Thread: check_pgbackrest 2.3 has been released

check_pgbackrest 2.3 has been released

Stefan Fercot via PostgreSQL Announce

check_pgbackrest 2.3 has been released

Mons, Belgium, May 31, 2022

check_pgbackrest is designed to monitor pgBackRest backups from Nagios, relying on the status information given by the info command.

It allows to monitor the backups retention and the consistency of the archived WAL segments.

Changes in check_pgbackrest 2.3

  • In case of pgBackRest db history change (after a successful stanza-upgrade), only the latest database system/version will be checked. (Reported by Hendrik Schöffmann)
  • Check if boundary WALs could be defined from history files in case of timeline switches.
  • Fix timeline switch detection from history files. (Reported by martindomeij)
  • Add list-boundaries option to debug print the boundary WALs fetched from the history files.
  • Eval pgBackRest JSON output in case of invalid config option would trigger warnings. (Reported by Manuel Alonso)

Links & Credits

This is an open project, licensed under the PostgreSQL license. Any contribution to improve it is welcome.


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