Thread: pg_dbms_job v1.2.0 released

pg_dbms_job v1.2.0 released

MigOps via PostgreSQL Announce

pg_dbms_job v1.2.0 released

Grenoble - April 11, 2022

PostgreSQL DBMS_JOB compatibility extension

pg_dbms_job is a new PostgreSQL extension to create, manage and use Oracle-style DBMS_JOB scheduled job. The use and behavior is just like with the DBMS_JOB Oracle package.

It allows to manage scheduled jobs from a job queue or to execute immediately jobs asynchronously. A job definition consist on a code to execute, the next date of execution and how often the job is to be run. A job runs a SQL command, plpgsql code or an existing stored procedure.

pg_dbms_job v1.2.0 has been released, this is a maintenance release to fix issues reported by users since the past height months. It also adds some useful improvements.

  • Add configuration directive job_queue_processes to control the maximum number of job processed at the same time.
  • Keep entries in the jobs table to be able to monitor the duration of a task.
  • Allow strftime() escapes in log filename, for example to have a log file per week day use %a in the file name.
  • Add new configuration directive log_truncate_on_rotation to truncate file on rotation. When activated an existing log file with the same name as the new log file will be truncated rather than appended to. But such truncation only occurs on time-driven rotation, not on restarts.
  • Allow pg_dbms_job to run on a standby server without reporting error. The daemon detects that it is running on a standby and disconnect immediately, it will try to connect 3 seconds later.
  • Try to reconnect PostgreSQL after 3 seconds when the connection fail.

Complete list of changes and acknowledgement is available here

Links & Credits

pg_dbms_job is an open project under the PostgreSQL license created by Gilles Darold at MigOps Inc as part of the improvement of Ora2Pg. Any contribution to build a better tool is welcome. You can send your ideas, features requests or patches using the GitHub tools.

Links :

About pg_dbms_job

The pg_dbms_job extension is an original work of MigOps Inc, MigOPs is specialized in migration to PostgreSQL and PostgreSQL support. If you need more information please contact us

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