Thread: Introduce "log_connection_stages" setting.

Introduce "log_connection_stages" setting.

Sergey Dudoladov

The problem we face is excessive logging of connection information
that clutters the logs and in corner cases with many short-lived
connections leads to disk space exhaustion.

Current connection log lines share significant parts of the
information - host, port, very close timestamps etc. - in the common
case of a successful connection:

2022-07-12 12:17:39.369
UTC,,,12875,"",62cd6663.324b,1,"",2022-07-12 12:17:39
UTC,,0,LOG,00000,"connection received: host=
port=35616",,,,,,,,,"","not initialized"
2022-07-12 12:17:39.374
12:17:39 UTC,18/4571,0,LOG,00000,"connection authorized:
user=some_user database=postgres SSL enabled (protocol=, cipher=,
compression=)",,,,,,,,,"","client backend"
2022-07-12 12:17:39.430
12:17:39 UTC,,0,LOG,00000,"disconnection: session time: 0:00:00.060
user=some_user database=postgres host=
port=35616",,,,,,,,,"","client backend"

Removing some of the lines should not harm log-based investigations in
most cases, but will shrink the logs improving readability and space

I would like to get feedback on the following idea:

Add the `log_connection_stages` setting of type “string” with possible
values "received", "authorized", "authenticated", "disconnected", and
"all", with "all" being the default.
The setting would have effect only when `log_connections` is on.
Example: log_connection_stages=’authorized,disconnected’.
That also implies there would be no need for a separate
"log_disconnection" setting.

For the sake of completeness I have to mention omitting ‘received’
from `log_connection_stages` would lead to absence in logs info about
connections that do not complete initialization: for them only the
“connection received” line is currently logged. The attachment
contains a log excerpt to clarify the situation I am talking about.



Re: Introduce "log_connection_stages" setting.

"Euler Taveira"
On Tue, Jul 12, 2022, at 10:52 AM, Sergey Dudoladov wrote:
The problem we face is excessive logging of connection information
that clutters the logs and in corner cases with many short-lived
connections leads to disk space exhaustion.
You are proposing a fine-grained control over connection stages reported when
log_connections = on. It seems useful if you're only interested in (a)
malicious access or (b) authorized access (for audit purposes).

I would like to get feedback on the following idea:

Add the `log_connection_stages` setting of type “string” with possible
values "received", "authorized", "authenticated", "disconnected", and
"all", with "all" being the default.
The setting would have effect only when `log_connections` is on.
Example: log_connection_stages=’authorized,disconnected’.
That also implies there would be no need for a separate
"log_disconnection" setting.
Your proposal will add more confusion to the already-confused logging-related
GUCs. If you are proposing to introduce a fine-grained control, the first step
should be merge log_connections and log_disconnections into a new GUC (?) and
deprecate them. (I wouldn't introduce a new GUC that depends on the stage of
other GUC as you proposed.) There are 3 stages: connect (received), authorized
(authenticated), disconnect. You can also add 'all' that mimics log_connections
/ log_disconnections enabled. Another question is if we can reuse
log_connections for this improvement instead of a new GUC. In this case, you
would turn the boolean value into an enum value. Will it cause trouble while
upgrading to this new version? It is one of the reasons to create a new GUC. I
would suggest log_connection_messages or log_connection (with the 's' in the
end -- since it is too similar to the current GUC name, I'm afraid it is not a
good name for it).

Euler Taveira

Re: Introduce "log_connection_stages" setting.

Sergey Dudoladov

Thank you for the constructive feedback.

> Your proposal will add more confusion to the already-confused logging-related GUCs.
> I wouldn't introduce a new GUC that depends on the stage of other GUC as you proposed.

Agreed, coupling a new GUC with "log_connections" is likely to lead to
extra confusion.

> There are 3 stages: connect (received), authorized (authenticated), disconnect.

I've taken connection stages and terminology from the existing log messages.
The reason I have separated "authorized" and "authenticated" are [1]
and [2] usages of "log_connections";
"received" is mentioned at [3].

>> Example: log_connection_stages=’authorized,disconnected’.
> would turn the boolean value into an enum value

I have thought about enums too, but we need to cover arbitrary
combinations of message types, for example log only "received" and
Hence the proposed type "string" with individual values within the
string really drawn from an enum.

> merge log_connections and log_disconnections into a new GUC (?) and deprecate them.

Are there any specific deprecation guidelines ? I have not found any
after a quick search for GUC deprecation in Google and commit history.
A deprecation scheme could look like that:
1. Mention in the docs "log_(dis)connections" are deprecated in favor
of "log_connection_stages"
2. Map "log_(dis)connections" to relevant values of
"log_connection_stages" in code if the latter is unset.
3. Complain in the logs if a conflict arises between the old params
and "log_connection_stages", with "log_connection_stages"
taking the precedence.



Re: Introduce "log_connection_stages" setting.

"Euler Taveira"
On Thu, Jul 14, 2022, at 8:20 AM, Sergey Dudoladov wrote:
I've taken connection stages and terminology from the existing log messages.
The reason I have separated "authorized" and "authenticated" are [1]
and [2] usages of "log_connections";
"received" is mentioned at [3].
After checking the commit 9afffcb833d, I agree that you need 4 stages:
connected, authorized, authenticated, and disconnected.

I have thought about enums too, but we need to cover arbitrary
combinations of message types, for example log only "received" and
Hence the proposed type "string" with individual values within the
string really drawn from an enum.
Ooops. I said enum but I meant string list.

Are there any specific deprecation guidelines ? I have not found any
after a quick search for GUC deprecation in Google and commit history.
A deprecation scheme could look like that:
1. Mention in the docs "log_(dis)connections" are deprecated in favor
of "log_connection_stages"
2. Map "log_(dis)connections" to relevant values of
"log_connection_stages" in code if the latter is unset.
3. Complain in the logs if a conflict arises between the old params
and "log_connection_stages", with "log_connection_stages"
taking the precedence.
No. AFAICS in this case, you just remove log_connections and log_disconnections
and create the new one (see for example the commit 88e98230268 that replace
checkpoint_segments with min_wal_size and max_wal_size). We don't generally
keep ConfigureNames* entries for deprecated GUCs. Unless you are renaming a GUC
-- see map_old_guc_names; that's not the case. When we remove a GUC, we are
introducing an incompatibility so the only place it will be mentioned is the
release notes (there is a section called "Migration to Version X" that lists
all incompatibilities). From the developer's point of view, you only need to
mention in the commit message that this commit is introducing an
incompatibility. Hence, when it is time to write the release notes, the
information about the removal and the new replacement will be added.

Euler Taveira

Re: Introduce "log_connection_stages" setting.

Sergey Dudoladov
Hi hackers,

I've sketched an initial patch version; feedback is welcome.

Sergey Dudoladov


Re: Introduce "log_connection_stages" setting.

Justin Pryzby
On Tue, Nov 08, 2022 at 07:30:38PM +0100, Sergey Dudoladov wrote:
> +        <entry>Logs reception of a connection. At this point a connection has been received, but no further work has


> +        <entry>Logs the original identity that an authentication method employs to identify a user. In most cases,
theidentity string equals the PostgreSQL username,


> +/* check_hook: validate new log_connection_messages value */
> +bool
> +check_log_connection_messages(char **newval, void **extra, GucSource source)
> +{
> +    char        *rawname;
> +    List        *namelist;
> +    ListCell    *l;
> +    char        *log_connection_messages = *newval;
> +    bool        *myextra;
> +
> +    /*
> +     * Set up the "extra" struct actually used by assign_log_connection_messages.
> +     */
> +    myextra = (bool *) guc_malloc(LOG, 4 * sizeof(bool));

This function hardcodes each of the 4 connections:

> +        if (pg_strcasecmp(stage, "received") == 0)
> +            myextra[0] = true;

It'd be better to use #defines or enums for these.

> --- a/src/backend/tcop/postgres.c
> +++ b/src/backend/tcop/postgres.c
> @@ -84,8 +84,11 @@ const char *debug_query_string; /* client-supplied query string */
>  /* Note: whereToSendOutput is initialized for the bootstrap/standalone case */
>  CommandDest whereToSendOutput = DestDebug;
> -/* flag for logging end of session */
> -bool        Log_disconnections = false;
> +/* flags for logging information about session state */
> +bool        Log_disconnected = false;
> +bool        Log_authenticated = false;
> +bool        Log_authorized = false;
> +bool        Log_received = false;

I think this ought to be an integer with flag bits, rather than 4
booleans (I don't know, but there might be more later?).  Then, the
implementation follows the user-facing GUC and also follows


Re: Introduce "log_connection_stages" setting.

Justin Pryzby
On Thu, Nov 17, 2022 at 09:36:29AM -0600, Justin Pryzby wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 08, 2022 at 07:30:38PM +0100, Sergey Dudoladov wrote:

Also (I didn't realize there was a CF entry), this is failing tests.


Re: Introduce "log_connection_stages" setting.

Jacob Champion

+1 for the idea!

> +        <entry><literal>authenticated</literal></entry>
> +        <entry>Logs the original identity that an authentication method employs to identify a user. In most cases,
theidentity string equals the PostgreSQL username,
> +        but some third-party authentication methods may alter the original user identifier before the server stores
it.Failed authentication is always logged regardless of the value of this setting.</entry>

I think the documentation needs to be rewrapped; those are very long lines.

On 11/17/22 07:36, Justin Pryzby wrote:
> This function hardcodes each of the 4 connections:
>> +        if (pg_strcasecmp(stage, "received") == 0)
>> +            myextra[0] = true;
> It'd be better to use #defines or enums for these.

Hardcoding seems reasonable to me, if this is the only place we're doing
string comparison.

>> --- a/src/backend/tcop/postgres.c
>> +++ b/src/backend/tcop/postgres.c
>> @@ -84,8 +84,11 @@ const char *debug_query_string; /* client-supplied query string */
>>  /* Note: whereToSendOutput is initialized for the bootstrap/standalone case */
>>  CommandDest whereToSendOutput = DestDebug;
>> -/* flag for logging end of session */
>> -bool        Log_disconnections = false;
>> +/* flags for logging information about session state */
>> +bool        Log_disconnected = false;
>> +bool        Log_authenticated = false;
>> +bool        Log_authorized = false;
>> +bool        Log_received = false;
> I think this ought to be an integer with flag bits, rather than 4
> booleans (I don't know, but there might be more later?).  Then, the
> implementation follows the user-facing GUC and also follows
> log_destination.

Agreed. Or at the very least, follow what's done with
wal_consistency_checking? But I think flag bits would be better.

The tests should be expanded for cases other than 'all'.

As to the failing test cases: it looks like there's a keyword issue with
ALTER SYSTEM and 'all', but trying to fix it by quoting also fails. I
think it's because of GUC_LIST_QUOTE -- is there a reason that's used
here? I don't think we'd need any special characters in future option
names. wal_consistency_checking is very similar, and it just uses


Re: Introduce "log_connection_stages" setting.

Sergey Dudoladov
Hello, hackers

Thank you for the reviews. I've modified the patch to incorporate your
+ flag bits are now used to encode different connection stages
+ failing tests are now fixed. It was not a keyword issue but rather
"check_log_connection_messages" not allocating memory properly
   in the special case log_connection_messages =  'all'
+ the GUC option is now only GUC_LIST_INPUT
+ typo fixes and line rewrapping in the docs



Re: Introduce "log_connection_stages" setting.

Justin Pryzby
Thanks for updating the patch.  It's currently failing check-world, due
to a test that was added on January 23 (a9dc7f941):
[19:15:57.101] Summary of Failures:
[19:15:57.101] [19:15:57.101] 250/251 postgresql:ldap / ldap/002_bindpasswd ERROR          1.38s

2023-01-30 19:15:52.427 GMT [56038] LOG:  unrecognized configuration parameter "log_connections" in file

> +        received, but no further work has been done: Postgres is about to start

say "PostgreSQL" to match the rest of the docs.

> +                       GUC_check_errmsg("Invalid value '%s'", stage);

This message shouldn't be uppercased.

> +            GUC_check_errdetail("Valid values to use in the list are 'received', 'authenticated', 'authorized',
'disconnected',and 'all'."
> +            "If 'all' is present, it must be the only value in the list.");

Maybe "all" should be first ?

There's no spaces before "If":

| 2023-01-31 00:17:48.906 GMT [5676] DETALLE:  Valid values to use in the list are 'received', 'authenticated',
'authorized','disconnected', and 'all'.If 'all' is present, it must be the only value in the list.

> +/* flags for logging information about session state */
> +int            Log_connection_messages = LOG_CONNECTION_ALL;

The initial value here is overwritten by the GUC default during startup.
For consistency, the integer should be initialized to 0.

> +extern PGDLLIMPORT int    Log_connection_messages;
> +
> +/* Bitmap for logging connection messages */
> +#define LOG_CONNECTION_RECEIVED         1
> +#define LOG_CONNECTION_ALL             15

Maybe the integers should be written like (1<<0)..
And maybe ALL should be 0xffff ?

More nitpicks:

> +        Causes stages of each attempted connection to the server to be logged. Example:

"Causes the specified stages of each connection attempt .."

> +        The default is the empty string meaning nothing is logged.

".. string, which means that nothing is logged"

> +        <entry>Logs the original identity that an authentication method employs
> +        to identify a user. In most cases, the identity string matches the

".. original identity used by an authentication method ..'


Re: Introduce "log_connection_stages" setting.

Sergey Dudoladov
Hi again,

Justin, thank you for the fast review. The new version is attached.

Sergey Dudoladov


Re: Introduce "log_connection_stages" setting.

Jacob Champion
On 2/1/23 11:59, Sergey Dudoladov wrote:
> Justin, thank you for the fast review. The new version is attached.

This is looking very good. One bigger comment:

> +    myextra = (int *) guc_malloc(ERROR, sizeof(int));
> +    *myextra = newlogconnect;

If I've understood Tom correctly in [1], both of these guc_mallocs
should be using a loglevel less than ERROR, to avoid forcing a
postmaster exit when out of memory. (I used WARNING in that thread
instead, which seemed to be acceptable.)

And a couple of nitpicks:

> +        Causes the specified stages of each connection attempt to the server to be logged. Example:

Long line; should be rewrapped.

> +       else {                                                                   
> +           GUC_check_errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE);                  
> +           GUC_check_errmsg("invalid value '%s'", stage);                       
> +           GUC_check_errdetail("Valid values to use in the list are 'all', 'received', 'authenticate
> +           " If 'all' is present, it must be the only value in the list."); 

I think the errmsg here should reuse the standard message format
    invalid value for parameter "%s": "%s"
both for consistency and ease of translation.



Re: Introduce "log_connection_stages" setting.

Tom Lane
Jacob Champion <> writes:
> This is looking very good. One bigger comment:

>> +    myextra = (int *) guc_malloc(ERROR, sizeof(int));
>> +    *myextra = newlogconnect;

> If I've understood Tom correctly in [1], both of these guc_mallocs
> should be using a loglevel less than ERROR, to avoid forcing a
> postmaster exit when out of memory. (I used WARNING in that thread
> instead, which seemed to be acceptable.)

Actually, preferred practice is as seen in e.g. check_datestyle:

    myextra = (int *) guc_malloc(LOG, 2 * sizeof(int));
    if (!myextra)
        return false;
    myextra[0] = newDateStyle;
    myextra[1] = newDateOrder;
    *extra = (void *) myextra;

which gives the guc.c functions an opportunity to manage the

A quick grep shows that there are existing check functions that
did not get that memo, e.g. check_recovery_target_lsn.
We ought to clean them up.

This is, of course, not super important unless you're allocating
something quite large; the odds of going OOM in the postmaster
should be pretty small.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Introduce "log_connection_stages" setting.

Jacob Champion
On 3/2/23 14:56, Tom Lane wrote:
> Jacob Champion <> writes:
>> If I've understood Tom correctly in [1], both of these guc_mallocs
>> should be using a loglevel less than ERROR, to avoid forcing a
>> postmaster exit when out of memory. (I used WARNING in that thread
>> instead, which seemed to be acceptable.)
> Actually, preferred practice is as seen in e.g. check_datestyle:
>     myextra = (int *) guc_malloc(LOG, 2 * sizeof(int));
>     if (!myextra)
>         return false;
>     myextra[0] = newDateStyle;
>     myextra[1] = newDateOrder;
>     *extra = (void *) myextra;
> which gives the guc.c functions an opportunity to manage the
> failure.

Ah, thanks for the correction. (My guc_strdup(WARNING, ...) calls may
need to be cleaned up too, then.)


Re: Introduce "log_connection_stages" setting.

Sergey Dudoladov

I have attached the fourth version of the patch.



Re: Introduce "log_connection_stages" setting.

Daniel Gustafsson
> On 16 May 2023, at 20:51, Sergey Dudoladov <> wrote:

> I have attached the fourth version of the patch.

This version fails the ldap_password test on all platforms on pg_ctl failing to start:

[14:48:10.544] --- stdout ---
[14:48:10.544] # executing test in /tmp/cirrus-ci-build/build/testrun/ldap_password_func/001_mutated_bindpasswd group
ldap_password_functest 001_mutated_bindpasswd 
[14:48:10.544] # waiting for slapd to accept requests...
[14:48:10.544] # setting up PostgreSQL instance
[14:48:10.544] Bail out! pg_ctl start failed
[14:48:10.544] # test failed

Updating src/test/modules/ldap_password_func/t/ with
the new GUC might solve the problem from skimming this.

Please send a fixed version, I'm marking the patch Waiting on Author in the

Daniel Gustafsson

Re: Introduce "log_connection_stages" setting.

Daniel Gustafsson
> On 3 Jul 2023, at 15:57, Daniel Gustafsson <> wrote:
>> On 16 May 2023, at 20:51, Sergey Dudoladov <> wrote:
>> I have attached the fourth version of the patch.
> This version fails the ldap_password test on all platforms on pg_ctl failing to start:
> [14:48:10.544] --- stdout ---
> [14:48:10.544] # executing test in /tmp/cirrus-ci-build/build/testrun/ldap_password_func/001_mutated_bindpasswd group
ldap_password_functest 001_mutated_bindpasswd 
> [14:48:10.544] # waiting for slapd to accept requests...
> [14:48:10.544] # setting up PostgreSQL instance
> [14:48:10.544] Bail out! pg_ctl start failed
> [14:48:10.544] # test failed
> Updating src/test/modules/ldap_password_func/t/ with
> the new GUC might solve the problem from skimming this.
> Please send a fixed version, I'm marking the patch Waiting on Author in the
> meantime.

With the patch failing tests and the thread stalled with no update I am marking
this returned with feedback. Please feel free to resubmit to a future CF.

Daniel Gustafsson

Re: Introduce "log_connection_stages" setting.

Sergey Dudoladov
Hello hackers,

here is the new rebased version of the patch.


Re: Introduce "log_connection_stages" setting.

Bertrand Drouvot

On Fri, Feb 28, 2025 at 10:40:37AM +0100, Sergey Dudoladov wrote:
> Hello hackers,
> here is the new rebased version of the patch.

Thanks for the patch!

Did not realized that before but FWIW, it looks "very close" to what Melanie is
doing in [1] (0001 patch). Idea looks similar excepts, among other things, that
log_connections is kept.



Bertrand Drouvot
PostgreSQL Contributors Team
RDS Open Source Databases
Amazon Web Services:

Re: Introduce "log_connection_stages" setting.

Melanie Plageman
On Fri, Feb 28, 2025 at 5:04 AM Bertrand Drouvot
<> wrote:
> Did not realized that before but FWIW, it looks "very close" to what Melanie is
> doing in [1] (0001 patch). Idea looks similar excepts, among other things, that
> log_connections is kept.

Oh wow, yes, I never saw this thread. I prefer keeping the original
guc name log_connections. I think it makes sense to also include
disconnected as an option in the list and remove that separate guc
log_disconnections. I was thinking, it should be okay to include "all"
in the list with other values and it just sets the value to all.

- Melanie