Thread: Fwd: PostgreSQL 12 Authentication type questions

Fwd: PostgreSQL 12 Authentication type questions

Anitha P

Hello Postgresql Team,

I have a question for you. 

If we would like to implement ldap authentication as well as password authentication for some users at a same time (like authentication type as password, global in oracle), Is there any option with postgresql 12? I did tested password authentication and as well as ldap authentication users separately by touching pg_hba.conf file, it works separately but not at the same time for different users.. But If i want to use two different users , one user with ldap authentication and another user with password authentication like in Oracle. Is it possible ? Please advise.

Also please confirm same user with mixed mode authentication like in Microsoft SQL server(same user with authentication type which is password as well as ldap), Is it possible?
Is it bug or there is a workaround? Please confirm.
Appreciate your quick response.

You can contact me @+919500114519 or +13132026377

Anitha P.