Thread: default icu locale for new databases (PG15)

default icu locale for new databases (PG15)

Robert Sjöblom

When initializing a new database server with a default collation, there
are a number of different locales available. What's the difference between

1. se-x-icu
2. se-SE-x-icu
3. sv-SE-x-icu

? And, perhaps more importantly, how do I future-proof this so that I'm
not making a decision today that will make my life worse when upgrading
from postgres 15 to 16+? For a database with Swedish collation, which
option is "the best"? Or perhaps "the most foolproof"?

Best regards,
Robert Sjöblom

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Re: default icu locale for new databases (PG15)

Laurenz Albe
On Thu, 2023-01-12 at 15:56 +0100, Robert Sjöblom wrote:
> When initializing a new database server with a default collation, there
> are a number of different locales available. What's the difference between
> 1. se-x-icu
> 2. se-SE-x-icu
> 3. sv-SE-x-icu
> ? And, perhaps more importantly, how do I future-proof this so that I'm
> not making a decision today that will make my life worse when upgrading
> from postgres 15 to 16+? For a database with Swedish collation, which
> option is "the best"? Or perhaps "the most foolproof"?

Of the alternatives you list, only "sv-SE-x-icu" makes sense, because "se"
stands for the Sámi or Lapp language, not Swedish.

You could choose between "sv-SE", "sv-FI" and "sv-AX", depending on whether
you are located in Sweden, Finland or the Åland Islands.  I don't speak Swedish,
so I don't know how different they are and how they differ from the generic "sv".

I don't think any of these Locales will go away in the forseeable future.

Laurenz Albe