Thread: postgresql bug

postgresql bug

davood hasankhani
hello dear ,
i want to install postgresql database and use from stackBuilder and postgis extension beacuse  there are some issue in postgresql :
first : i want to download latest version of window setup.exe but redirect to access denied .
second :i find oldest version of setup file 9.3 and when install in downloaded file in this url there is a 1 line space in xml file stop installation .
please help to solve this problem.

thank you so much

spatial thanks : Davood Hasankhani

picture exist in the appendix

Re: postgresql bug

Semab Tariq
Hi Davood

Thanks for reaching out. 

On Mon, Jan 10, 2022 at 1:27 AM davood hasankhani <> wrote:
hello dear ,
i want to install postgresql database and use from stackBuilder and postgis extension beacuse  there are some issue in postgresql :
first : i want to download latest version of window setup.exe but redirect to access denied .
second :i find oldest version of setup file 9.3
PostgreSQL-9.3 reaches its End Of Life long way back so if you don't have any specific reason to use older/EOL version then please consider using the latest versions i.e PostgreSQL10 and onwards
You can find all the supported versions here

Please let me know if you have any questions

Thanks & Regards,