Thread: there is no an example in reloptions.c for string?

there is no an example in reloptions.c for string?



here is the codes for pg16.

static relopt_string stringRelOpts[] =


    /* list terminator */



And I add my string type arguments here, it can't work well.

When I debug, it comes to func allocateReloptStruct, at the

code line "size += optstr->fill_cb(val, NULL);", it gives me segment

fault. what else do I need to add? can you give me an example?

Re: there is no an example in reloptions.c for string?

"David G. Johnston"
On Sun, Oct 30, 2022 at 8:24 PM <> wrote:
t. what else do I need to add?

The stuff it mentions in the code comment in that file.  You might consider actually showing what you did add.

can you give me an example?

Ah, the beauty of using version control, history as examples.

David J.