Hi Hackers,Attached adds Url dialog to pgAdmin which will allow you to load change password and 2FA url pages to load in dialog.Please review.-- Thanks,Aditya ToshniwalpgAdmin Hacker | Software Architect | edbpostgres.com"Don't Complain about Heat, Plant a TREE"
Hi Hackers,Please ignore the previous patch. Attached patch adds a few more changes.On Wed, Aug 10, 2022 at 3:46 PM Aditya Toshniwal <aditya.toshniwal@enterprisedb.com> wrote:Hi Hackers,Attached adds Url dialog to pgAdmin which will allow you to load change password and 2FA url pages to load in dialog.Please review.-- Thanks,Aditya ToshniwalpgAdmin Hacker | Software Architect | edbpostgres.com"Don't Complain about Heat, Plant a TREE"-- Thanks,Aditya ToshniwalpgAdmin Hacker | Software Architect | edbpostgres.com"Don't Complain about Heat, Plant a TREE"
Akshay Joshi
Principal Software Architect
+91 9767888246
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