Thread: Unique index prohibits partial aggregates

Unique index prohibits partial aggregates

"Bos, Fred"

Dear pgsql-general,


I am currently working in PostgreSQL 13.7, compiled by Visual C++

build 1914, 64-bit and encountered the following:


I have a table with two columns, which is created as



CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bhload_nohyp_noin (





The table is 32 million rows long.

When I run the following query:


    SELECT t/(1000*3600*24) as time,


    FROM bhload_nohyp_noin

    GROUP BY time

    ORDER BY time


Postgres executes the following plan:



"Finalize GroupAggregate  (cost=295097.60..295226.53 rows=200 width=16)"

"  Output: ((t / 86400000)), avg(v)"

"  Group Key: ((bhload_nohyp_noin.t / 86400000))"

"  ->  Gather Merge  (cost=295097.60..295218.53 rows=1000 width=40)"

"        Output: ((t / 86400000)), (PARTIAL avg(v))"

"        Workers Planned: 5"

"        ->  Sort  (cost=295097.52..295098.02 rows=200 width=40)"

"              Output: ((t / 86400000)), (PARTIAL avg(v))"

"              Sort Key: ((bhload_nohyp_noin.t / 86400000))"

"              ->  Partial HashAggregate  (cost=295087.38..295089.88 rows=200 width=40)"

"                    Output: ((t / 86400000)), PARTIAL avg(v)"

"                    Group Key: (bhload_nohyp_noin.t / 86400000)"

"                    ->  Parallel Seq Scan on public.bhload_nohyp_noin  (cost=0.00..259966.13 rows=7024250 width=12)"

"                          Output: (t / 86400000), v"

"Settings: effective_cache_size = '128GB', force_parallel_mode = 'on', max_parallel_workers = '40',

max_parallel_workers_per_gather = '10', parallel_setup_cost = '0', random_page_cost = '1.1',

temp_buffers = '200MB', work_mem = '1GB'"


"  Buffers: shared hit=14"

"Planning Time: 0.747 ms"


This plan takes about 2 seconds.

However, when postgres learns the table statistics, either after running the

query once, performing vacuum analyse on the table or assigning a unique index,

postgres refuses to perform partial aggregates. The reason is that the column

t is unique and ordered which causes the query plan to change.

This results in the following query plan:



"GroupAggregate  (cost=971690.95..5460155.25 rows=31850064 width=16)"

"  Output: ((t / 86400000)), avg(v)"

"  Group Key: ((bhload_nohyp_noin.t / 86400000))"

"  ->  Gather Merge  (cost=971690.95..4823153.97 rows=31850064 width=12)"

"        Output: ((t / 86400000)), v"

"        Workers Planned: 5"

"        ->  Sort  (cost=971690.88..987615.91 rows=6370013 width=12)"

"              Output: ((t / 86400000)), v"

"              Sort Key: ((bhload_nohyp_noin.t / 86400000))"

"              ->  Parallel Seq Scan on public.bhload_nohyp_noin  (cost=0.00..251788.16 rows=6370013 width=12)"

"                    Output: (t / 86400000), v"

"Settings: effective_cache_size = '128GB', force_parallel_mode = 'on', max_parallel_workers = '40',

max_parallel_workers_per_gather = '10', parallel_setup_cost = '0', random_page_cost = '1.1',

temp_buffers = '200MB', work_mem = '1GB'"


"  Buffers: shared hit=6"

"Planning Time: 0.180 ms"


This takes about 18 seconds, which is much slower. When swapping the columns t

and v, so grouping by v, postgres decides to do partial aggregation again

which makes the operation 2 seconds. 


Some extra notes:


- I noticed that the parallel and partial hash aggregation gives the speed up.

- I tried to trigger it by using the parallel costs, but I could not trigger it.

- The table statistics before vacuum analyze is empty.

- Here are the table statistics after vacuum analyze:


schemaname    tablename          attname    inherited    null_frac    avg_width    n_distinct    correlation    most_common_elem_freqs    elem_count_histogram

public        bhload_nohyp_noin    t        FALSE        0                8            -1            1                   NULL                 NULL

public        bhload_nohyp_noin    v        FALSE        0                4           3937        -0.20693               NULL                 NULL



I expected the query to become faster

with a unique index or column, so why does the query planner decide on group

aggregation instead of partial aggregation?



Fred Bos

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Re: Unique index prohibits partial aggregates

David Rowley
On Mon, 27 Jun 2022 at 23:49, Bos, Fred <> wrote:
> "Settings: effective_cache_size = '128GB', force_parallel_mode = 'on', max_parallel_workers = '40',

You shouldn't be using force_parallel_mode. It does not do what you
think. See the documentation for that GUC, or read [1]

> I expected the query to become faster
> with a unique index or column, so why does the query planner decide on group
> aggregation instead of partial aggregation?

It just simply does not know how many groups are likely to exists on
your expression.  Statistics are only gathered on bare columns. The
planner has no idea how many groups are likely to exist for

In PostgreSQL 14 and above you could create extended statistics for
the expression using:

create statistics t1_t_stats (ndistinct) on (t/(1000*3600*24)) from
bhload_nohyp_noin; -- pg14
analyze bhload_nohyp_noin;

for your version (pg13), you'd need to create an expression index.

create index on bhload_nohyp_noin using brin ((t/(1000*3600*24)));
analyze bhload_nohyp_noin;

I added "using brin" as a brin index is going to be a bit more
lightweight than a btree index.  You only need the index to instruct
ANALYZE to gather statistics. You might also want to ramp up the pages
per range.

With that, the planner might then realise that parallel aggregate
might be worthwhile.



RE: Unique index prohibits partial aggregates

"Bos, Fred"
Thank you for your reply.

I turned force_parallel_mode off.

Adding a BRIN index on this expression does indeed improve the performance for
this particular expression (it triggers the faster partial hash aggregate
again). However, my expression is variable, so "t/(1000*3600*24)" actually
is "t/dt", where dt changes frequently. When dt is changed, the query planner
reverts to GroupAggregate again (because the BRIN index is not suitable).

Also, when postgres doesn't know anything about the table, just after
importing, it has shown that it is capable of doing the partial hash
aggregate operation on the same table very quickly.

To elaborate on this:

If I setup the table with this query,

                t BIGINT NOT NULL,
                v REAL NULL

then insert the rows,

        INSERT INTO table .....;
                about 30million rows,

and then directly execute the query,

        SELECT t/dt as time, avg(v)
        FROM table
        GROUP BY time
        ORDER BY time;

the query executes in under 2 seconds for any dt.

However, the query runs in about 20 seconds when I do the any of following:

   - VACCUM ANALYZE and, then running the same query,
   - or, CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON table USING btree (t), and then running the
     same query.

So it is possible to run the query much faster but postgres won't do it.

Is this because when the statistics are unknown, it expects a relatively low
amount of groups and opts for a partial plan?

Finally, is there a way to force postgres to do the partial hash aggregate,
either by changing a setting or by influencing the expected amount of output
groups for each query?


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Re: Unique index prohibits partial aggregates

David Rowley
On Wed, 29 Jun 2022 at 00:45, Bos, Fred <> wrote:
> Finally, is there a way to force postgres to do the partial hash aggregate,
> either by changing a setting or by influencing the expected amount of output
> groups for each query?

You could do something like:

ALTER TABLE bhload_nohyp_noin ALTER COLUMN t SET (n_distinct = 200);
ANALYZE bhload_nohyp_noin;

Please be aware that this may have detrimental effects if you do any
joins or group bys directly on this column.  Otherwise, providing you
don't have a unique index on that column, then it should trick the
planner into thinking there will be fewer groups than it currently
thinks there will be, which will likely result in the parallel plan
that you desire.
