Thread: psqlODBC x64 not respecting read-only parameter?

psqlODBC x64 not respecting read-only parameter?

"Wal, Jan Tjalling van der"

Dear psqlODBC-peoples,


I have been trying to get an MS-Access front-end to connect with a PostgreSQL-backend and although much of what I want is working by now, there is a potential glitch regarding the read-only parameter.


Working with these versions:

Microsoft® Access® for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2112 Build 16.0.14729.20254) 64-bit

psqlodbc_13_02_0000 is the installed driver (also 64 bit).


My connection string looks like this:

ODBC;Driver={PostgreSQL Unicode(x64)};DATABASE=<dbname>;SERVER=<srvrname>;PORT=5432;UID=<user>;PWD=<password>;A0=0;CA=p;A7=100;B0=255;B1=8190;BI=0;C2=dd_;D6=-101;CX=1c205008b;A1=7.4-1;D1=240;D2=80;


From How to specify as a connection option ( I understand that A0 or keyword=ReadOnly should somehow influence whether the connection functions read-only or not.

I have tried a.o. these variations for this setting.

A0                                        (present)

A0=0,1,-1                           (three values tested)

A0=false, true                   (both values tested)

ReadOnly                            (present)

ReadOnly=0,1,-1               (three values tested)


I can see in my VBAcode (output), in the Linked Table Manager, in MSysObjects (Access system table) or in the ToolTips that the changes to the settings I want are active.

However when I open a linked table I can edit the table and save values.


My expectation is that there is some setting where I can have logged on users that depending on their privileges at the PostgreSQL-side can have:

  • Read-only access to the data
  • Full access to the data.

In that way the curious but possibly inept users can safely see and possibly extract the data for analysis, but cannot modify it unwittingly.


Feature, bug or is there something I am missing?


Kind regards,

Jan Tjalling van der Wal

Wageningen Marine Research (IMARES) Institute for Marine Resources & Ecosystem Studies

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