Thread: Deferred constraint trigger semantics

Deferred constraint trigger semantics

Bryn Llewellyn

I looked at the sections "CREATE TRIGGER" and "Chapter 39. Triggers" in the Current PG doc. But I failed to find any information about the semantics of the deferred constraint trigger or about the use cases that motivated this feature. Nor could I find any code examples. Internet Search turned up this 2019 post by Laurenz Albe's—but nothing else at all.

(This is why I CC'd you, Laurenz.)

Laurenz described a use case that's best met by a SQL Assertion. But I don't know of a single available relational database system that supports this feature—though the SQL Standard defines it. (There's been talk of bringing SQL Assertion support in Oracle Database for several years. See But I don't know if any progress has been made.)

Laurenz's example treats the semantics as if the deferred constraint trigger fires exactly once, the moment before commit, so that it can check that the business rule is met and, if so, perform the commit before a concurrent session is allowed to commit a change that would, in such a race condition and together with the present session's commit, cause rule violation.

Is this a supported use—even though, as I show below, the trigger fires many times and produces the same result each time that it fires? And if so, why cannot the definition, optionally, be spelled "after... statement" and fire that way?

If the use that Laurenz's example shows is supported, then I could have such a trigger on every table that participates in a requirement that's tersely expressed using a SQL Assertion (as documentation). I'd simply use the same trigger function for the deferred constraint trigger on each of those tables. And I'd accept the fact that it unnecessarily (and expensively) fired more times than it needed to. Because I want to test only the final state, and intermediate states might violate the rule that I want to enforce, I need to add logic to populate a log (presumably a temporary table) with an ordinary trigger, every time any involved table changes, so that I could check the log in the constraint trigger's function. When it has N rows, then the function should skip the check except on its Nth invocation.

There's an implicit question lurking here: might it be possible to define a new ON COMMIT trigger firing point, legal only for a deferred constraint trigger? It should fire just once when a multi-statement transaction is committed if one or many of the tables, whose triggers share the same function, see changes.


I read this in the Current CREATE TRIGGER section: Constraint triggers must be AFTER ROW triggers on plain tables.

And sure enough, this attempt:

create constraint trigger trg
after insert on t
for each statement
execute function trg_fn();

causes a syntax error. This implies that the concept is to program a constraint that (like a declarative constraint on a table’s column as part of the table's definition) has just single-row scope. Yet I discovered, serendipitously (and before reading Laurenz's 's post), that an “after row” constraint trigger does allow querying the table it's on (and other tables) in the trigger function's body. I used this technique in the example that I used to start this thread:

"A transaction cannot be ended inside a block with exception handlers"

Nobody said that I was doing anything unsupported.

I also used it in "The complete testcase" at the end of my final response in that thread:

Is my entire concept (and Laurenz's too) fundamentally flawed? Specifically, is querying a trigger's base table in a "for each row" trigger fundamentally unsound and not supported? (In Oracle Database, it causes the notorious "mutating table" runtime error.)

This little test shows what actually happens:

create table t1(k serial primary key, v int not null);
create table t2(k serial primary key, v int not null);

create function trg_fn()
  returns trigger
  language plpgsql
as $body$
  n int not null := 0;
  n := (select count(*) from t1) + (select count(*) from t2);
  raise info 'trg fired. new.v = %, n = %', new.v, n;
  return new;

create constraint trigger trg
after insert on t1
for each row
execute function trg_fn();

create constraint trigger trg
after insert on t2
for each row
execute function trg_fn();

set default_transaction_isolation = 'read committed';
do $body$
  insert into t1(v)
  values (10), (20), (30), (40), (50);

  insert into t2(v)
  values (60), (70), (80);

Here's the "raise info" output:

INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 10, n = 5
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 20, n = 5
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 30, n = 5
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 40, n = 5
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 50, n = 5
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 60, n = 8
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 70, n = 8
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 80, n = 8

It shows the expected "new" value each time it fires. And yet the query reflects the table content on statement completion. This seems to be very strange. But it is, in fact, what I need to implement my testcase (below). I want the trigger to cause an error only when the final content is wrong.

As long as I can rely on my approach (i.e. trust the serendipitously useful behavior to be supported), then I can use it to effect to implement, for example, an entity level constraint. I can ignore the inefficiency brought by running the same test on the same data many times.)

(Separate tests show that if I foolishly refer to "old" or "new" values in the trigger's function, then these seem to be "snapshotted" at statement execution time. These values are no use when only the final state is interesting.)

I've copied a self-contained testcase, below, that implements the rule that, in the table of staff, there must be exactly one or two rows with the job "Admin". It works fine in the test that I've done. I used two concurrent sessions that contrived the race condition that I discussed elsewhere.

It shows that, as long as I rely on the commit-time error to enforce the rule, the second session to commit gets the required error when both sessions changed the admin count from one to two by updating different staff members to make their job "Admin".

And it shows, too, that if I test using "set constraints all immediate" before either session commits, and then do the commit in each, neither gets the error and I end up with three staff with the "Admin" job. This is simply the race condition that I expected.

Note: I do appreciate that if I use the serializable isolation level together with an ordinary trigger, then I'll achieve my race-condition-proof rule arguably more straightforwardly—esp. as I could noe use a proper "after statement" firing point.


Notice "pg_sleep(10)" right before the end of the trigger function. This gives enough time to start the test in each of two concurrent windows up to, and including "set constraints all immediate" (when this is uncommented) before each session commits.

Try the test first with "set constraints all immediate" uncommented.

The "red" session, because it starts fires, shows that the, so far, rule is met when it finishes. But when the "blue" session finishes, it shows that the final state now violates the rule.

Now try the test first with "set constraints all immediate" commented out.

The "red" session finishes first and reports a good state. Then the blue session finishes with this error:

ERROR:  There must be exactly one or two Admins
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function t_constraint_fn() line 6 at RAISE

and its attempts to change the data are rolled back—so that the rule still holds.

-- do-setup.sql
drop table if exists staff;
create table staff(
  name text primary key,
  job text not null
    constraint staff_job_chk check (job in (
      'Manager', 'Admin', 'Sales', 'Marketing', 'Developer')));

drop function if exists t_constraint_fn();
create function t_constraint_fn()
  returns trigger
  language plpgsql
as $body$
  bad constant boolean not null :=
    (select count(*) from staff where job = 'Admin') not in (1, 2);
  if bad then raise exception using
    errcode = 'raise_exception',
    message = 'There must be exactly one or two Admins';
  end if;
  return null;

create constraint trigger t_constraint
after insert or update on staff
initially deferred
for each row
execute function t_constraint_fn();

insert into staff(name, job) values
  ('Bill',  'Marketing'),
  ('Fred',  'Sales'),
  ('John',  'Admin'),
  ('Mary',  'Manager'),
  ('Maude', 'Developer'),
  ('Susan', 'Sales');

drop function if exists test_outcome(text) cascade;
create function test_outcome(which in text)
  returns text
  language plpgsql
as $body$
  var text not null := '';
  case which
    when 'red' then
      update staff set job = 'Admin' where name = 'Bill';
    when 'blue' then
      update staff set job = 'Admin' where name = 'Fred';
  end case;

  -- Uncomment to see the race-condition problem.
  -- set constraints all immediate;

  perform pg_sleep(10);
  return 'Sucess.';
exception when raise_exception then
  return '"One or two admins" rule violated.';

-- qry.sql
    when job = 'Admin' then '     >>>'
  else                      ' '
  as is_staff,
from staff
order by name;

-- demo.sql
-- In the "red" session.
\i do-setup.sql
set default_transaction_isolation = 'read committed';
select test_outcome('red');
\i qry.sql

-- In the concurrent "blue" session.
-- Do this ASAP after running "demo.sql" in the "red" session.
set default_transaction_isolation = 'read committed';
select test_outcome('blue');
\i qry.sql

Re: Deferred constraint trigger semantics

"David G. Johnston"
On Tue, May 10, 2022 at 5:47 PM Bryn Llewellyn <> wrote:

INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 80, n = 8

It shows the expected "new" value each time it fires. And yet the query reflects the table content on statement completion. This seems to be very strange.

From the documentation:

"Row-level BEFORE triggers fire immediately before a particular row is operated on, while row-level AFTER triggers fire at the end of the statement (but before any statement-level AFTER triggers)."

David J.

Re: Deferred constraint trigger semantics

Bryn Llewellyn
Date: wrote: wrote:

INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 80, n = 8

It shows the expected "new" value each time it fires. And yet the query reflects the table content on statement completion. This seems to be very strange.

From the documentation:

"Row-level BEFORE triggers fire immediately before a particular row is operated on, while row-level AFTER triggers fire at the end of the statement (but before any statement-level AFTER triggers)."

Thanks, David. Those sentences were too deeply buried, in a page with no subsections, for me to spot by ordinary searching in the page. The term "Row-level BEFORE" trigger subverted my search for "BEFORE EACH ROW" trigger—which is the term that I'm used to. This is another lesson for me to read every word in what looks like relevant doc, from start to finish, like a book. I'm chastened.

The next section, "39.2. Visibility of Data Changes"

says this:

* Statement-level triggers follow simple visibility rules: none of the changes made by a statement are visible to statement-level BEFORE triggers, whereas all modifications are visible to statement-level AFTER triggers.

* The data change (insertion, update, or deletion) causing the trigger to fire is naturally not visible to SQL commands executed in a row-level BEFORE trigger, because it hasn't happened yet.

* However, SQL commands executed in a row-level BEFORE trigger will see the effects of data changes for rows previously processed in the same outer command. This requires caution, since the ordering of these change events is not in general predictable; an SQL command that affects multiple rows can visit the rows in any order.

Strangely, the wording here, explicit as it is, makes no mention of what you might expect to see in an AFTER EACH ROW trigger. It's a bit of a stretch to put the sentences from the previous section that you quoted together with these three bullets to conclude this: querying the trigger's base-table's content *is* allowed from the trigger's function for all of the five timing points: BEFORE and AFTER EACH ROW (not deferred), BEFORE and AFTER EACH STATEMENT  (not deferred), and AFTER EACH ROW (deferred to commit time) is indeed supported. I'll take this to be the case unless anybody contradicts me.

The mention of unpredictable results in the third bullet in the BEFORE case implies that there's no such unpredictability in the AFTER EACH ROW cases. But there has to be a subtle caveat here for the deferred constraint trigger when the txn changes two or more tables, all of which participate in the query that the trigger function issues. I'll assume that you (all) know what I mean. The "raise info" output below illustrates my point (n changes from 5 to 8). But this seems to be sound inference from the rules that were stated. I'll take this, too, to be the case unless anybody contradicts me.

I assume, though, that considering this output that I showed in my original mail:

INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 10, n = 5
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 20, n = 5
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 30, n = 5
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 40, n = 5
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 50, n = 5
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 60, n = 8
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 70, n = 8
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 80, n = 8

the actual order in which I see the "raise info" output is unpredictable while the values shown in each *are* predictable. Can I rely on this rule?

Is there a fundamental reason why a deferred AFTER EACH STATEMENT constraint trigger is not allowed? Nothing in what is explained in the "Overview of Trigger Behavior" and "Visibility of Data Changes" sections lets me see why the present restriction is needed.

Re: Deferred constraint trigger semantics

"David G. Johnston"
On Tue, May 10, 2022 at 7:52 PM Bryn Llewellyn <> wrote: wrote:
* However, SQL commands executed in a row-level BEFORE trigger will see the effects of data changes for rows previously processed in the same outer command. This requires caution, since the ordering of these change events is not in general predictable; an SQL command that affects multiple rows can visit the rows in any order.

Strangely, the wording here, explicit as it is, makes no mention of what you might expect to see in an AFTER EACH ROW trigger.

Because the previous, quoted, paragraph did that.  Because of the absence of a comment declaring a guarantee of order means that, like the comment for the row-level BEFORE trigger, the row-level AFTER row ordering is not guaranteed (even if one cannot produce a counter-example in today's codebase).

I'll take this to be the case unless anybody contradicts me.

Caveat emptor...?  I wouldn't be surprised that doing so is technically possible in all cases - as to whether a particular algorithm is sound, to some extent, isn't something we try to predict.  We do try to describe all the known interactions though - and let the user work within what those mean for them.

The mention of unpredictable results in the third bullet in the BEFORE case implies that there's no such unpredictability in the AFTER EACH ROW cases.

I would not read it that way.  In general, absence of mention of predictability like this means there is none - that some other sentence goes into more detail doesn't change that.

But there has to be a subtle caveat here for the deferred constraint trigger when the txn changes two or more tables, all of which participate in the query that the trigger function issues. I'll assume that you (all) know what I mean. The "raise info" output below illustrates my point (n changes from 5 to 8).

I'm failing to see the deferral aspect of that example.  First statement finishes, sees the 5 inserts, next statement finishes, sees 3 more inserts.  Not, both statements finish, triggers fire, triggers see all 8 inserts (which I suspect they will if you actually perform deferral).

the actual order in which I see the "raise info" output is unpredictable while the values shown in each *are* predictable. Can I rely on this rule?

Absent a deferred constraint I would say yes.  Your test case for the deferred constraint, that supposedly allows for the insertion of invalid data per the specification of the constraint trigger, isn't something I've worked through yet; and as written reads like a bug report.

Is there a fundamental reason why a deferred AFTER EACH STATEMENT constraint trigger is not allowed? Nothing in what is explained in the "Overview of Trigger Behavior" and "Visibility of Data Changes" sections lets me see why the present restriction is needed.

I imagine having to keep around a working set of what are the changed records is both memory intensive and also problematic should a future statement make yet more changes to the table.  This is also an area that the SQL Standard does make rules in.  And given that constraints are defined per-row everywhere else there is a pull to not push the envelope of our extension too far.

David J.

Re: Deferred constraint trigger semantics

Laurenz Albe
On Tue, 2022-05-10 at 17:46 -0700, Bryn Llewellyn wrote:
> I looked at the sections "CREATE TRIGGER" and "Chapter 39. Triggers" in the Current PG doc.
> But I failed to find any information about the semantics of the deferred constraint trigger
> or about the use cases that motivated this feature. Nor could I find any code examples.
> Internet Search turned up this 2019 post by Laurenz Albe's—but nothing else at all.
> (This is why I CC'd you, Laurenz.)

So I guess I should answer.

About the starting paragraph of your mail: Constraint triggers are a syntactic leftover
from the way that triggers are implemented in PostgreSQL.  There is different syntax now,
but it was decided to leave constraint triggers, since they may have some use.

> [Lots of ruminations and wandering throughts]

Sorry, that was too much for me to comment on - that would require a mid-sized

> Is my entire concept (and Laurenz's too) fundamentally flawed? Specifically, is
> querying a trigger's base table in a "for each row" trigger fundamentally unsound
> and not supported? (In Oracle Database, it causes the notorious "mutating table"
> runtime error.)

My post claims that constraint triggers alone are *not* a sufficient solution to
validate constraints - you need additional locking or SERIALIZABLE isolation to
make that work reliably.

That does not mean that using constraint triggers is unsound or unsupported,
and the fact that Oracle's implementation of transaction isolation is somewhat
shoddy has little impact on that.

Laurenz Albe

Re: Deferred constraint trigger semantics

Bryn Llewellyn
Date: wrote: wrote:

Thanks for the point-by-point reply, David.

...makes no mention of what you might expect to see in an AFTER EACH ROW trigger.

...the absence of a comment declaring a guarantee of order means that, like the comment for the row-level BEFORE trigger, the row-level AFTER row ordering is not guaranteed (even if one cannot produce a counter-example in today's codebase).

Got it!

...unless anybody contradicts me.

Caveat emptor...? I wouldn't be surprised that doing so is technically possible in all cases - as to whether a particular algorithm is sound, to some extent, isn't something we try to predict. We do try to describe all the known interactions though - and let the user work within what those mean for them.

Got it again!

...implies that there's no such unpredictability in the AFTER EACH ROW cases.

I would not read it that way. In general, absence of mention of predictability like this means there is none - that some other sentence goes into more detail doesn't change that.


But there has to be a subtle caveat here for the deferred constraint trigger when the txn changes two or more tables, all of which participate in the query that the trigger function issues… The "raise info" output below illustrates my point (n changes from 5 to 8).

I'm failing to see the deferral aspect of that example. First statement finishes, sees the 5 inserts, next statement finishes, sees 3 more inserts. Not, both statements finish, triggers fire, triggers see all 8 inserts (which I suspect they will if you actually perform deferral).

Oops. I did a copy-and-paste error on going from my test env. to email and missed out the "deferral" that I'd intended. For completeness, here's the test that I meant:

create table t1(k serial primary key, v int not null);
create table t2(k serial primary key, v int not null);

create function trg_fn()
  returns trigger
  language plpgsql
as $body$
  n int not null := 0;
  n := (select count(*) from t1) + (select count(*) from t2);
  raise info 'trg fired. new.v = %, n = %', new.v, n;
  return new;

create constraint trigger trg
after insert on t1
for each row
execute function trg_fn();

create constraint trigger trg
after insert on t2
initially deferred
for each row
execute function trg_fn();

set default_transaction_isolation = 'read committed';
do $body$
  insert into t1(v)
  values (10), (20), (30), (40), (50);

  insert into t2(v)
  values (60), (70), (80);

It adds the "initially deferred" decoration to the "create constraint trigger" statement. This is (still) the result:

INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 10, n = 5
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 20, n = 5
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 30, n = 5
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 40, n = 5
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 50, n = 5
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 60, n = 8
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 70, n = 8
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 80, n = 8

Even though both inserts have completed by commit time, only the trigger firing caused by the second statement sees the final state that obtains the moment before commit. The first statement sees only the state after it finishes and before the second statement executes. You said « I suspect [that both statements will see the final state] if you actually perform deferral ». My test shows that this is not the case.

Did I misunderstand you? Or does this result surprise you? If it does, do you think that this is a bug?

...Your test case for the deferred constraint, that supposedly allows for the insertion of invalid data per the specification of the constraint trigger, isn't something I've worked through yet; and as written reads like a bug report.

It's not a report of a PG bug. Rather, it shows how an application programmer might write a bug in *their* code. When "set constraints all immediate" is used, it opens a race condition window between its execution and the commit. I'd speculated on that earlier. So I felt that I should show a self-contained demo of this possible trap for the application programmer. As long as  "set constraints all immediate" is not used, the demo shows proper behavior. Of course, it moves the constraint violation error to commit time—and this means that PL/pgSQL code cannot handle it (as discussed at length elsewhere).

I appreciate that using  "set constraints all immediate" is useful in many scenarios to allow handling the violation error in PL/pgSQL. (Thanks again for that tip, David.) For example, and as I reason it, the famous "mandatory one-to-one relationship" use-case is safe when you use this technique. This use-case needs mutual FK constraints between the two tables. But you have to insert one of the two rows (call it "main") that are so related before the other (call it "extra"). And so the mutual FK constraints cannot be satisfied until both new rows are in place. Therefore the "main" table's FK constraint to the "extra" table (when the insertion order that I described is used) must be deferred. But, because this is insert, no other session can see your uncommitted work in progress. So there's no race condition window. And once the new row-pair is committed, other non-deferred constraints can ensure that either deleting the "extra" row is RESTRICTed or deleting the "main" row CASCADEs. So the business rule is easily enforced once the new row-pair is in place.

It does take a fair effort of reasoning, for each specific use-case, to determine the safety of using "set constraints all immediate". But programming is just like that!

Is there a fundamental reason why a deferred AFTER EACH STATEMENT constraint trigger is not allowed? Nothing in what is explained in the "Overview of Trigger Behavior" and "Visibility of Data Changes" sections lets me see why the present restriction is needed.

I imagine having to keep around a working set of what are the changed records is both memory intensive and also problematic should a future statement make yet more changes to the table… And given that constraints are defined per-row everywhere else there is a pull to not push the envelope of our extension too far.

At the conceptual level, there are both per-row constraints and the kind that can be precisely specified (albeit not implemented) using SQL Assertion syntax.

With respect to « having to keep around a working set of what are the changed records » I think that the complexity that you envisaged is avoided by the (emergent) rule that an AFTER EACH STATEMENT trigger cannot see "old" and "new" values. In other words, all you can sensibly do in its function is ordinary SQL that sees the current state at the moment it fires.

To my surprise, it *is* legal to write code that accesses "old" and "new" values. But, because many rows can be affected by a single statement, and the trigger fires just once, the meanings of "old" and "new" are undefined. I've seen that, in any test that I do, both are always set to NULL (which seems reasonable). For example:

create table t(k serial primary key, v int not null);

create function trg_fn()
  returns trigger
  language plpgsql
as $body$
  raise info 'old.v is %', coalesce(old.v::text, 'null as expected');
  raise info 'new.v is %', coalesce(new.v::text, 'null as expected');
  return new;

create trigger trg
after insert on t
for each statement
execute function trg_fn();

set default_transaction_isolation = 'read committed';
insert into t(v)
values (10), (20), (30), (40), (50);

It produces this output:

INFO:  old.v is null as expected
INFO:  new.v is null as expected

A deferred AFTER EACH STATEMENT constraint trigger would be a good tool for the kind of business rule that a SQL Assertion specifies. Yes, it would fire more times than is actually needed. But nevertheless, the timing point better expresses the intention—and there would, at least, be fewer firings than with an AFTER EACH ROW trigger.

If what I pointed out above (not all deferred constraint triggers see the final state just before commit) is regarded as a bug and fixed, then the application programming would be straightforward. As things are now, tricky (but feasible, I believe) programming would be needed in the multi-table case to make only the very last deferred trigger function execution perform the actual test.

Re: Deferred constraint trigger semantics

Bryn Llewellyn
Date: wrote: wrote:

…Internet Search turned up this 2019 post by Laurenz Albe—but nothing else at all.

(This is why I CC'd you, Laurenz.)

So I guess I should answer.

Thanks for replying to my original post with this subject line, Laurenz. Sorry to bring up notions that you wrote about three years ago. I judged that, because I referred to those notions, it would be polite to copy you—especially because I interpreted (maybe incorrectly) what you had written.

About the starting paragraph of your mail: Constraint triggers are a syntactic leftover from the way that triggers are implemented in PostgreSQL. There is different syntax now, but it was decided to leave constraint triggers, since they may have some use.

If constraint triggers are, in the hands of an informed application programmer, to have some sound uses, then the semantics must be clearly defined. And you do say that they are supported. David Johnson argues that, as long as you read the right snippets from various parts of the doc and synthesize their joint meaning, then the semantics are defined. Yes, David, I can accept that—with a loud caveat about the answer to my (a) or (b) question below.

I re-read the penultimate paragraph in Laurenz's post:

By making the trigger INITIALLY DEFERRED, we tell PostgreSQL to check the condition at COMMIT time.

I have always understood that (in Postgres and any respectable RDBMS) commits in a multi-session environment are always strictly serialized—irrespective of the transaction's isolation level. Am I correct to assume this is the case for Postgres? I took "at COMMIT time" to mean "as part of the strictly serialized operations that implement a session's COMMIT". But I see (now) that you argue that this is not the case, thus:

This will reduce the window for the race condition a little, but the problem is still there. If concurrent transactions run the trigger function at the same time, they won’t see each other’s modifications.

I take what you say in your post to mean that each session executes its deferred constraint check (by extension, not just for constraint triggers but for all deferred constraint cases) momentarily *before* COMMIT so that the effect is only to reduce the duration of the race condition window rather than to eliminate it.

So it all depends on a lawyerly reading of the wording "at COMMIT time". The current CREATE TABLE doc says this:

If the constraint is INITIALLY DEFERRED, it is checked only at the end of the transaction.

The wording "at the end of the transaction" is not precise enough to adjudicate—and so the key question remains: Is a deferred constraint checked:

(a) as part of the strictly serialized operations that implement a session's COMMIT?


(b) momentarily *before* COMMIT and not within the serialized COMMIT execution?

So… (asking the wider audience) is the answer (a) or (b)? An if it's (b), why? After all, (b) brings the race condition risk. Is (a) simply not feasible?

[Lots of ruminations and wandering throughts]

Sorry, that was too much for me to comment on - that would require a mid-sized article.

Oh… I'm sorry to hear that I rambled and lost clarity. I find it impossible to say what I want to, striving for precision, without sacrificing brevity. I always find that I can improve my wording with successive reads. But life is short and I have, eventually, just to publish and be damned.

Is my entire concept (and Laurenz's too) fundamentally flawed? Specifically, is querying a trigger's base table in a "for each row" trigger fundamentally unsound and not supported?

My post claims that constraint triggers alone are *not* a sufficient solution to validate constraints - you need additional locking or SERIALIZABLE isolation to make that work reliably.

This doesn't seem to be what you wrote. These two headings

> Solving the problem with “optimistic locking” (which you explain means using SERIALIZABLE)


> What about these “constraint triggers”?

read as if they are orthogonal schemes where the constraint trigger approach does not rely on SERIALIZABLE.

As I reason it, if you use the SERIALIZABLE approach, then an ordinary immediate AFTER EACH STATEMENT trigger will work fine—precisely because of how that isolation level is defined. So here, a deferred constraint trigger isn't needed and brings no value.

This implies that if a deferred constraint trigger is to have any utility, it must be safe to use it (as I tested it) at the READ COMMITTED level. I do see that, though I appear to be testing this, I cannot do a reliable test because I cannot, in application code, open up, and exploit, a race condition window after COMMIT has been issued. (I *am* able to do this to expose the fact that "set constraints all immediate" is unsafe.)

Re: Deferred constraint trigger semantics

"David G. Johnston"
On Wed, May 11, 2022 at 3:43 PM Bryn Llewellyn <> wrote:

Oops. I did a copy-and-paste error on going from my test env. to email and missed out the "deferral" that I'd intended. For completeness, here's the test that I meant:

create constraint trigger trg
after insert on t1
for each row
execute function trg_fn();

create constraint trigger trg
after insert on t2
initially deferred
for each row
execute function trg_fn();

It adds the "initially deferred" decoration to the "create constraint trigger" statement. This is (still) the result:

You only added it to the uninteresting trigger on t2.  It's the t1 trigger where I'd expect the behavior to change.  I'm assuming your test does both (not in a position to test it myself at the moment).

Even though both inserts have completed by commit time, only the trigger firing caused by the second statement sees the final state that obtains the moment before commit. The first statement sees only the state after it finishes and before the second statement executes. You said « I suspect [that both statements will see the final state] if you actually perform deferral ». My test shows that this is not the case.

Did I misunderstand you? Or does this result surprise you? If it does, do you think that this is a bug?

It both surprises me and fails to surprise me at the same time.  I have no opinion on whether the observed behavior constitutes a bug or not.  I'd lean toward not - just maybe a chance to improve the documentation.

With respect to « having to keep around a working set of what are the changed records » I think that the complexity that you envisaged is avoided by the (emergent) rule that an AFTER EACH STATEMENT trigger cannot see "old" and "new" values. In other words, all you can sensibly do in its function is ordinary SQL that sees the current state at the moment it fires.

To my surprise, it *is* legal to write code that accesses "old" and "new" values. But, because many rows can be affected by a single statement, and the trigger fires just once, the meanings of "old" and "new" are undefined. I've seen that, in any test that I do, both are always set to NULL (which seems reasonable).

I was thinking more about transition tables - though I admit it's not a complete thought given their opt-in nature.

David J.

Re: Deferred constraint trigger semantics

Bryn Llewellyn
Date: wrote: wrote:

Oops. I did a copy-and-paste error on going from my test env. to email and missed out the "deferral" that I'd intended. For completeness, here's the test that I meant:

create constraint trigger trg
after insert on t1
for each row
execute function trg_fn();

create constraint trigger trg
after insert on t2
initially deferred
for each row
execute function trg_fn();

It adds the "initially deferred" decoration to the "create constraint trigger" statement. This is (still) the result:

You only added it to the uninteresting trigger on t2.  It's the t1 trigger where I'd expect the behavior to change.  I'm assuming your test does both (not in a position to test it myself at the moment).

Damn. I'm horrified that, despite my best intentions, I still managed to do a typo. How embarrassing… With the correction in place, I now get this output:

INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 10, n = 8
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 20, n = 8
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 30, n = 8
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 40, n = 8
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 50, n = 8
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 60, n = 8
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 70, n = 8
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 80, n = 8

This is exactly what you predicted. I'm delighted (finally) to see this outcome.

[What I wrote here was rubbish, given that my test code was not what I claimed it was.]

[David's response here is now moot.]
With respect to « having to keep around a working set of what are the changed records » I think that the complexity that you envisaged is avoided by the (emergent) rule that an AFTER EACH STATEMENT trigger cannot see "old" and "new" values. In other words, all you can sensibly do in its function is ordinary SQL that sees the current state at the moment it fires.

To my surprise, it *is* legal to write code that accesses "old" and "new" values. But, because many rows can be affected by a single statement, and the trigger fires just once, the meanings of "old" and "new" are undefined. I've seen that, in any test that I do, both are always set to NULL (which seems reasonable).

I was thinking more about transition tables - though I admit it's not a complete thought given their opt-in nature.

Ah… I hadn't considered transition tables. However, they don't seem to be valuable for a constraint trigger. So your concern could be removed at a stroke by adding a semantic rule to the account of the CREATE TRIGGER syntax specification thus:

« The SQL that creates a statement-level AFTER constraint trigger may not specify using transition tables. »

Might this device give me hope?

Finally, it seems that a not deferrable constraint trigger has no value—except in that using the keyword CONSTRAINT is a nice bit of self-documentation. Did I miss something? Is this trigger flavor valuable for a use-case that I haven't spotted?

Re: Deferred constraint trigger semantics

Laurenz Albe
On Wed, 2022-05-11 at 15:54 -0700, Bryn Llewellyn wrote:
> I re-read the penultimate paragraph in Laurenz's post:
> «
> By making the trigger INITIALLY DEFERRED, we tell PostgreSQL to check the condition at COMMIT time.
> »
> I have always understood that (in Postgres and any respectable RDBMS) commits in a multi-session
> environment are always strictly serialized—irrespective of the transaction's isolation level.
> Am I correct to assume this is the case for Postgres? I took "at COMMIT time" to mean "as part
> of the strictly serialized operations that implement a session's COMMIT".

I am not sure what you mean by serialized commits.  Transactions are concurrent, and so are
commits.  COMMIT takes some time, during which several things happen, among them executing
deferred constraints, writing a WAL record and flushing the WAL.  The only thing that is
necessarily serialized is writing the WAL record.

> But I see (now) that you argue that this is not the case, thus:
> «
> This will reduce the window for the race condition a little, but the problem is still there.
> If concurrent transactions run the trigger function at the same time, they won’t see each other’s modifications.
> »
> I take what you say in your post to mean that each session executes its deferred constraint
> check (by extension, not just for constraint triggers but for all deferred constraint cases)
> momentarily *before* COMMIT so that the effect is only to reduce the duration of the race condition
> window rather than to eliminate it.

In the case of constraint triggers, yes.
But there is no race condition for primary key, unique and foreign key constraints, because
they also "see" uncommitted data.

> So it all depends on a lawyerly reading of the wording "at COMMIT time". The current CREATE TABLE doc says this:
> «
> If the constraint is INITIALLY DEFERRED, it is checked only at the end of the transaction.
> »
> The wording "at the end of the transaction" is not precise enough to adjudicate—and so the key
> question remains: Is a deferred constraint checked:
> (a) as part of the strictly serialized operations that implement a session's COMMIT?
> or
> (b) momentarily *before* COMMIT and not within the serialized COMMIT execution?
> So… (asking the wider audience) is the answer (a) or (b)? An if it's (b), why? After all, (b) brings
> the race condition risk. Is (a) simply not feasible?

COMMITs are not serialized.  You seem to think that as soon as one transaction's COMMIT starts
processing, no other transaction may COMMIT at the same time.  That is not the case.

> > > Is my entire concept (and Laurenz's too) fundamentally flawed? Specifically, is querying
> > > a trigger's base table in a "for each row" trigger fundamentally unsound and not supported?
> > 
> > My post claims that constraint triggers alone are *not* a sufficient solution to validate
> > constraints - you need additional locking or SERIALIZABLE isolation to make that work reliably.
> This doesn't seem to be what you wrote. These two headings [...]

Then I must have been unclear.  Or you only looked at the headings.

> As I reason it, if you use the SERIALIZABLE approach, then an ordinary immediate AFTER EACH
> STATEMENT trigger will work fine—precisely because of how that isolation level is defined.
> So here, a deferred constraint trigger isn't needed and brings no value.

Now that is absolutely true.  If you use the big hammer of SERIALIZABLE, there can be no
anomaly, and it is unnecessary to keep the window for a race condition small.
Deferred triggers and constraints still have a value, because they see the state
of the database at the end of the whole transaction.

> This implies that if a deferred constraint trigger is to have any utility, it must be safe
> to use it (as I tested it) at the READ COMMITTED level. I do see that, though I appear to
> be testing this, I cannot do a reliable test because I cannot, in application code, open up,
> and exploit, a race condition window after COMMIT has been issued. (I *am* able to do this
> to expose the fact that "set constraints all immediate" is unsafe.)

This sentence lacks the definition of what you mean by "safe", on which all hinges.

If "safe" means that you can use them to make sure that a certain condition is always
satisfied (like in a constraint), they are not safe.  But that is not the only use for
a trigger.

Laurenz Albe
Cybertec |

Re: Deferred constraint trigger semantics


It adds the "initially deferred" decoration to the "create constraint trigger" statement. This is (still) the result:

INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 10, n = 5
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 20, n = 5
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 30, n = 5
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 40, n = 5
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 50, n = 5
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 60, n = 8
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 70, n = 8
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 80, n = 8
Because You can do
create constraint trigger trg
after insert on t2
deferrable initially deferred
for each row
execute function trg_fn();

You didn't explicitly defer the trigger trg on t1!. That means after you insert on t1 then the trigger trg on t1 invoked rather than on commit time. 
If you
create constraint trigger trg
after insert on t1
deferrable initially deferred
for each row
execute function trg_fn();

create constraint trigger trg
after insert on t2
deferrable initially deferred
for each row
execute function trg_fn();
then you will get
INFO:  00000: trg fired. new.v = 10, n = 8
INFO:  00000: trg fired. new.v = 20, n = 8
INFO:  00000: trg fired. new.v = 30, n = 8
INFO:  00000: trg fired. new.v = 40, n = 8
INFO:  00000: trg fired. new.v = 50, n = 8
INFO:  00000: trg fired. new.v = 60, n = 8
INFO:  00000: trg fired. new.v = 70, n = 8
INFO:  00000: trg fired. new.v = 80, n = 8 

On Thu, May 12, 2022 at 4:13 AM Bryn Llewellyn <> wrote: wrote: wrote:

Thanks for the point-by-point reply, David.

...makes no mention of what you might expect to see in an AFTER EACH ROW trigger.

...the absence of a comment declaring a guarantee of order means that, like the comment for the row-level BEFORE trigger, the row-level AFTER row ordering is not guaranteed (even if one cannot produce a counter-example in today's codebase).

Got it!

...unless anybody contradicts me.

Caveat emptor...? I wouldn't be surprised that doing so is technically possible in all cases - as to whether a particular algorithm is sound, to some extent, isn't something we try to predict. We do try to describe all the known interactions though - and let the user work within what those mean for them.

Got it again!

...implies that there's no such unpredictability in the AFTER EACH ROW cases.

I would not read it that way. In general, absence of mention of predictability like this means there is none - that some other sentence goes into more detail doesn't change that.


But there has to be a subtle caveat here for the deferred constraint trigger when the txn changes two or more tables, all of which participate in the query that the trigger function issues… The "raise info" output below illustrates my point (n changes from 5 to 8).

I'm failing to see the deferral aspect of that example. First statement finishes, sees the 5 inserts, next statement finishes, sees 3 more inserts. Not, both statements finish, triggers fire, triggers see all 8 inserts (which I suspect they will if you actually perform deferral).

Oops. I did a copy-and-paste error on going from my test env. to email and missed out the "deferral" that I'd intended. For completeness, here's the test that I meant:

create table t1(k serial primary key, v int not null);
create table t2(k serial primary key, v int not null);

create function trg_fn()
  returns trigger
  language plpgsql
as $body$
  n int not null := 0;
  n := (select count(*) from t1) + (select count(*) from t2);
  raise info 'trg fired. new.v = %, n = %', new.v, n;
  return new;

create constraint trigger trg
after insert on t1
for each row
execute function trg_fn();

create constraint trigger trg
after insert on t2
initially deferred
for each row
execute function trg_fn();

set default_transaction_isolation = 'read committed';
do $body$
  insert into t1(v)
  values (10), (20), (30), (40), (50);

  insert into t2(v)
  values (60), (70), (80);

It adds the "initially deferred" decoration to the "create constraint trigger" statement. This is (still) the result:

INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 10, n = 5
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 20, n = 5
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 30, n = 5
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 40, n = 5
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 50, n = 5
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 60, n = 8
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 70, n = 8
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 80, n = 8

Even though both inserts have completed by commit time, only the trigger firing caused by the second statement sees the final state that obtains the moment before commit. The first statement sees only the state after it finishes and before the second statement executes. You said « I suspect [that both statements will see the final state] if you actually perform deferral ». My test shows that this is not the case.

Did I misunderstand you? Or does this result surprise you? If it does, do you think that this is a bug?

...Your test case for the deferred constraint, that supposedly allows for the insertion of invalid data per the specification of the constraint trigger, isn't something I've worked through yet; and as written reads like a bug report.

It's not a report of a PG bug. Rather, it shows how an application programmer might write a bug in *their* code. When "set constraints all immediate" is used, it opens a race condition window between its execution and the commit. I'd speculated on that earlier. So I felt that I should show a self-contained demo of this possible trap for the application programmer. As long as  "set constraints all immediate" is not used, the demo shows proper behavior. Of course, it moves the constraint violation error to commit time—and this means that PL/pgSQL code cannot handle it (as discussed at length elsewhere).

I appreciate that using  "set constraints all immediate" is useful in many scenarios to allow handling the violation error in PL/pgSQL. (Thanks again for that tip, David.) For example, and as I reason it, the famous "mandatory one-to-one relationship" use-case is safe when you use this technique. This use-case needs mutual FK constraints between the two tables. But you have to insert one of the two rows (call it "main") that are so related before the other (call it "extra"). And so the mutual FK constraints cannot be satisfied until both new rows are in place. Therefore the "main" table's FK constraint to the "extra" table (when the insertion order that I described is used) must be deferred. But, because this is insert, no other session can see your uncommitted work in progress. So there's no race condition window. And once the new row-pair is committed, other non-deferred constraints can ensure that either deleting the "extra" row is RESTRICTed or deleting the "main" row CASCADEs. So the business rule is easily enforced once the new row-pair is in place.

It does take a fair effort of reasoning, for each specific use-case, to determine the safety of using "set constraints all immediate". But programming is just like that!

Is there a fundamental reason why a deferred AFTER EACH STATEMENT constraint trigger is not allowed? Nothing in what is explained in the "Overview of Trigger Behavior" and "Visibility of Data Changes" sections lets me see why the present restriction is needed.

I imagine having to keep around a working set of what are the changed records is both memory intensive and also problematic should a future statement make yet more changes to the table… And given that constraints are defined per-row everywhere else there is a pull to not push the envelope of our extension too far.

At the conceptual level, there are both per-row constraints and the kind that can be precisely specified (albeit not implemented) using SQL Assertion syntax.

With respect to « having to keep around a working set of what are the changed records » I think that the complexity that you envisaged is avoided by the (emergent) rule that an AFTER EACH STATEMENT trigger cannot see "old" and "new" values. In other words, all you can sensibly do in its function is ordinary SQL that sees the current state at the moment it fires.

To my surprise, it *is* legal to write code that accesses "old" and "new" values. But, because many rows can be affected by a single statement, and the trigger fires just once, the meanings of "old" and "new" are undefined. I've seen that, in any test that I do, both are always set to NULL (which seems reasonable). For example:

create table t(k serial primary key, v int not null);

create function trg_fn()
  returns trigger
  language plpgsql
as $body$
  raise info 'old.v is %', coalesce(old.v::text, 'null as expected');
  raise info 'new.v is %', coalesce(new.v::text, 'null as expected');
  return new;

create trigger trg
after insert on t
for each statement
execute function trg_fn();

set default_transaction_isolation = 'read committed';
insert into t(v)
values (10), (20), (30), (40), (50);

It produces this output:

INFO:  old.v is null as expected
INFO:  new.v is null as expected

A deferred AFTER EACH STATEMENT constraint trigger would be a good tool for the kind of business rule that a SQL Assertion specifies. Yes, it would fire more times than is actually needed. But nevertheless, the timing point better expresses the intention—and there would, at least, be fewer firings than with an AFTER EACH ROW trigger.

If what I pointed out above (not all deferred constraint triggers see the final state just before commit) is regarded as a bug and fixed, then the application programming would be straightforward. As things are now, tricky (but feasible, I believe) programming would be needed in the multi-table case to make only the very last deferred trigger function execution perform the actual test.

Re: Deferred constraint trigger semantics

Bryn Llewellyn
Date: wrote:

It adds the "initially deferred" decoration to the "create constraint trigger" statement. This is (still) the result:

INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 10, n = 5
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 20, n = 5
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 30, n = 5
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 40, n = 5
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 50, n = 5
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 60, n = 8
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 70, n = 8
INFO:  trg fired. new.v = 80, n = 8
Because You can do
create constraint trigger trg
after insert on t2
deferrable initially deferred
for each row
execute function trg_fn();

You didn't explicitly defer the trigger trg on t1!. That means after you insert on t1 then the trigger trg on t1 invoked rather than on commit time. 
If you
create constraint trigger trg
after insert on t1
deferrable initially deferred
for each row
execute function trg_fn();

create constraint trigger trg
after insert on t2
deferrable initially deferred
for each row
execute function trg_fn();
then you will get
INFO:  00000: trg fired. new.v = 10, n = 8
INFO:  00000: trg fired. new.v = 20, n = 8
INFO:  00000: trg fired. new.v = 30, n = 8
INFO:  00000: trg fired. new.v = 40, n = 8
INFO:  00000: trg fired. new.v = 50, n = 8
INFO:  00000: trg fired. new.v = 60, n = 8
INFO:  00000: trg fired. new.v = 70, n = 8
INFO:  00000: trg fired. new.v = 80, n = 8 

Er… yes. David Johnston pointed that out too. I'm embarrassed beyond belief. Sorry to have wasted folks' time because of my mistake.

Re: Deferred constraint trigger semantics

Bryn Llewellyn
Date: wrote: wrote:

…I have always understood that (in Postgres and any respectable RDBMS) commits in a multi-session environment are always strictly serialized—irrespective of the transaction's isolation level. Am I correct to assume this is the case for Postgres? I took "at COMMIT time" to mean "as part of the strictly serialized operations that implement a session's COMMIT".

I am not sure what you mean by serialized commits. Transactions are concurrent, and so are commits. COMMIT takes some time, during which several things happen, among them executing deferred constraints, writing a WAL record and flushing the WAL. The only thing that is necessarily serialized is writing the WAL record.

Oh. I was wrong, then. I'll say more on this below.

…I take what you say in your post to mean that each session executes its deferred constraint check (by extension, not just for constraint triggers but for all deferred constraint cases) momentarily *before* COMMIT so that the effect is only to reduce the duration of the race condition window rather than to eliminate it.

In the case of constraint triggers, yes. But there is no race condition for primary key, unique and foreign key constraints, because they also "see" uncommitted data.

I can't follow you here, sorry. I tried this:

create table t(
  k serial primary key,
  v int not null,
  constraint t_v_unq unique(v) initially deferred);

-- RED
start transaction isolation level read committed;
insert into t(v) values (1), (2);
select k, v from t order by k;

start transaction isolation level read committed;
insert into t(v) values (1), (3);
select k, v from t order by k;

-- RED
select k, v from t order by k;

select k, v from t order by k;
select k, v from t order by k;

The first "select" from the "BLUE" session at the very end produces this:

 k | v 
 1 | 1
 2 | 2
 3 | 1
 4 | 3

This doesn't surprise me. It's ultimately illegal. But not yet. (Before "RED" committed, "BLUE" didn't see the rows with "k = 1" and "k = 2". So it isn't seeing any other sessions uncommitted data—but only it's own uncommitted data.)

Then, when "BLUE" commits, it (of course) gets this:

ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "t_v_unq"
DETAIL:  Key (v)=(1) already exists.

Then it sees (of course, again) only the rows with "k = 1" and "k = 2"—the same as what "RED" saw.

It seems to be impossible to do a test in slow motion where "RED" and "BLUE" each issues "commit" at the exact same moment. So thinking about this scenario doesn't tell me if:

(a) Each session runs its constraint check and the rest of what "commit" entails in a genuinely serialized fashion.


(b) Each session first runs its constraint check (and some other stuff) non-serializedly—and only then runs the small part of the total "commit" action (the WAL part) serializedly. (This would result in bad data in the database at rest—just as my contrived misuse of "set constraints all immediate" left things in my "one or two admins" scenario.)

I appreciate that this just is a different wording of what I wrote before—but now w.r.t. the system-implemented unique constraint use-case.

The (a) scheme sounds correct. And the (b) scheme sounds wrong. Why would PG prefer to implement (b) rather than (a)?

I'm clearly missing something.

So it all depends on a lawyerly reading of the wording "at COMMIT time". The current CREATE TABLE doc says this:

If the constraint is INITIALLY DEFERRED, it is checked only at the end of the transaction.

The wording "at the end of the transaction" is not precise enough to adjudicate—and so the key question remains: Is a deferred constraint checked:

(a) as part of the strictly serialized operations that implement a session's COMMIT?


(b) momentarily *before* COMMIT and not within the serialized COMMIT execution?

So… (asking the wider audience) is the answer (a) or (b)? An if it's (b), why? After all, (b) brings the race condition risk. Is (a) simply not feasible?

COMMITs are not serialized. You seem to think that as soon as one transaction's COMMIT starts processing, no other transaction may COMMIT at the same time. That is not the case.

Yes, I most certainly did think this.

Where, in the PG doc, can I read the account of the proper mental model for the application programmer? It seems to be impossible to conduct an experiment that would disprove the hypothesis that one, or the other, of these mental models is correct.

Is my entire concept (and Laurenz's too) fundamentally flawed? Specifically, is querying a trigger's base table in a "for each row" trigger fundamentally unsound and not supported?

My post claims that constraint triggers alone are *not* a sufficient solution to validate constraints - you need additional locking or SERIALIZABLE isolation to make that work reliably.

This doesn't seem to be what you wrote. These two headings [...]

Then I must have been unclear. Or you only looked at the headings.

As I reason it, if you use the SERIALIZABLE approach, then an ordinary immediate AFTER EACH STATEMENT trigger will work fine—precisely because of how that isolation level is defined. So here, a deferred constraint trigger isn't needed and brings no value.

Now that is absolutely true. If you use the big hammer of SERIALIZABLE, there can be no anomaly, and it is unnecessary to keep the window for a race condition small. Deferred triggers and constraints still have a value, because they see the state of the database at the end of the whole transaction.

This implies that if a deferred constraint trigger is to have any utility, it must be safe to use it (as I tested it) at the READ COMMITTED level. I do see that, though I appear to be testing this, I cannot do a reliable test because I cannot, in application code, open up, and exploit, a race condition window after COMMIT has been issued. (I *am* able to do this to expose the fact that "set constraints all immediate" is unsafe.)

This sentence lacks the definition of what you mean by "safe", on which all hinges.

If "safe" means that you can use them to make sure that a certain condition is always satisfied (like in a constraint), they are not safe. But that is not the only use for a trigger.

Your post's testcase used the condition "at least one guard on duty" and used pessimistic locking to enforce this rule—while, I assume, all sessions use just the default "read committed" isolation level. It also showed how to enforce the rule by having any session that performs the risky de-assignment of a guard use the "serializable" isolation level. This solution is easier to write—but (as you imply) is less performant in a system where many concurrent sessions attempt the risky operation at the same time. You mention too that the client must implement a re-try strategy—and this complicates the overall programming exercise. (Sadly, retry cannot be encapsulated in PL/pgSQL because a block that has an exception handler cannot issue "commit" and yet serialization errors (typically?) occur only at commit time.)

My testcase used a stricter rule: the table of staff must have exactly one or two rows where the job is "Admin". So, here, concurrent sessions can break the rule (when the txn starts with one "Admin") by updating different rows to make them "Admin" or by inserting different new "Admin" rows. I've convinced myself by experiment that an ordinary trigger can enforce this rule when contending sessions use "serializable" isolation. Am I right that you'd say that no pessimistic locking scheme can enforce the rule at lower isolation levels except the brute-force "lock table"?

Re: Deferred constraint trigger semantics

Laurenz Albe
On Thu, 2022-05-12 at 22:06 -0700, Bryn Llewellyn wrote:
> > In the case of constraint triggers, yes. But there is no race condition for primary key,
> > unique and foreign key constraints, because they also "see" uncommitted data.
> I can't follow you here, sorry. I tried this:
> create table t(
>   k serial primary key,
>   v int not null,
>   constraint t_v_unq unique(v) initially deferred);
> -- RED
> start transaction isolation level read committed;
> insert into t(v) values (1), (2);
> select k, v from t order by k;
> -- BLUE
> start transaction isolation level read committed;
> insert into t(v) values (1), (3);
> select k, v from t order by k;
> -- RED
> commit;
> select k, v from t order by k;
> -- BLUE
> select k, v from t order by k;
> commit;
> select k, v from t order by k;
> The first "select" from the "BLUE" session at the very end produces this:
>  k | v 
> ---+---
>  1 | 1
>  2 | 2
>  3 | 1
>  4 | 3
> This doesn't surprise me. It's ultimately illegal. But not yet. (Before "RED" committed, "BLUE"
> didn't see the rows with "k = 1" and "k = 2". So it isn't seeing any other sessions uncommitted
> data—but only it's own uncommitted data.)

Be "seeing" I didn't mean "show to the user".
I mean that the code that implements PostgreSQL constraints takes uncommitted data into account.

The documentation describes that for the case of uniqueness in some detail:

> Then, when "BLUE" commits, it (of course) gets this:
> ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "t_v_unq"
> DETAIL:  Key (v)=(1) already exists.
> Then it sees (of course, again) only the rows with "k = 1" and "k = 2"—the same as what "RED" saw.
> It seems to be impossible to do a test in slow motion where "RED" and "BLUE" each issues "commit"
> at the exact same moment. So thinking about this scenario doesn't tell me if:
> (a) Each session runs its constraint check and the rest of what "commit" entails in a genuinely serialized fashion.
> OR
> (b) Each session first runs its constraint check (and some other stuff) non-serializedly—and only
>     then runs the small part of the total "commit" action (the WAL part) serializedly.
>     (This would result in bad data in the database at rest—just as my contrived misuse of
>     "set constraints all immediate" left things in my "one or two admins" scenario.)

I'd say that (b) is a more accurate description.

> The (a) scheme sounds correct. And the (b) scheme sounds wrong. Why would PG prefer to implement (b) rather than
> I'm clearly missing something.

Because (a) would result in terrible performance if there are many concurrent transactions.

I don't see why (b) is wrong - as your example shows, the behavior is correct.

Perhaps you have to understand what a PostgreSQL "snapshot" is and that the exact moment at
which a row was created is not important - it is the transaction numbers in "xmin" and "xmax"
that count.

> > 
> Where, in the PG doc, can I read the account of the proper mental model for the application programmer?
> It seems to be impossible to conduct an experiment that would disprove the hypothesis that one,
> or the other, of these mental models is correct.

I'd say that the proper mental model is that you don't need to care.
The ACID properties are guarantees that the database makes, and these guarantees are usually
negative: "no sequence of actions can result in the violation of a unique constraint" or
"you don't get to see uncommitted data".

The exact sequence of what happens during COMMIT is interesting, but irrelevant to the
programmer.  All that counts is "a deferred constraint is checked between the time that
COMMIT starts processing and the time that it returns".

If you want to know more, you have to start reading the code.  It is open source and
well documented.

> > > > 
> Your post's testcase used the condition "at least one guard on duty" [...]
> My testcase used a stricter rule: the table of staff must have exactly one or two rows where
> the job is "Admin". So, here, concurrent sessions can break the rule (when the txn starts
> with one "Admin") by updating different rows to make them "Admin" or by inserting different
> new "Admin" rows. I've convinced myself by experiment that an ordinary trigger can enforce
> this rule when contending sessions use "serializable" isolation. Am I right that you'd say
> that no pessimistic locking scheme can enforce the rule at lower isolation levels except the
> brute-force "lock table"?

If the transaction can insert two rows, I'd agree.
If the transaction only inserts a single row, than it could SELECT ... FOR NO KEY UPDATE the
one existing row, thus serializing the concurrent transactions.

Laurenz Albe
Cybertec |

Re: Deferred constraint trigger semantics

Bryn Llewellyn
Date: wrote:

Be "seeing" I didn't mean "show to the user". I mean that the code that implements PostgreSQL constraints takes uncommitted data into account.

The documentation describes that for the case of uniqueness in some detail:

I'd say that the proper mental model is that you don't need to care. The ACID properties are guarantees that the database makes, and these guarantees are usually negative: "no sequence of actions can result in the violation of a unique constraint" or "you don't get to see uncommitted data".

The exact sequence of what happens during COMMIT is interesting, but irrelevant to the programmer.  All that counts is "a deferred constraint is checked between the time that COMMIT starts processing and the time that it returns".

If you want to know more, you have to start reading the code. It is open source and well documented.

Thanks for the quick reply, Laurenz. I'm signing off now (US/Pacific) for a long weekend. I'll try to digest what you wrote on Monday.

Re: Deferred constraint trigger semantics

Bryn Llewellyn

…I tried this:

create table t(
  k serial primary key,
  v int not null,
  constraint t_v_unq unique(v) initially deferred);

Here's a better test:

-- BLUE session
start transaction isolation level read committed;
insert into t(v) values (1), (2);

-- RED session
start transaction isolation level read committed;
insert into t(v) values (1), (3);

-- BLUE session
set constraints all immediate;

-- RED session (hangs until BLUE commits).
-- Then, when it does, gets ERROR... "Key (v)=(1) already exists"
set constraints all immediate;

-- BLUE session

-- RED session
-- There are no changes to commit 'cos they were rolled back.

-- "select k, v from t order by k" (in each session) now shows that both sessions meet the constraint.

Where, in the PG doc, can I read the account of the proper mental model for the application programmer?

Thanks for referring me to the account "62.5. Index Uniqueness Checks". It's in the section "Part VII. Internals" (…contains assorted information that might be of use to PostgreSQL developers). I wouldn't expect to read this because I don't intend to write code that might become part of PG's implementation.

I'd say that the proper mental model is that you don't need to care… The exact sequence of what happens during COMMIT is interesting, but irrelevant to the programmer. All that counts is "a deferred constraint is checked between the time that COMMIT starts processing and the time that it returns".

Yes, I very much like this stance. It seems that, for built-in constraints (like "unique" or "foreign key") it's enough to understand that PG implements these at the "read committed" isolation level by using methods (that aren't exposed via SQL) to peep below the application programmer's MVCC view of the world to check the uncommitted state of other, concurrent, sessions.

This explains why, in the (new) test that I used above, the conflict is detected when the second session issues "set constraints all immediate" after the first already did this (i.e. long before COMMIT). In this case, the second session hangs until the first commits—at which point the second sees the uniqueness violation error.

In other words, the automagic implementation of the enforcement of built-in constraints allows the safe use of "set constraints all immediate" to provoke a possible early error that can, very usefully, be handled in PL/pgSQL code. This is the clue to understanding why the check of a built-in constraint, when it's performed as an implicit consequence of "commit", doesn't need to be within the small part of the operations that "commit" causes that are strictly serialized. (You've explained how this helps performance in multi-session scenarios.)

Critically, the special methods that implement the enforcement of built-in constraints aren't accessible in PL/pgSQL code and therefore not accessible in the "ordinary" implementation of trigger functions. This is the point that I failed to grasp. (Though I do see, now, that Laurenz's post says this clearly.)

I was able to demonstrate this by implementing a unique constraint with a deferred constraint trigger (and no use of "set constraints all immediate"). I simply introduced "pg_sleep(5)" between the trigger function's actual check and its final "return null". I copied the code below for completeness.

The "BLUE" session, because it reaches its serialized "commit" actions first, sees an outcome that meets the constraint. But the "RED" session has enough time to do its check before "BLUE" does its serialized "commit" actions. So its test passes too. This leaves the final database in conflict with the intended constraint.

I see now that the only robust use of an ordinarily (i.e. not using C) implemented constraint trigger (deferred or otherwise) is to enforce a single row-constraint. (There's a caveat that maybe, after careful analysis, you can work out a cunning lockings scheme to allow the safe implementation of an entity-level constraint without using C. But the "exactly one or two admins in a department" example shows that this isn't generally possible.) So it's reasonable that a constraint trigger must be AFTER EACH ROW. Further, it would  make no sense to do SQL from its implementation function because the only values that you might defensibly use are available simply via "old" and "new".

So all that stuff I was concerned about where the deferred constraint fires many times when once is enough falls away because the larger endeavor makes no sense. (I suppose that it might matter if you implemented the trigger function robustly in C.)

It does strike me that the ordinary application programmer—who reads just the sections "CREATE TRIGGER", "Chapter 39. Triggers", "CREATE TABLE", and "SET CONSTRAINTS"—will have a hard time to reach a correct understanding of what I believe that, with huge help from Laurenz Albe and David Johnston, I hope that I now have. This is the key sentence that needs careful interpretation:

"If the constraint is INITIALLY DEFERRED, it is checked only at the end of the transaction."

One's understanding is crucially determined by realizing that "at the end of the transaction" means "concurrently, when two or more sessions hit COMMIT at the exact same moment—and therefore *before* that part of the commit actions that is serialized. Oh well, I won't push that point.

-- set-up.sql
drop table if exists t;
create table t(
  k serial primary key,
  v int not null);

-- No need, in this simple demo, to use a latching scheme
-- to execute constraint_trg_fn()'s test only once.
drop function if exists constraint_trg_fn() cascade;
create function constraint_trg_fn()
  returns trigger
  language plpgsql
as $body$
  set constraint_trigger.fired = 'true';
      (select count(*) from t) > (select count(distinct v) from t)
    raise exception using
      errcode = 'raise_exception',
      message = '"t.v" values must be unique',
      hint    =  'try again';
  end if;
  perform pg_sleep(5);
  return null;

create constraint trigger constraint_trg
after insert on t
initially deferred
for each row
execute function constraint_trg_fn();
-- blue.sql

set default_transaction_isolation = 'read committed';
do $body$
  insert into t(v) values (1), (2);
select k, v from t order by k;

-- red.sql

set default_transaction_isolation = 'read committed';
do $body$
  insert into t(v) values (1), (3);
select k, v from t order by k

-- RED session

\i set-up.sql

-- BLUE session

\i blue.sql
-- RED session
-- to be done as soon as your reflexes allow after starting "red.sql"

\i red.sql
