Thread: multiple sessions to create index in parallel support

multiple sessions to create index in parallel support

"James Pang (chaolpan)"


   We have a large database that just migrated data from Oracle to Postgres(13.4), after data load. We try to create indexes ,  with only one connection , the create index automatically run in parallel (table size 40G) ,  then we started two connections and each session creating index on large table, but at this time, only 1 session parallel creating index, the other one creating index in serial. There are enough parallel_workers and memory.  Is that expected ?  only 1 session allowed to parallel index creating at the same time ?





Re: multiple sessions to create index in parallel support

Tom Lane
"James Pang (chaolpan)" <> writes:
>    We have a large database that just migrated data from Oracle to Postgres(13.4), after data load. We try to create
indexes,  with only one connection , the create index automatically run in parallel (table size 40G) ,  then we started
twoconnections and each session creating index on large table, but at this time, only 1 session parallel creating
index,the other one creating index in serial. There are enough parallel_workers and memory.  Is that expected ?  only 1
sessionallowed to parallel index creating at the same time ? 

Check your settings for max_parallel_workers and

            regards, tom lane

RE: multiple sessions to create index in parallel support

"James Pang (chaolpan)"
Max_parallel_workers and max_parallel_maintenance_workers both equal to 32,    one session create one index in a large
tableshow parallel 8 workers,   the other session creating one index in another separate table always in serial. Even
increasemax_parallel_worers and max_parallel_maintenance_workers to 64, still show one is parallel 8 workers, the other
isdone in serial. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Lane <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2022 10:30 PM
To: James Pang (chaolpan) <>
Subject: Re: multiple sessions to create index in parallel support

"James Pang (chaolpan)" <> writes:
>    We have a large database that just migrated data from Oracle to Postgres(13.4), after data load. We try to create
indexes,  with only one connection , the create index automatically run in parallel (table size 40G) ,  then we started
twoconnections and each session creating index on large table, but at this time, only 1 session parallel creating
index,the other one creating index in serial. There are enough parallel_workers and memory.  Is that expected ?  only 1
sessionallowed to parallel index creating at the same time ? 

Check your settings for max_parallel_workers and max_parallel_maintenance_workers.

            regards, tom lane

Re: multiple sessions to create index in parallel support

Tom Lane
"James Pang (chaolpan)" <> writes:
> Max_parallel_workers and max_parallel_maintenance_workers both equal to 32,    one session create one index in a
largetable show parallel 8 workers,   the other session creating one index in another separate table always in serial.
Evenincrease max_parallel_worers and max_parallel_maintenance_workers to 64, still show one is parallel 8 workers, the
otheris done in serial. 

Hmm, what about max_worker_processes ?  That's an independent limit.

            regards, tom lane

RE: multiple sessions to create index in parallel support

"James Pang (chaolpan)"
All max_workers_process got increased to 32 before creating index.  The 2 session try to create index on totally
separatelarge tables(40gb) , either one in 8 parallel workers, but not both.   


-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Lane <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2022 11:04 PM
To: James Pang (chaolpan) <>
Subject: Re: multiple sessions to create index in parallel support

"James Pang (chaolpan)" <> writes:
> Max_parallel_workers and max_parallel_maintenance_workers both equal to 32,    one session create one index in a
largetable show parallel 8 workers,   the other session creating one index in another separate table always in serial.
Evenincrease max_parallel_worers and max_parallel_maintenance_workers to 64, still show one is parallel 8 workers, the
otheris done in serial. 

Hmm, what about max_worker_processes ?  That's an independent limit.

            regards, tom lane

RE: multiple sessions to create index in parallel support

"James Pang (chaolpan)"
Sorry for confusion. This time, I add "max_parallel_workers"=32 , "max_parallel_maintenance_workers"=32 ,
"max_workers_process"=64to postgresql.conf, and restart database.  This time, both session runs in parallel now.   Last
severaltests only got these parameter changes by  set max_parallell_workers...  in session level , for each session ,
only1 session parallel creating index. 


-----Original Message-----
From: James Pang (chaolpan)
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2022 9:34 AM
To: Tom Lane <>
Subject: RE: multiple sessions to create index in parallel support

All max_workers_process got increased to 32 before creating index.  The 2 session try to create index on totally
separatelarge tables(40gb) , either one in 8 parallel workers, but not both.   


-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Lane <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2022 11:04 PM
To: James Pang (chaolpan) <>
Subject: Re: multiple sessions to create index in parallel support

"James Pang (chaolpan)" <> writes:
> Max_parallel_workers and max_parallel_maintenance_workers both equal to 32,    one session create one index in a
largetable show parallel 8 workers,   the other session creating one index in another separate table always in serial.
Evenincrease max_parallel_worers and max_parallel_maintenance_workers to 64, still show one is parallel 8 workers, the
otheris done in serial. 

Hmm, what about max_worker_processes ?  That's an independent limit.

            regards, tom lane