Thread: CTE subquery referencing phantom records
Common Table Expression issue in PostgreSQL 15
The final WHERE statement in our CTE appears to be referencing more records, then the first subquery of our CTE is returning. It works when the first subquery is filtered by the primary key (We left a commented out example in the WHERE statement). It fails when the first subquery is filtered by a string. We have provided a complete example of the problem below (The following example works in PostgreSQL 11):
The final WHERE statement in our CTE appears to be referencing more records, then the first subquery of our CTE is returning. It works when the first subquery is filtered by the primary key (We left a commented out example in the WHERE statement). It fails when the first subquery is filtered by a string. We have provided a complete example of the problem below (The following example works in PostgreSQL 11):
create table system_deduction_attr (
system_deduction_attr_id bigint not null,
system_deduction_id bigint not null,
start_date date null,
end_date date null,
field_description varchar(60) not null,
field_code varchar(20) not null,
field_default_value varchar(60) null,
sequence integer null,
required char(1) not null,
field_type char(1) not null,
attribute_type char(1) not null,
constraint system_deduction_attr_pk primary key(system_deduction_attr_id)
INSERT INTO system_deduction_attr(system_deduction_attr_id, system_deduction_id, start_date, end_date, field_description, field_code, field_default_value, sequence, required, field_type, attribute_type) VALUES
(1, 1229, null, null, 'Single Per Payroll Premium', 'SINGLE', null, 1, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(2, 1229, null, null, 'Family Per Payroll Premium', 'FAMILY', null, 2, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(3, 1229, null, null, 'Parent/Children Per Payroll Premium', 'PARENT_CHILD', null, 3, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(4, 1229, null, null, 'Member/Spouse/Partner Per Payroll Premium', 'MEMBER_SPOUSE', null, 4, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(5, 1229, null, null, 'Coverage Type', 'COVERAGE_TYPE', 'SINGLE', 1, 'T', 'L', 'E'),
(11, 1229, null, null, 'Effective Date', 'EFFECTIVE_DATE', '06-28-2011', 1, 'T', 'D', 'B'),
(15, 1531, '01/01/2016', null, 'Per Hourly Rate', 'PERHOURRATE', '0.02', 1, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(17, 1533, null, null, 'Annual Dues Cap Multiplier', 'CAPMULT', '33.6', 1, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(18, 1533, null, null, 'Percentage Dues Amount', 'PERCENTAGE', '1.45', 2, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(6, 1230, null, null, 'Single Per Payroll Premium', 'SINGLE', null, 1, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(7, 1230, null, null, 'Family Per Payroll Premium', 'FAMILY', null, 2, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(8, 1230, null, null, 'Parent/Children Per Payroll', 'PARENT_CHILD', null, 3, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(9, 1230, null, null, 'Member/Spouse/Partner Per Payroll Premium', 'MEMBER_SPOUSE', null, 4, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(10, 1230, null, null, 'Coverage Type', 'COVERAGE_TYPE', 'SINGLE', 1, 'T', 'L', 'E'),
(12, 1230, null, null, 'Phase-In Start Date', 'EFFECTIVE_DATE', '06-28-2011', 0, 'T', 'D', 'B'),
(20, 1567, '01/01/2020', null, 'Employee + Children : Min. Contrib. Rate', 'EMPCHLD', '0.015', 1, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(21, 1567, '01/01/2020', null, 'Employee + Family : Min. Contrib. Rate', 'EMPFAM', '0.015', 2, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(19, 1567, '01/01/2020', null, 'Employee + Spouse : Min. Contrib. Rate', 'EMPSPSE', '0.015', 3, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(22, 1567, '01/01/2020', null, 'Employee Only : Min. Contrib. Rate', 'EMPONLY', '0.015', 4, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(23, 1567, '01/01/2020', null, 'Minimum Required Contrib. Rate', 'EMPRATE', 'EMPONLY', 5, 'T', 'L', 'E'),
(31, 1575, null, null, 'Single Per Payroll Premium', 'SINGLE', null, 1, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(32, 1575, null, null, 'Family Per Payroll Premium', 'FAMILY', null, 2, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(33, 1575, null, null, 'Parent/Children Per Payroll', 'PARENT_CHILD', null, 3, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(34, 1575, null, null, 'Member/Spouse/Partner Per Payroll Premium', 'MEMBER_SPOUSE', null, 4, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(35, 1575, null, null, 'Coverage Type', 'COVERAGE_TYPE', 'SINGLE', 1, 'T', 'L', 'E'),
(25, 1573, null, null, 'Single Per Payroll Premium', 'SINGLE', null, 1, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(26, 1573, null, null, 'Family Per Payroll Premium', 'FAMILY', null, 2, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(27, 1573, null, null, 'Parent/Children Per Payroll', 'PARENT_CHILD', null, 3, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(28, 1573, null, null, 'Member/Spouse/Partner Per Payroll Premium', 'MEMBER_SPOUSE', null, 4, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(30, 1573, null, null, 'Coverage Type', 'COVERAGE_TYPE', 'SINGLE', 1, 'T', 'L', 'E'),
(14, 3, null, null, 'Application of the Annual Compensation Limit', 'COMPLIMIT', 'IGNORE', 1, 'F', 'L', 'B'),
(40, 1583, null, null, 'Coverage Type', 'COVERAGE_TYPE', 'SINGLE', 1, 'T', 'L', 'E'),
(45, 1585, null, null, 'Coverage Type', 'COVERAGE_TYPE', 'SINGLE', 1, 'T', 'L', 'E');
create table business_deduction_attr (
business_deduction_attr_id bigint not null,
business_deduction_id bigint not null,
system_deduction_attr_id bigint not null,
field_value varchar(40) null,
start_date date not null,
end_date date null,
constraint business_deduction_attr_pk primary key(business_deduction_attr_id)
alter table business_deduction_attr
add constraint business_deduction_attr_system_deduction_attr_id_fkey
foreign key(system_deduction_attr_id)
references system_deduction_attr(system_deduction_attr_id)
match simple
on delete restrict
on update no action;
INSERT INTO business_deduction_attr(business_deduction_attr_id, business_deduction_id, system_deduction_attr_id, field_value, start_date, end_date) VALUES
(14578, 47795, 6, '353.66', '01/17/2019', '12/31/2019'),
(16757, 47795, 6, '339.19', '01/01/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20883, 47795, 6, '344.99', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23384, 47795, 6, '352.19', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27072, 47795, 6, '435.94', '01/01/2023', null),
(14574, 47795, 7, '1084.38', '01/17/2019', '12/31/2019'),
(16754, 47795, 7, '1038.66', '01/01/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20880, 47795, 7, '1044.01', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23379, 47795, 7, '1067.88', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27074, 47795, 7, '1317.78', '01/01/2023', null),
(14576, 47795, 8, '718.72', '01/17/2019', '12/31/2019'),
(16756, 47795, 8, '682.74', '01/01/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20882, 47795, 8, '633.66', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23386, 47795, 8, '644.95', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27075, 47795, 8, '801.71', '01/01/2023', null),
(14575, 47795, 9, '707.31', '01/17/2019', '12/31/2019'),
(16755, 47795, 9, '688.99', '01/01/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20881, 47795, 9, '697.8', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23351, 47795, 9, '712.33', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27073, 47795, 9, '880.53', '01/01/2023', null),
(14577, 47795, 12, '06-28-2011', '01/17/2019', null),
(14566, 47799, 6, '465.14', '01/17/2019', '12/31/2019'),
(16745, 47799, 6, '446.7', '01/01/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20871, 47799, 6, '454.87', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23331, 47799, 6, '466.71', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27056, 47799, 6, '577.66', '01/01/2023', null),
(14562, 47799, 7, '1395.42', '01/17/2019', '12/31/2019'),
(16742, 47799, 7, '1338.58', '01/01/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20868, 47799, 7, '1350.57', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23338, 47799, 7, '1387.41', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27058, 47799, 7, '1713.19', '01/01/2023', null),
(14564, 47799, 8, '918.26', '01/17/2019', '12/31/2019'),
(16744, 47799, 8, '875.16', '01/01/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20870, 47799, 8, '830.34', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23340, 47799, 8, '849.95', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27059, 47799, 8, '1055.4', '01/01/2023', null),
(14563, 47799, 9, '930.27', '01/17/2019', '12/31/2019'),
(16743, 47799, 9, '904', '01/01/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20869, 47799, 9, '917.51', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23336, 47799, 9, '941.39', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27057, 47799, 9, '1163.98', '01/01/2023', null),
(14565, 47799, 12, '06-28-2011', '01/17/2019', null),
(14572, 47808, 6, '446.52', '01/17/2019', '12/31/2019'),
(16749, 47808, 6, '428.74', '01/01/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20875, 47808, 6, '436.52', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23352, 47808, 6, '448.05', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27060, 47808, 6, '554.51', '01/01/2023', null),
(14568, 47808, 7, '1343.47', '01/17/2019', '12/31/2019'),
(16746, 47808, 7, '1288.49', '01/01/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20872, 47808, 7, '1299.37', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23355, 47808, 7, '1335.34', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27062, 47808, 7, '1648.58', '01/01/2023', null),
(14570, 47808, 8, '884.91', '01/17/2019', '12/31/2019'),
(16748, 47808, 8, '843.03', '01/01/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20874, 47808, 8, '797.11', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23365, 47808, 8, '816.54', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27063, 47808, 8, '1013.94', '01/01/2023', null),
(14569, 47808, 9, '893.03', '01/17/2019', '12/31/2019'),
(16747, 47808, 9, '868.09', '01/01/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20873, 47808, 9, '880.81', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23354, 47808, 9, '904.06', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27061, 47808, 9, '1117.67', '01/01/2023', null),
(14571, 47808, 12, '06-28-2011', '01/17/2019', null),
(16110, 51242, 6, '338.67', '12/17/2019', '12/31/2019'),
(16753, 51242, 6, '397.14', '01/01/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20887, 51242, 6, '404.22', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23387, 51242, 6, '415.2', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27078, 51242, 6, '513.76', '01/01/2023', null),
(16106, 51242, 7, '944.88', '12/17/2019', '12/31/2019'),
(16750, 51242, 7, '1200.34', '01/01/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20884, 51242, 7, '1209.27', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23390, 51242, 7, '1243.69', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27079, 51242, 7, '1534.89', '01/01/2023', null),
(16108, 51242, 8, '606.22', '12/17/2019', '12/31/2019'),
(16752, 51242, 8, '786.47', '01/01/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20886, 51242, 8, '739.69', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23383, 51242, 8, '757.74', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27076, 51242, 8, '941', '01/01/2023', null),
(16107, 51242, 9, '677.34', '12/17/2019', '12/31/2019'),
(16751, 51242, 9, '804.9', '01/01/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20885, 51242, 9, '816.22', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23388, 51242, 9, '838.36', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27077, 51242, 9, '1036.17', '01/01/2023', null),
(16109, 51242, 12, '06-28-2011', '12/17/2019', null),
(16762, 51732, 6, '351.42', '12/31/2019', '12/31/2020'),
(20891, 51732, 6, '357.49', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23396, 51732, 6, '367.67', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27083, 51732, 6, '454.79', '01/01/2023', null),
(16758, 51732, 7, '1072.78', '12/31/2019', '12/31/2020'),
(20888, 51732, 7, '1078.89', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23398, 51732, 7, '1111.07', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27081, 51732, 7, '1370.38', '01/01/2023', null),
(16760, 51732, 8, '704.63', '12/31/2019', '12/31/2020'),
(20890, 51732, 8, '656.04', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23400, 51732, 8, '672.66', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27080, 51732, 8, '835.45', '01/01/2023', null),
(16759, 51732, 9, '713.46', '12/31/2019', '12/31/2020'),
(20889, 51732, 9, '722.76', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23397, 51732, 9, '743.29', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27082, 51732, 9, '917.78', '01/01/2023', null),
(16761, 51732, 12, '06-28-2011', '12/31/2019', null),
(16768, 51734, 6, '405.46', '12/31/2019', null),
(16764, 51734, 7, '1223.55', '12/31/2019', null),
(16766, 51734, 8, '801.36', '12/31/2019', null),
(16765, 51734, 9, '821.53', '12/31/2019', null),
(16767, 51734, 12, '06-28-2011', '12/31/2019', null),
(16902, 51788, 6, '418.44', '01/02/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20879, 51788, 6, '425.99', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23353, 51788, 6, '437.34', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27066, 51788, 6, '541.22', '01/01/2023', null),
(16898, 51788, 7, '1259.75', '01/02/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20876, 51788, 7, '1270', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23371, 51788, 7, '1305.46', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27064, 51788, 7, '1611.53', '01/01/2023', null),
(16900, 51788, 8, '824.59', '01/02/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20878, 51788, 8, '778.65', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23374, 51788, 8, '797.37', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27067, 51788, 8, '990.17', '01/01/2023', null),
(16899, 51788, 9, '847.49', '01/02/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20877, 51788, 9, '859.75', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23372, 51788, 9, '882.64', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27065, 51788, 9, '1091.1', '01/01/2023', null),
(16901, 51788, 12, '06-28-2011', '01/02/2020', null),
(20896, 56710, 6, '425.55', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23376, 56710, 6, '436.89', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27069, 56710, 6, '540.66', '01/01/2023', null),
(20892, 56710, 7, '1268.76', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23378, 56710, 7, '1304.2', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27071, 56710, 7, '1609.97', '01/01/2023', null),
(20894, 56710, 8, '777.85', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23380, 56710, 8, '796.56', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27068, 56710, 8, '989.17', '01/01/2023', null),
(20893, 56710, 9, '858.87', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23377, 56710, 9, '881.74', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27070, 56710, 9, '1089.99', '01/01/2023', null),
(20895, 56710, 12, '06-28-2011', '01/01/2021', null),
(21308, 57782, 6, '454.87', '05/11/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23402, 57782, 6, '306.3', '01/01/2022', null),
(21304, 57782, 7, '1350.57', '05/11/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23404, 57782, 7, '939.87', '01/01/2022', null),
(21306, 57782, 8, '830.34', '05/11/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23406, 57782, 8, '562.82', '01/01/2022', null),
(21305, 57782, 9, '620.57', '05/11/2021', null),
(21307, 57782, 12, '06-28-2011', '05/11/2021', null);
phase_in_date as (
btrim(sda.field_code) as field_code,
date(btrim(bda.field_value)) as phase_in_date,
date(date(btrim(bda.field_value)) + interval '13 years') as offset_table_max_date
business_deduction_attr bda
inner join system_deduction_attr sda
on (bda.system_deduction_attr_id = sda.system_deduction_attr_id)
--sda.system_deduction_attr_id = 12
btrim(sda.field_code) = 'EFFECTIVE_DATE'
current_date <= offset_table_max_date;
create table system_deduction_attr (
system_deduction_attr_id bigint not null,
system_deduction_id bigint not null,
start_date date null,
end_date date null,
field_description varchar(60) not null,
field_code varchar(20) not null,
field_default_value varchar(60) null,
sequence integer null,
required char(1) not null,
field_type char(1) not null,
attribute_type char(1) not null,
constraint system_deduction_attr_pk primary key(system_deduction_attr_id)
INSERT INTO system_deduction_attr(system_deduction_attr_id, system_deduction_id, start_date, end_date, field_description, field_code, field_default_value, sequence, required, field_type, attribute_type) VALUES
(1, 1229, null, null, 'Single Per Payroll Premium', 'SINGLE', null, 1, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(2, 1229, null, null, 'Family Per Payroll Premium', 'FAMILY', null, 2, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(3, 1229, null, null, 'Parent/Children Per Payroll Premium', 'PARENT_CHILD', null, 3, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(4, 1229, null, null, 'Member/Spouse/Partner Per Payroll Premium', 'MEMBER_SPOUSE', null, 4, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(5, 1229, null, null, 'Coverage Type', 'COVERAGE_TYPE', 'SINGLE', 1, 'T', 'L', 'E'),
(11, 1229, null, null, 'Effective Date', 'EFFECTIVE_DATE', '06-28-2011', 1, 'T', 'D', 'B'),
(15, 1531, '01/01/2016', null, 'Per Hourly Rate', 'PERHOURRATE', '0.02', 1, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(17, 1533, null, null, 'Annual Dues Cap Multiplier', 'CAPMULT', '33.6', 1, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(18, 1533, null, null, 'Percentage Dues Amount', 'PERCENTAGE', '1.45', 2, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(6, 1230, null, null, 'Single Per Payroll Premium', 'SINGLE', null, 1, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(7, 1230, null, null, 'Family Per Payroll Premium', 'FAMILY', null, 2, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(8, 1230, null, null, 'Parent/Children Per Payroll', 'PARENT_CHILD', null, 3, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(9, 1230, null, null, 'Member/Spouse/Partner Per Payroll Premium', 'MEMBER_SPOUSE', null, 4, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(10, 1230, null, null, 'Coverage Type', 'COVERAGE_TYPE', 'SINGLE', 1, 'T', 'L', 'E'),
(12, 1230, null, null, 'Phase-In Start Date', 'EFFECTIVE_DATE', '06-28-2011', 0, 'T', 'D', 'B'),
(20, 1567, '01/01/2020', null, 'Employee + Children : Min. Contrib. Rate', 'EMPCHLD', '0.015', 1, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(21, 1567, '01/01/2020', null, 'Employee + Family : Min. Contrib. Rate', 'EMPFAM', '0.015', 2, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(19, 1567, '01/01/2020', null, 'Employee + Spouse : Min. Contrib. Rate', 'EMPSPSE', '0.015', 3, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(22, 1567, '01/01/2020', null, 'Employee Only : Min. Contrib. Rate', 'EMPONLY', '0.015', 4, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(23, 1567, '01/01/2020', null, 'Minimum Required Contrib. Rate', 'EMPRATE', 'EMPONLY', 5, 'T', 'L', 'E'),
(31, 1575, null, null, 'Single Per Payroll Premium', 'SINGLE', null, 1, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(32, 1575, null, null, 'Family Per Payroll Premium', 'FAMILY', null, 2, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(33, 1575, null, null, 'Parent/Children Per Payroll', 'PARENT_CHILD', null, 3, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(34, 1575, null, null, 'Member/Spouse/Partner Per Payroll Premium', 'MEMBER_SPOUSE', null, 4, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(35, 1575, null, null, 'Coverage Type', 'COVERAGE_TYPE', 'SINGLE', 1, 'T', 'L', 'E'),
(25, 1573, null, null, 'Single Per Payroll Premium', 'SINGLE', null, 1, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(26, 1573, null, null, 'Family Per Payroll Premium', 'FAMILY', null, 2, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(27, 1573, null, null, 'Parent/Children Per Payroll', 'PARENT_CHILD', null, 3, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(28, 1573, null, null, 'Member/Spouse/Partner Per Payroll Premium', 'MEMBER_SPOUSE', null, 4, 'T', 'N', 'B'),
(30, 1573, null, null, 'Coverage Type', 'COVERAGE_TYPE', 'SINGLE', 1, 'T', 'L', 'E'),
(14, 3, null, null, 'Application of the Annual Compensation Limit', 'COMPLIMIT', 'IGNORE', 1, 'F', 'L', 'B'),
(40, 1583, null, null, 'Coverage Type', 'COVERAGE_TYPE', 'SINGLE', 1, 'T', 'L', 'E'),
(45, 1585, null, null, 'Coverage Type', 'COVERAGE_TYPE', 'SINGLE', 1, 'T', 'L', 'E');
create table business_deduction_attr (
business_deduction_attr_id bigint not null,
business_deduction_id bigint not null,
system_deduction_attr_id bigint not null,
field_value varchar(40) null,
start_date date not null,
end_date date null,
constraint business_deduction_attr_pk primary key(business_deduction_attr_id)
alter table business_deduction_attr
add constraint business_deduction_attr_system_deduction_attr_id_fkey
foreign key(system_deduction_attr_id)
references system_deduction_attr(system_deduction_attr_id)
match simple
on delete restrict
on update no action;
INSERT INTO business_deduction_attr(business_deduction_attr_id, business_deduction_id, system_deduction_attr_id, field_value, start_date, end_date) VALUES
(14578, 47795, 6, '353.66', '01/17/2019', '12/31/2019'),
(16757, 47795, 6, '339.19', '01/01/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20883, 47795, 6, '344.99', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23384, 47795, 6, '352.19', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27072, 47795, 6, '435.94', '01/01/2023', null),
(14574, 47795, 7, '1084.38', '01/17/2019', '12/31/2019'),
(16754, 47795, 7, '1038.66', '01/01/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20880, 47795, 7, '1044.01', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23379, 47795, 7, '1067.88', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27074, 47795, 7, '1317.78', '01/01/2023', null),
(14576, 47795, 8, '718.72', '01/17/2019', '12/31/2019'),
(16756, 47795, 8, '682.74', '01/01/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20882, 47795, 8, '633.66', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23386, 47795, 8, '644.95', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27075, 47795, 8, '801.71', '01/01/2023', null),
(14575, 47795, 9, '707.31', '01/17/2019', '12/31/2019'),
(16755, 47795, 9, '688.99', '01/01/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20881, 47795, 9, '697.8', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23351, 47795, 9, '712.33', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27073, 47795, 9, '880.53', '01/01/2023', null),
(14577, 47795, 12, '06-28-2011', '01/17/2019', null),
(14566, 47799, 6, '465.14', '01/17/2019', '12/31/2019'),
(16745, 47799, 6, '446.7', '01/01/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20871, 47799, 6, '454.87', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23331, 47799, 6, '466.71', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27056, 47799, 6, '577.66', '01/01/2023', null),
(14562, 47799, 7, '1395.42', '01/17/2019', '12/31/2019'),
(16742, 47799, 7, '1338.58', '01/01/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20868, 47799, 7, '1350.57', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23338, 47799, 7, '1387.41', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27058, 47799, 7, '1713.19', '01/01/2023', null),
(14564, 47799, 8, '918.26', '01/17/2019', '12/31/2019'),
(16744, 47799, 8, '875.16', '01/01/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20870, 47799, 8, '830.34', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23340, 47799, 8, '849.95', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27059, 47799, 8, '1055.4', '01/01/2023', null),
(14563, 47799, 9, '930.27', '01/17/2019', '12/31/2019'),
(16743, 47799, 9, '904', '01/01/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20869, 47799, 9, '917.51', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23336, 47799, 9, '941.39', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27057, 47799, 9, '1163.98', '01/01/2023', null),
(14565, 47799, 12, '06-28-2011', '01/17/2019', null),
(14572, 47808, 6, '446.52', '01/17/2019', '12/31/2019'),
(16749, 47808, 6, '428.74', '01/01/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20875, 47808, 6, '436.52', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23352, 47808, 6, '448.05', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27060, 47808, 6, '554.51', '01/01/2023', null),
(14568, 47808, 7, '1343.47', '01/17/2019', '12/31/2019'),
(16746, 47808, 7, '1288.49', '01/01/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20872, 47808, 7, '1299.37', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23355, 47808, 7, '1335.34', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27062, 47808, 7, '1648.58', '01/01/2023', null),
(14570, 47808, 8, '884.91', '01/17/2019', '12/31/2019'),
(16748, 47808, 8, '843.03', '01/01/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20874, 47808, 8, '797.11', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23365, 47808, 8, '816.54', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27063, 47808, 8, '1013.94', '01/01/2023', null),
(14569, 47808, 9, '893.03', '01/17/2019', '12/31/2019'),
(16747, 47808, 9, '868.09', '01/01/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20873, 47808, 9, '880.81', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23354, 47808, 9, '904.06', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27061, 47808, 9, '1117.67', '01/01/2023', null),
(14571, 47808, 12, '06-28-2011', '01/17/2019', null),
(16110, 51242, 6, '338.67', '12/17/2019', '12/31/2019'),
(16753, 51242, 6, '397.14', '01/01/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20887, 51242, 6, '404.22', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23387, 51242, 6, '415.2', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27078, 51242, 6, '513.76', '01/01/2023', null),
(16106, 51242, 7, '944.88', '12/17/2019', '12/31/2019'),
(16750, 51242, 7, '1200.34', '01/01/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20884, 51242, 7, '1209.27', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23390, 51242, 7, '1243.69', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27079, 51242, 7, '1534.89', '01/01/2023', null),
(16108, 51242, 8, '606.22', '12/17/2019', '12/31/2019'),
(16752, 51242, 8, '786.47', '01/01/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20886, 51242, 8, '739.69', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23383, 51242, 8, '757.74', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27076, 51242, 8, '941', '01/01/2023', null),
(16107, 51242, 9, '677.34', '12/17/2019', '12/31/2019'),
(16751, 51242, 9, '804.9', '01/01/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20885, 51242, 9, '816.22', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23388, 51242, 9, '838.36', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27077, 51242, 9, '1036.17', '01/01/2023', null),
(16109, 51242, 12, '06-28-2011', '12/17/2019', null),
(16762, 51732, 6, '351.42', '12/31/2019', '12/31/2020'),
(20891, 51732, 6, '357.49', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23396, 51732, 6, '367.67', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27083, 51732, 6, '454.79', '01/01/2023', null),
(16758, 51732, 7, '1072.78', '12/31/2019', '12/31/2020'),
(20888, 51732, 7, '1078.89', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23398, 51732, 7, '1111.07', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27081, 51732, 7, '1370.38', '01/01/2023', null),
(16760, 51732, 8, '704.63', '12/31/2019', '12/31/2020'),
(20890, 51732, 8, '656.04', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23400, 51732, 8, '672.66', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27080, 51732, 8, '835.45', '01/01/2023', null),
(16759, 51732, 9, '713.46', '12/31/2019', '12/31/2020'),
(20889, 51732, 9, '722.76', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23397, 51732, 9, '743.29', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27082, 51732, 9, '917.78', '01/01/2023', null),
(16761, 51732, 12, '06-28-2011', '12/31/2019', null),
(16768, 51734, 6, '405.46', '12/31/2019', null),
(16764, 51734, 7, '1223.55', '12/31/2019', null),
(16766, 51734, 8, '801.36', '12/31/2019', null),
(16765, 51734, 9, '821.53', '12/31/2019', null),
(16767, 51734, 12, '06-28-2011', '12/31/2019', null),
(16902, 51788, 6, '418.44', '01/02/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20879, 51788, 6, '425.99', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23353, 51788, 6, '437.34', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27066, 51788, 6, '541.22', '01/01/2023', null),
(16898, 51788, 7, '1259.75', '01/02/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20876, 51788, 7, '1270', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23371, 51788, 7, '1305.46', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27064, 51788, 7, '1611.53', '01/01/2023', null),
(16900, 51788, 8, '824.59', '01/02/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20878, 51788, 8, '778.65', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23374, 51788, 8, '797.37', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27067, 51788, 8, '990.17', '01/01/2023', null),
(16899, 51788, 9, '847.49', '01/02/2020', '12/31/2020'),
(20877, 51788, 9, '859.75', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23372, 51788, 9, '882.64', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27065, 51788, 9, '1091.1', '01/01/2023', null),
(16901, 51788, 12, '06-28-2011', '01/02/2020', null),
(20896, 56710, 6, '425.55', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23376, 56710, 6, '436.89', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27069, 56710, 6, '540.66', '01/01/2023', null),
(20892, 56710, 7, '1268.76', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23378, 56710, 7, '1304.2', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27071, 56710, 7, '1609.97', '01/01/2023', null),
(20894, 56710, 8, '777.85', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23380, 56710, 8, '796.56', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27068, 56710, 8, '989.17', '01/01/2023', null),
(20893, 56710, 9, '858.87', '01/01/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23377, 56710, 9, '881.74', '01/01/2022', '12/31/2022'),
(27070, 56710, 9, '1089.99', '01/01/2023', null),
(20895, 56710, 12, '06-28-2011', '01/01/2021', null),
(21308, 57782, 6, '454.87', '05/11/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23402, 57782, 6, '306.3', '01/01/2022', null),
(21304, 57782, 7, '1350.57', '05/11/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23404, 57782, 7, '939.87', '01/01/2022', null),
(21306, 57782, 8, '830.34', '05/11/2021', '12/31/2021'),
(23406, 57782, 8, '562.82', '01/01/2022', null),
(21305, 57782, 9, '620.57', '05/11/2021', null),
(21307, 57782, 12, '06-28-2011', '05/11/2021', null);
phase_in_date as (
btrim(sda.field_code) as field_code,
date(btrim(bda.field_value)) as phase_in_date,
date(date(btrim(bda.field_value)) + interval '13 years') as offset_table_max_date
business_deduction_attr bda
inner join system_deduction_attr sda
on (bda.system_deduction_attr_id = sda.system_deduction_attr_id)
--sda.system_deduction_attr_id = 12
btrim(sda.field_code) = 'EFFECTIVE_DATE'
current_date <= offset_table_max_date;
This communication, and any information or attachments contained within, may contain privileged or confidential information that is intended for the sole use of the recipient or recipients named above. If the reader of this message is not an intended recipient, or authorized to receive such messages for an intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, use, dissemination, copying, or distribution of this communication, or any of its contents is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately of the error by return email and permanently remove the original message, its contents, and any copies from your system. Thank you.
Dave Bothwell <> writes: > Common Table Expression issue in PostgreSQL 15 > The final WHERE statement in our CTE appears to be referencing more > records, then the first subquery of our CTE is returning. It works when the > first subquery is filtered by the primary key (We left a commented out > example in the WHERE statement). It fails when the first subquery is > filtered by a string. We have provided a complete example of the problem > below (The following example works in PostgreSQL 11): I don't think this is a Postgres bug: your query is making unwarranted assumptions about the order in which different WHERE clauses will be evaluated. You could return to the PG 11 behavior by marking the CTE as "materialized": with phase_in_date as materialized ( ... but it'd be better to make the data structure more normalized so that you don't have hazards like applying date() to fields for which it would fail on some rows. regards, tom lane
Hi Tom
Thank you for your quick response. I have done some additional research and I understand now that adding the materialized key word simply returns the query to its default behavior prior to PostgreSQL 12.
Thank you for your help.
Thank you for your quick response. I have done some additional research and I understand now that adding the materialized key word simply returns the query to its default behavior prior to PostgreSQL 12.
Thank you for your help.
On Tue, Mar 28, 2023 at 3:31 PM Tom Lane <> wrote:
Dave Bothwell <> writes:
> Common Table Expression issue in PostgreSQL 15
> The final WHERE statement in our CTE appears to be referencing more
> records, then the first subquery of our CTE is returning. It works when the
> first subquery is filtered by the primary key (We left a commented out
> example in the WHERE statement). It fails when the first subquery is
> filtered by a string. We have provided a complete example of the problem
> below (The following example works in PostgreSQL 11):
I don't think this is a Postgres bug: your query is making unwarranted
assumptions about the order in which different WHERE clauses will be
evaluated. You could return to the PG 11 behavior by marking the
CTE as "materialized":
phase_in_date as materialized ( ...
but it'd be better to make the data structure more normalized so that
you don't have hazards like applying date() to fields for which it
would fail on some rows.
regards, tom lane
This communication, and any information or attachments contained within, may contain privileged or confidential information that is intended for the sole use of the recipient or recipients named above. If the reader of this message is not an intended recipient, or authorized to receive such messages for an intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, use, dissemination, copying, or distribution of this communication, or any of its contents is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately of the error by return email and permanently remove the original message, its contents, and any copies from your system. Thank you.