Thread: Correction: Postgres emum documentation 8.7.4 should read 63 characters (instead of bytes)

The following documentation comment has been logged on the website:


Postgres documentation, section 8.7.4 gives the limit on enum labels as 63
Testing this with an oversized string gives the following error:
SQL Error [42602]: ERROR: invalid enum label 
  Detail: Labels must be 63 characters or less.

> On 01/04/2023 00:17 CEST PG Doc comments form <> wrote:
> The following documentation comment has been logged on the website:
> Page:
> Description:
> Postgres documentation, section 8.7.4 gives the limit on enum labels as 63
> bytes.
> Testing this with an oversized string gives the following error:
> SQL Error [42602]: ERROR: invalid enum label
>   Detail: Labels must be 63 characters or less.

The documentation is correct.  NAMEDATALEN is in bytes not characters.
The error message was fixed to say bytes in v14.
