. get_equal_strategy_number_for_am

+ case GIST_AM_OID:
+ case GIN_AM_OID:
+ case BRIN_AM_OID:
+ default:

I am not sure it is necessary to spell out all these not-supported
cases in the switch. If seems sufficient just to say 'default:'
doesn't it?


7. get_equal_strategy_number

Two blank lines are following this function


8. build_replindex_scan_key

- * This is not generic routine, it expects the idxrel to be a btree,
- * and have at least one column reference (i.e. cannot consist of only
- * expressions).
+ * This is not generic routine, it expects the idxrel to be a btree or a hash,
+ * non-partial and have at least one column reference (i.e. cannot consist of
+ * only expressions).

Take care. AFAIK this change will clash with changes Sawawa-san is
making to the same code comment in another thread here [1].


9. FindUsableIndexForReplicaIdentityFull

  * Returns the oid of an index that can be used by the apply worker to scan
- * the relation. The index must be btree, non-partial, and have at least
- * one column reference (i.e. cannot consist of only expressions). These
+ * the relation. The index must be btree or hash, non-partial, and have at
+ * least one column reference (i.e. cannot consist of only expressions). These
  * limitations help to keep the index scan similar to PK/RI index scans.


Take care. AFAIK this change will clash with changes Sawawa-san is
making to the same code comment in another thread here [1].


+ /* Check whether the index is supported or not */
+ is_suitable_type = ((get_equal_strategy_number_for_am(indexInfo->ii_Am)
+ != InvalidStrategy));
+ is_partial = (indexInfo->ii_Predicate != NIL);
+ is_only_on_expression = IsIndexOnlyOnExpression(indexInfo);
+ return is_suitable_type && !is_partial && !is_only_on_expression;

I am not sure if the function IsIndexOnlyExpression() even needed
anymore. Isn't it sufficient just to check up-front is the leftmost
INDEX field is a column and that covers this condition also? Actually,
this same question is also open in the Sawada-san thread [1].


AFAIK there is no test to verify that the leftmost index field must be
a column (e.g. cannot be an expression). Yes, there are some tests for
*only* expressions like (expr, expr, expr), but IMO there should be
another test for an index like (expr, expr, column) which should also
fail because the column is not the leftmost field.

[1] Sawada-san doc for RI restriction -

Kind Regards,
Peter Smith.
Fujitsu Austalia

RE: [Patch] Use *other* indexes on the subscriber when REPLICA IDENTITY is FULL

"Hayato Kuroda (Fujitsu)"
Dear Peter,

Thank you for reviewing! PSA new version.

> 1.
> 89e46d allowed using indexes other than PRIMARY KEY or REPLICA IDENTITY
> on the
> subscriber, but only the BTree index could be used. This commit extends the
> limitation, now the Hash index can be also used.
> ~
> Before giving details about the problems of the other index types it
> might be good to summarize why these 2 types are OK.
> These 2 types of indexes are the only ones supported because only these
> - use fix strategy numbers
> - implement the "equality" strategy
> - implement the function amgettuple()


> 2.
> I'm not sure why the next paragraphs are numbered 1) and 2). Is that
> necessary? It seems maybe a cut/paste hangover from the similar code
> comment.

Yeah, this was just copied from code comments. Numbers were removed.

> 3.
> 1) Other indexes do not have a fixed set of strategy numbers at all. In
> build_replindex_scan_key(), the operator which corresponds to
> "equality comparison"
> is searched by using the strategy number, but it is difficult for such indexes.
> For example, GiST index operator classes for two-dimensional geometric
> objects have
> a comparison "same", but its strategy number is different from the
> gist_int4_ops,
> which is a GiST index operator class that implements the B-tree equivalent.
> ~
> Don't need to say "at all"


> 4.
> 2) Some other indexes do not implement "amgettuple".
> RelationFindReplTupleByIndex()
> assumes that tuples could be fetched one by one via
> index_getnext_slot(), but such
> indexes are not supported.
> ~
> 4a.
> "Some other indexes..." --> Maybe give an example here (e.g. XXX, YYY)
> of indexes that do not implement the function.

I clarified like "BRIN and GIN indexes do not implement...", which are the built-in
indexes. Actually the bloom index cannot be supported due to the same reason, but
I did not mention because it is not in core.

> 4b.
> RelationFindReplTupleByIndex() assumes that tuples could be fetched
> one by one via index_getnext_slot(), but such indexes are not
> supported.
> RelationFindReplTupleByIndex() assumes that tuples will be fetched one
> by one via index_getnext_slot(), but this currently requires the
> "amgetuple" function.


> src/backend/executor/execReplication.c
> 5.
> + * 2) Some other indexes do not implement "amgettuple".
> + * RelationFindReplTupleByIndex() assumes that tuples could be fetched one by
> + * one via index_getnext_slot(), but such indexes are not supported. To make it
> + * use index_getbitmap() must be used, but not done yet because of the above
> + * reason.
> + */
> +int
> +get_equal_strategy_number_for_am(Oid am)
> ~
> Change this text to better match exactly in the commit message (see
> previous review comments above).

Copied from commit message.

> Also I am not sure it is necessary to
> say how it *might* be implemented in the future if somebody wanted to
> enhance it to work also for "amgetbitmap" function. E.g. do we need
> that sentence "To make it..."

Added, how do you think?

> 6. get_equal_strategy_number_for_am
> + case GIST_AM_OID:
> + case SPGIST_AM_OID:
> + case GIN_AM_OID:
> + case BRIN_AM_OID:
> + default:
> I am not sure it is necessary to spell out all these not-supported
> cases in the switch. If seems sufficient just to say 'default:'
> doesn't it?

Yeah, it's sufficient. This is a garbage for previous PoC.

> 7. get_equal_strategy_number
> Two blank lines are following this function


> 8. build_replindex_scan_key
> - * This is not generic routine, it expects the idxrel to be a btree,
> non-partial
> - * and have at least one column reference (i.e. cannot consist of only
> - * expressions).
> + * This is not generic routine, it expects the idxrel to be a btree or a hash,
> + * non-partial and have at least one column reference (i.e. cannot consist of
> + * only expressions).
> Take care. AFAIK this change will clash with changes Sawawa-san is
> making to the same code comment in another thread here [1].

Thanks for reminder. I thought that this change seems not needed anymore if the patch
is pushed. But anyway I kept it because this may be pushed first.

> src/backend/replication/logical/relation.c
> 9. FindUsableIndexForReplicaIdentityFull
>   * Returns the oid of an index that can be used by the apply worker to scan
> - * the relation. The index must be btree, non-partial, and have at least
> - * one column reference (i.e. cannot consist of only expressions). These
> + * the relation. The index must be btree or hash, non-partial, and have at
> + * least one column reference (i.e. cannot consist of only expressions). These
>   * limitations help to keep the index scan similar to PK/RI index scans.
> ~
> Take care. AFAIK this change will clash with changes Sawawa-san is
> making to the same code comment in another thread here [1].

Thanks for reminder. I thought that this change must be kept even if it will be
pushed. We must check the thread...

> 10.
> + /* Check whether the index is supported or not */
> + is_suitable_type = ((get_equal_strategy_number_for_am(indexInfo->ii_Am)
> + != InvalidStrategy));
> +
> + is_partial = (indexInfo->ii_Predicate != NIL);
> + is_only_on_expression = IsIndexOnlyOnExpression(indexInfo);
> +
> + return is_suitable_type && !is_partial && !is_only_on_expression;
> I am not sure if the function IsIndexOnlyExpression() even needed
> anymore. Isn't it sufficient just to check up-front is the leftmost
> INDEX field is a column and that covers this condition also? Actually,
> this same question is also open in the Sawada-san thread [1].
> ======
> .../subscription/t/
> 11.
> AFAIK there is no test to verify that the leftmost index field must be
> a column (e.g. cannot be an expression). Yes, there are some tests for
> *only* expressions like (expr, expr, expr), but IMO there should be
> another test for an index like (expr, expr, column) which should also
> fail because the column is not the leftmost field.

I'm not sure they should be fixed in the patch. You have raised these points
at the Sawada-san's thread[1] and not sure he has done.
Furthermore, these points are not related with our initial motivation.
Fork, or at least it should be done by another patch. 


Best Regards,
Hayato Kuroda

On Wed, Jul 12, 2023 at 8:37 AM Hayato Kuroda (Fujitsu)
<> wrote:
> > 10.
> > + /* Check whether the index is supported or not */
> > + is_suitable_type = ((get_equal_strategy_number_for_am(indexInfo->ii_Am)
> > + != InvalidStrategy));
> > +
> > + is_partial = (indexInfo->ii_Predicate != NIL);
> > + is_only_on_expression = IsIndexOnlyOnExpression(indexInfo);
> > +
> > + return is_suitable_type && !is_partial && !is_only_on_expression;
> >
> > I am not sure if the function IsIndexOnlyExpression() even needed
> > anymore. Isn't it sufficient just to check up-front is the leftmost
> > INDEX field is a column and that covers this condition also? Actually,
> > this same question is also open in the Sawada-san thread [1].
> >
> > ======
> > .../subscription/t/
> >
> > 11.
> > AFAIK there is no test to verify that the leftmost index field must be
> > a column (e.g. cannot be an expression). Yes, there are some tests for
> > *only* expressions like (expr, expr, expr), but IMO there should be
> > another test for an index like (expr, expr, column) which should also
> > fail because the column is not the leftmost field.
> I'm not sure they should be fixed in the patch. You have raised these points
> at the Sawada-san's thread[1] and not sure he has done.
> Furthermore, these points are not related with our initial motivation.
> Fork, or at least it should be done by another patch.

I think it is reasonable to discuss the existing code-related
improvements in a separate thread rather than trying to change this
patch. I have some other comments about your patch:

+ * 1) Other indexes do not have a fixed set of strategy numbers.
+ * In build_replindex_scan_key(), the operator which corresponds to "equality
+ * comparison" is searched by using the strategy number, but it is difficult
+ * for such indexes. For example, GiST index operator classes for
+ * two-dimensional geometric objects have a comparison "same", but its strategy
+ * number is different from the gist_int4_ops, which is a GiST index operator
+ * class that implements the B-tree equivalent.
+ *
+ */
+get_equal_strategy_number_for_am(Oid am)

I think this comment is slightly difficult to understand. Can we make
it a bit generic by saying something like: "The index access methods
other than BTREE and HASH don't have a fixed strategy for equality
operation. Note that in other index access methods, the support
routines of each operator class interpret the strategy numbers
according to the operator class's definition. So, we return
InvalidStrategy number for index access methods other than BTREE and

+ * 2) Moreover, BRIN and GIN indexes do not implement "amgettuple".
+ * RelationFindReplTupleByIndex() assumes that tuples will be fetched one by
+ * one via index_getnext_slot(), but this currently requires the "amgetuple"
+ * function. To make it use index_getbitmap() must be used, which fetches all
+ * the tuples at once.
+ */
+get_equal_strategy_number_for_am(Oid am)

I don't think this is a good place for such a comment. We can probably
move this atop IsIndexUsableForReplicaIdentityFull(). I think you need
to mention two reasons in IsIndexUsableForReplicaIdentityFull() why we
support only BTREE and HASH index access methods (a) Refer to comments
atop get_equal_strategy_number_for_am(); (b) mention the reason
related to tuples_equal() as discussed in email [1]. Then you can say
that we also need to ensure that the index access methods that we
support must have an implementation "amgettuple" as later while
searching tuple via RelationFindReplTupleByIndex, we need the same. We
can probably have an assert for this as well.

[1] -

With Regards,
Amit Kapila.

Here are my review comments for the patch v4.


FYI, this patch also needs some minor PG docs updates [1] because
section "31.1 Publication" currently refers to only btree - e.g.
"Candidate indexes must be btree, non-partial, and have..."

(this may also clash with Sawada-san's other thread as previously mentioned)

Commit message

Moreover, BRIN and GIN indexes do not implement "amgettuple".
assumes that tuples will be fetched one by one via
index_getnext_slot(), but this
currently requires the "amgetuple" function.




+ * 2) Moreover, BRIN and GIN indexes do not implement "amgettuple".
+ * RelationFindReplTupleByIndex() assumes that tuples will be fetched one by
+ * one via index_getnext_slot(), but this currently requires the "amgetuple"
+ * function. To make it use index_getbitmap() must be used, which fetches all
+ * the tuples at once.
+ */



I think my previous comment about this comment was misunderstood. I
was questioning why that last sentence ("To make it...") about
"index_getbitmap()" is even needed in this patch. I thought it may be
overreach to describe details how to make some future enhancement that
might never happen.


4. IsIndexUsableForReplicaIdentityFull

 IsIndexUsableForReplicaIdentityFull(IndexInfo *indexInfo)
- bool is_btree = (indexInfo->ii_Am == BTREE_AM_OID);
- bool is_partial = (indexInfo->ii_Predicate != NIL);
- bool is_only_on_expression = IsIndexOnlyOnExpression(indexInfo);
+ bool is_suitable_type;
+ bool is_partial;
+ bool is_only_on_expression;

- return is_btree && !is_partial && !is_only_on_expression;
+ /* Check whether the index is supported or not */
+ is_suitable_type = ((get_equal_strategy_number_for_am(indexInfo->ii_Am)
+ != InvalidStrategy));
+ is_partial = (indexInfo->ii_Predicate != NIL);
+ is_only_on_expression = IsIndexOnlyOnExpression(indexInfo);
+ return is_suitable_type && !is_partial && !is_only_on_expression;

The code can be written more optimally, because if it is deemed
already that 'is_suitable_type' is false, then there is no point to
continue to do the other checks and function calls.



+ /* Check whether the index is supported or not */
+ is_suitable_type = ((get_equal_strategy_number_for_am(indexInfo->ii_Am)
+ != InvalidStrategy));

The above statement has an extra set of nested parentheses for some reason.


 * get_opclass_method
 * Returns the OID of the index access method operator class is for.
get_opclass_method(Oid opclass)

IMO the comment should be worded more like the previous one in this source file.

Returns the OID of the index access method the opclass belongs to.


Kind Regards,
Peter Smith.
Fujitsu Australia

RE: [Patch] Use *other* indexes on the subscriber when REPLICA IDENTITY is FULL

"Hayato Kuroda (Fujitsu)"
Dear Peter,

Thanks for giving comment.

> 1.
> FYI, this patch also needs some minor PG docs updates [1] because
> section "31.1 Publication" currently refers to only btree - e.g.
> "Candidate indexes must be btree, non-partial, and have..."
> (this may also clash with Sawada-san's other thread as previously mentioned)

Fixed that, but I could not find any other points. Do you have in mind others?
I checked related commits like 89e46d and adedf5, but only the part was changed.

> Commit message
> 2.
> Moreover, BRIN and GIN indexes do not implement "amgettuple".
> RelationFindReplTupleByIndex()
> assumes that tuples will be fetched one by one via
> index_getnext_slot(), but this
> currently requires the "amgetuple" function.
> ~
> Typo:
> /"amgetuple"/"amgettuple"/


> src/backend/executor/execReplication.c
> 3.
> + * 2) Moreover, BRIN and GIN indexes do not implement "amgettuple".
> + * RelationFindReplTupleByIndex() assumes that tuples will be fetched one by
> + * one via index_getnext_slot(), but this currently requires the "amgetuple"
> + * function. To make it use index_getbitmap() must be used, which fetches all
> + * the tuples at once.
> + */
> +int
> 3a.
> Typo:
> /"amgetuple"/"amgettuple"/

Per suggestion from Amit [1], the paragraph was removed.

> 3b.
> I think my previous comment about this comment was misunderstood. I
> was questioning why that last sentence ("To make it...") about
> "index_getbitmap()" is even needed in this patch. I thought it may be
> overreach to describe details how to make some future enhancement that
> might never happen.


> src/backend/replication/logical/relation.c
> 4. IsIndexUsableForReplicaIdentityFull
>  IsIndexUsableForReplicaIdentityFull(IndexInfo *indexInfo)
>  {
> - bool is_btree = (indexInfo->ii_Am == BTREE_AM_OID);
> - bool is_partial = (indexInfo->ii_Predicate != NIL);
> - bool is_only_on_expression = IsIndexOnlyOnExpression(indexInfo);
> + bool is_suitable_type;
> + bool is_partial;
> + bool is_only_on_expression;
> - return is_btree && !is_partial && !is_only_on_expression;
> + /* Check whether the index is supported or not */
> + is_suitable_type = ((get_equal_strategy_number_for_am(indexInfo->ii_Am)
> + != InvalidStrategy));
> +
> + is_partial = (indexInfo->ii_Predicate != NIL);
> + is_only_on_expression = IsIndexOnlyOnExpression(indexInfo);
> +
> + return is_suitable_type && !is_partial && !is_only_on_expression;
> 4a.
> The code can be written more optimally, because if it is deemed
> already that 'is_suitable_type' is false, then there is no point to
> continue to do the other checks and function calls.

Right, is_suitable_type is now removed.

> 4b.
> + /* Check whether the index is supported or not */
> + is_suitable_type = ((get_equal_strategy_number_for_am(indexInfo->ii_Am)
> + != InvalidStrategy));
> The above statement has an extra set of nested parentheses for some reason.

This part was removed per above comment.

> src/backend/utils/cache/lsyscache.c
> 5.
> /*
>  * get_opclass_method
>  *
>  * Returns the OID of the index access method operator class is for.
>  */
> Oid
> get_opclass_method(Oid opclass)
> IMO the comment should be worded more like the previous one in this source file.
> Returns the OID of the index access method the opclass belongs to.



Best Regards,
Hayato Kuroda


RE: [Patch] Use *other* indexes on the subscriber when REPLICA IDENTITY is FULL

"Hayato Kuroda (Fujitsu)"
Dear Amit,

Thanks for checking my patch! The patch can be available at [1].

> > > ======
> > > .../subscription/t/
> > >
> > > 11.
> > > AFAIK there is no test to verify that the leftmost index field must be
> > > a column (e.g. cannot be an expression). Yes, there are some tests for
> > > *only* expressions like (expr, expr, expr), but IMO there should be
> > > another test for an index like (expr, expr, column) which should also
> > > fail because the column is not the leftmost field.
> >
> > I'm not sure they should be fixed in the patch. You have raised these points
> > at the Sawada-san's thread[1] and not sure he has done.
> > Furthermore, these points are not related with our initial motivation.
> > Fork, or at least it should be done by another patch.
> >
> I think it is reasonable to discuss the existing code-related
> improvements in a separate thread rather than trying to change this
> patch. 

OK, so I will not touch in this thread.

> I have some other comments about your patch:
> 1.
> + * 1) Other indexes do not have a fixed set of strategy numbers.
> + * In build_replindex_scan_key(), the operator which corresponds to "equality
> + * comparison" is searched by using the strategy number, but it is difficult
> + * for such indexes. For example, GiST index operator classes for
> + * two-dimensional geometric objects have a comparison "same", but its
> strategy
> + * number is different from the gist_int4_ops, which is a GiST index operator
> + * class that implements the B-tree equivalent.
> + *
> ...
> + */
> +int
> +get_equal_strategy_number_for_am(Oid am)
> ...
> I think this comment is slightly difficult to understand. Can we make
> it a bit generic by saying something like: "The index access methods
> other than BTREE and HASH don't have a fixed strategy for equality
> operation. Note that in other index access methods, the support
> routines of each operator class interpret the strategy numbers
> according to the operator class's definition. So, we return
> InvalidStrategy number for index access methods other than BTREE and
> HASH."

Sounds better. Fixed with some adjustments.

> 2.
> + * 2) Moreover, BRIN and GIN indexes do not implement "amgettuple".
> + * RelationFindReplTupleByIndex() assumes that tuples will be fetched one by
> + * one via index_getnext_slot(), but this currently requires the "amgetuple"
> + * function. To make it use index_getbitmap() must be used, which fetches all
> + * the tuples at once.
> + */
> +int
> +get_equal_strategy_number_for_am(Oid am)
> {
> ..
> I don't think this is a good place for such a comment. We can probably
> move this atop IsIndexUsableForReplicaIdentityFull(). I think you need
> to mention two reasons in IsIndexUsableForReplicaIdentityFull() why we
> support only BTREE and HASH index access methods (a) Refer to comments
> atop get_equal_strategy_number_for_am(); (b) mention the reason
> related to tuples_equal() as discussed in email [1]. Then you can say
> that we also need to ensure that the index access methods that we
> support must have an implementation "amgettuple" as later while
> searching tuple via RelationFindReplTupleByIndex, we need the same.

Fixed, and based on that I modified the commit message accordingly.
How do you feel?

> We can probably have an assert for this as well.



Best Regards,
Hayato Kuroda

Hi Hayato, all

> - return is_btree && !is_partial && !is_only_on_expression;
> + /* Check whether the index is supported or not */
> + is_suitable_type = ((get_equal_strategy_number_for_am(indexInfo->ii_Am)
> + != InvalidStrategy));
> +
> + is_partial = (indexInfo->ii_Predicate != NIL);
> + is_only_on_expression = IsIndexOnlyOnExpression(indexInfo);
> +
> + return is_suitable_type && !is_partial && !is_only_on_expression;

I don't want to repeat this too much, as it is a minor note. Just
sharing my perspective here.

As discussed in the other email [1], I feel like keeping 
IsIndexUsableForReplicaIdentityFull()  function readable is useful
for documentation purposes as well.

So, I'm more inclined to see something like your old code, maybe with
a different variable name.

bool is_btree = (indexInfo->ii_Am == BTREE_AM_OID);

bool has_equal_strategy = get_equal_strategy_number_for_am...
 return  has_equal_strategy   && !is_partial && !is_only_on_expression;

> 4a.
> The code can be written more optimally, because if it is deemed
> already that 'is_suitable_type' is false, then there is no point to
> continue to do the other checks and function calls.

Sure, there are maybe few cycles of CPU gains, but this code is executed
infrequently, and I don't see much value optimizing it. I think keeping it slightly
more readable is nicer.

Other than that, I think the code/test looks good. For the comments/documentation,
I think Amit and Peter have already given quite a bit of useful feedback, so nothing
much to add from my end.


Hayato Kuroda (Fujitsu) <>, 12 Tem 2023 Çar, 10:07 tarihinde şunu yazdı:
Dear Amit,

Thanks for checking my patch! The patch can be available at [1].

> > > ======
> > > .../subscription/t/
> > >
> > > 11.
> > > AFAIK there is no test to verify that the leftmost index field must be
> > > a column (e.g. cannot be an expression). Yes, there are some tests for
> > > *only* expressions like (expr, expr, expr), but IMO there should be
> > > another test for an index like (expr, expr, column) which should also
> > > fail because the column is not the leftmost field.
> >
> > I'm not sure they should be fixed in the patch. You have raised these points
> > at the Sawada-san's thread[1] and not sure he has done.
> > Furthermore, these points are not related with our initial motivation.
> > Fork, or at least it should be done by another patch.
> >
> I think it is reasonable to discuss the existing code-related
> improvements in a separate thread rather than trying to change this
> patch.

OK, so I will not touch in this thread.

> I have some other comments about your patch:
> 1.
> + * 1) Other indexes do not have a fixed set of strategy numbers.
> + * In build_replindex_scan_key(), the operator which corresponds to "equality
> + * comparison" is searched by using the strategy number, but it is difficult
> + * for such indexes. For example, GiST index operator classes for
> + * two-dimensional geometric objects have a comparison "same", but its
> strategy
> + * number is different from the gist_int4_ops, which is a GiST index operator
> + * class that implements the B-tree equivalent.
> + *
> ...
> + */
> +int
> +get_equal_strategy_number_for_am(Oid am)
> ...
> I think this comment is slightly difficult to understand. Can we make
> it a bit generic by saying something like: "The index access methods
> other than BTREE and HASH don't have a fixed strategy for equality
> operation. Note that in other index access methods, the support
> routines of each operator class interpret the strategy numbers
> according to the operator class's definition. So, we return
> InvalidStrategy number for index access methods other than BTREE and
> HASH."

Sounds better. Fixed with some adjustments.

> 2.
> + * 2) Moreover, BRIN and GIN indexes do not implement "amgettuple".
> + * RelationFindReplTupleByIndex() assumes that tuples will be fetched one by
> + * one via index_getnext_slot(), but this currently requires the "amgetuple"
> + * function. To make it use index_getbitmap() must be used, which fetches all
> + * the tuples at once.
> + */
> +int
> +get_equal_strategy_number_for_am(Oid am)
> {
> ..
> I don't think this is a good place for such a comment. We can probably
> move this atop IsIndexUsableForReplicaIdentityFull(). I think you need
> to mention two reasons in IsIndexUsableForReplicaIdentityFull() why we
> support only BTREE and HASH index access methods (a) Refer to comments
> atop get_equal_strategy_number_for_am(); (b) mention the reason
> related to tuples_equal() as discussed in email [1]. Then you can say
> that we also need to ensure that the index access methods that we
> support must have an implementation "amgettuple" as later while
> searching tuple via RelationFindReplTupleByIndex, we need the same.

Fixed, and based on that I modified the commit message accordingly.
How do you feel?

> We can probably have an assert for this as well.



Best Regards,
Hayato Kuroda

Here are some review comments for the v5 patch

Commit message.

89e46d allowed using indexes other than PRIMARY KEY or REPLICA IDENTITY on the
subscriber, but only the BTree index could be used. This commit extends the
limitation, now the Hash index can be also used. These 2 types of
indexes are the
only ones supported because only these
- use fix strategy numbers
- implement the "equality" strategy
- supported by tuples_equal()
- implement the function amgettuple()




/supported by tuples_equal()/are supported by tuples_equal()/


Index access methods other than them don't have a fixed strategy for equality
operation. Note that in other index access methods, the support routines of each
operator class interpret the strategy numbers according to the operator class's
definition. In build_replindex_scan_key(), the operator which corresponds to
"equality comparison" is searched by using the strategy number, but it is
difficult for such indexes.


/Index access methods other than them/Other index access methods/


tuples_equal() cannot accept a datatype that does not have an operator class for
Btree or Hash. One motivation for other types of indexes to be used is to define
an index to attributes such as datatypes like point and box. But
which is called from tuples_equal(), cannot return the valid value if
input datatypes
do not have such a opclass.


That paragraph looks the same as the code comment in
IsIndexUsableForReplicaIdentityFull(). I wrote some review comments
about that (see #5d below) so the same maybe applies here too.


+ * Return the strategy number which corresponds to the equality operator for
+ * given index access method.
+ *
+ * XXX: Currently, only Btree and Hash indexes are supported. This is because
+ * index access methods other than them don't have a fixed strategy for
+ * equality operation. Note that in other index access methods, the support
+ * routines of each operator class interpret the strategy numbers according to
+ * the operator class's definition. So, we return the InvalidStrategy number
+ * for index access methods other than BTREE and HASH.
+ */
+get_equal_strategy_number_for_am(Oid am)

The function comment seems a bit long. Maybe it can be simplified a bit:

Return the strategy number which corresponds to the equality operator
for the given index access method, otherwise, return InvalidStrategy.

XXX: Currently, only Btree and Hash indexes are supported. The other
index access methods don't have a fixed strategy for equality
operation - instead, the support routines of each operator class
interpret the strategy numbers according to the operator class's


5. FindUsableIndexForReplicaIdentityFull

  * Returns true if the index is usable for replica identity full. For details,
  * see FindUsableIndexForReplicaIdentityFull.
+ *
+ * XXX: Currently, only Btree and Hash indexes can be returned as usable one.
+ * This is because mainly two reasons:
+ *
+ * 1) Other index access methods other than Btree and Hash don't have a fixed
+ * strategy for equality operation. Refer comments atop
+ * get_equal_strategy_number_for_am.
+ * 2) tuples_equal cannot accept a datatype that does not have an operator
+ * class for Btree or Hash. One motivation for other types of indexes to be
+ * used is to define an index to attributes such as datatypes like point and
+ * box. But lookup_type_cache, which is called from tuples_equal, cannot return
+ * the valid value if input datatypes do not have such a opclass.
+ *
+ * Furthermore, BRIN and GIN indexes do not implement "amgettuple".
+ * RelationFindReplTupleByIndex assumes that tuples will be fetched one by
+ * one via index_getnext_slot, but this currently requires the "amgettuple"
+ * function.

/as usable one./as useable./


/Other index access methods other than Btree and Hash/Other index
access methods/


Maybe a blank line before 2) will help readability.


"One motivation for other types of indexes to be used is to define an
index to attributes such as datatypes like point and box."

Isn't it enough to omit that sentence and just say:

2) tuples_equal() cannot accept a datatype (e.g. point or box) that
does not have an operator class for Btree or Hash. This is because
lookup_type_cache(), which is called from tuples_equal(), cannot
return the valid value if input datatypes do not have such an opclass.


6. FindUsableIndexForReplicaIdentityFull

+ /* Check whether the index is supported or not */
+ if (get_equal_strategy_number_for_am(indexInfo->ii_Am) == InvalidStrategy)
+ return false;


Really, this entire function is for checking "is supported or not" so
IMO this is not the correct comment just for this statement. BTW, I
noted Onder suggested keeping this as a variable assignment (called
'has_equal_strategy') [1]. I also think having a variable is better
because then this extra comment would be unnecessary.


IMO the code is readable with the early exit, but it is fine also if
you want to revert it to how Onder suggested [1].  I think it is not
worth worrying too much here because it seems the Sawada-san patch [2]
might have intentions to refactor all this same function anyhow.

[1] Onder suggestion -
[2] Sawada-san other thread -

Kind Regards,
Peter Smith.
Fujitsu Australia

On Wed, Jul 12, 2023 at 8:14 PM Önder Kalacı <> wrote:
>> > - return is_btree && !is_partial && !is_only_on_expression;
>> > + /* Check whether the index is supported or not */
>> > + is_suitable_type = ((get_equal_strategy_number_for_am(indexInfo->ii_Am)
>> > + != InvalidStrategy));
>> > +
>> > + is_partial = (indexInfo->ii_Predicate != NIL);
>> > + is_only_on_expression = IsIndexOnlyOnExpression(indexInfo);
>> > +
>> > + return is_suitable_type && !is_partial && !is_only_on_expression;
>> >
> I don't want to repeat this too much, as it is a minor note. Just
> sharing my perspective here.
> As discussed in the other email [1], I feel like keeping
> IsIndexUsableForReplicaIdentityFull()  function readable is useful
> for documentation purposes as well.
> So, I'm more inclined to see something like your old code, maybe with
> a different variable name.
>> bool is_btree = (indexInfo->ii_Am == BTREE_AM_OID);
> to
>> bool has_equal_strategy = get_equal_strategy_number_for_am...
>> ....
>>  return  has_equal_strategy   && !is_partial && !is_only_on_expression;

+1 for the readability. I think we can as you suggest or I feel it
would be better if we return false as soon as we found any condition
is false. The current patch has a mixed style such that for
InvalidStrategy, it returns immediately but for others, it does a
combined check. The other point we should consider in this regard is
the below assert check:

+ {
+ /* Check that the given index access method has amgettuple routine */
+ IndexAmRoutine *amroutine = GetIndexAmRoutineByAmId(indexInfo->ii_Am,
+ false);
+ Assert(amroutine->amgettuple != NULL);
+ }

Apart from having an assert, we have the following two options (a)
check this condition as well and return false if am doesn't support
amgettuple (b) report elog(ERROR, ..) in this case.

I am of the opinion that we should either have an assert for this or
do (b) because if do (a) currently there is no case where it can
return false. What do you think?

With Regards,
Amit Kapila.

On Thu, Jul 13, 2023 at 8:51 AM Amit Kapila <> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 12, 2023 at 8:14 PM Önder Kalacı <> wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> > - return is_btree && !is_partial && !is_only_on_expression;
> >> > + /* Check whether the index is supported or not */
> >> > + is_suitable_type = ((get_equal_strategy_number_for_am(indexInfo->ii_Am)
> >> > + != InvalidStrategy));
> >> > +
> >> > + is_partial = (indexInfo->ii_Predicate != NIL);
> >> > + is_only_on_expression = IsIndexOnlyOnExpression(indexInfo);
> >> > +
> >> > + return is_suitable_type && !is_partial && !is_only_on_expression;
> >> >
> >
> >
> > I don't want to repeat this too much, as it is a minor note. Just
> > sharing my perspective here.
> >
> > As discussed in the other email [1], I feel like keeping
> > IsIndexUsableForReplicaIdentityFull()  function readable is useful
> > for documentation purposes as well.
> >
> > So, I'm more inclined to see something like your old code, maybe with
> > a different variable name.
> >
> >> bool is_btree = (indexInfo->ii_Am == BTREE_AM_OID);
> >
> >
> > to
> >>
> >> bool has_equal_strategy = get_equal_strategy_number_for_am...
> >> ....
> >>  return  has_equal_strategy   && !is_partial && !is_only_on_expression;
> >
> +1 for the readability. I think we can as you suggest or I feel it
> would be better if we return false as soon as we found any condition
> is false. The current patch has a mixed style such that for
> InvalidStrategy, it returns immediately but for others, it does a
> combined check.

I have followed the later style in the attached.

> The other point we should consider in this regard is
> the below assert check:
> + {
> + /* Check that the given index access method has amgettuple routine */
> + IndexAmRoutine *amroutine = GetIndexAmRoutineByAmId(indexInfo->ii_Am,
> + false);
> + Assert(amroutine->amgettuple != NULL);
> + }
> +#endif
> Apart from having an assert, we have the following two options (a)
> check this condition as well and return false if am doesn't support
> amgettuple (b) report elog(ERROR, ..) in this case.
> I am of the opinion that we should either have an assert for this or
> do (b) because if do (a) currently there is no case where it can
> return false. What do you think?

For now, I have kept the assert but moved it to the end of the function.

Apart from the above, I have made a number of minor changes (a)
changed the datatype for the strategy to StrategyNumber at various
places in the patch; (b) made a number of changes in comments based on
Peter's comments and otherwise; (c) ran pgindent and changed the
commit message; (d) few other cosmetic changes.

Let me know what you think of the attached.

With Regards,
Amit Kapila.

Hi Amit, Hayato, all

> +1 for the readability. I think we can as you suggest or I feel it
> would be better if we return false as soon as we found any condition
> is false. The current patch has a mixed style such that for
> InvalidStrategy, it returns immediately but for others, it does a
> combined check.

I have followed the later style in the attached.

Looks good to me! 

I agree with your note that the confusion was mostly
around two different styles (e,g., some checks return early others wait
until the final return). Now, the code is pretty easy to follow.

> The other point we should consider in this regard is
> the below assert check:
> + {
> + /* Check that the given index access method has amgettuple routine */
> + IndexAmRoutine *amroutine = GetIndexAmRoutineByAmId(indexInfo->ii_Am,
> + false);
> + Assert(amroutine->amgettuple != NULL);
> + }
> +#endif
> Apart from having an assert, we have the following two options (a)
> check this condition as well and return false if am doesn't support
> amgettuple (b) report elog(ERROR, ..) in this case.

I think with the current state of the patch (e.g., we only support btree and hash),
Assert looks reasonable.

In the future, in case we have a future hypothetical index type that fulfills the 
"if" checks but fails on amgettuple, we could change the code to "return false"
such that it gives a chance for the other indexes to satisfy the condition.

Let me know what you think of the attached.

Looks good to me. I have also done some testing, which works as documented/expected.


On Thu, Jul 13, 2023 at 8:07 PM Önder Kalacı <> wrote:
> Looks good to me. I have also done some testing, which works as documented/expected.

Thanks, I have pushed this after minor changes in the comments.

With Regards,
Amit Kapila.