Thread: Drivers users by connections
We are not able to find table which give session connection details about drivers. In pg_stat_activity details information is not there. Please let us know where we can find these information.
Please help me to get this information.
In Oracle and Mysql we use below sql to get details
SQL used to get mysql driver connection details
SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(s.user,"@",1),sca.attr_value
FROM sys.session as s
join performance_schema.session_connect_attrs as sca
on s.conn_id = sca.processlist_id
group by SUBSTRING_INDEX(s.user,"@",1)
SQL used to get Oracle driver connection details
from v$session_connect_info a, v$session b
where CLIENT_VERSION!='Unknown' and CLIENT_DRIVER is not null
and a.sid=b.sid
order by b.USERNAME
> On 06/06/2023 09:18 CEST Hrishikesh (Richie) Rode <> wrote: > > We are not able to find table which give session connection details about > drivers. In pg_stat_activity details information is not there. Please let us > know where we can find these information. Column pg_stat_activity.application_name is the only one I know of that may provide such details. But it relies on the driver setting application_name when connecting. Some drivers set a default, e.g. pgjdbc, but also allow overriding with a custom application name that may include additional info such as driver version. But in the end application_name is just text without any inherent structure. -- Erik