Thread: Problem with connecting with named host parameter

Problem with connecting with named host parameter

Mike Martin
I am getting the following error when I connect with hostname on localhost

psql -h capture -U <dbuser> -p 5432 <dbname>
psql: error: FATAL:  no pg_hba.conf entry for host "fe80::7285:c2ff:feb0:cd4%eth0", user "usevideo", database "usevideos", SSL off

The hba.conf is

local   all             all                                     password
# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all               password
host all        all     password
# IPv6 local connections:
host    all             all             ::1/128                 trust

If I change -h to ip address then it works, just not with hostname.
Connecting from another host also works.

The other thing I cant understand if the

This looks like an ipv6 host or block id which I caant understand.
This is with pg 11 and 12 on fedora 34

Re: Problem with connecting with named host parameter

Tom Lane
Mike Martin <> writes:
> I am getting the following error when I connect with hostname on localhost

> psql -h capture -U <dbuser> -p 5432 <dbname>
> psql: error: FATAL:  no pg_hba.conf entry for host
> "fe80::7285:c2ff:feb0:cd4%eth0", user "usevideo", database "usevideos", SSL
> off

Evidently, your DNS setup is resolving the machine's name as a IPv6
address, whereupon PG quite legitimately doesn't find a match in
its pg_hba table.  (I suppose you are using listen_addresses = "*",
else the server wouldn't even be listening on this address.)

> This is with pg 11 and 12 on fedora 34

Looking at the "hosts" entry in /etc/nsswitch.conf might help figure out
exactly what's going on, but I'll bet a nickel that this is some
unhelpful systemd behavior.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Problem with connecting with named host parameter

Mike Martin
On Fri, 27 Aug 2021 at 15:00, Tom Lane <> wrote:
Mike Martin <> writes:
> I am getting the following error when I connect with hostname on localhost

> psql -h capture -U <dbuser> -p 5432 <dbname>
> psql: error: FATAL:  no pg_hba.conf entry for host
> "fe80::7285:c2ff:feb0:cd4%eth0", user "usevideo", database "usevideos", SSL
> off

Evidently, your DNS setup is resolving the machine's name as a IPv6
address, whereupon PG quite legitimately doesn't find a match in
its pg_hba table.  (I suppose you are using listen_addresses = "*",
else the server wouldn't even be listening on this address.)

> This is with pg 11 and 12 on fedora 34

Looking at the "hosts" entry in /etc/nsswitch.conf might help figure out
exactly what's going on, but I'll bet a nickel that this is some
unhelpful systemd behavior.

                        regards, tom lane

Very possibly.

I seem to have resolved the issue with just the following active lines in pg_hba.conf

host all        all     samehost     password
host all all samenet password