Thread: How to use long list of columns with COPY command

How to use long list of columns with COPY command

M Sarwar
I have some problem while loading the data using COPY command.

My environment:
Amazon RDS
Postgres - Database
PgAdmin --  with PSQL tool.
Command -- COPY

I am trying to use COPY command to load the data. Table TEST_GLOBAL_MCM_RAW has 209 columns. In COPY command, I am trying to use around 200 columns to load the data.
When I try to span COPY command into multiple lines, COPY command is not working. I am forced to use all the command in a single line and which is not legible.
Do I have any options to make the COPY command legible while using all the columns of any table.
I have tried \n and this is not working.

It is possible that someone  has faced this situation in the past.

Thank you,

Re: How to use long list of columns with COPY command

Holger Jakobs

Am 11.06.23 um 23:44 schrieb M Sarwar:
P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;}
I have some problem while loading the data using COPY command.

My environment:
Amazon RDS
Postgres - Database
PgAdmin --  with PSQL tool.
Command -- COPY

I am trying to use COPY command to load the data. Table TEST_GLOBAL_MCM_RAW has 209 columns. In COPY command, I am trying to use around 200 columns to load the data.
When I try to span COPY command into multiple lines, COPY command is not working. I am forced to use all the command in a single line and which is not legible.
Do I have any options to make the COPY command legible while using all the columns of any table.
I have tried \n and this is not working.

It is possible that someone  has faced this situation in the past.

Thank you,

Hi Sarwar,

Page says:

Another way to obtain the same result as \copy ... to is to use the SQL COPY ... TO STDOUT command and terminate it with \g filename or \g |program. Unlike \copy, this method allows the command to span multiple lines; also, variable interpolation and backquote expansion can be used.

So, when loading FROM  a file using \COPY (you were writing about COPY, which allows line breaks like all SQL commands), line breaks aren't allowed. It's the same for all backslash meta commands of psql.

It seems that you'll have to write the complete \COPY command in one line. It's usually quite short, unless you have to name a hell of a lot of column names.



Holger Jakobs, Bergisch Gladbach, Tel. +49-178-9759012


Re: How to use long list of columns with COPY command

M Sarwar
Hi Holger,
I appreciate your response on the Sunday.
I tried to follow PSQL link but I could not find what I want. I am finding new discoveries but the solution for my issue.

This is my command now.

\COPY bronx.TEST_GLOBAL_MCM_RAW (single_date_a, single_start_time_b, dual_part_m, dual_data_n ) FROM C:\Mohammed\Work\NGC\Apps\Bronx\Tables\Test_TestData_MCM\Test_TestData_MCM-LoadData\N541652_IN3799A0_CLD_ABMN.csv  DELIMITER ','  CSV Header ;

Entire above command is run from a single line.
I need to accommodate all the below columns and few more  without losing  the legibility.

   single_stop_time_c ,     single_test_action_d ,     single_part_type_e ,     single_system_id_f ,     single_fixture_id_g ,     single_operator_id_h ,     single_run_id_i ,

    single_aux_id1_j ,     single_aux_id2_k ,      single_sn_l ,     dual_data_o ,     dual_data_p ,     dual_data_q ,     dual_data_r ,     dual_data_s ,     dual_data_t ,     dual_data_u , 

    dual_data_v ,     dual_data_w ,     dual_data_x ,     dual_data_y ,     dual_data_z ,     dual_data_aa ,     dual_data_ab ,     dual_data_ac ,

    dual_data_ad ,       dual_data_ae ,     dual_data_af ,     dual_data_ag ,     dual_data_ah ,  dual_data_ai ,  dual_data_aj ,  dual_data_ak ,  dual_data_al ,    dual_data_am ,   dual_data_an ,     dual_data_ao ,

    dual_data_ap ,     dual_data_aq ,     dual_data_ar ,    dual_data_as ,    dual_data_at ,    dual_data_au ,    dual_data_av ,    dual_data_aw ,    dual_data_ax ,    dual_data_ay ,

    dual_data_az ,     dual_data_ba ,    dual_data_bb ,    dual_data_bc ,     dual_data_bd ,    dual_data_be ,    dual_data_bf ,    dual_data_bg ,    dual_data_bh ,    dual_data_bi ,

    dual_data_bj ,    dual_data_bk ,    dual_data_bl ,    dual_data_bm ,    dual_data_bn ,    dual_data_bo ,    dual_data_bp ,    dual_data_bq ,    dual_data_br ,    dual_data_bs ,

    dual_data_bt ,    dual_data_bu ,    dual_data_bv ,    dual_data_bw ,    dual_data_bx ,

    dual_data_by ,

    dual_data_bz ,

I have tried with \n option and that is not working.


From: Holger Jakobs
Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2023 5:54 PM
Subject: Re: How to use long list of columns with COPY command

Am 11.06.23 um 23:44 schrieb M Sarwar:
I have some problem while loading the data using COPY command.

My environment:
Amazon RDS
Postgres - Database
PgAdmin --  with PSQL tool.
Command -- COPY

I am trying to use COPY command to load the data. Table TEST_GLOBAL_MCM_RAW has 209 columns. In COPY command, I am trying to use around 200 columns to load the data.
When I try to span COPY command into multiple lines, COPY command is not working. I am forced to use all the command in a single line and which is not legible.
Do I have any options to make the COPY command legible while using all the columns of any table.
I have tried \n and this is not working.

It is possible that someone  has faced this situation in the past.

Thank you,

Hi Sarwar,

Page says:

Another way to obtain the same result as \copy ... to is to use the SQL COPY ... TO STDOUT command and terminate it with \g filename or \g |program. Unlike \copy, this method allows the command to span multiple lines; also, variable interpolation and backquote expansion can be used.

So, when loading FROM  a file using \COPY (you were writing about COPY, which allows line breaks like all SQL commands), line breaks aren't allowed. It's the same for all backslash meta commands of psql.

It seems that you'll have to write the complete \COPY command in one line. It's usually quite short, unless you have to name a hell of a lot of column names.



Holger Jakobs, Bergisch Gladbach, Tel. +49-178-9759012

Re: How to use long list of columns with COPY command

"David G. Johnston"
On Sun, Jun 11, 2023 at 4:04 PM M Sarwar <> wrote:

psql \copy and SQL COPY are not the same thing.  Haven't tested but SQL COPY shouldn't have this limitation.  Use it instead (you never have to use psql \copy, it is only a convenient shortcut).

David J.

Re: How to use long list of columns with COPY command

M Sarwar
Hi David,
I appreciate your response.
I tried to run COPY from SQL and I got the below error message.

ERROR: COPY from a file is not supported HINT: Anyone can COPY to stdout or from stdin. psql's \copy command also works for anyone. SQL state: 0A000

Here is my code:

COPY bronx.TEST_GLOBAL_MCM_RAW (single_date_a, single_start_time_b, dual_part_m, dual_data_n ) FROM 'C:\Mohammed\Work\NGC\Apps\Bronx\Tables\Test_TestData_MCM\Test_TestData_MCM-LoadData\N541652_IN3799A0_CLD_ABMN.csv'  DELIMITER ','  CSV Header ;


I am trying to load the data from CSV file to the postgres database.

From: David G. Johnston <>
Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2023 7:30 PM
To: M Sarwar <>
Cc: Holger Jakobs <>; <>
Subject: Re: How to use long list of columns with COPY command
On Sun, Jun 11, 2023 at 4:04 PM M Sarwar <> wrote:

psql \copy and SQL COPY are not the same thing.  Haven't tested but SQL COPY shouldn't have this limitation.  Use it instead (you never have to use psql \copy, it is only a convenient shortcut).

David J.

Re: How to use long list of columns with COPY command

Laurenz Albe
On Sun, 2023-06-11 at 23:04 +0000, M Sarwar wrote:
> This is my command now.
> \COPY bronx.TEST_GLOBAL_MCM_RAW (single_date_a, single_start_time_b, dual_part_m, dual_data_n ) FROM
> LoadData\N541652_IN3799A0_CLD_ABMN.csv  DELIMITER ','  CSV Header ;
> Entire above command is run from a single line.


> I need to accommodate all the below columns and few more  without losing  the legibility.
> [long column list]

You will have to write a long line with all the columns in it, and if that's not
very legible, that's what you get for using wide tables.

\copy has to be in a single line.

> I have tried with \n option and that is not working.

I don't understand what you mean by that.

Laurenz Albe

Re: How to use long list of columns with COPY command

Norbert Poellmann

I would suggest, that it's easier to create an empty tmp table, whose structure
matches your csv data file. Then copy (sql, server) or \copy (psql, client)
your data into the tmp table.

Then INSERT, what you need, from there:

insert into originaltable select a,b,c,.... from tmptable where ... ;        -- multi line statement allowed

or, in your case of 200/209 columns:

after COPYing your data, alter the tmp table, in that you drop the 9 extra columns.
It might be less work to write down 9 column names, than 200.

If , what is left, matches the structure of your original table, then the loading of
the original table reduces to:

insert into originaltable select * from tmptable where ... ;



On Sun, Jun 11, 2023 at 11:04:30PM +0000, M Sarwar wrote:
> Hi Holger,
> I appreciate your response on the Sunday.
> I tried to follow PSQL link but I could not find what I want. I am finding new discoveries but the solution for my
> This is my command now.
> \COPY bronx.TEST_GLOBAL_MCM_RAW (single_date_a, single_start_time_b, dual_part_m, dual_data_n ) FROM
DELIMITER','  CSV Header ;
> Entire above command is run from a single line.
> I need to accommodate all the below columns and few more  without losing  the legibility.
>    single_stop_time_c ,     single_test_action_d ,     single_part_type_e ,     single_system_id_f ,
single_fixture_id_g,     single_operator_id_h ,     single_run_id_i ,
>     single_aux_id1_j ,     single_aux_id2_k ,      single_sn_l ,     dual_data_o ,     dual_data_p ,     dual_data_q
,    dual_data_r ,     dual_data_s ,     dual_data_t ,     dual_data_u ,
>     dual_data_v ,     dual_data_w ,     dual_data_x ,     dual_data_y ,     dual_data_z ,     dual_data_aa ,
dual_data_ab,     dual_data_ac ,
>     dual_data_ad ,       dual_data_ae ,     dual_data_af ,     dual_data_ag ,     dual_data_ah ,  dual_data_ai ,
dual_data_aj,  dual_data_ak ,  dual_data_al ,    dual_data_am ,   dual_data_an ,     dual_data_ao ,
>     dual_data_ap ,     dual_data_aq ,     dual_data_ar ,    dual_data_as ,    dual_data_at ,    dual_data_au ,
dual_data_av,    dual_data_aw ,    dual_data_ax ,    dual_data_ay ,
>     dual_data_az ,     dual_data_ba ,    dual_data_bb ,    dual_data_bc ,     dual_data_bd ,    dual_data_be ,
dual_data_bf,    dual_data_bg ,    dual_data_bh ,    dual_data_bi ,
>     dual_data_bj ,    dual_data_bk ,    dual_data_bl ,    dual_data_bm ,    dual_data_bn ,    dual_data_bo ,
dual_data_bp,    dual_data_bq ,    dual_data_br ,    dual_data_bs ,
>     dual_data_bt ,    dual_data_bu ,    dual_data_bv ,    dual_data_bw ,    dual_data_bx ,
>     dual_data_by ,
>     dual_data_bz ,
> I have tried with \n option and that is not working.
> Thanks,
> Sarwar
> ________________________________
> From: Holger Jakobs
> Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2023 5:54 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: How to use long list of columns with COPY command
> Am 11.06.23 um 23:44 schrieb M Sarwar:
> Hello,
> I have some problem while loading the data using COPY command.
> My environment:
> Amazon RDS
> Postgres - Database
> PgAdmin --  with PSQL tool.
> Command -- COPY
> I am trying to use COPY command to load the data. Table TEST_GLOBAL_MCM_RAW has 209 columns. In COPY command, I am
tryingto use around 200 columns to load the data.
> When I try to span COPY command into multiple lines, COPY command is not working. I am forced to use all the command
ina single line and which is not legible.
> Do I have any options to make the COPY command legible while using all the columns of any table.
> I have tried \n and this is not working.
> It is possible that someone  has faced this situation in the past.
> Thank you,
> Sarwar
> Hi Sarwar,
> Page says:
> Another way to obtain the same result as \copy ... to is to use the SQL COPY ... TO STDOUT command and terminate it
with\g filename or \g |program. Unlike \copy, this method allows the command to span multiple lines; also, variable
interpolationand backquote expansion can be used.
> So, when loading FROM  a file using \COPY (you were writing about COPY, which allows line breaks like all SQL
commands),line breaks aren't allowed. It's the same for all backslash meta commands of psql.
> It seems that you'll have to write the complete \COPY command in one line. It's usually quite short, unless you have
toname a hell of a lot of column names.
> Regards,
> Holger
> --
> Holger Jakobs, Bergisch Gladbach, Tel. +49-178-9759012

Re: How to use long list of columns with COPY command

Holger Jakobs

Am 12.06.23 um 01:45 schrieb M Sarwar:
P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;}
Hi David,
I appreciate your response.
I tried to run COPY from SQL and I got the below error message.

ERROR: COPY from a file is not supported HINT: Anyone can COPY to stdout or from stdin. psql's \copy command also works for anyone. SQL state: 0A000

Here is my code:

COPY bronx.TEST_GLOBAL_MCM_RAW (single_date_a, single_start_time_b, dual_part_m, dual_data_n ) FROM 'C:\Mohammed\Work\NGC\Apps\Bronx\Tables\Test_TestData_MCM\Test_TestData_MCM-LoadData\N541652_IN3799A0_CLD_ABMN.csv'  DELIMITER ','  CSV Header ;


I am trying to load the data from CSV file to the postgres database.

COPY using something else than STDIN is only allowed for superusers.

COPY also uses file paths on the server, and the files have to be readable by the system account running the server, usually postgres.

Holger Jakobs, Bergisch Gladbach, Tel. +49-178-9759012

Re: How to use long list of columns with COPY command

M Sarwar
I appreciate your responses.
I am using PSQL. It seems that I will not be able to bypass long list of column names using PSQL tool.
It is required that at one stage I need to have all the columns included in a single line.


From: Norbert Poellmann <>
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2023 1:01 PM
To: M Sarwar <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: How to use long list of columns with COPY command


I would suggest, that it's easier to create an empty tmp table, whose structure
matches your csv data file. Then copy (sql, server) or \copy (psql, client)
your data into the tmp table.

Then INSERT, what you need, from there:

insert into originaltable select a,b,c,.... from tmptable where ... ;        -- multi line statement allowed

or, in your case of 200/209 columns:

after COPYing your data, alter the tmp table, in that you drop the 9 extra columns.
It might be less work to write down 9 column names, than 200.

If , what is left, matches the structure of your original table, then the loading of
the original table reduces to:

insert into originaltable select * from tmptable where ... ;



On Sun, Jun 11, 2023 at 11:04:30PM +0000, M Sarwar wrote:
> Hi Holger,
> I appreciate your response on the Sunday.
> I tried to follow PSQL link but I could not find what I want. I am finding new discoveries but the solution for my issue.
> This is my command now.
> \COPY bronx.TEST_GLOBAL_MCM_RAW (single_date_a, single_start_time_b, dual_part_m, dual_data_n ) FROM C:\Mohammed\Work\NGC\Apps\Bronx\Tables\Test_TestData_MCM\Test_TestData_MCM-LoadData\N541652_IN3799A0_CLD_ABMN.csv  DELIMITER ','  CSV Header ;
> Entire above command is run from a single line.
> I need to accommodate all the below columns and few more  without losing  the legibility.
>    single_stop_time_c ,     single_test_action_d ,     single_part_type_e ,     single_system_id_f ,     single_fixture_id_g ,     single_operator_id_h ,     single_run_id_i ,
>     single_aux_id1_j ,     single_aux_id2_k ,      single_sn_l ,     dual_data_o ,     dual_data_p ,     dual_data_q ,     dual_data_r ,     dual_data_s ,     dual_data_t ,     dual_data_u ,
>     dual_data_v ,     dual_data_w ,     dual_data_x ,     dual_data_y ,     dual_data_z ,     dual_data_aa ,     dual_data_ab ,     dual_data_ac ,
>     dual_data_ad ,       dual_data_ae ,     dual_data_af ,     dual_data_ag ,     dual_data_ah ,  dual_data_ai ,  dual_data_aj ,  dual_data_ak ,  dual_data_al ,    dual_data_am ,   dual_data_an ,     dual_data_ao ,
>     dual_data_ap ,     dual_data_aq ,     dual_data_ar ,    dual_data_as ,    dual_data_at ,    dual_data_au ,    dual_data_av ,    dual_data_aw ,    dual_data_ax ,    dual_data_ay ,
>     dual_data_az ,     dual_data_ba ,    dual_data_bb ,    dual_data_bc ,     dual_data_bd ,    dual_data_be ,    dual_data_bf ,    dual_data_bg ,    dual_data_bh ,    dual_data_bi ,
>     dual_data_bj ,    dual_data_bk ,    dual_data_bl ,    dual_data_bm ,    dual_data_bn ,    dual_data_bo ,    dual_data_bp ,    dual_data_bq ,    dual_data_br ,    dual_data_bs ,
>     dual_data_bt ,    dual_data_bu ,    dual_data_bv ,    dual_data_bw ,    dual_data_bx ,
>     dual_data_by ,
>     dual_data_bz ,
> I have tried with \n option and that is not working.
> Thanks,
> Sarwar
> ________________________________
> From: Holger Jakobs
> Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2023 5:54 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: How to use long list of columns with COPY command
> Am 11.06.23 um 23:44 schrieb M Sarwar:
> Hello,
> I have some problem while loading the data using COPY command.
> My environment:
> Amazon RDS
> Postgres - Database
> PgAdmin --  with PSQL tool.
> Command -- COPY
> I am trying to use COPY command to load the data. Table TEST_GLOBAL_MCM_RAW has 209 columns. In COPY command, I am trying to use around 200 columns to load the data.
> When I try to span COPY command into multiple lines, COPY command is not working. I am forced to use all the command in a single line and which is not legible.
> Do I have any options to make the COPY command legible while using all the columns of any table.
> I have tried \n and this is not working.
> It is possible that someone  has faced this situation in the past.
> Thank you,
> Sarwar
> Hi Sarwar,
> Page says:
> Another way to obtain the same result as \copy ... to is to use the SQL COPY ... TO STDOUT command and terminate it with \g filename or \g |program. Unlike \copy, this method allows the command to span multiple lines; also, variable interpolation and backquote expansion can be used.
> So, when loading FROM  a file using \COPY (you were writing about COPY, which allows line breaks like all SQL commands), line breaks aren't allowed. It's the same for all backslash meta commands of psql.
> It seems that you'll have to write the complete \COPY command in one line. It's usually quite short, unless you have to name a hell of a lot of column names.
> Regards,
> Holger
> --
> Holger Jakobs, Bergisch Gladbach, Tel. +49-178-9759012