Thread: Setting permissions

Setting permissions

Michael Smith
I am using version 5.4 of pgAdmin and have noticed some that seems odd to me when viewing security permissions for a database or table in the GUI. Regardless of whether I set the permissions using the pgAdmin properties form for the item or a SQL statement, viewing the privileges, post command, displays the privilege letters different for each user.

For example, after running the same SQL statement granting insert, select, update, and delete to a number of users in pgAdmin, viewing the resulting SQL and properties show the permissions in a different order for each user, though the SQL statements I ran had the permissions in the same order for each user:
user 1 - dwra
user 2 - ward
user 3 - rdwa
user 4 - draw
user 5 - wrad

Do not get me wrong, the permissions are successfully implemented and work as they should. The statements worked as they should. What is odd to me is that the permissions are ordered differently for each user when viewing the resulting changes using either the Security tab on the properties form or the table (in this case) SQL using the main pgAdmin interface.

Is this performing as expected?
