Thread: Idea: Add first() and last() aggregate functions to the main release

Idea: Add first() and last() aggregate functions to the main release

Ben Clements
Idea/request for enhancement: 

Add the first() and last() aggregate functions to the main release (CREATE EXTENSION first_last_agg).

Reason: As a non-dba, I can’t install additional modules like first_last_agg.


Re: Idea: Add first() and last() aggregate functions to the main release

Erwin Brandstetter
On Sat, 11 Mar 2023 at 23:38, Ben Clements <> wrote:
Idea/request for enhancement: 

Add the first() and last() aggregate functions to the main release (CREATE EXTENSION first_last_agg).

Reason: As a non-dba, I can’t install additional modules like first_last_agg.

For what it's worth, I support the inclusion of first() and last() in the main release. It makes queries involving multiple aggregate functions a lot simpler. Most hosted services only allow official contrib modules.
The module has been around for more than 10 years now. First on, then on And it's been available from for a long time now.
Related questions pop up on Stackoverflow every now and then.
(I don't see anything related in the Postgres Todo, yet.)

The implementation in the additional module first_last_agg looks very simple and straight-forward. Might be an easy task to incorporate into mainline Postgres. But my C foo is just not good enough to judge whether the implementation is ideal.
