Thread: pgsql: Simplify lazy_scan_heap's handling of scanned pages.

pgsql: Simplify lazy_scan_heap's handling of scanned pages.

Peter Geoghegan
Simplify lazy_scan_heap's handling of scanned pages.

Redefine a scanned page as any heap page that actually gets pinned by
VACUUM's first pass over the heap, regardless of whether or not the page
was cleanup locked.  Although it's fundamentally impossible to prune a
heap page without a cleanup lock (since we cannot safely defragment the
page), we can do just about everything else.  The only notable further
exception is freezing tuples, though even that is arguably a consequence
of not being able to prune (not a separate issue).

VACUUM now does as much of the same processing as possible for pages
that could not be cleanup locked.  Any failure to do specific required
processing is treated as a special case exception, which will be rare in
practice.  We now collect any preexisting LP_DEAD items (left behind by
earlier opportunistic pruning) in the dead_items array for these heap
pages, and count their tuples in the usual way.  Steps used to decide if
we'll attempt relation truncation are performed in the usual way for
no-cleanup-lock scanned pages, too.

Although eliminating these special cases is intrinsically useful, it's
even more useful as an enabler of further simplifications.  The only
essential difference between aggressive and non-aggressive is that only
aggressive is _guaranteed_ to be able to advance relfrozenxid up to
FreezeLimit.  Advancing relfrozenxid is always useful, but before now
non-aggressive VACUUMs threw away the opportunity to do so whenever a
cleanup lock could not be acquired on any page, no matter what the
details were.  This was very pessimistic.

It isn't actually necessary to "behave aggressively" to maintain the
ability to advance relfrozenxid when a cleanup lock isn't immediately
available (most of the time).  The non-aggressive case will now make
sure that it isn't safe to advance relfrozenxid (without waiting) using
only a share lock.  It will usually notice that there are no tuples that
need to be frozen anyway, just like in the aggressive case -- and so it
no longer wastes an opportunity to advance relfrozenxid over nothing.
(The non-aggressive case still won't wait for a cleanup lock when there
really are tuples on the page that need to be frozen, since that really
would amount to "behaving aggressively".)

VACUUM currently has a tendency to set heap pages to all-visible in the
visibility map before it freezes all of the tuples on the page.  Only a
subsequent aggressive VACUUM will visit these pages to freeze their
tuples, usually only when the tuple XIDs are much older than the
vacuum_freeze_min_age GUC (FreezeLimit cutoff) is supposed to allow.
And so non-aggressive VACUUMs are still far less likely to be able to
advance relfrozenxid in practice, even with the enhancements from this
commit.  This remaining issue will be addressed by future work that
overhauls the criteria for freezing tuples.  Once that's in place,
almost every VACUUM operation will be able to advance relfrozenxid in

Author: Peter Geoghegan <>
Reviewed-By: Andres Freund <>
Reviewed-By: Masahiko Sawada <>



Modified Files
src/backend/access/heap/vacuumlazy.c             | 801 ++++++++++++++---------
src/test/isolation/expected/vacuum-reltuples.out |   2 +-
src/test/isolation/specs/vacuum-reltuples.spec   |   7 +-
3 files changed, 514 insertions(+), 296 deletions(-)