Thread: daterange() is ignoring 3rd boundaries argument

daterange() is ignoring 3rd boundaries argument

select daterange('2022-11-01'::date, '2023-01-31'::date, '()')
[2022-11-02,2023-01-31) which is deafult of [)
instead of

PostgreSQL 14.6 (Ubuntu 14.6-1.pgdg20.04+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.1) 9.4.0, 64-bit

from manual: 8.17.6. Constructing Ranges and Multiranges

Each range type has a constructor function with the same name as the range type. Using the constructor function is frequently more convenient than writing a range literal constant, since it avoids the need for extra quoting of the bound values. The constructor function accepts two or three arguments. The two-argument form constructs a range in standard form (lower bound inclusive, upper bound exclusive), while the three-argument form constructs a range with bounds of the form specified by the third argument.

with best regards
Mag. Robert Kofler / Managing Partner

A-1220 Vienna / Austria, Oberdorfstrasse 9/1/15

MARKSIM® Conjoint And Market Simulation — We Simulate Future Market Success

Re: daterange() is ignoring 3rd boundaries argument

"David G. Johnston"
On Mon, Nov 28, 2022 at 5:16 PM Robert KOFLER <> wrote:
select daterange('2022-11-01'::date, '2023-01-31'::date, '()')
[2022-11-02,2023-01-31) which is deafult of [)
instead of

You need to look at the boundary symbol AND the actual lower bound date.

Then read the following about discrete range types for what is happening here:

from manual: 8.17.6. Constructing Ranges and Multiranges

Yes, that tells you how to take "text" and turn it into a datum of type *range.  Is discusses input only, not output.  Output depends on the specific type and, as noted above, in particular whether it is discrete or continuous.

David J.

Re: daterange() is ignoring 3rd boundaries argument

Tom Lane
Robert KOFLER <> writes:
> select daterange('2022-11-01'::date, '2023-01-31'::date, '()')
> returns
> [2022-11-02,2023-01-31) which is deafult of [)
> instead of
> (2022-11-02,2023-01-31)

It's not "ignoring" the endpoint argument, because you get different
results from

regression=# select daterange('2022-11-01'::date, '2023-01-31'::date, '()');
(1 row)

regression=# select daterange('2022-11-01'::date, '2023-01-31'::date, '[)');
(1 row)

regression=# select daterange('2022-11-01'::date, '2023-01-31'::date, '[]');
(1 row)

As explained somewhere in the fine manual (though not in the exact spot
you're reading), for ranges over discrete types such as dates, we prefer
to normalize to the '[)' endpoint conventions.  That's not possible for
continuous types such as floats or timestamps, so in those cases we
leave the endpoint specs alone.

If that really annoys you, you can make your own range type over
dates that lacks a "canonical" function.  But it's not a bug;
it's operating as intended.

            regards, tom lane