Thread: Using PGTune - is it a good source for system configuration?

Using PGTune - is it a good source for system configuration?

Pól Ua Laoínecháin
Hi all,

I used PGTune to obtain system configuration recommendations. I'm
wondering if these can be taken as "gospel" or are there any caveats
or "gotchas" to be aware of?

Below is my config and the recommendations - any comments, advice,
URLs or anything else anybody else might find useful appreciated!

# DB Version: 13
# OS Type: linux
# DB Type: mixed
# Total Memory (RAM): 32 GB
# CPUs num: 2
# Data Storage: ssd

max_connections = 100
shared_buffers = 8GB
effective_cache_size = 24GB
maintenance_work_mem = 2GB
checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9
wal_buffers = 16MB
default_statistics_target = 100
random_page_cost = 1.1
effective_io_concurrency = 200
work_mem = 41943kB
min_wal_size = 1GB
max_wal_size = 4GB
max_worker_processes = 2
max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 1
max_parallel_workers = 2
max_parallel_maintenance_workers = 1

Should you require any further information, please don't hesitate to
get back to me here on-list.

TIA and rgs,


Re: Using PGTune - is it a good source for system configuration?

"David G. Johnston"
On Wed, Sep 1, 2021 at 9:20 AM Pól Ua Laoínecháin <> wrote:

I used PGTune to obtain system configuration recommendations. I'm
wondering if these can be taken as "gospel"

Not according to its "about" page...

or are there any caveats
or "gotchas" to be aware of?

# DB Type: mixed

But they are probably better than the generic defaults at least.  The more pertinent question is whether you are getting good enough performance for the amount of effort spent or whether more effort, and customization to your exact situation, is needed to get even better performance.  Because the standard caveat is that if you are not experimenting on production-like workloads the suggestions and/or data you are seeing will not be tailored to your production environment.  It's nearly impossible to reduce the gap to zero, but pgTune still leaves a pretty sizable gap (though whether that matters depends, again, on the characteristics of the production environment).

David J.

Re: Using PGTune - is it a good source for system configuration?

Laurenz Albe
On Wed, 2021-09-01 at 17:19 +0100, Pól Ua Laoínecháin wrote:
> I used PGTune to obtain system configuration recommendations. I'm
> wondering if these can be taken as "gospel" or are there any caveats
> or "gotchas" to be aware of?

It is a serving suggestion and gives you food for thought.

It does not substitute thinking for yourself and reading the documentation
for those parameters.

> # DB Version: 13
> # OS Type: linux
> # DB Type: mixed
> # Total Memory (RAM): 32 GB
> # CPUs num: 2
> # Data Storage: ssd
> max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 1
> max_parallel_workers = 2
> max_parallel_maintenance_workers = 1

For example, I think these are not sane values for a mixed workload
with 2 CPU cores.

With that configuration, a single query could keep both cores busy.
I'd set all these to 0.

Laurenz Albe
Cybertec |

Re: Using PGTune - is it a good source for system configuration?

Pól Ua Laoínecháin
Hi, and thanks  for replying.

> Not according to its "about" page...

Yeah, sure, it's not a silver bullet, but the thrust of my question
was: do the community experts consider it reliable enough as a first

Your remarks about "better than the generic defaults" reassures me
that this is the case.

This is just my laptop - but I've taken PGTune's recommendations
before for a data loading and it was a real help...

One other question that I forgot to include in my original!

I have a two CPU core (that's why I put 2 for the number of CPUs) but
my processor supports hyperthreading (Intel Core i5, 7th Gen), so
should I really put 4 as the no.

Changing this from 2 to 4 changes the

work_mem from 41943kB to 20971kB and the worker settings from

max_worker_processes = 2
max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 1
max_parallel_workers = 2
max_parallel_maintenance_workers = 1


max_worker_processes = 4
max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2
max_parallel_workers = 4
max_parallel_maintenance_workers = 2

So, which would be the correct Number of CPUs setting given my processor?

TIA and rgs,


> David J.

RE: Using PGTune - is it a good source for system configuration?

Stephen Froehlich
Yes, I have found that most PostgreSQL workloads do benefit some (like 25% to 30%) from Intel hyperthreading.

With 4 threads, I would probably start out at:

max_worker_processes = 4
max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2
max_parallel_workers = 3
max_parallel_maintenance_workers = 1

And then keep an eye on htop ... and go from there. Remember that for this generation of processor, the speculative
executionpatches make context switching (changing which software thread a hyperthread is working on) quite expensive,
soits bad to max out the processor, and your gains above the 2 cores will be small.  

But honestly I have never run PostgreSQL on a machine with fewer than 12 cores / 24 threads.


-----Original Message-----
From: Pól Ua Laoínecháin <> 
Sent: Wednesday, September 1, 2021 12:16
Cc: pgsql-novice <>
Subject: Re: Using PGTune - is it a good source for system configuration?

Hi, and thanks  for replying.

> Not according to its "about" page...

Yeah, sure, it's not a silver bullet, but the thrust of my question
was: do the community experts consider it reliable enough as a first approximation?

Your remarks about "better than the generic defaults" reassures me that this is the case.

This is just my laptop - but I've taken PGTune's recommendations before for a data loading and it was a real help...

One other question that I forgot to include in my original!

I have a two CPU core (that's why I put 2 for the number of CPUs) but my processor supports hyperthreading (Intel Core
i5,7th Gen), so should I really put 4 as the no.

Changing this from 2 to 4 changes the

work_mem from 41943kB to 20971kB and the worker settings from

max_worker_processes = 2
max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 1
max_parallel_workers = 2
max_parallel_maintenance_workers = 1


max_worker_processes = 4
max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2
max_parallel_workers = 4
max_parallel_maintenance_workers = 2

So, which would be the correct Number of CPUs setting given my processor?

TIA and rgs,


> David J.