Thread: Extensible Rmgr for Table Ams

Extensible Rmgr for Table Ams

Pradeep Kumar
Hello All,

Im working on my postgres FDW extension, to support logical replication I need to use Custom WAL resource manager. In postgres extensions have the flexibility to register their resource managers in RmgrTable[]. But Like RmgrTable[] we have another resource manager related table RmgrDescTable[], there we didn't have the flexibility to register our 
1) rm_name
2) rm_desc
3) rm_identify
GetRmgrDesc() are widely used in XLogDumpDisplayRecord() and XLogDumpDisplayStats() in pg_waldump.c. In function GetRmgrDesc() for custom resource managers by the default they are assign 
       1) rm_desc = default_desc
       2) rm_identify = default_identify
Suggest some ways to register my own rm_desc and rm_identify in RmgrDescTable[]?

Attaching the Custom WAL resource managers commit for the reference:

Thanks and regards
Pradeep Kumar