Thread: First testing packages for Psycopg 3!

First testing packages for Psycopg 3!

Daniele Varrazzo
Hello everyone!

I have uploaded the first pip-installable packages for Psycopg 3 on testpypi!

They can be tested using:

    pip install -i --extra-index-url psycopg

The package received this way is a pure Python package and requires
the libpq installed in the system. It should work on Linux, MacOS,

Instead of "psycopg" you can specify "psycopg[c]" to receive the C
optimised package: this requires a C compiler and libpq-dev header,
the same requisites needed for a psycopg2 installation. It currently
works for Linux and MacOS.

You can also specify "psycopg[binary]", which should install a
precompiled version of the C package and require no C compiler or
libpq installed in the system. This currently works on Linux and MacOS
and is expected to work for Windows too in the future
( On Linux it ships with
manylinux_2_24 wheel packages, so it requires pip >= 20.3 and a
glibc-based distribution (no Alpine linux).

The interface of Psycopg 3 is close to being finalized and at this
moment I don't see major changes happening, but of course only use it
in your project knowing that things may break with future releases.
The "dev" release is mostly to shake up the packages and metadata and
it should be followed soon by an alpha version.

The documentation is not complete either but large parts are written:

Feedback is welcome and appreciated! Please give Psycopg 3 a spin and
let me know if the interface can be improved, before it becomes final.
Thank you very much!

-- Daniele