Thread: 'within group'- or percentile_cont-expression seems to have ramifications on table ordering

here's how to reproduce. create a test table:

create table test (
id integer not null primary key,
value integer not null,
value_percentile integer not null default 0

insert random values into the 'value' column

do $$
for r in 0..100 loop
insert into test(id, value) values (r, random() * 100);
end loop;

compute the percentiles for those values and write them to the percentile-column

do $$
_value integer;
for r in 0..100 loop
select into _value percentile_cont(r::float / 100) within group (order by test.value) from test;
raise notice '%: %',r::float / 100, _value;

update test set value_percentile = r where value = _value;
end loop;

inspect the table

select * from test;
you can see that the rows are not in order of insertion any more, but in descending order of value. That may not violate the specification, however I find it 
to be counterintuitive that a non-updating query would have such side effects.

Bernd Hopp <> writes:
> you can see that the rows are not in order of insertion any more, but
> in descending order of value. That may not violate the specification,
> however I find it
> to be counterintuitive that a non-updating query would have such side effects.

On what grounds do you say that UPDATE is a non-updating query?

UPDATE will always place the new row version somewhere else than the
old row version; it cannot simply overwrite the row without violating
ACID semantics.  In the case you show here, the updated versions are
all added at the end of the table, leading to the apparent ordering
change.  This indeed does not violate the specification, because so
far as the SQL spec is concerned, physical row order is simply not
of interest.

            regards, tom lane

Thank you for the clarification

Tom Lane <> schrieb am So., 20. Juni 2021, 19:30:
Bernd Hopp <> writes:
> you can see that the rows are not in order of insertion any more, but
> in descending order of value. That may not violate the specification,
> however I find it
> to be counterintuitive that a non-updating query would have such side effects.

On what grounds do you say that UPDATE is a non-updating query?

UPDATE will always place the new row version somewhere else than the
old row version; it cannot simply overwrite the row without violating
ACID semantics.  In the case you show here, the updated versions are
all added at the end of the table, leading to the apparent ordering
change.  This indeed does not violate the specification, because so
far as the SQL spec is concerned, physical row order is simply not
of interest.

                        regards, tom lane