Thread: Parallel Query Stats

Parallel Query Stats

Benoit Lobréau
Hi hackers,

Parallelism has been in core since 9.6, it's a great feature that got 
upgrades since then. However, it lacks metrics to determine if and how
parallelism is used and help tune parameters related to it.

Currently, the only information available are pg_stat_activity.backend_type
and pg_stat_activity.leader_pid. These could be sampled to get statistics
about the number of queries that are using parallel workers and the 
number of
workers spawned (globally or per statement), but this is not ideal because:

* the sampling period would require a high frequency to get stats
   close enough from reality without missing lots of short duration
* with sampling we cannot get an accurate count of parallel queries;
* we don't know how many queries can't get the workers they asked for.

We thought about several places where we could add some user facing 
metrics, and would
like some input about the design before working on a larger patch. The 
various chosen
names are obviously not settled.

# Traces

We could add a GUC "log_parallel_draught": it would add a message in the 
logs when a
query or utility asks for parallel workers but can't get all of them.

The message could look like this. It could be issued several times per query
since workers can be requested for different parts of the plan.

   LOG:  Parallel worker draught detected: worker launched: 0, requested: 2
   STATEMENT:  explain analyze select * from pq_foo inner join pq_bar 

   LOG:  Parallel worker draught detected: worker launched: 0, requested: 1
   CONTEXT:  while scanning relation "public.pv_tbl"

   LOG:  Parallel worker draught detected: worker launched: 0, requested: 1

This could be used in tools like pgBadger to aggregate stats
on statements that didn't get their workers, but we might need additionnal
information to know why we are lacking workers.

We have a working PoC patch for this since it seems the most
straightforward to implement and use.

# pg_stat_bgworker view

I was initially thinking about metrics like:
* number of parallel queries
* number of parallel queries that didn't get their workers
But without a number of eligible queries, it's not very useful.

Instead, some metrics could be useful:
* how many workers were requested
* how many workers were obtained.
The data would be updated as the workers are spawned
(or aren't). It would be interesting to have this information per
background worker type in order to identify which pool is the source of a
parallel worker draught.

The view could look like this:

* bgworker_type: possible values would be: logical replication worker / 
worker / parallel maintenance worker / a name given by an extension;
* datname: the database where the workers were connected if applicable, 
or null
* active: number of currently running workers;
* requested: number of requested workers ;
* obtained: number of obtained workers ;
* duration: the aggregation of all durations; we could update this field 
when a
   background worker finishes and add the duration from the one still 
running to
   produce an more accurate number;
* stats_reset: the reset would be handled the same way other pg_stat* views
   handle it.

The parallel maintenance worker type doesn't exist in pg_stat_activity. 
I think
it would be worthwhile to add it since this kind of parallel worker has it's
own pool.

This view could be used by monitoring or metrology tools to raise alerts or
trace graphs of the background worker usage, and determine if, when and 
there is a shortage of workers.

Tools like pg_activity, check_postgres/check_pgactivity or prometheus
exporters could use these stats.

# pg_stat_statements

This view is dedicated to per-query statistics. We could add a few metrics
related to parallelism:

* parallelized_calls: how many executions were planned with parallelism;
* parallelized_draught_calls: how many executions were planned with 
parallelism but
   didn't get all their workers;
* parallel_workers_requested: how many workers were requested for this 
* parallel_workers_total: how many workers were obtained for this 
parallel statement;

The information is useful to detect queries that didn't get their 
workers on a
regular basis. If it's sampled we could know when. It could be used by tools
like POWA to eg. visualize the query runtime depending on the number of
workers, the moment of the day it lacks the requested workers, etc.

The two last could help estimate if a query makes a heavy use of 

Note: I have skimmed throught the thread "Expose Parallelism counters 
in pg_stat_statements" [1] and still need to take a closer look at it.


# pg_stat_all_tables and pg_stat_all_indexes

We could add a parallel_seq_scan counter to pg_stat_all_tables. The column
would be incremented for each worker participating in a scan. The leader
would also increment the counter if it is participating.

The same thing could be done to pg_stat_all_indexes with a 

These metrics could be used in relation to system stats and other PostgreSQL
metrics such as pg_statio_* in tools like POWA.

# Workflow

An overview of the backgroud worker usage could be viewed via the
pg_stat_bgworker view. It could help detect, and in some cases explain, 
workers draughts. It would also help adapt the size of the worker pools and
prompt us to look into the logs or pg_stat_statements.

The statistics gathered in pg_stat_statements can be used the usual way:
* have an idea of the parallel query usage on the server;
* detect queries that starve from lack of parallel workers;
* compare snapshots to see the impact of parameter modifications;
* combine the statistics with other sources to know:
   * if the decrease in parallel workers had on impact on the average 
execution duration
   * if the increase in parallel workers allocation had an impact on the 

The logs can be used to pin point specific queries with their parameters or
to get global statistics when pg_stat_statements is not available or 
can't be

Once a query is singled out, it can be analysed as usual with EXPLAIN to
* if the lack of workers is a problem;
* how parallelism helps in this particular case.

Finally, the per relation statitics could be combined with system and other
PostgreSQL metrics to identify why the storage is stressed.

If you reach this point, thank you for reading me!

Many thanks to Melanie Plageman for the pointers she shared with us 
around the
pgsessions in Paris and her time in general.

Benoit Lobréau

Re: Parallel Query Stats

Tomas Vondra
Hi Benoit,

On 4/5/23 15:00, Benoit Lobréau wrote:
> Hi hackers,
> Parallelism has been in core since 9.6, it's a great feature that got
> several
> upgrades since then. However, it lacks metrics to determine if and how
> parallelism is used and help tune parameters related to it.


> Currently, the only information available are pg_stat_activity.backend_type
> and pg_stat_activity.leader_pid. These could be sampled to get statistics
> about the number of queries that are using parallel workers and the
> number of
> workers spawned (globally or per statement), but this is not ideal because:
> * the sampling period would require a high frequency to get stats
>   close enough from reality without missing lots of short duration
>   queries;
> * with sampling we cannot get an accurate count of parallel queries;
> * we don't know how many queries can't get the workers they asked for.
> We thought about several places where we could add some user facing
> metrics, and would
> like some input about the design before working on a larger patch. The
> various chosen
> names are obviously not settled.

I agree just sampling pg_stat_activity is insufficient to get a good
overview and decide whether an adjustment of the parallel workers (or
other GUCs) is needed.

> # Traces
> We could add a GUC "log_parallel_draught": it would add a message in the
> logs when a
> query or utility asks for parallel workers but can't get all of them.
> The message could look like this. It could be issued several times per
> query
> since workers can be requested for different parts of the plan.
>   LOG:  Parallel worker draught detected: worker launched: 0, requested: 2
>   STATEMENT:  explain analyze select * from pq_foo inner join pq_bar
> using(id);
>   LOG:  Parallel worker draught detected: worker launched: 0, requested: 1
>   CONTEXT:  while scanning relation "public.pv_tbl"
>   LOG:  Parallel worker draught detected: worker launched: 0, requested: 1
> This could be used in tools like pgBadger to aggregate stats
> on statements that didn't get their workers, but we might need additionnal
> information to know why we are lacking workers.
> We have a working PoC patch for this since it seems the most
> straightforward to implement and use.

I commented on this in the separate thread nearby.

> # pg_stat_bgworker view
> I was initially thinking about metrics like:
> * number of parallel queries
> * number of parallel queries that didn't get their workers
> But without a number of eligible queries, it's not very useful.
> Instead, some metrics could be useful:
> * how many workers were requested
> * how many workers were obtained.
> The data would be updated as the workers are spawned
> (or aren't). It would be interesting to have this information per
> background worker type in order to identify which pool is the source of a
> parallel worker draught.
> The view could look like this:
> * bgworker_type: possible values would be: logical replication worker /
> parallel
> worker / parallel maintenance worker / a name given by an extension;
> * datname: the database where the workers were connected if applicable,
> or null
>   otherwise;
> * active: number of currently running workers;
> * requested: number of requested workers ;
> * obtained: number of obtained workers ;
> * duration: the aggregation of all durations; we could update this field
> when a
>   background worker finishes and add the duration from the one still
> running to
>   produce an more accurate number;
> * stats_reset: the reset would be handled the same way other pg_stat* views
>   handle it.
> The parallel maintenance worker type doesn't exist in pg_stat_activity.
> I think
> it would be worthwhile to add it since this kind of parallel worker has
> it's
> own pool.
> This view could be used by monitoring or metrology tools to raise alerts or
> trace graphs of the background worker usage, and determine if, when and
> where
> there is a shortage of workers.
> Tools like pg_activity, check_postgres/check_pgactivity or prometheus
> exporters could use these stats.

I'm not against adding a new statistics view like the one you describe,
but maybe it'd be better to start with just adding something basic to

I think a minimum improvement would be to extend pg_stat_database with
the number of requested and started parallel workers, and perhaps also
the number of running parallel workers (similar to numbackends).

Not sure about the "duration" - it seems pretty different from the
worker counters, and the aggregate for all queries does not seem
particularly useful (especially if not knowing the number of queries).

And we already have this in pg_stat_statements ...

> # pg_stat_statements
> This view is dedicated to per-query statistics. We could add a few metrics
> related to parallelism:
> * parallelized_calls: how many executions were planned with parallelism;
> * parallelized_draught_calls: how many executions were planned with
> parallelism but
>   didn't get all their workers;
> * parallel_workers_requested: how many workers were requested for this
> parallel
>   statement;
> * parallel_workers_total: how many workers were obtained for this
> parallel statement;
> The information is useful to detect queries that didn't get their
> workers on a
> regular basis. If it's sampled we could know when. It could be used by
> tools
> like POWA to eg. visualize the query runtime depending on the number of
> workers, the moment of the day it lacks the requested workers, etc.
> The two last could help estimate if a query makes a heavy use of
> parallelism.
> Note: I have skimmed throught the thread "Expose Parallelism counters
> planned/execute
> in pg_stat_statements" [1] and still need to take a closer look at it.
> [1]

I'm not sure the parallelized_calls counter would be very useful. If two
queries are parallelized, it doesn't say they ended up with the same
number of gather nodes, and so on. If someone wants to track this kind
of details, maybe something like pg_stat_plans would be better?

I think I'd start with just adding the same counters requested/started
counters proposed for pg_stat_database already.

> # pg_stat_all_tables and pg_stat_all_indexes
> We could add a parallel_seq_scan counter to pg_stat_all_tables. The column
> would be incremented for each worker participating in a scan. The leader
> would also increment the counter if it is participating.
> The same thing could be done to pg_stat_all_indexes with a
> parallel_index_scan
> column.
> These metrics could be used in relation to system stats and other
> PostgreSQL
> metrics such as pg_statio_* in tools like POWA.

I haven't thought too much about how I'd use these counters, but I agree
it might be useful. I'm not sure we'd want to increment the "parallel"
counters for each worker, though - I think logically it's still just a
single parallel scan. It seems natural to ask "what fraction of index
scans is parallel?" but with counting every worker, that'd be impossible
to calculate.

I'm not sure if we should add "parallel" versions of the other counters
in those views (e.g. idx_tup_read -> parallel_idx_tup_read).

> # Workflow
> An overview of the backgroud worker usage could be viewed via the
> pg_stat_bgworker view. It could help detect, and in some cases explain,
> parallel
> workers draughts. It would also help adapt the size of the worker pools and
> prompt us to look into the logs or pg_stat_statements.
> The statistics gathered in pg_stat_statements can be used the usual way:
> * have an idea of the parallel query usage on the server;
> * detect queries that starve from lack of parallel workers;
> * compare snapshots to see the impact of parameter modifications;
> * combine the statistics with other sources to know:
>   * if the decrease in parallel workers had on impact on the average
> execution duration
>   * if the increase in parallel workers allocation had an impact on the
> system
>     time;
> The logs can be used to pin point specific queries with their parameters or
> to get global statistics when pg_stat_statements is not available or
> can't be
> used.
> Once a query is singled out, it can be analysed as usual with EXPLAIN to
> determine:
> * if the lack of workers is a problem;
> * how parallelism helps in this particular case.
> Finally, the per relation statitics could be combined with system and other
> PostgreSQL metrics to identify why the storage is stressed.

I'm not sure the goal would be singling out a particular query - I think
most of the time we'd be dealing with hitting the limit of (parallel)
workers, and that's a global limit, not something query-specific. But it
could help with identifying that the query duration increase correlates
with the drop of number of started parallel workers. Or stuff like that.


Tomas Vondra
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company