Thread: How to return argument data type from sql function

How to return argument data type from sql function


PostgreSQL 12.2+ function is defined as

    create FUNCTION torus(eevarus text) returns text immutable AS $f$
     select translate( $1, U&'\00f8\00e9', U&'\0451\0439' );
    $f$ LANGUAGE SQL ;

This function is called as CHAR(n) or text columns like

    create temp table test (
    charcol char(10),
    textcol text );
    insert into test values ('test', 'test');
    select torus(charcol), torus(textcol), charcol

torus(charcol) returns text column and loses original column width. How to force torus() to return argument type:

if char(n) column is passed as argument, torus() should also return char(n) data type.
I tried to use bpchar instead on text

    create or replace FUNCTION torusbpchar(eevarus bpchar) returns bpchar immutable AS $f$
     select translate( $1, U&'\00f8\00e9', U&'\0451\0439' );
    $f$ LANGUAGE SQL ;

torusbpchar(charcol) still returns text data type.

npgsql DataReader is used to get data.


Re: How to return argument data type from sql function

Tom Lane
Andrus <> writes:
> PostgreSQL 12.2+ function is defined as
>      create FUNCTION torus(eevarus text) returns text immutable AS $f$
>       select translate( $1, U&'\00f8\00e9', U&'\0451\0439' );
>      $f$ LANGUAGE SQL ;

> if char(n) column is passed as argument, torus() should also return 
> char(n) data type.

You can't preserve the length constraint, if that's what you're worried
about; we simply don't track those for function arguments or results.

> I tried to use bpchar instead on text

>      create or replace FUNCTION torusbpchar(eevarus bpchar) returns 
> bpchar immutable AS $f$
>       select translate( $1, U&'\00f8\00e9', U&'\0451\0439' );
>      $f$ LANGUAGE SQL ;

> torusbpchar(charcol) still returns text data type.

Making separate functions for text and bpchar works for me.

regression=# select pg_typeof(torus(f1)) from char_tbl;

Another possibility is to have just one function declared
to take and return anyelement.  You'd get failures at
execution if the actual argument type isn't coercible
to and from text (since translate() deals in text) but
that might be fine.

            regards, tom lane

Re: How to return argument data type from sql function


Making separate functions for text and bpchar works for me.

regression=# select pg_typeof(torus(f1)) from char_tbl; pg_typeof 
----------- character

I tried

create or replace FUNCTION torus(eevarus bpchar) returns bpchar immutable AS $f$
select translate( $1, U&'\00f8\00e9', U&'\0451\0439' );

create temp table test (
charcol char(10) );
insert into test values ('test');
select torus(charcol)

but it still returns result without trailing spaces. So it is not working.

Another possibility is to have just one function declared
to take and return anyelement.  You'd get failures at
execution if the actual argument type isn't coercible
to and from text (since translate() deals in text) but
that might be fine.

I tried

create or replace FUNCTION torus(eevarus anylement ) returns anylement immutable AS $f$
select translate( $1, U&'\00f8\00e9', U&'\0451\0439' );

but got error

type anyelement does not exists.

Finally I tried

create or replace FUNCTION torus(eevarus text ) returns text immutable AS $f$
select translate( $1, U&'\00f8\00e9', U&'\0451\0439' );

create or replace function public.ColWidth(p_namespace text, p_table text, p_field text)
    returns int as $f$
select atttypmod-4 from pg_namespace n, pg_class c, pg_attribute a
         where n.nspname = p_namespace and
             c.relnamespace = n.oid and
             c.relname = p_table and
             a.attrelid = c.oid and
             a.attname = p_field;

create table public.test ( charcol char(10) );
insert into test values ('test');
select rpad ( torus(charcol),  colwidth('public', 'test', 'charcol') )

as Adrian Klaver recommends in

at this worked. In this best solution?

How to remove p_namespace  parameter from colwidth()? ColWidth() should return column width in first search_path table just like  select ... from test finds table test.


Re: How to return argument data type from sql function

Tom Lane
Andrus <> writes:
> I tried

> create or replace FUNCTION torus(eevarus bpchar) returns bpchar 
> immutable AS $f$
> select translate( $1, U&'\00f8\00e9', U&'\0451\0439' );

> but it still returns result without trailing spaces. So it is not working.

As I said, width constraints don't propagate through functions.

> I tried

> create or replace FUNCTION torus(eevarus anylement ) returns anylement 
> immutable AS $f$
> select translate( $1, U&'\00f8\00e9', U&'\0451\0439' );

> but got error

> type anyelement does not exists.

Might've helped to spell "anyelement" correctly ;-).  However, if you're
insistent on those trailing spaces, this approach won't change anything
about that.

> select rpad ( torus(charcol),  colwidth('public', 'test', 'charcol') )
> FROM Test

Yeah, you could do that if you have the column information at hand.

> How to remove p_namespace parameter from colwidth()?

select atttypmod-4 from pg_attribute
    where attrelid = p_table::regclass and attname = p_field

Personally I'd also throw in "... and atttypid = 'bpchar'::regtype",
because that atttypmod calculation will give you garbage for types
other than bpchar and varchar.

            regards, tom lane

Re: How to return argument data type from sql function

"David G. Johnston"
On Fri, Oct 14, 2022 at 2:00 PM Andrus <> wrote:

I tried

create or replace FUNCTION torus(eevarus bpchar) returns bpchar immutable AS $f$
select translate( $1, U&'\00f8\00e9', U&'\0451\0439' );

but it still returns result without trailing spaces. So it is not working.

As was said, only the data type itself was going to be handled, not the length.

Another possibility is to have just one function declared
to take and return anyelement.  You'd get failures at
execution if the actual argument type isn't coercible
to and from text (since translate() deals in text) but
that might be fine.

I tried

create or replace FUNCTION torus(eevarus anylement ) returns anylement immutable AS $f$
select translate( $1, U&'\00f8\00e9', U&'\0451\0439' );

but got error

type anyelement does not exists.

I'm inclined to believe that your code actually has the same typo you are showing in this email - you spelled anyelement incorrectly.


Finally I tried

create or replace FUNCTION torus(eevarus text ) returns text immutable AS $f$
select translate( $1, U&'\00f8\00e9', U&'\0451\0439' );

create or replace function public.ColWidth(p_namespace text, p_table text, p_field text)
    returns int as $f$
select atttypmod-4 from pg_namespace n, pg_class c, pg_attribute a
         where n.nspname = p_namespace and
             c.relnamespace = n.oid and
             c.relname = p_table and
             a.attrelid = c.oid and
             a.attname = p_field;

create table public.test ( charcol char(10) );
insert into test values ('test');
select rpad ( torus(charcol),  colwidth('public', 'test', 'charcol') )

as Adrian Klaver recommends in

at this worked. In this best solution?

Padding a text typed output with actual significant spaces "works"?  It is not equivalent to a bpchar with insignificant padding spaces...

Using the system catalogs is probably required.  Though I imagine you could create something like: text10 and text20 domains and enforce an explicit length in their constraints.

There isn't too much out there to make this easy - it isn't exactly considered desirable or useful to incorporate blank padding space into data.  Most of us just pretend char(n) doesn't exist.  Frankly, varchar(n) is the same - one can live a long and happy life with just text.

How to remove p_namespace  parameter from colwidth()? ColWidth() should return column width in first search_path table just like  select ... from test finds table test.

Not sure on the full syntax but it probably involves doing something like: table_name::regclass to get the OID and perform the lookup using that.

David J.

Re: How to return argument data type from sql function


>Yeah, you could do that if you have the column information at hand.

Personally I'd also throw in "... and atttypid = 'bpchar'::regtype",
because that atttypmod calculation will give you garbage for types
other than bpchar and varchar.

I added this:

create or replace function public.ColWidth(p_namespace text, p_table text, p_field text)
    returns int as $f$
select atttypmod-4 from pg_namespace n, pg_class c, pg_attribute a
 where n.nspname = p_namespace and
    c.relnamespace = n.oid and
    c.relname = p_table and
    a.attrelid = c.oid and
    atttypid = 'bpchar'::regtype and
    a.attname = p_field;

Tables with same name are in different schemas.

How to change this query so that it searches schemas in set search_path order and returns column width from it ? In this case p_namespace parameter can removed.

Or should it replaced with dynamic query like

execute 'select ' || p_field || ' from ' || p_table || ' limit 0'

and get column size from this query result somehow ?


Re: How to return argument data type from sql function

> Adrian Klaver recommends in
Padding a text typed output with actual significant spaces "works"?  It is not equivalent to a bpchar with insignificant padding spaces...

You are right. I need char(n) type and this is not working.  How to use expression in cast, like

select torus(charcol) :: CHAR( ColWidth('public', 'test',  'charcol')  ) from test

This throws error in Postgres. ColWidth is immutable and called with constant arguments so it should work. How to fix postgres to allow constant ColWidth() expression in cast ?


Re: How to return argument data type from sql function

"David G. Johnston"
On Fri, Oct 14, 2022 at 2:56 PM Andrus <> wrote:

select torus(charcol) :: CHAR( ColWidth('public', 'test',  'charcol')  ) from test

This throws error in Postgres. ColWidth is immutable and called with constant arguments so it should work. How to fix postgres to allow constant ColWidth() expression in cast ?

ColWidth is NOT IMMUTABLE, your declaration of that property is a lie (the function in your email actually defines it as volatile though...).  It is STABLE.

You are basically stuck dealing with this one layer up, outside the server.  You would need to execute ColWidth then write the returned value of the function call into the text body of the SQL Command.

David J.

Re: How to return argument data type from sql function

Tom Lane
Andrus <> writes:
> How to change this query so that it searches schemas in set search_path 
> order and returns column width from it ? In this case p_namespace 
> parameter can removed.

I showed you that already: regclass will take care of it.

            regards, tom lane