Thread: string_agg distinct order by

string_agg distinct order by

"Markhof, Ingolf"
I am looking for something like

string_agg(distinct col_x order by col_y)

Unfortunately, you can either have the distinct, but then the order by needs to be identical to what's aggregated, or you can have the order be determined by another column. Not both...

Here is the playground


create table sites (
  state text,
  city text,
  col_a text,
  col_b text

insert into sites values ('Texas','Dallas','green','green');
insert into sites values ('Texas','Houston','green','green');
insert into sites values ('Texas','Austin','yellow','green');
insert into sites values ('Texas','Waco','yellow','yellow');
insert into sites values ('Texas','Midland','red','red');
insert into sites values ('Texas','Amarillo','red','yellow');

For each city, there is a status denoted by colour combination, e.g. 'green / green'. This is stored in two different columns in the table.

There is an order in the colours:

create table colours (
  colour text,
  value integer

insert into colours values ('red', 1);
insert into colours values ('yellow', 2);
insert into colours values ('green', 3);

So, red first, yellow second, green last.

I want an aggregated view showing for each state the list of existing status combinations, such as:

with site_status as (
  col_a || '/' || col_b as status,
  ca.value as val_a,
  cb.value as val_b
  sites a
  join colours ca on ca.colour=a.col_a
  join colours cb on cb.colour=a.col_b
  string_agg(distinct status,',') as list
group by

This results in:

Texas  green/green,red/red,red/yellow,yellow/green,yellow/yellow

By using distinct in the string_agg, I avoid double entries. Fine. But now, I want the data ordered. E.g. in the order of the first colour. I SQL, this could read...

string_agg(distinct status,',' order by val_a) as list

but this doesn't work. I get: 

SQL Error [42P10]: ERROR: in an aggregate with DISTINCT, ORDER BY expressions must appear in argument list

So, I could say:

string_agg(distinct status,',' order by status) as list

but this is not what I want: 'green' would get first, red second, yellow last...

I could also drop the distinct and say:

string_agg(status,',' order by val_a) as list

This would return the list in correct order, but with double values ('green/green') showing up twice.

I tried to delete the double entries via regexp_replace, but found this doesn't work for rather long strings (where a single regexp_replace can run many minutes!)

Any pointers?

Thank you very much for any idea.

Verizon Deutschland GmbH - Sebrathweg 20, 44149 Dortmund, Germany - Amtsgericht Dortmund, HRB 14952 - Geschäftsführer: Detlef Eppig - Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Francesco de Maio

Re: string_agg distinct order by

"David G. Johnston"
On Thu, Aug 19, 2021 at 9:09 AM Markhof, Ingolf <> wrote:
> string_agg(distinct status,',' order by status) as list
> but this is not what I want: 'green' would get first, red second, yellow last...
> I could also drop the distinct and say:
> string_agg(status,',' order by val_a) as list
> Any pointers?

public.function_that_converts_the_array_to_a_string_while_replacing_the_val_a_values_with_their_text_equivalent(array_agg(distinct val_a order by val_a))

Distinct is fairly simple - it sorts the data then skips over duplicates as they appear.  It needs a sort, applied implicitly or explicitly, to put the data in order.  If the sort is explicit it requires you to ensure that the distinct field values are all grouped together (it will do this itself if it adds an implied sort).

David J.

Re: string_agg distinct order by

Tom Lane
"Markhof, Ingolf" <> writes:
> I am looking for something like
> string_agg(distinct col_x order by col_y)

> Unfortunately, you can either have the distinct, but then the order by
> needs to be identical to what's aggregated, or you can have the order be
> determined by another column. Not both...

The reason for that restriction is that the case you propose is
ill-defined.  If we combine rows with the same col_x, which row's
value of col_y is to be used to sort the merged row?  I think once
you answer that question, a suitable query will suggest itself.

            regards, tom lane

Re: string_agg distinct order by

Michael Lewis
I believe that you could define an enumerated type to use for those status colors such that the ordering is defined as you like without two separate columns for the name and sort_value or whatever.

Example in the documentation expanded a little to demonstrate-

CREATE TYPE mood AS ENUM ('sad', 'ok', 'happy');

    name text,
    current_mood mood
INSERT INTO person VALUES ('Moe', 'happy');
INSERT INTO person VALUES ('Joe', 'sad');
INSERT INTO person VALUES ('Roe', 'ok');

SELECT * FROM person order by current_mood;
SELECT * FROM person order by current_mood desc;

Note- using enum may complicate other things in your usage, so I am not suggesting this is ideal, just one option.

Michael Lewis  |  Database Engineer

Re: [E] Re: string_agg distinct order by

"Markhof, Ingolf"
Tom, I see your point. Which is valid considering there could be any value in col_y for some value in col_x.  But in my case, col_y is a a function of col_x, i.e. two rows with the same value in row_x will have the same value in row_y as well.

Consider, you need to store some length values. Like this:

create table items (
  id text,
  len integer,
  unit text

insert into items values (1,1,'mm');
insert into items values (2,5,'mm');
insert into items values (3,5,'mm');
insert into items values (4,1,'cm');
insert into items values (5,1,'cm');
insert into items values (6,1,'m');
insert into items values (7,1,'m');
insert into items values (7,2,'m');
insert into items values (8,2,'m');
insert into items values (9,5,'m');

With the view...

create view vu_items as
  len || unit as descr,
  len*case unit when 'mm' then 1 when 'cm' then 10 when 'm' then 1000 end as len_mm
from items;

...I now want to have a list of all distinct descr ordered by length. But...

  string_agg(descr,',' order by len_mm)
from vu_items;

...creates a list with duplicates, only:



  string_agg(distinct descr,',' order by descr)
from vu_items; a list of distinct values, but in the wrong order:


My solution to this (now) is:

    string_agg(descr,',' order by len_mm),
from vu_items;

Thx again for your hint in the regexp_replacy issue in my other post...


On Thu, Aug 19, 2021 at 6:30 PM Tom Lane <> wrote:
"Markhof, Ingolf" <> writes:
> I am looking for something like
> string_agg(distinct col_x order by col_y)

> Unfortunately, you can either have the distinct, but then the order by
> needs to be identical to what's aggregated, or you can have the order be
> determined by another column. Not both...

The reason for that restriction is that the case you propose is
ill-defined.  If we combine rows with the same col_x, which row's
value of col_y is to be used to sort the merged row?  I think once
you answer that question, a suitable query will suggest itself.

                        regards, tom lane

Verizon Deutschland GmbH - Sebrathweg 20, 44149 Dortmund, Germany - Amtsgericht Dortmund, HRB 14952 - Geschäftsführer: Detlef Eppig - Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Francesco de Maio