Thread: pgAdmin 4 v7.1 Released

pgAdmin 4 v7.1 Released

Akshay Joshi

The pgAdmin Development Team is pleased to announce pgAdmin 4 version 7.1.

This release of pgAdmin 4 includes 23 bug fixes and new features. For more details please see the release notes at:

pgAdmin is the leading Open Source graphical management tool for PostgreSQL. For more information, please see:

Notable changes in this release include:


  • Show object breadcrumbs path along with its comment on object hover.

  • Allow on demand record count setting to be changed per user using preferences.

  • Added support to show statistics for materialized views.

  • Added support to create an unnamed index.


  • Mac crash when you press Command-Shift-C.

  • Fixed an issue where Reset Password is not working after upgrading to latest flask-security-too.

  • Ensure that the ERD tool should work with the external database after moving to psycopg3.

  • Fixed an issue with the properties tab not getting updated if the user updates the selected node.

  • Fix an issue in View SQL when column level privileges are set with multiple roles.

  • Fixed an issue where query tool hangs for some time when multiple columns are selected to open geometry viewer.

  • Ensure that when pasting a row in query tool grid, default value is used for autogenerated/serial columns.

  • Ensure to quote the primary key value if needed while deleting rows from the table.

  • Fixed an issue where PSQL is not working if the PGUSER env variable is set and service file is used for server connection details.

  • Show proper message if the debugger is stopped by the user.

Builds for Windows and macOS are available now, along with a Python Wheel,

Docker Container, RPM, DEB Package, and source code tarball from:


Akshay Joshi

pgAdmin Project