Thread: BUG #17657: Documentation links color

BUG #17657: Documentation links color

PG Bug reporting form
The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      17657
Logged by:          Mohit Tank
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 15.0
Operating system:   any

Hello Postgres team,

I have been using postgresql for a long time, and rely heavily on the
official docs on daily basis.
I found that links on the documentation page or on any other webpage of website are in bold black font.
Which makes it inaccessible to the people who are used to the "blue" link
Using the same color for links as the regular text and making text bold
blends the link into the text very easily. In short links don't stand out
from the regular text.

Please fix this small issue, and it would make browsing docs a lot easier
for people like me.
