Thread: new regexp_*(text, text, int) functions crash

new regexp_*(text, text, int) functions crash

Jaime Casanova

BTW, this only happens when the third parameter is large. Here is an
example that consistently crash here:

select regexp_count('jaime.casanova', 'valid', 102481);

Jaime Casanova
Director de Servicios Profesionales
SystemGuards - Consultores de PostgreSQL

Re: new regexp_*(text, text, int) functions crash

Tom Lane
Jaime Casanova <> writes:
> BTW, this only happens when the third parameter is large. Here is an
> example that consistently crash here:
> select regexp_count('jaime.casanova', 'valid', 102481);

Hah ... pg_regexec has never had a check that the search start position
is sane.  Will fix.

            regards, tom lane