Thread: Logical replication fails when adding multiple replicas

Logical replication fails when adding multiple replicas

Will Roper

Hello list,

We’re having some issues with Postgresql’s logical replication. Specifically trying to add several replicas at once. Essentially we can add replicas one at a time, but when we try and add two or more together some of the table subscriptions (as described in pg_subscription_rel) fail to get to ‘STATE_READY’ (‘r’). 

Here’s a bit more detail.

How the problem manifests/what we observe

When we try to add several replicas at the same time most of them have at least some tables/subscriptions (in the pg_subscription_rel) that get stuck in STATE_FINISHEDCOPY and never reach STATE_READY. The tables have the right number of rows, but the logs show postgres is in a constant cycle of errors like: 

2023-03-18 16:00:19.974 UTC [4207] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription "polling_stations_01c7ee00f17021f94", table "uk_geo_utils_onspd" has started

2023-03-18 16:00:19.999 UTC [4207] ERROR:  could not start WAL streaming: ERROR:  replication slot "pg_37982_sync_37918_7210774007126708177" does not exist

This is more likely to happen with larger tables, but can happen with any we are replicating. 

An example of the logs we’re seeing on the server at the same time are: 

2023-03-18 16:00:20 UTC:[5952]:LOG: 00000: received replication command: START_REPLICATION SLOT "pg_37982_sync_37702_7210774007126708177" LOGICAL 187/E00020E8 (proto_version '2', streaming 'on', publication_names '"alltables"', binary 'true')

2023-03-18 16:00:20 UTC:[5952]:LOCATION: exec_replication_command, walsender.c:1683

2023-03-18 16:00:20 UTC:[5952]:STATEMENT: START_REPLICATION SLOT "pg_37982_sync_37702_7210774007126708177" LOGICAL 187/E00020E8 (proto_version '2', streaming 'on', publication_names '"alltables"', binary 'true')

2023-03-18 16:00:20 UTC:[5952]:ERROR: 42704: replication slot "pg_37982_sync_37702_7210774007126708177" does not exist

2023-03-18 16:00:20 UTC:[5952]:LOCATION: ReplicationSlotAcquire, slot.c:402

When we add a single replica at a time, the replica starts up without any problems. 

What we’ve tried

Essentially we have tried fiddling with lots of different conf settings. I’ve included these below showing the setting, the value we’re using, and a brief sentence about why. 

What we think is going on

We don’t know - hence the question :). However it is something resulting from concurrent replication, and as such we assume it’s to do with how we have configured the primary, or how Postgres handles logical replication, rather than an issue with how we’re configuring the subscriber.

Some general context and observations

  • Postgres 14.7 on both server (RDS) and clients (EC2 instances). Client servers running Ubuntu 22.04

  • 20-40gb database with <100 tables that lives in RDS. We spin up EC2 instances to scale our django application. Since our app is read heavy we have a local postgres install on each EC2 instance, which replicates from the Primary in RDS. Once replication is complete our app routes all reads to the local db, and all writes (the few that there are) to RDS. 

  • We drop indexes on the larger tables before the initial copy, and rebuild them after, but this is not limited to those tables where we’ve dropped the indexes. 

  • No writes to the tables that cause problems over the time that we’re replicating (e.g, this is static data)

  • Logical Replication works just fine when we start up a single replica.

  • We’ve seen it work at least once when starting up 2 replicas

  • We’ve never seen it work when trying to add more than 2 replicas - sometimes one gets to STATE_READY, but usually none of them.

  • We are able to add replicas one at a time, and this works fine, the issue is when we’re adding them in parallel.

  • We’re using PostGIS, but this effects non-spatial tables

  • This doesn’t happen when we have a small ‘test’ database as the publisher - so it’s hard to give a locally reproducible example of the data.

I’d be really grateful for any pointers, or even similar experiences as we’ve been banging our heads against this for a few days now! 

Many thanks


Publisher settings

Max_replication_slots: 100

We don’t expect to see more than this, and haven’t ever seen anything more than ~30 when scaling up to 10 instances (2 table sync workers per instance and one slot made as part of the subscription)

Max_connections: 100

Not expecting more than this to the RDS, have never seen problems with too many connections

Work_mem: 512

Make sure we don’t run out of this. System memory isn’t filling up at all

Shared_buffers: {DBInstanceClassMemory/20480}

40% of memory

Max_logical_replication_workers: 200,

Max_replication_slots: 400,

Max_worker_processes: 200

Just a higher number than we expect to get to make sure this isn’t what we’re hitting

Max_slot_wal_keep_size: 5000

Satey to prevent the RDS from filling up with unsynced WALs. We’ve never hit this limit, mainly because we don’t write a lot at all, and instances clean up their slots on shutdown.

Max_wal_size: 1028
(default postgres value, not sure what the RDS default is)

Rds.logical_replication: 1

Enables replication in RDS. RDS only setting


Enables replication in RDS

Checkpoint_timeout: 1200

20 minutes. Set to see if a timeout was happening during the COPY phase (this takes less than 20 minutes)

Deadlock_timeout: 30000

Raised from 1 second to 30 to see if deadlock checking was slowing down or making any race conditions worse.

Log_connections: 1, 

log_disconnections: 1, 

log_duration: 1, 

Log_executor_stats: 1,

Log_lock_waits: 1, 

Log_replication_commands: 1

Log_error_verbosity: verbose, 

RDS debugging

Max_locks_per_transaction: 128

Doubled to see if this was being hit for some reason


Max_slot_wal_keep_size: 40000,

Max_wal_senders: 400,

Max_wal_size: 512,

Wal_keep_size: 8192,

Wal_sender_timeout: 12000

Trying to change various things with WAL settings, not really knowing why 🙁

Tcp_keepalives_idle: 60

Thinking the network connection might be getting killed when syncing large tables. Unlikely as it takes about the same time to sync a single instance and that works fine.

Subscriber/Instance settings

Wal_receiver_create_temp_slot: 1

Primary_slot_name: same as subscription

Wal_receiver_timeout: 1200000

(plus more as per

RE: Logical replication fails when adding multiple replicas

On Monday, March 20, 2023 8:46 PM Will Roper <>  wrote:


> We’re having some issues with Postgresql’s logical replication. Specifically
> trying to add several replicas at once. Essentially we can add replicas one at
> a time, but when we try and add two or more together some of the table
> subscriptions (as described in pg_subscription_rel) fail to get to
> ‘STATE_READY’ (‘r’). Here’s a bit more detail.
> How the problem manifests/what we observe When we try to add several replicas
> at the same time most of them have at least some tables/subscriptions (in the
> pg_subscription_rel) that get stuck in STATE_FINISHEDCOPY and never reach
> STATE_READY. The tables have the right number of rows, but the logs show
> postgres is in a constant cycle of errors like: 
> 2023-03-18 16:00:19.974 UTC [4207] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription
"polling_stations_01c7ee00f17021f94",table "uk_geo_utils_onspd" has started
> 2023-03-18 16:00:19.999 UTC [4207] ERROR:  could not start WAL streaming: ERROR:  replication slot
"pg_37982_sync_37918_7210774007126708177"does not exist

Are there some other kind of ERROR messages on subscriber before the first "slot ... does
not exist" ? I think it's possible that some other ERROR happened when first time
setting the state to READY, and then the table sync keeps retrying and failing.

Best Regards,
Hou zj

Re: Logical replication fails when adding multiple replicas

Will Roper
Thanks for the response Hou,

I've had a look and when the tablesync workers are spinning up there are some errors of the form:

"2023-03-17 18:37:06.900 UTC [4071] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""uk_geo_utils_onspd"" has started"
"2023-03-17 18:37:06.976 UTC [4071] ERROR:  could not create replication slot ""pg_37986_sync_37922_7210774007126708177"": ERROR:  replication slot ""pg_37986_sync_37922_7210774007126708177"" already exists"
"2023-03-17 18:37:06.979 UTC [3964] LOG:  background worker ""logical replication worker"" (PID 4071) exited with exit code 1"

However further down a slot for the same table is successfully created:

"2023-03-17 18:38:41.232 UTC [4098] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""uk_geo_utils_onspd"" has started"

And it is not that table that gets stuck:

"2023-03-17 18:40:08.130 UTC [4052] ERROR:  could not start WAL streaming: ERROR:  replication slot ""pg_37986_sync_37663_7210774007126708177"" does not exist"
"2023-03-17 18:40:08.136 UTC [3964] LOG:  background worker ""logical replication worker"" (PID 4052) exited with exit code 1"
"2023-03-17 18:40:08.884 UTC [4149] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""addressbase_uprntocouncil"" has started"
"2023-03-17 18:40:08.968 UTC [4149] ERROR:  could not start WAL streaming: ERROR:  replication slot ""pg_37986_sync_37706_7210774007126708177"" does not exist"
"2023-03-17 18:40:08.971 UTC [3964] LOG:  background worker ""logical replication worker"" (PID 4149) exited with exit code 1"
"2023-03-17 18:40:08.975 UTC [4150] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""addressbase_address"" has started"

I'm currently working around the issue by waiting until all tables are in 'STATE_READY' or 'STATE_FINISHED' then dropping the subscription, and recreating it with 'copy_data=false' -

I've pasted in the complete logs from where I took the examples below, in case you see something I've missed


The fujitsu postgres blog ( is great - thank you.


1679078208511,"2023-03-17 18:36:48.409 UTC [3964] LOG:  starting PostgreSQL 14.7 (Ubuntu 14.7-0ubuntu0.22.04.1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 11.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.3.0, 64-bit"
1679078208511,"2023-03-17 18:36:48.409 UTC [3964] LOG:  listening on IPv4 address """", port 5432"
1679078208511,"2023-03-17 18:36:48.409 UTC [3964] LOG:  listening on Unix socket ""/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"""
1679078208511,2023-03-17 18:36:48.411 UTC [3965] LOG:  database system was shut down at 2023-03-17 18:36:48 UTC
1679078212980,2023-03-17 18:36:48.416 UTC [3964] LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
1679078215787,"2023-03-17 18:36:55.701 UTC [4021] LOG:  logical replication apply worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"" has started"
1679078215787,"2023-03-17 18:36:55.751 UTC [4022] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""uk_geo_utils_onsud"" has started"
1679078216038,"2023-03-17 18:36:55.769 UTC [4023] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""auth_user_groups"" has started"
1679078216038,"2023-03-17 18:36:55.911 UTC [4022] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""uk_geo_utils_onsud"" has finished"
1679078216038,"2023-03-17 18:36:55.915 UTC [4027] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""file_uploads_upload"" has started"
1679078216038,"2023-03-17 18:36:55.924 UTC [4023] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""auth_user_groups"" has finished"
1679078216038,"2023-03-17 18:36:55.936 UTC [4028] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""auth_user_user_permissions"" has started"
1679078216289,"2023-03-17 18:36:56.035 UTC [4027] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""file_uploads_upload"" has finished"
1679078216289,"2023-03-17 18:36:56.045 UTC [4029] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""councils_usercouncils"" has started"
1679078216289,"2023-03-17 18:36:56.057 UTC [4028] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""auth_user_user_permissions"" has finished"
1679078216289,"2023-03-17 18:36:56.065 UTC [4030] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""data_finder_loggedpostcode"" has started"
1679078216289,"2023-03-17 18:36:56.159 UTC [4029] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""councils_usercouncils"" has finished"
1679078216289,"2023-03-17 18:36:56.167 UTC [4032] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""data_importers_dataquality"" has started"
1679078216289,"2023-03-17 18:36:56.192 UTC [4030] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""data_finder_loggedpostcode"" has finished"
1679078216540,"2023-03-17 18:36:56.200 UTC [4033] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""uk_geo_utils_address"" has started"
1679078216540,"2023-03-17 18:36:56.294 UTC [4032] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""data_importers_dataquality"" has finished"
1679078216540,"2023-03-17 18:36:56.301 UTC [4035] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""pollingstations_customfinder"" has started"
1679078216540,"2023-03-17 18:36:56.374 UTC [4033] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""uk_geo_utils_address"" has finished"
1679078216540,"2023-03-17 18:36:56.382 UTC [4036] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""file_uploads_file"" has started"
1679078216540,"2023-03-17 18:36:56.412 UTC [4035] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""pollingstations_customfinder"" has finished"
1679078216790,"2023-03-17 18:36:56.420 UTC [4039] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""spatial_ref_sys"" has started"
1679078216790,"2023-03-17 18:36:56.546 UTC [4036] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""file_uploads_file"" has finished"
1679078216790,"2023-03-17 18:36:56.551 UTC [4041] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""addressbase_uprntocouncil"" has started"
1679078216790,"2023-03-17 18:36:56.604 UTC [4041] ERROR:  could not create replication slot ""pg_37986_sync_37706_7210774007126708177"": ERROR:  replication slot ""pg_37986_sync_37706_7210774007126708177"" already exists"
1679078216790,"2023-03-17 18:36:56.608 UTC [3964] LOG:  background worker ""logical replication worker"" (PID 4041) exited with exit code 1"
1679078216790,"2023-03-17 18:36:56.616 UTC [4042] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""auth_group_permissions"" has started"
1679078216790,"2023-03-17 18:36:56.704 UTC [4042] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""auth_group_permissions"" has finished"
1679078217041,"2023-03-17 18:36:56.717 UTC [4044] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""django_migrations"" has started"
1679078217041,"2023-03-17 18:36:56.812 UTC [4039] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""spatial_ref_sys"" has finished"
1679078217041,"2023-03-17 18:36:56.816 UTC [4047] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""pollingstations_pollingstation"" has started"
1679078217041,"2023-03-17 18:36:56.825 UTC [4044] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""django_migrations"" has finished"
1679078217041,"2023-03-17 18:36:56.841 UTC [4048] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""django_admin_log"" has started"
1679078217041,"2023-03-17 18:36:56.970 UTC [4048] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""django_admin_log"" has finished"
1679078217292,"2023-03-17 18:36:56.978 UTC [4052] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""addressbase_address"" has started"
1679078217292,"2023-03-17 18:36:57.173 UTC [4047] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""pollingstations_pollingstation"" has finished"
1679078217542,"2023-03-17 18:36:57.183 UTC [4056] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""django_session"" has started"
1679078217542,"2023-03-17 18:36:57.323 UTC [4056] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""django_session"" has finished"
1679078217792,"2023-03-17 18:36:57.356 UTC [4057] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""pollingstations_pollingdistrict"" has started"
1679078217792,"2023-03-17 18:36:57.587 UTC [4057] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""pollingstations_pollingdistrict"" has finished"
1679078218043,"2023-03-17 18:36:57.661 UTC [4058] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""auth_user"" has started"
1679078218043,"2023-03-17 18:36:57.821 UTC [4058] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""auth_user"" has finished"
1679078218043,"2023-03-17 18:36:57.835 UTC [4059] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""councils_council"" has started"
1679078218293,"2023-03-17 18:36:58.021 UTC [4059] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""councils_council"" has finished"
1679078222980,"2023-03-17 18:36:58.112 UTC [4061] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""councils_councilgeography"" has started"
1679078224057,"2023-03-17 18:37:03.822 UTC [4061] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""councils_councilgeography"" has finished"
1679078226313,"2023-03-17 18:37:03.834 UTC [4065] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""feedback_feedback"" has started"
1679078226313,"2023-03-17 18:37:06.177 UTC [4065] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""feedback_feedback"" has finished"
1679078226563,"2023-03-17 18:37:06.184 UTC [4066] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""django_site"" has started"
1679078226563,"2023-03-17 18:37:06.322 UTC [4066] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""django_site"" has finished"
1679078226563,"2023-03-17 18:37:06.328 UTC [4067] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""django_content_type"" has started"
1679078226563,"2023-03-17 18:37:06.462 UTC [4067] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""django_content_type"" has finished"
1679078226814,"2023-03-17 18:37:06.467 UTC [4068] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""auth_permission"" has started"
1679078226814,"2023-03-17 18:37:06.590 UTC [4068] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""auth_permission"" has finished"
1679078226814,"2023-03-17 18:37:06.596 UTC [4069] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""authtoken_token"" has started"
1679078226814,"2023-03-17 18:37:06.741 UTC [4069] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""authtoken_token"" has finished"
1679078227065,"2023-03-17 18:37:06.747 UTC [4070] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""auth_group"" has started"
1679078227065,"2023-03-17 18:37:06.892 UTC [4070] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""auth_group"" has finished"
1679078227065,"2023-03-17 18:37:06.900 UTC [4071] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""uk_geo_utils_onspd"" has started"
1679078227065,"2023-03-17 18:37:06.976 UTC [4071] ERROR:  could not create replication slot ""pg_37986_sync_37922_7210774007126708177"": ERROR:  replication slot ""pg_37986_sync_37922_7210774007126708177"" already exists"
1679078227065,"2023-03-17 18:37:06.979 UTC [3964] LOG:  background worker ""logical replication worker"" (PID 4071) exited with exit code 1"
1679078227316,"2023-03-17 18:37:06.983 UTC [4072] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""pollingstations_advancevotingstation"" has started"
1679078227316,"2023-03-17 18:37:07.196 UTC [4072] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""pollingstations_advancevotingstation"" has finished"
1679078227566,"2023-03-17 18:37:07.201 UTC [4073] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""bug_reports_bugreport"" has started"
1679078227566,"2023-03-17 18:37:07.370 UTC [4073] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""bug_reports_bugreport"" has finished"
1679078231981,"2023-03-17 18:37:07.377 UTC [4074] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""addressbase_uprntocouncil"" has started"
1679078238098,2023-03-17 18:37:17.998 UTC [3966] LOG:  checkpoints are occurring too frequently (27 seconds apart)
1679078242980,"2023-03-17 18:37:17.998 UTC [3966] HINT:  Consider increasing the configuration parameter ""max_wal_size""."
1679078261904,2023-03-17 18:37:41.895 UTC [3966] LOG:  checkpoints are occurring too frequently (24 seconds apart)
1679078265980,"2023-03-17 18:37:41.895 UTC [3966] HINT:  Consider increasing the configuration parameter ""max_wal_size""."
1679078284964,2023-03-17 18:38:04.796 UTC [3966] LOG:  checkpoints are occurring too frequently (23 seconds apart)
1679078288981,"2023-03-17 18:38:04.796 UTC [3966] HINT:  Consider increasing the configuration parameter ""max_wal_size""."
1679078306522,2023-03-17 18:38:26.427 UTC [3966] LOG:  checkpoints are occurring too frequently (22 seconds apart)
1679078310980,"2023-03-17 18:38:26.427 UTC [3966] HINT:  Consider increasing the configuration parameter ""max_wal_size""."
1679078320313,"2023-03-17 18:38:40.216 UTC [4074] ERROR:  could not start WAL streaming: ERROR:  replication slot ""pg_37986_sync_37706_7210774007126708177"" does not exist"
1679078321316,"2023-03-17 18:38:40.222 UTC [3964] LOG:  background worker ""logical replication worker"" (PID 4074) exited with exit code 1"
1679078325075,"2023-03-17 18:38:41.232 UTC [4098] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""uk_geo_utils_onspd"" has started"
1679078325075,2023-03-17 18:38:44.830 UTC [3966] LOG:  checkpoints are occurring too frequently (18 seconds apart)
1679078329981,"2023-03-17 18:38:44.830 UTC [3966] HINT:  Consider increasing the configuration parameter ""max_wal_size""."
1679078341118,2023-03-17 18:39:01.053 UTC [3966] LOG:  checkpoints are occurring too frequently (17 seconds apart)
1679078345981,"2023-03-17 18:39:01.053 UTC [3966] HINT:  Consider increasing the configuration parameter ""max_wal_size""."
1679078355665,2023-03-17 18:39:15.522 UTC [3966] LOG:  checkpoints are occurring too frequently (14 seconds apart)
1679078359981,"2023-03-17 18:39:15.522 UTC [3966] HINT:  Consider increasing the configuration parameter ""max_wal_size""."
1679078369702,2023-03-17 18:39:29.501 UTC [3966] LOG:  checkpoints are occurring too frequently (14 seconds apart)
1679078373981,"2023-03-17 18:39:29.501 UTC [3966] HINT:  Consider increasing the configuration parameter ""max_wal_size""."
1679078384001,2023-03-17 18:39:43.960 UTC [3966] LOG:  checkpoints are occurring too frequently (14 seconds apart)
1679078388980,"2023-03-17 18:39:43.960 UTC [3966] HINT:  Consider increasing the configuration parameter ""max_wal_size""."
1679078398285,2023-03-17 18:39:58.227 UTC [3966] LOG:  checkpoints are occurring too frequently (15 seconds apart)
1679078402981,"2023-03-17 18:39:58.227 UTC [3966] HINT:  Consider increasing the configuration parameter ""max_wal_size""."
1679078408316,"2023-03-17 18:40:08.130 UTC [4052] ERROR:  could not start WAL streaming: ERROR:  replication slot ""pg_37986_sync_37663_7210774007126708177"" does not exist"
1679078409068,"2023-03-17 18:40:08.136 UTC [3964] LOG:  background worker ""logical replication worker"" (PID 4052) exited with exit code 1"
1679078409069,"2023-03-17 18:40:08.884 UTC [4149] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""addressbase_uprntocouncil"" has started"
1679078409069,"2023-03-17 18:40:08.968 UTC [4149] ERROR:  could not start WAL streaming: ERROR:  replication slot ""pg_37986_sync_37706_7210774007126708177"" does not exist"
1679078409069,"2023-03-17 18:40:08.971 UTC [3964] LOG:  background worker ""logical replication worker"" (PID 4149) exited with exit code 1"
1679078409069,"2023-03-17 18:40:08.975 UTC [4150] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""addressbase_address"" has started"
1679078409069,"2023-03-17 18:40:09.040 UTC [4150] ERROR:  could not start WAL streaming: ERROR:  replication slot ""pg_37986_sync_37663_7210774007126708177"" does not exist"
1679078413980,"2023-03-17 18:40:09.043 UTC [3964] LOG:  background worker ""logical replication worker"" (PID 4150) exited with exit code 1"
1679078414331,"2023-03-17 18:40:14.053 UTC [4154] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""addressbase_uprntocouncil"" has started"
1679078414331,"2023-03-17 18:40:14.108 UTC [4154] ERROR:  could not start WAL streaming: ERROR:  replication slot ""pg_37986_sync_37706_7210774007126708177"" does not exist"
1679078414331,"2023-03-17 18:40:14.111 UTC [3964] LOG:  background worker ""logical replication worker"" (PID 4154) exited with exit code 1"
1679078414331,"2023-03-17 18:40:14.115 UTC [4155] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""addressbase_address"" has started"
1679078414331,"2023-03-17 18:40:14.168 UTC [4155] ERROR:  could not start WAL streaming: ERROR:  replication slot ""pg_37986_sync_37663_7210774007126708177"" does not exist"
1679078415586,"2023-03-17 18:40:14.171 UTC [3964] LOG:  background worker ""logical replication worker"" (PID 4155) exited with exit code 1"
1679078415586,2023-03-17 18:40:15.511 UTC [3966] LOG:  checkpoints are occurring too frequently (17 seconds apart)
1679078419982,"2023-03-17 18:40:15.511 UTC [3966] HINT:  Consider increasing the configuration parameter ""max_wal_size""."
1679078420098,"2023-03-17 18:40:19.930 UTC [4159] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""addressbase_uprntocouncil"" has started"
1679078420098,"2023-03-17 18:40:19.998 UTC [4159] ERROR:  could not start WAL streaming: ERROR:  replication slot ""pg_37986_sync_37706_7210774007126708177"" does not exist"
1679078420098,"2023-03-17 18:40:20.001 UTC [3964] LOG:  background worker ""logical replication worker"" (PID 4159) exited with exit code 1"
1679078420349,"2023-03-17 18:40:20.004 UTC [4160] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""addressbase_address"" has started"
1679078420349,"2023-03-17 18:40:20.138 UTC [4160] ERROR:  could not start WAL streaming: ERROR:  replication slot ""pg_37986_sync_37663_7210774007126708177"" does not exist"
1679078424980,"2023-03-17 18:40:20.141 UTC [3964] LOG:  background worker ""logical replication worker"" (PID 4160) exited with exit code 1"
1679078425616,"2023-03-17 18:40:25.400 UTC [4164] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""addressbase_uprntocouncil"" has started"
1679078425616,"2023-03-17 18:40:25.481 UTC [4164] ERROR:  could not start WAL streaming: ERROR:  replication slot ""pg_37986_sync_37706_7210774007126708177"" does not exist"
1679078425616,"2023-03-17 18:40:25.484 UTC [3964] LOG:  background worker ""logical replication worker"" (PID 4164) exited with exit code 1"
1679078425616,"2023-03-17 18:40:25.487 UTC [4165] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""addressbase_address"" has started"
1679078425616,"2023-03-17 18:40:25.563 UTC [4165] ERROR:  could not start WAL streaming: ERROR:  replication slot ""pg_37986_sync_37663_7210774007126708177"" does not exist"
1679078429981,"2023-03-17 18:40:25.566 UTC [3964] LOG:  background worker ""logical replication worker"" (PID 4165) exited with exit code 1"
1679078431133,"2023-03-17 18:40:31.093 UTC [4169] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""addressbase_uprntocouncil"" has started"
1679078431383,"2023-03-17 18:40:31.130 UTC [4169] ERROR:  could not start WAL streaming: ERROR:  replication slot ""pg_37986_sync_37706_7210774007126708177"" does not exist"
1679078431383,"2023-03-17 18:40:31.134 UTC [3964] LOG:  background worker ""logical replication worker"" (PID 4169) exited with exit code 1"
1679078431383,"2023-03-17 18:40:31.138 UTC [4170] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""addressbase_address"" has started"
1679078431383,"2023-03-17 18:40:31.168 UTC [4170] ERROR:  could not start WAL streaming: ERROR:  replication slot ""pg_37986_sync_37663_7210774007126708177"" does not exist"
1679078434391,"2023-03-17 18:40:31.171 UTC [3964] LOG:  background worker ""logical replication worker"" (PID 4170) exited with exit code 1"
1679078434641,"2023-03-17 18:40:34.385 UTC [4098] ERROR:  could not start WAL streaming: ERROR:  replication slot ""pg_37986_sync_37922_7210774007126708177"" does not exist"
1679078435644,"2023-03-17 18:40:34.409 UTC [3964] LOG:  background worker ""logical replication worker"" (PID 4098) exited with exit code 1"
1679078435644,"2023-03-17 18:40:35.413 UTC [4173] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""uk_geo_utils_onspd"" has started"
1679078435644,"2023-03-17 18:40:35.448 UTC [4173] ERROR:  could not start WAL streaming: ERROR:  replication slot ""pg_37986_sync_37922_7210774007126708177"" does not exist"

On Wed, Mar 22, 2023 at 1:49 AM <> wrote:
On Monday, March 20, 2023 8:46 PM Will Roper <>  wrote:


> We’re having some issues with Postgresql’s logical replication. Specifically
> trying to add several replicas at once. Essentially we can add replicas one at
> a time, but when we try and add two or more together some of the table
> subscriptions (as described in pg_subscription_rel) fail to get to
> ‘STATE_READY’ (‘r’). Here’s a bit more detail.
> How the problem manifests/what we observe When we try to add several replicas
> at the same time most of them have at least some tables/subscriptions (in the
> pg_subscription_rel) that get stuck in STATE_FINISHEDCOPY and never reach
> STATE_READY. The tables have the right number of rows, but the logs show
> postgres is in a constant cycle of errors like:
> 2023-03-18 16:00:19.974 UTC [4207] LOG:  logical replication table synchronization worker for subscription "polling_stations_01c7ee00f17021f94", table "uk_geo_utils_onspd" has started
> 2023-03-18 16:00:19.999 UTC [4207] ERROR:  could not start WAL streaming: ERROR:  replication slot "pg_37982_sync_37918_7210774007126708177" does not exist

Are there some other kind of ERROR messages on subscriber before the first "slot ... does
not exist" ? I think it's possible that some other ERROR happened when first time
setting the state to READY, and then the table sync keeps retrying and failing.

Best Regards,
Hou zj

Re: Logical replication fails when adding multiple replicas

Kyotaro Horiguchi
At Wed, 22 Mar 2023 09:25:37 +0000, Will Roper <> wrote in 
> Thanks for the response Hou,
> I've had a look and when the tablesync workers are spinning up there are
> some errors of the form:
> "2023-03-17 18:37:06.900 UTC [4071] LOG:  logical replication table
> synchronization worker for subscription
> ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""uk_geo_utils_onspd"" has
> started"
> "2023-03-17 18:37:06.976 UTC [4071] ERROR:  could not create replication
> slot ""pg_37986_sync_37922_7210774007126708177"": ERROR:  replication slot
> ""pg_37986_sync_37922_7210774007126708177"" already exists"

The slot name format is "pg_<suboid>_sync_<relid>_<systemid>". It's no
surprise this happens if the subscribers come from the same

If that's true, the simplest workaround would be to recreate the
subscription multiple times, using a different number of repetitions
for each subscriber so that the subscribers have subscriptions with
different OIDs.

I believe it's not prohitibed for subscribers to have the same system
identifer, but the slot name generation logic for tablesync doesn't
account for cases like this.  We might need some server-wide value
that's unique among subscribers and stable while table sync is
running.  I can't think of a better place than pg_subscription but I
don't like it because it's not really necessary most of the the
subscription's life.

Do you think using the postmaster's startup time would work for this
purpose?  I'm assuming that the slot name doesn't need to persist
across server restarts, but I'm not sure that's really true.

diff --git a/src/backend/replication/logical/tablesync.c b/src/backend/replication/logical/tablesync.c
index 07eea504ba..a5b4f7cf7c 100644
--- a/src/backend/replication/logical/tablesync.c
+++ b/src/backend/replication/logical/tablesync.c
@@ -1214,7 +1214,7 @@ ReplicationSlotNameForTablesync(Oid suboid, Oid relid,
                                 char *syncslotname, Size szslot)
     snprintf(syncslotname, szslot, "pg_%u_sync_%u_" UINT64_FORMAT, suboid,
-             relid, GetSystemIdentifier());
+             relid, PgStartTime);


Kyotaro Horiguchi
NTT Open Source Software Center

Re: Logical replication fails when adding multiple replicas

Will Roper
OK, that makes sense. I think something that is unique to subscribers is sensible, postmaster startup time sounds reasonable!
Thanks for looking at it. 

On Thu, Mar 23, 2023 at 8:17 AM Kyotaro Horiguchi <> wrote:
At Wed, 22 Mar 2023 09:25:37 +0000, Will Roper <> wrote in
> Thanks for the response Hou,
> I've had a look and when the tablesync workers are spinning up there are
> some errors of the form:
> "2023-03-17 18:37:06.900 UTC [4071] LOG:  logical replication table
> synchronization worker for subscription
> ""polling_stations_0561a02f66363d911"", table ""uk_geo_utils_onspd"" has
> started"
> "2023-03-17 18:37:06.976 UTC [4071] ERROR:  could not create replication
> slot ""pg_37986_sync_37922_7210774007126708177"": ERROR:  replication slot
> ""pg_37986_sync_37922_7210774007126708177"" already exists"

The slot name format is "pg_<suboid>_sync_<relid>_<systemid>". It's no
surprise this happens if the subscribers come from the same

If that's true, the simplest workaround would be to recreate the
subscription multiple times, using a different number of repetitions
for each subscriber so that the subscribers have subscriptions with
different OIDs.

I believe it's not prohitibed for subscribers to have the same system
identifer, but the slot name generation logic for tablesync doesn't
account for cases like this.  We might need some server-wide value
that's unique among subscribers and stable while table sync is
running.  I can't think of a better place than pg_subscription but I
don't like it because it's not really necessary most of the the
subscription's life.

Do you think using the postmaster's startup time would work for this
purpose?  I'm assuming that the slot name doesn't need to persist
across server restarts, but I'm not sure that's really true.

diff --git a/src/backend/replication/logical/tablesync.c b/src/backend/replication/logical/tablesync.c
index 07eea504ba..a5b4f7cf7c 100644
--- a/src/backend/replication/logical/tablesync.c
+++ b/src/backend/replication/logical/tablesync.c
@@ -1214,7 +1214,7 @@ ReplicationSlotNameForTablesync(Oid suboid, Oid relid,
                                                                char *syncslotname, Size szslot)
        snprintf(syncslotname, szslot, "pg_%u_sync_%u_" UINT64_FORMAT, suboid,
-                        relid, GetSystemIdentifier());
+                        relid, PgStartTime);



Kyotaro Horiguchi
NTT Open Source Software Center