Thread: PL/pgSQL: Spurious 22P02 error on "select col into var" when col is user-defined type

The problem that I report here seems to be known and seems, too, to astonish and annoy users. It's a bare "computer says No". It's hard to find anything of ultimate use with Google search (either constrained to the PG doc or unconstrained). Here's an example on stackoverflow: 

However, it does give the _clue_ to the workaround.

Here's an illustration of the issue, starting with what works fine. I tested in using PG 13.3.

create type rect as (h int, w int);
create table t1(k int primary key, r1 rect not null);
insert into t1(k, r1) values(1, (10, 20));

do $body$
  r rect;
  r := (
    select r1
    from t1
    where k = 1);
  raise info '%', r::text;

The "raise info" shows what you'd expect.

This re-write fails. It simply uses the approach that anybody who hasn't yet been bitten by this would expect to work.

do $body$
  r rect;
  select r1 -- line 5
  into r
  from t1
  where k = 1;

This is the error:

22P02: invalid input syntax for type integer: "(10,20)" ... at line 5

With "VERBOSITY" set to "verbose", there's not hint to tell you what the problem is and how to work around it.

Question 1.
Where, in the PL/pgSQL doc, does it state that "select col into var" when col is a user-defined type doesn't work—and where is the viable approach shown?

Question 2.
If I can easily re-write a failing approach by hand (once I know that I must) so that it works, why cannot the PL/pgSQL compiler do this under the covers?

On Mon, Aug 9, 2021 at 12:41 PM Bryn Llewellyn <> wrote:

Question 1.
Where, in the PL/pgSQL doc, does it state that "select col into var" when col is a user-defined type doesn't work—and where is the viable approach shown?

The first paragraph of the SO answer completely explains why this occurs.

However, the following 2 locations explain how we get here

Opening sentence of that page.

"composite type represents the structure of a row or record;"

"The result of a SQL command yielding a single row (possibly of multiple columns) can be assigned to a record variable, row-type variable, or list of scalar variables."

You did not provide a scalar variable - you provided a composite type - which equates to a record/row-type variable and therefore, as described, the engine tried to place each column returned into a column of your composite type. Therefore the first column of the select result is placed in the first column of your composite type - and you get an error.

It would seem rather clear that a sentence discussing composite types is very much an option here in 42.5.3 to clarify it further given your confusion today.

Question 2.
If I can easily re-write a failing approach by hand (once I know that I must) so that it works, why cannot the PL/pgSQL compiler do this under the covers?

First, there is no need to not write the select almost the way you initially tried. The following works just fine.

 select (r1).h, (r1).w
  into r
  from t1
  where k = 1;

The engine sees a composite type as the receiver and places the data in it as it is supposed to.

As another example, switch out your do with the following and it works fine. It's not user-defined types - but rather how they work.

create type rect_bucket as (r rect);

do $body$
  r rect_bucket;
  select r1
  into r
  from t1
  where k = 1;


Since the composite type is a single column of rect type - the select into works - as does the variant I showed earlier.


po 9. 8. 2021 v 21:41 odesílatel Bryn Llewellyn <> napsal:
The problem that I report here seems to be known and seems, too, to astonish and annoy users. It's a bare "computer says No". It's hard to find anything of ultimate use with Google search (either constrained to the PG doc or unconstrained). Here's an example on stackoverflow: 

However, it does give the _clue_ to the workaround.

Here's an illustration of the issue, starting with what works fine. I tested in using PG 13.3.

create type rect as (h int, w int);
create table t1(k int primary key, r1 rect not null);
insert into t1(k, r1) values(1, (10, 20));

do $body$
  r rect;
  r := (
    select r1
    from t1
    where k = 1);
  raise info '%', r::text;

The "raise info" shows what you'd expect.

This re-write fails. It simply uses the approach that anybody who hasn't yet been bitten by this would expect to work.

do $body$
  r rect;
  select r1 -- line 5
  into r
  from t1
  where k = 1;

This is the error:

22P02: invalid input syntax for type integer: "(10,20)" ... at line 5

With "VERBOSITY" set to "verbose", there's not hint to tell you what the problem is and how to work around it.

This is true. There is no possibility to list source code with line numbers, because anonymous blocks are not persistent. The most simple way is creating simple function from your example

postgres=# \sf+ fx
        CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.fx()
         RETURNS void
         LANGUAGE plpgsql
1       AS $function$
2       declare
3         r rect;
4       begin
5         select r1 -- line 5
6         into r
7         from t1
8         where k = 1; raise notice '%', r;
9       end;
10      $function$

postgres=# select fx();
ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type integer: "(10,20)"
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function fx() line 5 at SQL statement


Question 1.
Where, in the PL/pgSQL doc, does it state that "select col into var" when col is a user-defined type doesn't work—and where is the viable approach shown?

The problem is in implicit build of composite values. Postgres knows two types - scalars and composites. The result of the query is always tuple, and there are different rules when the target is composite or when the target is scalar. Unfortunately, until execution the PLpgSQL engine has no idea what type of expression will result. In your case, PLpgSQL got a tuple, and try to make a composite value, because the target is a composite value.

postgres=# do $body$
  r rect;
  select 10, 20      
  into r;
  raise notice '%', r;

NOTICE:  (10,20)

But same mechanism break your example -

postgres=# do $body$
  r rect;
  select (10, 20)
  into r;
  raise notice '%', r;
ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type integer: "(10,20)"
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function inline_code_block line 5 at SQL statement

when you replace rect type by record type, you can see result

postgres=# do $body$
  r record;
  select (10, 20)::rect
  into r;
  raise notice '%', r;
NOTICE:  ("(10,20)")

The result has a nested rect type. The solution is easy - you can unpack composite value, and assign it

postgres=# do $body$
  r record;
  select ((10, 20)::rect).*
  into r;
  raise notice '%', r;
NOTICE:  (10,20)

or your example
postgres=# do $body$
  r rect;
  select (r1).* -- line 5
  into r
  from t1
  where k = 1; raise notice '%', r;
NOTICE:  (10,20)


Question 2.
If I can easily re-write a failing approach by hand (once I know that I must) so that it works, why cannot the PL/pgSQL compiler do this under the covers?

The compiler checks just SQL syntax, but doesn't check semantic (identifiers). At compile time, the referred objects should not exist. So there is not any information about query results at compile time. The database objects have to exist before execution. There are advantages (and disadvantages) of this design. PL/pgSQL should not use forward declarations - and the relations between database objects and code are not too strong (PLpgSQL is much more dynamic than PL/SQL). On the other hand, some errors can be detected at runtime only. And because both sides are composite, plpgsql tries to run dynamic IO conversions, and it fails.

Although PL/pgSQL looks like PL/SQL, it is an absolutely different technology. PL/SQL is a classic compiler based environment with strong type checking - and composite types have to be known at compile time. PL/pgSQL is interpreted environment, much more similar to Python - and composite types can be static, but most of composite types are dynamic - they are created by any query execution, and assign of composite value to composite variable is mostly dynamic - based on assign of any individual field instead copy of structure's related memory. So you should not see PL/SQL in PL/pgSQL. It is similar to C and Javascript - the syntax is similar - based on {}, but any other is different.

Some errors like this, but not this can be detected by plpgsql_check - probably the heuristic for type check is not complete.

I am afraid that what you described cannot be fixed without a compatibility break now.


Pavel Stehule <> writes:
> Some errors like this, but not this can be detected by plpgsql_check
> - probably the heuristic for type
> check is not complete.

STRICTMULTIASSIGNMENT would detect most cases of this, except that
the condition is checked too late.  We'd need to count the fields
*before* trying to assign values, not after.

In the meantime, it does seem like the docs could be more explicit
about this, and perhaps give an example showing the (x).* solution.

            regards, tom lane wrote:

Some errors like this, but not this can be detected by plpgsql_check - probably the heuristic for type
check is not complete.

STRICTMULTIASSIGNMENT would detect most cases of this, except that the condition is checked too late. We'd need to count the fields
*before* trying to assign values, not after.

In the meantime, it does seem like the docs could be more explicit about this, and perhaps give an example showing the (x).* solution.

Tom, Pavel, and John, thanks for your quick responses. I've filed them all away and I'm hoping that I won't be caught out by this in the future.

It now seems to me to be odd, in the light of the explanations for why the naïve (PL/SQL-style) syntax doesn't work in PL/pgSQL, that assigning a scalar subquery to a variable of the composite type in question _does_ work! But don't take that as a question. I'm going to regard this as "case closed".

po 9. 8. 2021 v 23:13 odesílatel Tom Lane <> napsal:
Pavel Stehule <> writes:
> Some errors like this, but not this can be detected by plpgsql_check
> - probably the heuristic for type
> check is not complete.

STRICTMULTIASSIGNMENT would detect most cases of this, except that
the condition is checked too late.  We'd need to count the fields
*before* trying to assign values, not after.

In the meantime, it does seem like the docs could be more explicit
about this, and perhaps give an example showing the (x).* solution.

Yes, a more detailed explanation of this behavior can be nice.  There can be an example of value unnesting, but I think so for this case, there should be mainly an example of ANSI assign syntax.

var := (SELECT x FROM ..)

This syntax has advantages so is not amigonuous for this case, and explicit unnesting is not necessary (and it is not possible). Moreover, this is ANSI SQL syntax.



                        regards, tom lane

It now seems to me to be odd, in the light of the explanations for why the naïve (PL/SQL-style) syntax doesn't work in PL/pgSQL, that assigning a scalar subquery to a variable of the composite type in question _does_ work! But don't take that as a question. I'm going to regard this as "case closed".

This depends on how integration of PL/pgSQL and SQL is designed.  PL/pgSQL is a relatively small procedural interpretation over SQL engine. When you evaluate a query, then you always get a composite value (named tuple) always (in all cases).

SELECT 10, 20 INTO rec; 

In this case you get composite (10,20) and it can be assigned to composite without problems.

SELECT (10,20) INTO rec

returns composite ((10,20)), and that cannot be assigned to your composite.

Syntax rec := (SELECT 10,20) is not possible. Subquery can return only one value always. More values are not allowed.

rec := (SELECT (10,20)) is working, because you can assign (in all cases) the first field of returned composite value. This syntax cannot be ambiguous.

If you work intensively with plpgsql, then it can be a very informative look at plpgsql source code.  Don't be afraid it is not too long, and you will see. It is very simple. Then you can understand how it works.


Pavel wrote: wrote: wrote:

Some errors like this, but not this can be detected by plpgsql_check
probably the heuristic for type check is not complete.

STRICTMULTIASSIGNMENT would detect most cases of this, except that the condition is checked too late.  We'd need to count the fields *before* trying to assign values, not after.

In the meantime, it does seem like the docs could be more explicit about this, and perhaps give an example showing the (x).* solution.

Yes, a more detailed explanation of this behavior can be nice.  There can be an example of value unnesting, but I think so for this case, there should be mainly an example of ANSI assign syntax.

var := (SELECT x FROM ..)

This syntax has advantages so is not amigonuous for this case, and explicit unnesting is not necessary (and it is not possible). Moreover, this is ANSI SQL syntax.

Consider this example:

create type type1 as (a1 int, a2 int);
create table tab1(k int primary key, b boolean not null, t type1 not null);
insert into tab1(k, b, t) values(1, true, (10, 20));
select b::text, t::text from tab1 where k = 1;

It seems to be perfectly plausible—and so it seems equally plausible that you'd want to do it using PL/pgSQL. Each of these two alternatives, inspired by the advice that I got in this thread, works and produces the expected output:

do $body$
  r record;
  select ((b, t)).*
  into r
  from tab1
  where k = 1;
  raise info 'Alt 1: % | %', r.f1::text, r.f2::text;

  r := (
    select (b, t)
    from tab1
    where k = 1);
  raise info 'Alt 2: % | %', r.f1::text, r.f2::text;

It feels a smidge uncomfortable because I'm forced to use reference by field position (f1, f2) rather than by field name (b, t). But reference by position is commonplace in PostgreSQL (for example, in the PREPARE statement). So I'spose that I have to learn to like it.

Do you (all) think that the "Alt 1" and "Alt 2" that I show are the best way to implement the requirement? I prefer "Alt 2" because it doesn't have the clutter (and the burden for understanding and readability) of the extra parentheses and the ".*".

I can get the reference by field name that I prefer with a schema-level type:

create type tmp as (b text, t type1);

and by declaring "r" with this data type. But this is a greater discomfort than using the dynamically shaped "record" because it needs you to create a dedicated schema-level type for every new SELCT list that you come need.

út 10. 8. 2021 v 19:48 odesílatel Bryn Llewellyn <> napsal: wrote: wrote: wrote:

Some errors like this, but not this can be detected by plpgsql_check
probably the heuristic for type check is not complete.

STRICTMULTIASSIGNMENT would detect most cases of this, except that the condition is checked too late.  We'd need to count the fields *before* trying to assign values, not after.

In the meantime, it does seem like the docs could be more explicit about this, and perhaps give an example showing the (x).* solution.

Yes, a more detailed explanation of this behavior can be nice.  There can be an example of value unnesting, but I think so for this case, there should be mainly an example of ANSI assign syntax.

var := (SELECT x FROM ..)

This syntax has advantages so is not amigonuous for this case, and explicit unnesting is not necessary (and it is not possible). Moreover, this is ANSI SQL syntax.

Consider this example:

create type type1 as (a1 int, a2 int);
create table tab1(k int primary key, b boolean not null, t type1 not null);
insert into tab1(k, b, t) values(1, true, (10, 20));
select b::text, t::text from tab1 where k = 1;

It seems to be perfectly plausible—and so it seems equally plausible that you'd want to do it using PL/pgSQL. Each of these two alternatives, inspired by the advice that I got in this thread, works and produces the expected output:

Yes, this works. This syntax is not ambiguous.

do $body$
  r record;
  select ((b, t)).*
  into r
  from tab1
  where k = 1;
  raise info 'Alt 1: % | %', r.f1::text, r.f2::text;

  r := (
    select (b, t)
    from tab1
    where k = 1);
  raise info 'Alt 2: % | %', r.f1::text, r.f2::text;

It feels a smidge uncomfortable because I'm forced to use reference by field position (f1, f2) rather than by field name (b, t). But reference by position is commonplace in PostgreSQL (for example, in the PREPARE statement). So I'spose that I have to learn to like it.

postgres=# do $$
declare r record;
  select 10 as a, 20 as b into r;
  raise notice '% %', r.a, r.b;
NOTICE:  10 20

The composite value always has structure, and types, but sometimes it can lose labels. You can push labels by casting

r := (select (b, t) -- this is dynamic composity value, but without labels - the scalar value doesn't hold label


r := (select (b, t)::type1 -- it is composite with labels again

Do you (all) think that the "Alt 1" and "Alt 2" that I show are the best way to implement the requirement? I prefer "Alt 2" because it doesn't have the clutter (and the burden for understanding and readability) of the extra parentheses and the ".*".

I prefer Alt 2 too.

I can get the reference by field name that I prefer with a schema-level type:

create type tmp as (b text, t type1);

and by declaring "r" with this data type. But this is a greater discomfort than using the dynamically shaped "record" because it needs you to create a dedicated schema-level type for every new SELCT list that you come need.

When It is possible I use a record type - some years ago, the work with this type was a little bit slower, but not now. The work with this type is little bit safer - because it gets real labels. Values with declared composite types uses positional assignment, that is not too safe.

create table foo(a int, b int);
create type footype as (a int, b int);
insert into foo values(10, 200);

postgres=# do $$
declare f footype;
r record;
  select b, a from foo into f;
  select b, a from foo into r;
  raise notice 'f.a: %, f.b: %', f.a, f.b;
  raise notice 'r.a: %, r.b: %', r.a, r.b;
NOTICE:  f.a: 200, f.b: 10
NOTICE:  r.a: 10, r.b: 200
postgres=# select * from foo;
│ a  │  b  │
│ 10 │ 200 │
(1 row)

But sometimes explicit type is necessary - when you want to return composite value and when you want to work with composite outside function, or when you want to serialize, or deserialize composite value to/from json.

When you work with composite values, is good to enable warnings



I can get the reference by field name that I prefer with a schema-level type:

create type tmp as (b text, t type1);

and by declaring "r" with this data type. But this is a greater discomfort than using the dynamically shaped "record" because it needs you to create a dedicated schema-level type for every new SELCT list that you come need.

When It is possible I use a record type - some years ago, the work with this type was a little bit slower, but not now. The work with this type is little bit safer - because it gets real labels. Values with declared composite types uses positional assignment, that is not too safe.

create table foo(a int, b int);
create type footype as (a int, b int);
insert into foo values(10, 200);

postgres=# do $$
declare f footype;
r record;
  select b, a from foo into f;
  select b, a from foo into r;
  raise notice 'f.a: %, f.b: %', f.a, f.b;
  raise notice 'r.a: %, r.b: %', r.a, r.b;
NOTICE:  f.a: 200, f.b: 10
NOTICE:  r.a: 10, r.b: 200
postgres=# select * from foo;
│ a  │  b  │
│ 10 │ 200 │
(1 row)

But sometimes explicit type is necessary - when you want to return composite value and when you want to work with composite outside function, or when you want to serialize, or deserialize composite value to/from json.

When you work with composite values, is good to enable warnings

static composite types can be good when you use dynamic SQL. The plpgsql_check cannot derive output composite type from dynamic SQL.  And it can stop checking. When you use static composite type, then the check can continue.





po 9. 8. 2021 v 23:13 odesílatel Tom Lane <> napsal:
Pavel Stehule <> writes:
> Some errors like this, but not this can be detected by plpgsql_check
> - probably the heuristic for type
> check is not complete.

STRICTMULTIASSIGNMENT would detect most cases of this, except that
the condition is checked too late.  We'd need to count the fields
*before* trying to assign values, not after.

I use some fragments of this routine. But the problem was so I did implicit unnesting, although plpgsql doesn't do this

postgres=# create or replace function broken_into()
returns void as $$
declare v typ2;
  -- should to fail
  select (10,20)::typ2 into v;
  -- should be ok
  select ((10,20)::typ2).* into v;
  -- should to fail
  execute 'select (10,20)::typ2' into v;
  -- should be ok
  execute 'select ((10,20)::typ2).*' into v;
$$ language plpgsql;
postgres=# select * from plpgsql_check_function('broken_into', fatal_errors => false);
│                                           plpgsql_check_function                                           │
│ error:42804:5:SQL statement:cannot cast composite value of "typ2" type to a scalar value of "integer" type │
│ warning:00000:5:SQL statement:too few attributes for composite variable                                    │
│ error:42804:9:EXECUTE:cannot cast composite value of "typ2" type to a scalar value of "integer" type       │
│ warning:00000:9:EXECUTE:too few attributes for composite variable                                          │
│ warning extra:00000:2:DECLARE:never read variable "v"                                                      │
(5 rows)



In the meantime, it does seem like the docs could be more explicit
about this, and perhaps give an example showing the (x).* solution.

                        regards, tom lane

út 10. 8. 2021 v 21:25 odesílatel Pavel Stehule <> napsal:

I can get the reference by field name that I prefer with a schema-level type:

create type tmp as (b text, t type1);

and by declaring "r" with this data type. But this is a greater discomfort than using the dynamically shaped "record" because it needs you to create a dedicated schema-level type for every new SELCT list that you come need.

When It is possible I use a record type - some years ago, the work with this type was a little bit slower, but not now. The work with this type is little bit safer - because it gets real labels. Values with declared composite types uses positional assignment, that is not too safe.

create table foo(a int, b int);
create type footype as (a int, b int);
insert into foo values(10, 200);

postgres=# do $$
declare f footype;
r record;
  select b, a from foo into f;
  select b, a from foo into r;
  raise notice 'f.a: %, f.b: %', f.a, f.b;
  raise notice 'r.a: %, r.b: %', r.a, r.b;
NOTICE:  f.a: 200, f.b: 10
NOTICE:  r.a: 10, r.b: 200
postgres=# select * from foo;
│ a  │  b  │
│ 10 │ 200 │
(1 row)

But sometimes explicit type is necessary - when you want to return composite value and when you want to work with composite outside function, or when you want to serialize, or deserialize composite value to/from json.

There are a lot of use cases for static composite types. Everywhere on the interface.

When you work with composite values, is good to enable warnings

static composite types can be good when you use dynamic SQL. The plpgsql_check cannot derive output composite type from dynamic SQL.  And it can stop checking. When you use static composite type, then the check can continue.




Pavel wrote: wrote: wrote: wrote:

Some errors like this, but not this can be detected by plpgsql_check
probably the heuristic for type check is not complete.

STRICTMULTIASSIGNMENT would detect most cases of this, except that the condition is checked too late.  We'd need to count the fields *before* trying to assign values, not after.

In the meantime, it does seem like the docs could be more explicit about this, and perhaps give an example showing the (x).* solution.

Yes, a more detailed explanation of this behavior can be nice.  There can be an example of value unnesting, but I think so for this case, there should be mainly an example of ANSI assign syntax.

var := (SELECT x FROM ..)

This syntax has advantages so is not amigonuous for this case, and explicit unnesting is not necessary (and it is not possible). Moreover, this is ANSI SQL syntax.

Consider this example:

create type type1 as (a1 int, a2 int);
create table tab1(k int primary key, b boolean not null, t type1 not null);
insert into tab1(k, b, t) values(1, true, (10, 20));
select b::text, t::text from tab1 where k = 1;

It seems to be perfectly plausible—and so it seems equally plausible that you'd want to do it using PL/pgSQL. Each of these two alternatives, inspired by the advice that I got in this thread, works and produces the expected output:

Yes, this works. This syntax is not ambiguous.

do $body$
  r record;
  select ((b, t)).*
  into r
  from tab1
  where k = 1;
  raise info 'Alt 1: % | %', r.f1::text, r.f2::text;

  r := (
    select (b, t)
    from tab1
    where k = 1);
  raise info 'Alt 2: % | %', r.f1::text, r.f2::text;

It feels a smidge uncomfortable because I'm forced to use reference by field position (f1, f2) rather than by field name (b, t). But reference by position is commonplace in PostgreSQL (for example, in the PREPARE statement). So I'spose that I have to learn to like it.

postgres=# do $$
declare r record;
  select 10 as a, 20 as b into r;
  raise notice '% %', r.a, r.b;
NOTICE:  10 20

The composite value always has structure, and types, but sometimes it can lose labels. You can push labels by casting

r := (select (b, t) -- this is dynamic composity value, but without labels - the scalar value doesn't hold label


r := (select (b, t)::type1 -- it is composite with labels again

Thanks, but I don't understand your "r := (select (b, t)::type1 -- it is composite with labels again". I tried this:

create procedure p(i in int)
  language plpgsql
as $body$
  r record;
  case i
    when 1 then
      select (b, t)::type1
      into r
      from tab1
      where k = 1;

    when 2 then
      r := (
        select (b, t)::type1
        from tab1
        where k = 1);

    else null;
  end case;

call p(3);
call p(2);
call p(1);

My idea with using a procedure and choosing which code path is followed at run-time is to distinguish between compile-time errors (there are none here) and run-time errors. Of course, "call p(3)" finishes with no error.

But both the other calls cause the same error:

42846: cannot cast type record to type1

But you say that this should work!

r := (select (b, t)::type1 -- it is composite with labels again

postgres=# do $$
declare r record;
  r := (select (10,20));
  raise notice '%', to_json(r);
NOTICE:  {"f1":10,"f2":20}
postgres=# do $$
declare r record;
  r := (select (10,20)::footype);
  raise notice '%', to_json(r);
NOTICE:  {"a":10,"b":20}

Thanks, but I don't understand your "r := (select (b, t)::type1 -- it is composite with labels again". I tried this:

create procedure p(i in int)
  language plpgsql
as $body$
  r record;
  case i
    when 1 then
      select (b, t)::type1
      into r
      from tab1
      where k = 1;

    when 2 then
      r := (
        select (b, t)::type1
        from tab1
        where k = 1);

    else null;
  end case;

call p(3);
call p(2);
call p(1);

My idea with using a procedure and choosing which code path is followed at run-time is to distinguish between compile-time errors (there are none here) and run-time errors. Of course, "call p(3)" finishes with no error.

But both the other calls cause the same error:

42846: cannot cast type record to type1

the message is maybe not too intuitive, these casts are broken - you try to cast (boolean, type1) => type1

The cast can ignore some fields from right or can add nulls from right, but it cannot skip fields from left.

But you say that this should work!

On 10-Aug-2021, at 13:12, Pavel Stehule <> wrote:

r := (select (b, t)::type1 -- it is composite with labels again

postgres=# do $$
declare r record;
  r := (select (10,20));
  raise notice '%', to_json(r);
NOTICE:  {"f1":10,"f2":20}
postgres=# do $$
declare r record;
  r := (select (10,20)::footype);
  raise notice '%', to_json(r);
NOTICE:  {"a":10,"b":20}

Thanks, but I don't understand your "r := (select (b, t)::type1 -- it is composite with labels again". I tried this:

create procedure p(i in int)
  language plpgsql
as $body$
  r record;
  case i
    when 1 then
      select (b, t)::type1
      into r
      from tab1
      where k = 1;

    when 2 then
      r := (
        select (b, t)::type1
        from tab1
        where k = 1);

    else null;
  end case;

call p(3);
call p(2);
call p(1);

My idea with using a procedure and choosing which code path is followed at run-time is to distinguish between compile-time errors (there are none here) and run-time errors. Of course, "call p(3)" finishes with no error.

But both the other calls cause the same error:

42846: cannot cast type record to type1

the message is maybe not too intuitive, these casts are broken - you try to cast (boolean, type1) => type1

The cast can ignore some fields from right or can add nulls from right, but it cannot skip fields from left. 

I simply cannot mange this list's "partial quoting and bottom posting convention". Forgive me.

The code that I tried looked obviously broken. But it's what you said would work.

Anyway, it seems to me that what I wrote originally still stands. I can use a schema level type or a record. Each approach has its pros and cons.