Thread: Lazy View's Column Computing

Lazy View's Column Computing

Avi Weinberg



Is there a way to compute a column in a view only if it is referenced in the query?  I have a view's column that its value is computed by a function.  If in the query that column is not used at all, can Postgres "skip" computing it? 



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Re: Lazy View's Column Computing

Tom Lane
Avi Weinberg <> writes:
> Is there a way to compute a column in a view only if it is referenced in the query?  I have a view's column that its
valueis computed by a function.  If in the query that column is not used at all, can Postgres "skip" computing it? 

If the function is not volatile, and you're using a moderately recent PG
version, I'd expect the planner to do that for you.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Lazy View's Column Computing

Vijaykumar Jain
On Mon, 2 Aug 2021 at 19:53, Tom Lane <> wrote:
Avi Weinberg <> writes:
> Is there a way to compute a column in a view only if it is referenced in the query?  I have a view's column that its value is computed by a function.  If in the query that column is not used at all, can Postgres "skip" computing it?

If the function is not volatile, and you're using a moderately recent PG
version, I'd expect the planner to do that for you.

something like this ?

postgres=# table t;
-[ RECORD 1 ]
col1 | 100
col2 | 100
col3 | 100

-- the sleep is intentional to 
postgres=#  create or replace function demo(int) returns int as $$
perform pg_sleep(10);
return $1::int;
end; $$ language plpgsql immutable;
Time: 7.253 ms

-- we create a view where col2 is a result of an immutable function call from demo
postgres=# create or replace view myview as select col1, demo(col2)::int as col2 from t;
Time: 7.952 ms

postgres=# \x
Expanded display is off.
postgres=# explain (analyze,verbose) select col1, col2 from myview;
                                                  QUERY PLAN
 Seq Scan on public.t  (cost=0.00..540.40 rows=2040 width=8) (actual time=10010.231..10010.236 rows=1 loops=1)
   Output: t.col1, demo(t.col2)
 Query Identifier: 291510593965093899
 Planning Time: 0.027 ms
 Execution Time: 10010.250 ms  -- the function demo was called which resulted in slow exec time
(5 rows)

Time: 10010.648 ms (00:10.011)
postgres=# explain (analyze,verbose) select col1 from myview;
                                              QUERY PLAN
 Seq Scan on public.t  (cost=0.00..30.40 rows=2040 width=4) (actual time=0.005..0.006 rows=1 loops=1)
   Output: t.col1
 Query Identifier: 8513308368843926789
 Planning Time: 0.030 ms
 Execution Time: 0.015 ms  -- no function call as col2 not part of select from view
(5 rows)

Time: 0.222 ms
Mumbai, India

Re: Lazy View's Column Computing

Mladen Gogala

For all that we know, it may already be happening. That looks like a pretty reasonable optimization which may already be in place. If we create a view:

mgogala=# select * from dept;
 deptno |   dname    |   loc   
     20 | RESEARCH   | DALLAS
     30 | SALES      | CHICAGO
(4 rows)

mgogala=# create view acct_view as select * from emp where deptno=10;

The query from the view would probably merge view  with the original and optimize everything as a single query. Unfortunately, there is no way to tell:

mgogala=# explain select ename,job,sal from acct_view;
                     QUERY PLAN                    
 Seq Scan on emp  (cost=0.00..1.18 rows=3 width=21)
   Filter: (deptno = 10)
(2 rows)

The only tool that you have at your disposal is EXPLAIN. What we need to ascertain that assumption is an optimizer trace file detailing the decisions made by optimizer, something like the event 10053 from another database which will remain unnamed. Merging the view query into the top level query would produce something like this:

mgogala=# select ename,job,sal from emp
mgogala-# where deptno=10;
 ename  |    job    | sal 
 CLARK  | MANAGER   | 2450
 KING   | PRESIDENT | 5000
 MILLER | CLERK     | 1300
(3 rows)

The table, shown below, has more columns than the 3 used in the above query:

mgogala=# \d emp
                           Table "mgogala.emp"
  Column  |            Type             | Collation | Nullable | Default
 empno    | smallint                    |           | not null |
 ename    | character varying(10)       |           |          |
 job      | character varying(9)        |           |          |
 mgr      | smallint                    |           |          |
 hiredate | timestamp without time zone |           |          |
 sal      | double precision            |           |          |
 comm     | double precision            |           |          |
 deptno   | smallint                    |           |          |
    "emp_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (empno)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "fk_deptno" FOREIGN KEY (deptno) REFERENCES dept(deptno)

Merging the top level query with the view query would be smart tactic which is probably already deployed. However, it is not possible to tell with the tools at hand. That is what you want: the query touches only the columns you need, nothing else. That is done by the query optimizer in the "rewrite" phase of the query.

I could bet that the top level query gets merged with the view query during the rewrite and that the columns that aren't needed aren't touched. That in particular means that the function computing an untouched column of the query isn't executed as it is.



On 8/2/21 10:12 AM, Avi Weinberg wrote:
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Is there a way to compute a column in a view only if it is referenced in the query?  I have a view's column that its value is computed by a function.  If in the query that column is not used at all, can Postgres "skip" computing it? 



IMPORTANT - This email and any attachments is intended for the above named addressee(s), and may contain information which is confidential or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please inform the sender immediately and delete this email: you should not copy or use this e-mail for any purpose nor disclose its contents to any person.
Mladen Gogala
Database Consultant
Tel: (347) 321-1217

Re: Lazy View's Column Computing

Tom Lane
Mladen Gogala <> writes:
> The query from the view would probably merge view  with the original and 
> optimize everything as a single query. Unfortunately, there is no way to 
> tell:

> mgogala=# explain select ename,job,sal from acct_view;
>                       QUERY PLAN
> ----------------------------------------------------
>   Seq Scan on emp  (cost=0.00..1.18 rows=3 width=21)
>     Filter: (deptno = 10)
> (2 rows)

> The only tool that you have at your disposal is EXPLAIN.

No ... EXPLAIN VERBOSE would fill in the detail you want,
as somebody else already demonstrated in this thread.

            regards, tom lane