Thread: Condition pushdown: why (=) is pushed down into join, but BETWEEN or >= is not?

I am trying to understand the behaviour of the query planner regarding the push-down of the conditions "through" the join.

Lets say that I have tables a(adate date, aval text) and b(bdate date, bval text), and I create a view:

create view v as 
   select a.adate, a.aval, b.bval from a join b on (a.adate = b.bdate);

Now, when I do (explain select * from v where adate='2021-05-12') I can see that condition (= '2021-05-12') is used by the planned for table access to both a and b.

However, if I use range-like condition (this is probably not a correct terminology, but I am not familiar with the correct one) like BETWEEN or (>='2021-05-21'), I will see that planner will use this condition to access a, but not b. It seems that the type of join (inner or left) does not really matter.

In my experiments, I was never able to get an execution plan that "pushes down" any condition apart from (=) through to the right side of the join, which is rather surprising and leads to suboptimal planner estimates and execution plans whenever view like the above is a part of a bigger query with more joins on top.

Equally surprising is that I was unable to find documentation or past mailing list discussions of this or similar topic, which leads me to believe that I am just not familiar with the proper terminology and can't come up with the right search terms.

Can you please tell me what is the proper way to describe this behaviour/phenomenon (so that I can use it as search terms) and/or provide me with references to the parts of the source code that determines which conditions would be "pushed down" and which are not?

PS As far as I can see, this behaviour is consistent between versions 9.5, 10, 11, 12 and 13.

D. Astapov
Dmitry Astapov <> writes:
> I am trying to understand the behaviour of the query planner regarding the
> push-down of the conditions "through" the join.

I think your mental model is wrong.  What's actually happening here is
that the planner uses equivalence classes to deduce implied conditions.
That is, we have the join condition a.adate = b.bdate and then you've
added the where condition a.adate = '2021-05-12'.  Transitivity implies
that b.bdate = '2021-05-12', so we deduce that condition and are able
to apply it at the relation scan of b.  Furthermore, having restricted
both a.adate and b.bdate to the same constant value at the scan level,
we no longer need to apply the join condition a.adate = b.bdate at all.
This is important not only to avoid the (probably minor) inefficiency
of rechecking the join condition, but because if we believed that all
three conditions were independently applicable, we'd come out with a
serious underestimate of the size of the join result.

> In my experiments, I was never able to get an execution plan that "pushes
> down" any condition apart from (=) through to the right side of the join,

None of the argument sketched above works for non-equality conditions.
There are some situations where you could probably figure out how to
use transitivity to deduce some implied condition, but cleaning things
up so that you don't have redundant conditions fouling up the join
size estimates seems like a hard problem.

Another issue is that we could easily expend a lot of cycles on deductions
that lead nowhere, because once you try to open up the mechanism to
consider operators other than equality, there will be a lot of things that
it looks at and then fails to do anything with.  The equivalence class
mechanism is tied into the same logic that considers merge and hash joins,
so we are expending lots of cycles anytime we see an equality operator,
and not so much for other operators.

> Equally surprising is that I was unable to find documentation or past
> mailing list discussions of this or similar topic, which leads me to
> believe that I am just not familiar with the proper terminology and can't
> come up with the right search terms.

src/backend/optimizer/README has a discussion of equivalence classes.

            regards, tom lane

On Wed, May 12, 2021 at 4:54 PM Tom Lane <> wrote:
Dmitry Astapov <> writes:
> I am trying to understand the behaviour of the query planner regarding the
> push-down of the conditions "through" the join.

I think your mental model is wrong.  What's actually happening here is
that the planner uses equivalence classes to deduce implied conditions.
That is, we have the join condition a.adate = b.bdate and then you've
added the where condition a.adate = '2021-05-12'.  Transitivity implies
that b.bdate = '2021-05-12', so we deduce that condition and are able
to apply it at the relation scan of b.  Furthermore, having restricted
both a.adate and b.bdate to the same constant value at the scan level,
we no longer need to apply the join condition a.adate = b.bdate at all.
This is important not only to avoid the (probably minor) inefficiency
of rechecking the join condition, but because if we believed that all
three conditions were independently applicable, we'd come out with a
serious underestimate of the size of the join result.

Thank you very much, my mental model was indeed incorrect, and the above is very helpful.
Am I right in thinking that elimination the join condition is actually quite important part of the process?
Could it possibly be the main reason for =ANY/(x IN (..)) not to be optimized the same way?

> In my experiments, I was never able to get an execution plan that "pushes
> down" any condition apart from (=) through to the right side of the join,

None of the argument sketched above works for non-equality conditions.
There are some situations where you could probably figure out how to
use transitivity to deduce some implied condition, but cleaning things
up so that you don't have redundant conditions fouling up the join
size estimates seems like a hard problem.

I agree about inequality conditions, this problem seems to be rather hard to tackle in the general case.

Is it still hard when one thinks about =ANY or (column in (val1, val2, val3, ...)) as well?
I am thinking that =ANY would be a decent workaround for (x BETWEEN a AND b) in quite a lot of cases, if it was propagated to all the columns in the equivalence class. 

> Equally surprising is that I was unable to find documentation or past
> mailing list discussions of this or similar topic, which leads me to
> believe that I am just not familiar with the proper terminology and can't
> come up with the right search terms.

src/backend/optimizer/README has a discussion of equivalence classes.
Thank you, this gives me a plethora of keywords for further searches.

I realize that it is possibly off-topic here, but what about workarounds for inequality constraints, joins and views? Maybe you could give me some pointers here as well?

My tables are large to huge (think OLAP, not OLTP). I found out when I have a view that joins several (2 to 10) tables on the column that is semantically the same in all of them (let's say it is ID and we join on ID), I do not have many avenues to efficiently select from such view for a list of IDs at the same time.

I could:
1) Do lots of fast queries and union them:
select * from vw where id=ID1 union all select * from vw where id=ID2 ....., which is only really feasible if the query is generated by the program

2)expose all ID columns from all the tables used in the view body and do:
select * from vw where id=ANY() and id1=ANY() and id2=ANY() and id3=ANY() .....
This only works well if the view hierarchy is flat (no views on views). If there are other views that use this use, re-exports of extra columns quickly snowballs, you might need column renaming if same view ends up being used more than once through two different dependency paths. Plus people not familiar with the problem tend to omit "clearly superfluous" columns from the new views they build on top. 

3)forbid views that join tables larger than a certain size/dismantle views that become inefficient (this only works if the problem is detected fast enough and the view did not become popular yet)

So all of the workarounds I see in front of me right now are somewhat sad, but they are necessary, as not doing them means that queries would take hours or days instead of minutes.

Is there anything better that I have not considered in terms of workarounds?

D. Astapov
Dmitry Astapov <> writes:
> Am I right in thinking that elimination the join condition is actually
> quite important part of the process?
> Could it possibly be the main reason for =ANY/(x IN (..)) not to be
> optimized the same way?


> Is it still hard when one thinks about =ANY or (column in (val1, val2,
> val3, ...)) as well?

Yeah.  For instance, if you have
   WHERE a = b AND a IN (1,2,3)
then yes, you could deduce "b IN (1,2,3)", but this would not give you
license to drop the "a = b" condition.  So now you have to figure out
what the selectivity of that is after the application of the partially
redundant IN clauses.

I recall somebody (David Rowley, maybe?  Too lazy to check archives.)
working on this idea awhile ago, but he didn't get to the point of
a committable patch.

            regards, tom lane

On Fri, 14 May 2021 at 11:22, Tom Lane <> wrote:
> I recall somebody (David Rowley, maybe?  Too lazy to check archives.)
> working on this idea awhile ago, but he didn't get to the point of
> a committable patch.

Yeah. Me. The discussion is in [1].



So now you have to figure out
what the selectivity of that is after the application of the partially
redundant IN clauses.

Would marking the new added RestrictInfo.norm_selec > 1 be OK?


         * If the clause is marked redundant, always return 1.0.
        if (rinfo->norm_selec > 1)
            return (Selectivity) 1.0;

Best Regards
On Mon, 17 May 2021 at 14:52, Andy Fan <> wrote:
> Would marking the new added RestrictInfo.norm_selec > 1 be OK?

There would be cases you'd want to not count the additional clauses in
the selectivity estimation and there would be cases you would want to.

For example:

SELECT ... FROM t1 INNER JOIN t2 ON t1.dt = t2.dt WHERE t1.dt BETWEEN
'date1' AND 'date2';

If you derived that t2.dt is also BETWEEN 'date1' AND 'date2' then
you'd most likely want to include those quals for scans feeding merge,
hash and non-parameterized nested loop joins, so you'd also want to
count them in your selectivity estimations, else you'd feed junk
values into the join selectivity estimations.

Parameterized nested loop joins might be different as if you were
looping up an index for t1.dt values on some index on t2.dt, then
you'd likely not want to bother also filtering out the between clause
values too. They're redundant in that case.

I imagined we'd have some functions in equivclass.c that allows you to
choose if you wanted the additional filters or not.

Tom's example, WHERE a = b AND a IN (1,2,3), if a and b were in the
same relation then you'd likely never want to include the additional
quals.  The only reason I could think that it would be a good idea is
if "b" had an index but "a" didn't.  I've not checked the code, but
the index matching code might already allow that to work anyway.


On Wed, May 19, 2021 at 8:15 PM David Rowley <> wrote:
On Mon, 17 May 2021 at 14:52, Andy Fan <> wrote:
> Would marking the new added RestrictInfo.norm_selec > 1 be OK?

There would be cases you'd want to not count the additional clauses in
the selectivity estimation and there would be cases you would want to.

For example:

SELECT ... FROM t1 INNER JOIN t2 ON t1.dt = t2.dt WHERE t1.dt BETWEEN
'date1' AND 'date2';

If you derived that t2.dt is also BETWEEN 'date1' AND 'date2' then
you'd most likely want to include those quals for scans feeding merge,
hash and non-parameterized nested loop joins, so you'd also want to
count them in your selectivity estimations, else you'd feed junk
values into the join selectivity estimations.

Yes, you are correct. 
Parameterized nested loop joins might be different as if you were
looping up an index for t1.dt values on some index on t2.dt, then
you'd likely not want to bother also filtering out the between clause
values too. They're redundant in that case.

I do not truly understand this.   
I imagined we'd have some functions in equivclass.c that allows you to
choose if you wanted the additional filters or not.

Sounds like a good idea. 

Tom's example, WHERE a = b AND a IN (1,2,3), if a and b were in the
same relation then you'd likely never want to include the additional
quals.  The only reason I could think that it would be a good idea is
if "b" had an index but "a" didn't.  I've not checked the code, but
the index matching code might already allow that to work anyway.

+1 for this feature overall. 

Best Regards

On Fri, May 14, 2021 at 12:22 PM David Rowley <> wrote:
On Fri, 14 May 2021 at 11:22, Tom Lane <> wrote:
> I recall somebody (David Rowley, maybe?  Too lazy to check archives.)
> working on this idea awhile ago, but he didn't get to the point of
> a committable patch.

Yeah. Me. The discussion is in [1].




I read through that thread and summarized the current pending issue as below IIUC.  
a). The most challenging issue is this push down misleads the planner's rows estimation,
which probably be worse than the lack of such push down.  b).  The new generated 
qual may increase the qual execution cost.  c).  Planning time is also increased but
we can not gain much because of that. I just tried to address these issues as below 
based on the patch David has finished a long time ago.   

To address the row estimation issue, The most straightforward way to fix this is to 
ignore the derived clauses when figuring out the RelOptInfo->rows on base relation. 
To note which clause is derived from this patch, I added a new field "EquivalenceClass *
derived" in RestrictInfo. and then added a  included_derived  option in clauselist_selectivity_ext,
during the set_xxx_rel_size function, we can pass the included_derived=false.  This strategy
should be used in get_parameterized_baserel_size.   In all the other cases, include_derived=true
is used. which are finished in commit 2. (Commit 1 is Daivd's patch, I just  rebased it)  

set enable_hashjoin to off;
set enable_mergejoin to off;
set enable_seqscan to on;
regression=# explain analyze select * from tenk1 a, tenk1 b where a.thousand = b.thousand and a.thousand < 100;

                                                                  QUERY PLAN                                                                  

 Nested Loop  (cost=27.14..1090.67 rows=10740 width=488) (actual time=0.404..15.006 rows=10000 loops=1)
   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on tenk1 b  (cost=26.84..385.26 rows=10000 width=244) (actual time=0.350..1.419 rows=1000 loops=1)
         Recheck Cond: (thousand < 100)\
         Heap Blocks: exact=324
         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on tenk1_thous_tenthous  (cost=0.00..24.34 rows=1074 width=0) (actual time=0.238..0.240 rows=1000 loops=1)
               Index Cond: (thousand < 100)
   ->  Memoize  (cost=0.30..0.47 rows=1 width=244) (actual time=0.002..0.006 rows=10 loops=1000)
         Cache Key: b.thousand
         Cache Mode: logical
         Hits: 900  Misses: 100  Evictions: 0  Overflows: 0  Memory Usage: 277kB
         ->  Index Scan using tenk1_thous_tenthous on tenk1 a  (cost=0.29..0.46 rows=1 width=244) (actual time=0.010..0.032 rows=10 loops=100)
               Index Cond: ((thousand = b.thousand) AND (thousand < 100))
 Planning Time: 2.459 ms
 Execution Time: 15.964 ms
(14 rows)

As shown above, with commit 2 the JoinRel's rows estimation is correct now.  but it will mislead
the DBA to read the plan.  See Bitmap Heap Scan on tenk1 b  (...rows=10000..) (... rows=1000 loops=1)
This is because RelOptInfo->rows is not just used to calculate the joinrel.rows but also be used to
show the set Path.rows at many places. I can't think of a better way than adding a new filtered_rows
in RelOptInfo which the semantics is used for Path.rows purpose only.  That is what commit 3 does. 

After commit 3, we can see:

regression=# explain analyze select * from tenk1 a, tenk1 b where a.thousand = b.thousand and a.thousand < 100;

                                                                  QUERY PLAN                                                                  


 Nested Loop  (cost=24.90..459.16 rows=10740 width=488) (actual time=0.440..16.966 rows=10000 loops=1)
   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on tenk1 b  (cost=24.61..383.03 rows=1074 width=244) (actual time=0.383..1.546 rows=1000 loops=1)
         Recheck Cond: (thousand < 100)
         Heap Blocks: exact=324
         ->  Bitmap Index Scan on tenk1_thous_tenthous  (cost=0.00..24.34 rows=1074 width=0) (actual time=0.270..0.272 rows=1000 loops=1)
               Index Cond: (thousand < 100)
   ->  Memoize  (cost=0.30..0.47 rows=1 width=244) (actual time=0.002..0.008 rows=10 loops=1000)
         Cache Key: b.thousand
         Cache Mode: logical
         Hits: 900  Misses: 100  Evictions: 0  Overflows: 0  Memory Usage: 277kB
         ->  Index Scan using tenk1_thous_tenthous on tenk1 a  (cost=0.29..0.46 rows=1 width=244) (actual time=0.012..0.050 rows=10 loops=100)
               Index Cond: ((thousand = b.thousand) AND (thousand < 100))
 Planning Time: 2.578 ms
 Execution Time: 17.929 ms
(14 rows)

"Bitmap Heap Scan on tenk1 b  (... rows=1074 ..) (.. rows=1000 loops=1)" shows the issue fixed. but
There is something wrong below.

Index Scan using tenk1_thous_tenthous on tenk1 a  (cost=0.29..0.46 rows=1 width=244) (actual time=0.012..0.050 rows=10 loops=100)
Index Cond: ((thousand = b.thousand) AND (thousand < 100))

Here the " (thousand < 100)" is from the user, not from this patch.  and (thousand = b.thousand) AND (thousand < 100) 
has some correlation.  I can't think of a solution for this. and fixing this issue is beyond the scope of this patch. 

So at this stage, I think the row estimation issue is gone. 

As the new generated equals increase the execution cost opinion, I think
it is hard for planners to distinguish which quals deserves adding or not. Instead
I just removed the quals execution during create_plan stage to remove the obviously
duplicated qual executions. I only handled the case that the derived quals is executed
at the same time with the restrinctInfo who's parent_ec is used to generate the
derived quals.  If I understand the RestrictInfo.parent_ec correctly, The cost of 
finding out the correlated quals in this patch are pretty low, see is_correlated_derived_clause. 
This is what commit 4 does.  After we apply it, we can see the last demo above becomes to:

regression=# explain analyze select * from tenk1 a join d_tenk2 b on a.thousand = b.thousand and a.thousand < 100;

                                                                    QUERY PLAN                                                                    


 Nested Loop  (cost=10000000000.30..10000002799.78 rows=20020 width=488) (actual time=0.051..26.080 rows=20000 loops=1)
   ->  Seq Scan on tenk1 a  (cost=10000000000.00..10000000470.00 rows=1001 width=244) (actual time=0.018..3.902 rows=1000 loops=1)
         Filter: (thousand < 100)
         Rows Removed by Filter: 9000
   ->  Memoize  (cost=0.30..3.18 rows=20 width=244) (actual time=0.002..0.008 rows=20 loops=1000)
         Cache Key: a.thousand
         Cache Mode: logical
         Hits: 900  Misses: 100  Evictions: 0  Overflows: 0  Memory Usage: 546kB
         ->  Index Scan using d_tenk2_thousand_idx on d_tenk2 b  (cost=0.29..3.17 rows=20 width=244) (actual time=0.008..0.037 rows=20 loops=100)
               Index Cond: (thousand = a.thousand)
 Planning Time: 0.596 ms
 Execution Time: 27.502 ms
(12 rows)

The "thousand < 100" for b is removed during execution. 

Commit 5 reduced the requirements for this path to work.   Now it supports  ScalarArrayOpExpr 
and any perudoconstant filter to support the user case I meet.  Commit 6 added some testcase 
and they are just used for review since there are two many runtime statistics in the output and 
I can't think of way to fix it. 

I also study David's commit 1,  and the semantics of ec_filters is so accurate and I'm very
excited to see it. 

This patch series is still in the PoC stage, so something is not handled at all.  For commit 2, I didn't
handle extended statistics related paths and I just handled plain rel (subquery,  forign table and so
on are missed).  I think it is OK for a PoC. 

At last, I will share some performance testing for this patch.  This is the real user case I met. 

create table p (a int, b int) partition by range(a);
select 'create table p_' || i || ' partition of p  for values from (' || (i-1) * 100000 || ') to (' || i * 100000 || ');' from generate_series(1, 50)i;  \gexec
insert into p select i, i from generate_series(1, 50 * 100000 -1) i;
create index on p(a);

create table q (a int, b int) partition by range(a);
select 'create table q_' || i || ' partition of q  for values from (' || (i-1) * 100000 || ') to (' || i * 100000 || ');' from generate_series(1, 50)i;  \gexec
insert into q select * from p;
create index on q(a);

select * from p, q where p.a = q.a and p.a in (3, 200000);

Run the above query in both prepared and no prepared case,  I get the following results:

| workload     | with this feature | w/o this feature |
| Prepared     | 0.25 ms           | 0.8 ms           |
| Non Prepared | 0.890 ms          | 4.207 ms         |

Any thoughts? 

Best Regards
Andy Fan
> Subject: [PATCH v1 1/6] Rebaee David's patch against the latest code.

If you use git-am, then the author/commit information is preserved.
It's probably good to include a link to the patch in any case.

> Subject: [PATCH v1 4/6] remove duplicated qual executing.

 src/backend/optimizer/path/equivclass.c | 22 +++++++++++++++++++
 src/backend/optimizer/plan/createplan.c | 29 +++++++++++++++++++++++--
 src/include/optimizer/paths.h           |  2 ++
 src/test/regress/parallel_schedule      |  2 ++
 4 files changed, 53 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

I think the ./ec_filter test is missing from from this patch.

> Subject: [PATCH v1 6/6] adding some test cases for this feature and fix the existing case

The tests should be updated with the corresponding patches.  It's common for
the patches to be commited separately, like if 0001 is ready but the others are
still evolving.

I'm not sure whether you think this patch is ready to be added to a commitfest,
but do you know about the CI infrastructure ?  It allows running all the cfbot
tests for a github branch against 4 OS, which helps catch portability issues,
including memory errors and unstable explain output.  See: src/tools/ci/README.
There's an failure in postgres_fdw, probably the output needs to be updated.


Hi Justin:

   Thanks for your attention. 

On Wed, Feb 2, 2022 at 1:13 AM Justin Pryzby <> wrote:
> Subject: [PATCH v1 1/6] Rebaee David's patch against the latest code.

If you use git-am, then the author/commit information is preserved.
It's probably good to include a link to the patch in any case.

Thanks for this reminder, I didn't pay enough attention to this.  Fixed.

(The original patch looks like a diff file not a commit, I wrote a simple commit
message for this and link to the origin discussion link.)

> Subject: [PATCH v1 4/6] remove duplicated qual executing.

 src/backend/optimizer/path/equivclass.c | 22 +++++++++++++++++++                                                                                                                               
 src/backend/optimizer/plan/createplan.c | 29 +++++++++++++++++++++++--                                                                                                                         
 src/include/optimizer/paths.h           |  2 ++                                                                                                                                                 
 src/test/regress/parallel_schedule      |  2 ++                                                                                                                                                 
 4 files changed, 53 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)                                                                                                                                               

I think the ./ec_filter test is missing from from this patch.

> Subject: [PATCH v1 6/6] adding some test cases for this feature and fix the existing case                                                                                                                                                                                   
The tests should be updated with the corresponding patches.  It's common for
the patches to be commited separately, like if 0001 is ready but the others are
still evolving.

Yes, I agree with this. Just that in this case, the commit split is just for easy
review/discussion. they are unlikely to be able to commit separately. so I keep
it as it was and improve each commit message.

I'm not sure whether you think this patch is ready to be added to a commitfest,
but do you know about the CI infrastructure ?  It allows running all the cfbot
tests for a github branch against 4 OS, which helps catch portability issues,
including memory errors and unstable explain output.  See: src/tools/ci/README.

There's an failure in postgres_fdw, probably the output needs to be updated.

For the postgres_fdw, I just refreshed the content. with this patch, the plan changed

 Foreign Scan
   Output: ft5.*, ft5.c1, ft5.c2, ft5.c3, ft4.c1, ft4.c2
   Relations: (public.ft5) INNER JOIN (public.ft4)
   Remote SQL: SELECT CASE WHEN (r1.*)::text IS NOT NULL THEN ROW(r1.c1, r1.c2, r1.c3) END, r1.c1, r1.c2, r1.c3, r2.c1, r2.c2 FROM ("S 1"."T 4" r1 INNER JOIN "S 1"."T 3" r2 ON (((r1.c1 = r2.c1)) AND ((r2.c1 >= 10)) AND ((r2.c1 <= 30)))) ORDER BY r1.c1 ASC NULLS LAST
(4 rows)


 Sort  (cost=108.02..108.04 rows=7 width=62)
   Output: ft5.*, ft5.c1, ft5.c2, ft5.c3, ft4.c1, ft4.c2
   Sort Key: ft5.c1
   ->  Foreign Scan  (cost=100.00..107.92 rows=7 width=62)
         Output: ft5.*, ft5.c1, ft5.c2, ft5.c3, ft4.c1, ft4.c2
         Relations: (public.ft5) INNER JOIN (public.ft4)
         Remote SQL: SELECT CASE WHEN (r1.*)::text IS NOT NULL THEN ROW(r1.c1, r1.c2, r1.c3) END, r1.c1, r1.c2, r1.c3, r2.c1, r2.c2 FROM ("S 1"."T 4" r1 INNER JOIN "S 1"."T 3" r2 ON (((r1.c1 = r2.c1)) AND ((r2.c1 >= 10)) AND ((r2.c1 <= 30)) AND ((r1.c1 >= 10)) AND ((r1.
c1 <= 30))))

But if I set enable_sort = off,  we can still get the previous plan, which proves that
this patch doesn't make the above path unavailable, it is just not cheaper than
the new one.  Here is the new commit messages:

commit e0a7838a09e73f831eecb23b5e7884cc34d71301
Author: David Rowley <>
Date:   Tue Feb 1 20:56:40 2022 +0800

    Introudce ec_filters in EquivalenceClass struct, the semantics is the quals can

    be applied to any EquivalenceMember in this EC. Later this information is used
    to generate new RestrictInfo and was distributed to related RelOptInfo very

    Author: David Rowley at 2015-12 [1]
    Andy Fan rebase this patch to current latest code.

commit 73f52d0909374446cd689457f0a4ef52addb035e
Author: Andy Fan <>
Date:   Tue Feb 1 14:54:07 2022 +0800

    After distributing the new derived RestrictInfo into RelOptInfo, then the rows
    estimation is wrong at the joinrel part. The reason is well described at [1] and
    [2],  To fix this issue, I added a new field "EquivalenceClass *derived" in
    RestrictInfo struct to indicate how this qual is generated. we would ignore such
    qual during estimate of the rows size. All the set_xx_size should be taken care of, but
    for now, just set_plain_rel_size is taken care of for the PoC purpose.


commit 8439b4818410d860a4ca4be3458b54c04c6f8648
Author: Andy Fan <>
Date:   Tue Feb 1 15:20:10 2022 +0800

    Introduce RelOptInfo.filtered_rows.

    Previously the Path.rows (shown in the explain output) and RelOptInfo.rows
    which would be used to calculating joinrel's estimated rows are same
    at many scan paths, like SeqScan, IndexScan, BitmapHeapScan and so on. But
    they would be different after distributing a new restrictinfo from ec_filter.
    So I developed RelOptInfo.filtered_rows to take some duty out of RelOptInfo.rows.

commit 11b3395bb5bcc4a2bcff6fed8078dbbf3cda81b1
Author: Andy Fan <>
Date:   Tue Feb 1 17:37:27 2022 +0800

    Remove duplicated qual executing for executor.

    Take the SELECT * FROM t1, t2 WHERE t1.a = t2.a and t2.a > 3 for example,
    we can derive t1.a > 3 with EC filter infrastructure.  However if it generate a
    plan like below, the new generated qual does not deserve to execute.

    Nest Loop
       Seq Scan (t1.a > 3)
       Index Scan t2_a
          (a = t1.a) (t2.a > 3)

    This patch removes the "t2.a > 3" for the above case.

commit 2875a76136293589b6e409cb6be4defab87ade59
Author: Andy Fan <>
Date:   Wed Feb 2 11:54:24 2022 +0800

    Support ScalarArrayOpExpr and perudoconstant on ef_filter.

commit a4b21ab6fd0fd57902f5471ec962a77b59085158 (HEAD -> cf_v4)
Author: Andy Fan <>
Date:   Wed Feb 2 11:59:53 2022 +0800

    Added the testcase for this feature and fix the previous test case

    as well. The new added test case needs outputting some runtime
    statistics, which will probably be different at each run. I can think
    of a way to make the test case stable if the patchsets are not wrong
    at the first step.

Best Regards
Andy Fan

there's been an interesting case [1] of a slow query on pgsql-general, 
related to the topic discussed in this thread. It causes an order the 
query to run slower by multiple orders of magnitude, and I think it's 
interesting, so let me present a simple example demonstrating it.

create table t1 (a int);
create table t2 (a int);

insert into t1
select i from generate_series(1,100000) s(i);

insert into t2
select mod(i,100000) from generate_series(1,10000000) s(i);

create index on t1(a);
create index on t2(a);

vacuum analyze t1, t2;

-- we need to force mergejoin
set enable_nestloop = off;

Now, let's run a simple query:

SELECT t1.a, t2.a FROM t1 JOIN t2 USING (a)
  WHERE (t1.a > 99000) ORDER BY t1.a LIMIT 100;

                               QUERY PLAN
  Limit  (cost=4.63..224.57 rows=100 width=8)
         (actual time=8999.487..8999.707 rows=100 loops=1)
    ->  Merge Join  (cost=4.63..209447.97 rows=95226 width=8)
                    (actual time=8999.485..8999.620 rows=100 loops=1)
          Merge Cond: (t1.a = t2.a)
          ->  Index Only Scan using t1_a_idx on t1
              (cost=0.29..29.25 rows=969 width=4)
              (actual time=0.010..0.011 rows=1 loops=1)
                Index Cond: (a > 99000)
                Heap Fetches: 0
          ->  Index Only Scan using t2_a_idx on t2
              (cost=0.43..183464.09 rows=9999977 width=4)
              (actual time=0.026..4594.757 rows=9900200 loops=1)
                Heap Fetches: 0
  Planning Time: 0.338 ms
  Execution Time: 8999.768 ms
(10 rows)

Now, let's do a simple trick and add condition on t2.a, "implied" by the 
join condition (t1.a = t2.a) and inequality (t1.a > 99000).

SELECT t1.a, t2.a FROM t1 JOIN t2 USING (a)
  WHERE (t1.a > 99000) AND (t2.a > 99000) ORDER BY t1.a LIMIT 100;

                               QUERY PLAN
  Limit  (cost=0.77..250.39 rows=100 width=8)
         (actual time=0.040..0.294 rows=100 loops=1)
    ->  Merge Join  (cost=0.77..2297.23 rows=920 width=8)
                    (actual time=0.039..0.172 rows=100 loops=1)
          Merge Cond: (t1.a = t2.a)
          ->  Index Only Scan using t1_a_idx on t1
              (cost=0.29..29.25 rows=969 width=4)
              (actual time=0.031..0.031 rows=1 loops=1)
                Index Cond: (a > 99000)
                Heap Fetches: 0
          ->  Index Only Scan using t2_a_idx on t2
              (cost=0.43..2014.87 rows=96596 width=4)
              (actual time=0.005..0.052 rows=100 loops=1)
                Index Cond: (a > 99000)
                Heap Fetches: 0
  Planning Time: 0.222 ms
  Execution Time: 0.414 ms
(11 rows)

Well, that's quite a difference! From 9000ms to 1ms, pretty good.

What is happening in the first plan is the merge join needs t2 sorted by 
t2.a, and the index-only-scan looks like a great way to do that, as it 
has low startup cost (because LIMIT likes that). But this completely 
misses that (t1.a > 9900) implies (t2.a > 9900) through the equality in 
join condition. So we start scanning t2_a_idx, only to throw the first 
99% of tuples away.

In the original report this is particularly egregious, because the index 
only scan looks like this:

   -> Index Only Scan using data_class_pkey on data_class ta
      (cost=0.57..4935483.78 rows=216964862 width=8)
      (actual time=0.018..35022.908 rows=151321889 loops=1)
        Heap Fetches: 151321889

So yeah, 151M heap fetches, that's bound to be expensive :-/

Adding the condition on t2.a allows just skipping the first chunk of the 
index, eliminating the expensive part.

Of course, this breaks the estimates in the faster query, because we now 
apply the condition twice - once for the index scan, one as the join 
clause. So instead of ~100k rows the join is estimated as ~1000 rows.

I'm also not claiming this is 100% worth it - queries with a suitable 
combination of clauses (conditions on the join keys) seems rather 
uncommon. But it seems like an interesting example, because it may be 
seen either as missed execution optimization (failing to skip the 
initial chunk of rows), or an costing issue due to not accounting for 
having to process the rows (which would likely result in picking a 
different plan).



Tomas Vondra
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company


On Sat, Feb 5, 2022 at 9:32 PM Tomas Vondra <> wrote:

I'm also not claiming this is 100% worth it - queries with a suitable
combination of clauses (conditions on the join keys) seems rather

Thanks for showing interest in this. I want to add some other user cases
which seem not very uncommon.   a).  When we join the key on a foregin
table, in which case,  push down a qual to foregin key would be pretty
good to reduce the data transformed from the network.  b).  If the people
join many partitioned table on partitioned key,  but they want to query
more than 1 partitions (which means the qual on partition key is not a
simple "partitionKey = Const"),  then we have to do a run-time partition
prune (lose the chance for initial partition prune).  We have big difference
on the performance aspect as well. 

I guess some of the people who think we may need this feature are not very
clear about what bad it would be if we add this feature (Of course Including
me).  I summarized the discussion before and hacked the solution at [1],  the
current state looks reasonable to me.   I'm not sure if I missed any point. 

> Of course, this breaks the estimates in the faster query, because we now
> apply the condition twice - once for the index scan, one as the join
> clause. So instead of ~100k rows the join is estimated as ~1000 rows.

I think my patch has addressed this. Here is the example:

postgres=# set geqo to off;  -- disable this feature, we have an estimation error. 
                                             -- using geqo guc in patch is just for easy testing. 
postgres=# explain analyze SELECT t1.a, t2.a FROM t1 JOIN t2 USING (a)
  WHERE (t1.a > 99000) and t2.a > 99000;
                                                             QUERY PLAN
 Merge Join  (cost=0.73..2408.37 rows=990 width=8)
             (actual time=0.032..21.350 rows=99900 loops=1)
   Merge Cond: (t1.a = t2.a)
   ->  Index Only Scan using t1_a_idx on t1  (cost=0.29..29.64 rows=991 width=4)
                                             (actual time=0.014..0.121 rows=1000 loops=1)
         Index Cond: (a > 99000)
         Heap Fetches: 0
   ->  Index Only Scan using t2_a_idx on t2  (cost=0.43..2113.20 rows=101301 width=4)
                                              (actual time=0.013..9.854 rows=99900 loops=1)
         Index Cond: (a > 99000)
         Heap Fetches: 0
 Planning Time: 0.282 ms
 Execution Time: 24.823 ms
(10 rows)

postgres=# set geqo to on;  -- enable this feature and let planner derive the qual by itself, the estimation
                                             -- is good. 
postgres=# explain analyze SELECT t1.a, t2.a FROM t1 JOIN t2 USING (a)
  WHERE (t1.a > 99000) ;
                                                             QUERY PLAN
 Merge Join  (cost=0.73..2408.37 rows=97680 width=8)
             (actual time=0.031..21.296 rows=99900 loops=1)
   Merge Cond: (t1.a = t2.a)
   ->  Index Only Scan using t1_a_idx on t1  (cost=0.29..29.64 rows=991 width=4)
                                             (actual time=0.014..0.116 rows=1000 loops=1)
         Index Cond: (a > 99000)
         Heap Fetches: 0
   ->  Index Only Scan using t2_a_idx on t2  (cost=0.43..2113.20 rows=101301 width=4)
                                              (actual time=0.012..9.751 rows=99900 loops=1)
         Index Cond: (a > 99000)
         Heap Fetches: 0
 Planning Time: 0.269 ms
 Execution Time: 24.749 ms
(10 rows)

So I think knowing what bad it is to have this feature is the key point to discussion now. 

Best Regards
Andy Fan

> Of course, this breaks the estimates in the faster query, because we now
> apply the condition twice - once for the index scan, one as the join
> clause. So instead of ~100k rows the join is estimated as ~1000 rows.

I think my patch has addressed this. Here is the example: ...  
So I think knowing what bad it is to have this feature is the key point to discussion now. 

I forgot to upload these patches,  upload them now.  

Best Regards
Andy Fan

So I think knowing what bad it is to have this feature is the key point to discussion now. 

I re-read the discussion at 2015 [1] and the below topic is added for the above
question.   Here is the summary for easy discussion. 

From planner aspect: 

> While I've only read your description of the patch not the patch itself, 
> the search methodology you propose seems pretty brute-force and 
> unlikely to solve that issue.  It's particularly important to avoid O(N^2) 
> behaviors when there are N expressions ...

The patch has 3 steps in general.  1). Gather the filter_qual_list during
the deconstruct_jointree. only unmergeable qual is gathered here. 
2).  After the root->eq_classes is built, scan each of the above quals to 
find out if there is a EC match,  if yes, add it to the EC.  There are 
some fast paths here. like ec->relids,  em->em_relids.  3).  compose 
the qual in ec_filter and members in ec_members, then distribute it to
the relations.  This step take the most cycles of this feature,   and it is 
the most important part for this feature as well.

Fortunately,  thousands of partitions of a table would not make it worse
since they are not generated at that stage.  So I'd believe the number of
ECs or EMs in an EC would be pretty small in common cases. 
> time would be spent on searches for matching subexpressions whether 
> or not anything was learned (and often nothing would be learned).  

This is about some cases like "SELECT * FROM t1, t2 WHERE t1.a = t2.a
and t1.b > 3".   In this case,  we still need to go through steps 1 & 2,  all the fast 
paths don't work and the equal() is unavoidable.  However step 3 can be ignored.  
If we want to improve this,  could we maintain an attr_eq_indexes in RelOptInfos 
which indicates if the given attribute appears in any one of EC members?  

From executor aspects:

> The reason why the answer isn't automatically "all of them"
> is because, first of all, it's possible that enforcing the condition
> at a particular table costs more to filter out the rows that we save
> in execution time at higher levels of the plan tree.  For example,
> consider A JOIN B ON A.X = B.X WHERE A.X > 1000000.  It might be that
> the range of A.X is [0,1000001] but the range of B.X is
> [1000000,2000000]; so enforcing the inequality against A is very
> selective but enforcing it against B filters out basically nothing.

I think we can classify this as we push down / execute an qual, the
qual takes lots of cycles, but it doesn't filter many rows. 
> A first cut might be to enforce the inequality against the relation
> where it's believed to be most selective, equivalence-class column 
> mentioned in the inequality provided that the
> selectivity is thought to be above some threshold ... but I'm not sure
> this is very principled,

I can only input +1 after some deep thoughts. 

>> Furthermore, there are some cases involving parameterized paths where
>> enforcing the inequality multiple times is definitely bad: for
>> example, if we've got a nested loop where the outer side is a seq scan
>> that enforces the condition and the inner side is an index probe, it
>> is just a waste to retest it on the inner side.  We already know that
>> the outer row passes the inequality, so the inner row will necessarily
>> pass also.  This doesn't apply to merge or hash joins, and it also
>> doesn't apply to all nested loops: scans that aren't paramaterized by
>> the equivalence-class column can still benefit from separate
>> enforcement of the inequality.
> I guess that could be fixed by somehow marking these pushed quals as
> optional and having parameterised scans ignore optional quals.

This has been done by committing 4. 

> Now, all that having been said, I think this is a pretty important
> optimization.  Lots of people have asked for it, and I think it would
> be worth expending some brainpower to try to figure out a way to be
> smarter than we are now, which is, in a nutshell, as dumb as possible.

+1.  I asked custom to add the derivable quals manually for 10+ of table
each query last year and gained great results.   

Anyone still have interest in this?  Or is a better solution really possible?  
Or is the current method  too bad to rescue? 

Best Regards
Andy Fan

Re: Condition pushdown: why (=) is pushed down into join, but BETWEEN or >= is not?

"Finnerty, Jim"



So I think knowing what bad it is to have this feature is the key point to discussion now. 



> While I've only read your description of the patch not the patch itself, 


This comment applies to me also. 


Is the join selectivity properly calculated in all cases, e.g. in the n:m join case in particular, or in general when you’re not joining to a unique key? (this would be the usual situation here, since it adds a range qual to a join qual)


>> Furthermore, there are some cases involving parameterized paths where
>> enforcing the inequality multiple times is definitely bad


  • This has been done by committing 4. 


What remaining cases are there where the qual is evaluated redundantly?


  • Anyone still have interest in this?  Or is a better solution really possible?  

Or is the current method  too bad to rescue? 


As you’ve shown, this can potentially be very important, though I don’t think you’ll often see equijoins with an additional range restriction on the join keys.  When it happens, though, it could be especially important for joins to partitioned tables with many remote fdw partitions when the join can’t be pushed down to the remote server.

On Tue, Feb 1, 2022 at 10:08 AM Andy Fan <> wrote:
> To address the row estimation issue, The most straightforward way to fix this is to
> ignore the derived clauses when figuring out the RelOptInfo->rows on base relation.
> To note which clause is derived from this patch, I added a new field "EquivalenceClass *
> derived" in RestrictInfo. and then added a  included_derived  option in clauselist_selectivity_ext,
> during the set_xxx_rel_size function, we can pass the included_derived=false.  This strategy
> should be used in get_parameterized_baserel_size.   In all the other cases, include_derived=true
> is used. which are finished in commit 2. (Commit 1 is Daivd's patch, I just  rebased it)

That doesn't sound correct to me.

Suppose that we have A.x = B.x and also A.x < 42. We can choose to
enforce A.x < 42 or we can choose to enforce B.x < 42 or we can do
both. In general, any of those could be right: if either one of those
two is highly selective while the other is not very selective at all,
it's going to be fastest to enforce only the more selective qual. But
if both are selective then it may be best to enforce both, so let's
suppose we do that. If we don't adopt the proposal above and just do
nothing, then our row count estimates for both A and B will include
the effect of checking x < 42, and so they will be correct, but the
row count estimate for join(A, B) will include the effect of checking
x < 42 twice, and so it will be too low, which can mess up the plan at
higher levels.

But discounting the effect of B.x < 42 when estimating the size of B
is also incorrect. Now, the row count estimate for join(A, B) will
include the effect of x < 42 only once, which is good. However, the
row count estimate for B will be too high, because it will not include
the effect of B.x < 42. And that means that the cost estimate for
join(A, B) will be wrong. It will be too high, because it's going to
think that it has more rows coming from the B side of the join than
what is actually the case. And that can also mess up the plan at
higher levels.

I think we could get around this problem by having multiple
RelOptInfos (or something similar that is lighter-weight) for each
relation. Today, we'd create a RelOptInfo for A, one for B, and one
for join(A, B), and the paths for the join are created by joining a
path for A to a path for B. Now imagine that we have instead 5
RelOptInfos, for {A}, {A|x<42}, {B}, {B|x<42}, and join(A, B). The
legal paths for that last one can be created by joining {A} to
{B|x<42} or {A|x<42} to {B} or {A|x<42} to {B|x<42}. Each of those 5
RelOptInfos can have its own cardinality estimate, and it seems pretty
straightforward to see how to get both the scan cardinality and the
join cardinality correct. Now I think this is decidedly non-trivial to
implement, and I also hear the voice of Tom Lane saying that's going
to be expensive in both time and memory, and he's not wrong.

On the other hand, I completely agree with David's comments on the
other thread to the effect that holding our breath is not getting us
anywhere. People don't keep asking for this feature because it's a
stupid thing that nobody really wants, and when Tom alleges that it
will rarely pay off, I think he's pretty far off the mark. The only
time we need to consider doing any extra work is when we have
something like the example discussed here, namely A.x = B.x and A.x <
42. If there is a variable that is part of an equivalence class and
also is used in a scan qual, what are the chances that the implied
inequality is useful? There's no way to estimate that mathematically -
it's all about what you think human beings are typically going to do -
but I'd say it's probably better than 50%. I know that when I was
regularly doing application programming on top of PostgreSQL I was
VERY aware of this limitation of the optimizer and habitually thought
about which table to write the inequality against. That kept me out of
trouble most of the time, but it sure seems like we're punting the
optimizer's job to the end user.

And even then, I still sometimes couldn't stay out of trouble, because
sometimes I knew that the implied inequality really ought to be
enforced against both sides of the join to get a decent plan. In that
case, the only way to get the optimizer to do what I wanted was to
duplicate the qual. But that runs headlong into the exact problem that
we're talking about here: now the join selectivity is going to be
messed up, and then some other part of the plan would get messed up. I
still remember the frustration associated with that scenario more than
10 years later. You can't even fix it by uglifying your query with a
planner hint, because we don't support those either. Which brings me
to another point: it's incoherent to simultaneously argue that we
shouldn't have planner hints but rather focus on improving the
planner, and at the same time refuse to improve the planner because it
would make planning too expensive. I actually think we should do both,
because I neither believe that it's impossible to fix this particular
problem nor that it is possible to create a planner so good that it
always makes the right decisions without any explicit input from a
human being. But the only way you can think this problem is unfixable
and at the same time think we don't need hints is if you think this
problem is fake.

It's not.

Robert Haas

On 2/17/22 21:15, Robert Haas wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 1, 2022 at 10:08 AM Andy Fan <> wrote:
>> To address the row estimation issue, The most straightforward way to fix this is to
>> ignore the derived clauses when figuring out the RelOptInfo->rows on base relation.
>> To note which clause is derived from this patch, I added a new field "EquivalenceClass *
>> derived" in RestrictInfo. and then added a  included_derived  option in clauselist_selectivity_ext,
>> during the set_xxx_rel_size function, we can pass the included_derived=false.  This strategy
>> should be used in get_parameterized_baserel_size.   In all the other cases, include_derived=true
>> is used. which are finished in commit 2. (Commit 1 is Daivd's patch, I just  rebased it)
> That doesn't sound correct to me.
> Suppose that we have A.x = B.x and also A.x < 42. We can choose to
> enforce A.x < 42 or we can choose to enforce B.x < 42 or we can do
> both. In general, any of those could be right: if either one of those
> two is highly selective while the other is not very selective at all,
> it's going to be fastest to enforce only the more selective qual. But
> if both are selective then it may be best to enforce both, so let's
> suppose we do that. If we don't adopt the proposal above and just do
> nothing, then our row count estimates for both A and B will include
> the effect of checking x < 42, and so they will be correct, but the
> row count estimate for join(A, B) will include the effect of checking
> x < 42 twice, and so it will be too low, which can mess up the plan at
> higher levels.
> But discounting the effect of B.x < 42 when estimating the size of B
> is also incorrect. Now, the row count estimate for join(A, B) will
> include the effect of x < 42 only once, which is good. However, the
> row count estimate for B will be too high, because it will not include
> the effect of B.x < 42. And that means that the cost estimate for
> join(A, B) will be wrong. It will be too high, because it's going to
> think that it has more rows coming from the B side of the join than
> what is actually the case. And that can also mess up the plan at
> higher levels.
> I think we could get around this problem by having multiple
> RelOptInfos (or something similar that is lighter-weight) for each
> relation. Today, we'd create a RelOptInfo for A, one for B, and one
> for join(A, B), and the paths for the join are created by joining a
> path for A to a path for B. Now imagine that we have instead 5
> RelOptInfos, for {A}, {A|x<42}, {B}, {B|x<42}, and join(A, B). The
> legal paths for that last one can be created by joining {A} to
> {B|x<42} or {A|x<42} to {B} or {A|x<42} to {B|x<42}. Each of those 5
> RelOptInfos can have its own cardinality estimate, and it seems pretty
> straightforward to see how to get both the scan cardinality and the
> join cardinality correct. Now I think this is decidedly non-trivial to
> implement, and I also hear the voice of Tom Lane saying that's going
> to be expensive in both time and memory, and he's not wrong.

IMHO the whole problem is we're unable to estimate the join clause as a
conditional probability, i.e.

   P(A.x = B.x | (A.x < 42) & (B.x < 42))

so maybe instead of trying to generate additional RelOptInfo items we
should think about improving that. The extra RelOptInfos don't really
solve this, because even if you decide to join A|x<42 to B|x<42 it does
nothing to improve the join clause estimate.

With equality clauses we don't have this issue, because if you derive
clauses at the baserel level, the join clause becomes no-op with
selecitivity 1.0. But for inequalities that does not work ...

Interestingly enough, the patch [1] tries to do something like this by
applying extended statistics to joins, and using baserestrictinfos as
"conditions" for statistics on both sides.

It actually deals with a more general form of this case, because the
clauses don't need to reference the same attribute - so for example this
would work too, assuming there is extended stats object on the columns
on each side:

  P(A.c = B.d | (A.e < 42) & (B.f < 42))


> On the other hand, I completely agree with David's comments on the
> other thread to the effect that holding our breath is not getting us
> anywhere. People don't keep asking for this feature because it's a
> stupid thing that nobody really wants, and when Tom alleges that it
> will rarely pay off, I think he's pretty far off the mark. The only
> time we need to consider doing any extra work is when we have
> something like the example discussed here, namely A.x = B.x and A.x <
> 42. If there is a variable that is part of an equivalence class and
> also is used in a scan qual, what are the chances that the implied
> inequality is useful? There's no way to estimate that mathematically -
> it's all about what you think human beings are typically going to do -
> but I'd say it's probably better than 50%. I know that when I was
> regularly doing application programming on top of PostgreSQL I was
> VERY aware of this limitation of the optimizer and habitually thought
> about which table to write the inequality against. That kept me out of
> trouble most of the time, but it sure seems like we're punting the
> optimizer's job to the end user.

Not sure. In my experience queries with both a join clause and other
clauses referencing the same attribute are pretty rare. But I agree if
we can do the expensive stuff only when actually needed, with no cost in
the 99.999% other cases, I don't see why not. Of course, code complexity
is a cost too.

> And even then, I still sometimes couldn't stay out of trouble, because
> sometimes I knew that the implied inequality really ought to be
> enforced against both sides of the join to get a decent plan. In that
> case, the only way to get the optimizer to do what I wanted was to
> duplicate the qual. But that runs headlong into the exact problem that
> we're talking about here: now the join selectivity is going to be
> messed up, and then some other part of the plan would get messed up. I
> still remember the frustration associated with that scenario more than
> 10 years later. You can't even fix it by uglifying your query with a
> planner hint, because we don't support those either. Which brings me
> to another point: it's incoherent to simultaneously argue that we
> shouldn't have planner hints but rather focus on improving the
> planner, and at the same time refuse to improve the planner because it
> would make planning too expensive. I actually think we should do both,
> because I neither believe that it's impossible to fix this particular
> problem nor that it is possible to create a planner so good that it
> always makes the right decisions without any explicit input from a
> human being. But the only way you can think this problem is unfixable
> and at the same time think we don't need hints is if you think this
> problem is fake.

IMHO to deal with the estimates it'd be enough to allow calculating
conditional probabilities.

No comment regarding hints ...


Tomas Vondra
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

On Thu, Feb 17, 2022 at 4:17 PM Tomas Vondra
<> wrote:
> IMHO the whole problem is we're unable to estimate the join clause as a
> conditional probability, i.e.
>    P(A.x = B.x | (A.x < 42) & (B.x < 42))
> so maybe instead of trying to generate additional RelOptInfo items we
> should think about improving that. The extra RelOptInfos don't really
> solve this, because even if you decide to join A|x<42 to B|x<42 it does
> nothing to improve the join clause estimate.

I guess I hadn't considered that angle. I think the extra RelOptInfos
(or whatever) actually do solve a problem, because enforcing a
high-selectivity join qual against both sides is potentially quite
wasteful, and you need some way to decide whether to do it on one
side, the other, or both. But it's also true that I was wrong to
assume independence ... and if we could avoid assuming that, then the
join selectivity would work itself out without any of the machinery
that I just proposed.

> It actually deals with a more general form of this case, because the
> clauses don't need to reference the same attribute - so for example this
> would work too, assuming there is extended stats object on the columns
> on each side:
>   P(A.c = B.d | (A.e < 42) & (B.f < 42))

That'd be cool.

> Not sure. In my experience queries with both a join clause and other
> clauses referencing the same attribute are pretty rare. But I agree if
> we can do the expensive stuff only when actually needed, with no cost in
> the 99.999% other cases, I don't see why not. Of course, code complexity
> is a cost too.

Right. I mean, we could have a planner GUC to control whether the
optimization is used even in cases where we see that it's possible.
But Tom keeps arguing that it is possible in many queries and would
benefit few queries, and I'm not seeing why that should be so. I think
it's likely to benefit many of the queries to which it applies.

Robert Haas

On Fri, Feb 18, 2022 at 4:15 AM Robert Haas <> wrote:
On Tue, Feb 1, 2022 at 10:08 AM Andy Fan <> wrote:
> To address the row estimation issue, The most straightforward way to fix this is to
> ignore the derived clauses when figuring out the RelOptInfo->rows on base relation.
> To note which clause is derived from this patch, I added a new field "EquivalenceClass *
> derived" in RestrictInfo. and then added a  included_derived  option in clauselist_selectivity_ext,
> during the set_xxx_rel_size function, we can pass the included_derived=false.  This strategy
> should be used in get_parameterized_baserel_size.   In all the other cases, include_derived=true
> is used. which are finished in commit 2. (Commit 1 is Daivd's patch, I just  rebased it)

That doesn't sound correct to me.

Suppose that we have A.x = B.x and also A.x < 42. We can choose to
enforce A.x < 42 or we can choose to enforce B.x < 42 or we can do
both. In general, any of those could be right:

This is impressive.  To achieve this, we have to treat a.x < 42 and 
b.x < 42 equally rather than b.x < 42 is derived from a.x < 42, 
and enforce the final plan to execute 1 qual in such a group at least.  
This introduces some more complexity at the first glance, but I think 
it is a great aspect to think about. 
.., which is good. However, the
row count estimate for B will be too high, because it will not include
the effect of B.x < 42. And that means that the cost estimate for
join(A, B) will be wrong. It will be too high, because it's going to
think that it has more rows coming from the B side of the join than
what is actually the case. And that can also mess up the plan at
higher levels.

IIUC, this would not happen if we apply the commit 3.

In commit 3, the real rows for the scan path are adjusted by RelOptInfo->filter_rows,
which take the effect of B.x < 42.  It is used in cost_{ascan}_path lately. 
Here is an example:

regression=# explain analyze select * from tenk1 a, tenk1 b where a.thousand = b.thousand and a.thousand < 100;
Nested Loop  (cost=24.90..459.16 rows=10740 width=488) (actual time=0.416..17.459 rows=10000 loops=1)
->  Bitmap Heap Scan on tenk1 b  (cost=24.61..383.03 rows=1074 width=244) (actual time=0.369..1.801 rows=1000 loops=1)
Recheck Cond: (thousand < 100)
Heap Blocks: exact=324
->  Bitmap Index Scan on tenk1_thous_tenthous  (cost=0.00..24.34 rows=1074 width=0) (actual time=0.251..0.251 rows=1000 loops=1)
Index Cond: (thousand < 100)
->  Memoize  (cost=0.30..0.47 rows=1 width=244) (actual time=0.002..0.006 rows=10 loops=1000)
Cache Key: b.thousand
Cache Mode: logical
Hits: 900  Misses: 100  Evictions: 0  Overflows: 0  Memory Usage: 277kB
->  Index Scan using tenk1_thous_tenthous on tenk1 a  (cost=0.29..0.46 rows=1 width=244) (actual time=0.012..0.033 rows=10 loops=100)
Index Cond: ((thousand = b.thousand) AND (thousand < 100))
Planning Time: 0.934 ms
Execution Time: 18.496 ms
(14 rows)

b.thousand < 100 is derived from a.thousand < 100; and the final path cost is:
->  Bitmap Heap Scan on tenk1 b  (cost=24.61..383.03 rows=1074 width=244) (actual time=0.369..1.801 rows=1000 loops=1)
Recheck Cond: (thousand < 100)
Heap Blocks: exact=324
->  Bitmap Index Scan on tenk1_thous_tenthous  (cost=0.00..24.34 rows=1074 width=0) (actual time=0.251..0.251 rows=1000 loops=1)
Index Cond: (thousand < 100)

Which is exactly same as select * from tenk1 where thousand < 100; 

== Commit 3 [1] message with some modification == 

    Introduce RelOptInfo.filtered_rows.

    Previously the Path.rows (shown in the explain output) and RelOptInfo.rows
    (which would be used to calculating joinrel's estimated rows) are same
    at many scan paths, like SeqScan, IndexScan, BitmapHeapScan and so on. But
    they would be different after distributing a new restrictinfo from ec_filter.
    So I developed RelOptInfo.filtered_rows to take some duty out of RelOptInfo.rows.
    RelOptInfo.filtered_rows would count the effect of derived qual, and be used for
    cost_xxx function. 

On the other hand, I completely agree with David's comments on the
other thread to the effect that holding our breath is not getting us

+1 with this as well.  PostgreSQL community has an great reputation
in the world,  and mostly because the authority figures in this community
has set up a good example for the following people.  and it is not
easy.  But if the authority figures are too restrict with code quality,  this
is not good for the community as well, we should encourage more people
to have a try,  to some extent. 

Taking the current feature for example,  the estimation issue absolutely 
needs a fix.  While I do listen/think carefully how to reduce planner
extra cost or rethink if any important items are missed by me. I also think
David's method is not unacceptable at all. 

What do you think about moving on this feature?  The items known by me 
are: 1).  Make sure the estimation error can be fixed or discuss if my current
solution is workable.  b).  Just distribute some selectivity restrictinfo to 
RelOptInfo.  c).  See how hard it is to treat the original / derived qual equally.
d).  Reduce the extra planner cost at much as possible.  Any other important
items I missed? 

Best Regards
Andy Fan
On Fri, Feb 18, 2022 at 12:56 AM Andy Fan <> wrote:
> What do you think about moving on this feature?  The items known by me
> are: 1).  Make sure the estimation error can be fixed or discuss if my current
> solution is workable.  b).  Just distribute some selectivity restrictinfo to
> RelOptInfo.  c).  See how hard it is to treat the original / derived qual equally.
> d).  Reduce the extra planner cost at much as possible.  Any other important
> items I missed?

I think it's not realistic to do anything here for PostgreSQL 15.
Considering that it's almost the end of February and feature freeze
will probably be in perhaps 5-6 weeks, in order to get something
committed at this point, you would need to have (1) sufficient
consensus on the design, (2) a set of reasonably complete patches
implementing that design at an acceptable level of quality, and (3) a
committer interested in putting in the necessary time to help you get
this over the finish line. As far as I can see, you have none of those
things.  Tom doesn't think we need this at all, and you and I and
Tomas all have somewhat different ideas on what approach we ought to
be taking, and the patches appear to be at a POC level at this point
rather than something that's close to being ready to ship, and no
committer has expressed interest in trying to get them into this

It seems to me that the thing to do here is see if you can build
consensus on an approach. Just saying that we ought to think the
patches you've already got are good enough is not going to get you
anywhere. I do understand that the political element of this problem
is frustrating to you, as it is to many people. But consider the
alternative: suppose the way things worked around here is that any
committer could commit anything they liked without needing the
approval of any other committer, or even over their objections. Well,
it would be chaos. People would be constantly reverting or rewriting
things that other people had done, and everybody would probably be
pissed off at each other all the time, and the quality would go down
the tubes and nobody would use PostgreSQL any more. I'm not saying the
current system is perfect, not at all. It's frustrating as all get out
at times. But the reason it's frustrating is because the PostgreSQL
community is a community of human beings, and there's nothing more
frustrating in the world than the stuff other human beings do.

However, it's equally true that we get further working together than
we would individually. I think Tom is wrong about the merits of doing
something in this area, but I also think he's incredibly smart and
thoughtful and one of the best technologists I've ever met, and
probably just one of the absolute best technologists on Planet Earth.
And I also have to consider, and this is really important, the
possibility that Tom is right about this issue and I am wrong. So far
Tom hasn't replied to what I wrote, but I hope he does. Maybe he'll
admit that I have some valid points. Maybe he'll tell me why he thinks
I'm wrong. Maybe I'll learn about some problem that I haven't
considered from his response, and maybe that will lead to a refinement
of the idea that will make it better. I don't know, but it's certainly
happened in plenty of other cases. And that's how PostgreSQL gets to
be this pretty amazing database that it is. So, yeah, building
consensus is frustrating and it takes a long time and sometimes it
feels like other people are obstructing you needlessly and sometimes
that's probably true. But there's not a realistic alternative. Nobody
here is smart enough to create software that is as good as what all of
us create together.

Robert Haas

On 2/17/22 23:16, Robert Haas wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 17, 2022 at 4:17 PM Tomas Vondra
> <> wrote:
>> IMHO the whole problem is we're unable to estimate the join clause as a
>> conditional probability, i.e.
>>    P(A.x = B.x | (A.x < 42) & (B.x < 42))
>> so maybe instead of trying to generate additional RelOptInfo items we
>> should think about improving that. The extra RelOptInfos don't really
>> solve this, because even if you decide to join A|x<42 to B|x<42 it does
>> nothing to improve the join clause estimate.
> I guess I hadn't considered that angle. I think the extra RelOptInfos
> (or whatever) actually do solve a problem, because enforcing a
> high-selectivity join qual against both sides is potentially quite
> wasteful, and you need some way to decide whether to do it on one
> side, the other, or both. But it's also true that I was wrong to
> assume independence ... and if we could avoid assuming that, then the
> join selectivity would work itself out without any of the machinery
> that I just proposed.

True. We kinda already have this issue for the equality clauses, and
having paths with the condition pushed down (or not) seems like a
natural approach.

>> It actually deals with a more general form of this case, because the
>> clauses don't need to reference the same attribute - so for example this
>> would work too, assuming there is extended stats object on the columns
>> on each side:
>>   P(A.c = B.d | (A.e < 42) & (B.f < 42))
> That'd be cool.

Yeah, but the patch implementing this still needs more work.

>> Not sure. In my experience queries with both a join clause and other
>> clauses referencing the same attribute are pretty rare. But I agree if
>> we can do the expensive stuff only when actually needed, with no cost in
>> the 99.999% other cases, I don't see why not. Of course, code complexity
>> is a cost too.
> Right. I mean, we could have a planner GUC to control whether the
> optimization is used even in cases where we see that it's possible.
> But Tom keeps arguing that it is possible in many queries and would
> benefit few queries, and I'm not seeing why that should be so. I think
> it's likely to benefit many of the queries to which it applies.

Maybe. Although the example I linked some time ago shows a pretty
dramatic improvement, due to picking merge join + index scan, and not
realizing we'll have to skip a lot of data. But that's just one
anecdotal example.

Anyway, I think the best way to deal with these (perfectly legitimate)
concerns is to show how expensive it is for queries not not having such
join/restriction clauses, with the cost being close to 0. And then for
queries with such clauses but not benefiting from the change (a bit like
a worst case).



Tomas Vondra
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Thanks for the detailed explanation. 

On Sat, Feb 19, 2022 at 2:27 AM Robert Haas <> wrote:
On Fri, Feb 18, 2022 at 12:56 AM Andy Fan <> wrote:
> What do you think about moving on this feature?  The items known by me
> are: 1).  Make sure the estimation error can be fixed or discuss if my current
> solution is workable.  b).  Just distribute some selectivity restrictinfo to
> RelOptInfo.  c).  See how hard it is to treat the original / derived qual equally.
> d).  Reduce the extra planner cost at much as possible.  Any other important
> items I missed?

I think it's not realistic to do anything here for PostgreSQL 15.
Considering that it's almost the end of February and feature freeze
will probably be in perhaps 5-6 weeks, in order to get something
committed at this point, 

I didn't expect that we could commit it very soon;)   Actually my expectation
was that more people would care about the direction of this feature.  I care
about it, but that's not enough obviously.  So I summarized the direction I
want to go, and let more people see if that's right.  
Tom doesn't think we need this at all, and you and I and
Tomas all have somewhat different ideas on what approach we ought to
be taking,

Agreed.  IMO,  the estimation error looks like a serious issue that we
all agree to find a solution.  But currently we have different ways to handle
that. I'd pretty much hope that we can have a discussion about this stuff. 

and the patches appear to be at a POC level at this point rather than 
something that's close to being ready to ship, 

This is very true since no consensus on an approach so far. PoC would
be enough for now.
It seems to me that the thing to do here is see if you can build
consensus on an approach. Just saying that we ought to think the
patches you've already got are good enough is not going to get you

I truly understand this and no matter which approach I insist on, the
only reason is just because I think it is the best one IMO and not because
it comes from me or not. 
I do understand that the political element of this problem
is frustrating to you, as it is to many people. But consider the
alternative: suppose the way things worked around here is that any
committer could commit anything they liked without needing the
approval of any other committer, or even over their objections. Well,
it would be chaos.

This is the fact I think. 
People would be constantly reverting or rewriting
things that other people had done, and everybody would probably be
pissed off at each other all the time, and the quality would go down
the tubes and nobody would use PostgreSQL any more.
But the reason it's frustrating is because the PostgreSQL
community is a community of human beings, and there's nothing more
frustrating in the world than the stuff other human beings do.

New knowledge gained from  how committers think about  other's patch:) 
It is reasonable.  Committing the patch is not my only goal.  Thinking
stuff more completely is also an awesome thing to get during discussion.
Just that sometimes ignorance is frustrating (I also truly understood
that everyone's energy is limited). 

However, it's equally true that we get further working together than
we would individually. I think Tom is wrong about the merits of doing
something in this area, but I also think he's incredibly smart and
thoughtful and one of the best technologists I've ever met, and
probably just one of the absolute best technologists on Planet Earth.
And I also have to consider, and this is really important, the
possibility that Tom is right about this issue and I am wrong. So far
Tom hasn't replied to what I wrote, but I hope he does. Maybe he'll
admit that I have some valid points. Maybe he'll tell me why he thinks
I'm wrong. Maybe I'll learn about some problem that I haven't
considered from his response, and maybe that will lead to a refinement
of the idea that will make it better.

+1.  Just to be more precise,  are you also confused about why this
should not be done at all.  IIUC, I get 3 reasons from Tom's reply. 
a). Planning cost. b). estimation error.  c)  extra qual execution is bad.    
I don't know, but it's certainly
happened in plenty of other cases. And that's how PostgreSQL gets to
be this pretty amazing database that it is. So, yeah, building
consensus is frustrating and it takes a long time and sometimes it
feels like other people are obstructing you needlessly and sometimes
that's probably true. But there's not a realistic alternative. Nobody
here is smart enough to create software that is as good as what all of
us create together.


Best Regards
Andy Fan

>> It actually deals with a more general form of this case, because the
>> clauses don't need to reference the same attribute - so for example this
>> would work too, assuming there is extended stats object on the columns
>> on each side:
>>   P(A.c = B.d | (A.e < 42) & (B.f < 42))
> That'd be cool.

Yeah, but the patch implementing this still needs more work.

Thanks for that patch. That patch has been on my study list for a long
time and it can fix the other real case I met some day ago.  I spent one
day studying it again yesterday just that the result does not deserve 
sharing at the current stage.   As for the purpose here,  if we have 
extended statistics, I believe it can work well.  But requiring extended
statistics for this feature does not look very reasonable to me.  Do you 
think we can go further in direction for the issue here?   and it would
be super great that you can take a look at the commit 3 [1].  IIUC, 
It can solve the issue and is pretty straightforward. 

Best Regards
Andy Fan
On Mon, Feb 21, 2022 at 2:31 AM Andy Fan <> wrote:
> +1.  Just to be more precise,  are you also confused about why this
> should not be done at all.  IIUC, I get 3 reasons from Tom's reply.
> a). Planning cost. b). estimation error.  c)  extra qual execution is bad.

This topic has been discussed a number of times, and Tom has basically
always said that he thinks this would be expensive to plan (which I
think is true) and that we wouldn't get much benefit (which I think is

Robert Haas

Robert Haas <> writes:
> This topic has been discussed a number of times, and Tom has basically
> always said that he thinks this would be expensive to plan (which I
> think is true) and that we wouldn't get much benefit (which I think is
> false).

I think the trick here, as in so many other places, is to not impose
significant extra planning cost on queries that don't end up getting
any benefit.  I'm not in favor of complicating the EquivalenceClass
mechanism for this, because (a) I don't think that such an approach
will lead to success on that metric, and (b) what it definitely will do
is make ECs harder to understand and reason about.  If we develop a
separate mechanism that can infer things from inequalities, and it only
kicks in when there are some inequalities, that might work out okay.
But because of that, I don't even like the 0001 patch in this series.
I've not looked at the subsequent ones.

            regards, tom lane

On Tue, Mar 1, 2022 at 5:53 PM Tom Lane <> wrote:
> Robert Haas <> writes:
> > This topic has been discussed a number of times, and Tom has basically
> > always said that he thinks this would be expensive to plan (which I
> > think is true) and that we wouldn't get much benefit (which I think is
> > false).
> I think the trick here, as in so many other places, is to not impose
> significant extra planning cost on queries that don't end up getting
> any benefit.

I agree. My question is: why shouldn't every case where we can deduce
an implied inequality be reasonably likely to show a benefit? If the
query specifies that a.x = b.x and also that a.x < 42, the only reason
to suppose that evaluating a.x < 42 rather than b.x < 42 or in
addition to b.x < 42 is likely to be better is if we assume the user
knows how the query optimizer works and has employed that knowledge in
crafting the query. And admittedly, sophisticated users are probably
likely to do that, and even unsophisticated users may do it more
likely than chance would dictate. But it still feels like we have a
good chance of landing of coming out ahead pretty often unless the
user really knows what they are doing. And even then, any mechanism we
add here can have an off switch.

> I'm not in favor of complicating the EquivalenceClass
> mechanism for this, because (a) I don't think that such an approach
> will lead to success on that metric, and (b) what it definitely will do
> is make ECs harder to understand and reason about.  If we develop a
> separate mechanism that can infer things from inequalities, and it only
> kicks in when there are some inequalities, that might work out okay.
> But because of that, I don't even like the 0001 patch in this series.
> I've not looked at the subsequent ones.

I don't think 0001 is right either, although maybe for somewhat
different reasons. First, I think it only considers VAR OP CONST style
clauses, but that is leaving money on the table, because given a.x =
b.x AND mumble(a.x), we can decide to instead test mumble(b.x) if the
equality operator in question has is-binary-identical semantics. It
does not seem necessary for a first patch to deal with both that and
the somewhat more pleasing case where we're making deductions based on
operator families ... but we shouldn't commit to a design for the VAR
OP CONST case without understanding how it could be generalized.
Second, it looks to me like the patch takes the rather naive strategy
of enforcing the derived clauses everywhere that they can legally be
put, which seems certain not to be optimal.

I don't know whether attaching something to the equivalence class data
structure is the right idea or not. Presumably, we don't want to make
an extra pass over the query tree to gather the information needed for
this kind of optimization, and it feels like we need to know which
vars are EMs before we try to derive alternate/additional quals. So I
guess we'd want to study clauses for possible use by this kind of
mechanism after we've derived ECs but before we do any costing stuff,
yet without introducing a whole new pass. Once we do derive that
information, where are we going to put it? We have to be able to tell
efficiently when looking at a baserel whether there are any implied
inequalities that we should be thinking about ... and there's nothing
obvious tying all of the relevant places together other than the EM.
But I'm kind of blathering here: I feel like there are a lot of
complexities I haven't thought hard enough about to have an
intelligent opinion.

Robert Haas

Robert Haas <> writes:
> I agree. My question is: why shouldn't every case where we can deduce
> an implied inequality be reasonably likely to show a benefit?

Maybe it will be, if we can deal with the issue you already mentioned
about not misestimating the resulting partially-redundant conditions.

> Second, it looks to me like the patch takes the rather naive strategy
> of enforcing the derived clauses everywhere that they can legally be
> put, which seems certain not to be optimal.

I'm not sure about that ... it's basically what we do with derived
equalities.  However, there's enough structure in the equivalence-class
case that we don't end up enforcing redundant quals.  It's not clear
to me whether the same can be said here.

> I don't know whether attaching something to the equivalence class data
> structure is the right idea or not. Presumably, we don't want to make
> an extra pass over the query tree to gather the information needed for
> this kind of optimization, and it feels like we need to know which
> vars are EMs before we try to derive alternate/additional quals.

Yeah, we don't want to make an additional pass over the tree, and
we also would rather not add an additional set of per-operator
catalog lookups.  We might be able to generalize the code that looks
for equality operators so that it looks for "any btree operator"
with the same number of lookups, and then have it feed the results
down either the EquivalenceClass path or the inequality path
as appropriate.  At the end, after we've formed all the ECs, we
could have a go at matching up the inequality structures with the
ECs.  But I don't agree that ECs are a necessary prerequisite.
Here are a couple of other patterns that might be worth looking for:

* "a > b AND b > c" allows deducing "a > c", whether or not any
of those values appears in an EC.

* "a > const1 AND a > const2" can be simplified to either "a > const1"
or "a > const2" depending on which constant is larger.  (The predicate
proof mechanism already has a form of this, but we don't typically
apply it in a way that would result in dropping the redundant qual.)

It's entirely possible that one or both of these patterns is not
worth looking for.  But I would say that it's equally unproven
that deriving "a > c" from "a = b AND b > c" is worth the cycles.
I'll grant that it's most likely going to be a win if we can use
any of these patterns to generate a restriction clause from what
had been join clauses.  Beyond that it's much less clear.

            regards, tom lane

Thanks Tom for joining. 

I'm not in favor of complicating the EquivalenceClass
mechanism for this, because ....  (b) what it definitely will do
is make ECs harder to understand and reason about. 

I'm not willing to show opposition on purpose, and I'm not insist on current
strategy,  but I can't understand the comment here, not sure how others.
So I just point it out.  IMO, the semantics of ec_filter is that every EMs in this 
EC can  have this filter.  I do like this method very much.  If we need something
to improve that, it may be the content in ec_filter is not generic
enough.  For example:

select * from t1, t2 where t1.a = t2.a and t2.a > 3; 

Then the EC filter is "t2.a > 3".  Why is it a "t2.a"  rather than a more
generic type to show "any EM" in this EC,  I can double check the
patch to see if this can be any helpful. 

Maybe I'm focusing on the current situation too much,  could you describe
more about the badness of this semantics level? 

If we develop a
separate mechanism that can infer things from inequalities, and it 
kicks in when there are some inequalities, that might work out okay.

I will try to make this part clearer.  The current mechanism includes 3 steps.
1). Gather the inequalities_qual_list during the deconstruct_jointree. 2).  
After the root->eq_classes is built,  scan each of the above quals to find
out if there is an EC match,  if yes, add it to the EC.  There are some fast paths here. 
3).  compose  the qual in ec_filter and members in ec_members, then 
distribute it to the relations.  

Step 1 would make sure only inequalities is checked.   Are you unhappy with the 
cost of step 2 here?  for the case like 

SELECT * FROM t1, t2 WHERE t1.a = t2.a AND t1.b > 3;  

we have to go step 2 and get nothing finally.  As for the case like "FROM t1, t2, t3 
WHERE t1.a = t2.a and t3.c > 3".  t3.c > 3 can be discard quickly with EC->relids checking. 

But because of that, I don't even like the 0001 patch in this series.
I've not looked at the subsequent ones.

I agree with 0001 patch should be the first one to reach an agreement .  

Best Regards
Andy Fan

I don't think 0001 is right either, although maybe for somewhat
different reasons. First, I think it only considers VAR OP CONST style
clauses, but that is leaving money on the table, because given a.x =
b.x AND mumble(a.x), we can decide to instead test mumble(b.x) if the
equality operator in question has is-binary-identical semantics. It
does not seem necessary for a first patch to deal with both that and
the somewhat more pleasing case where we're making deductions based on
operator families ... but we shouldn't commit to a design for the VAR
OP CONST case without understanding how it could be generalized.

I can follow up with this and +1 with the statement.  
Second, it looks to me like the patch takes the rather naive strategy
of enforcing the derived clauses everywhere that they can legally be
put, which seems certain not to be optimal.

If we can have some agreement (after more discussion) the EC filter is 
acceptable on semantics level,  I think we may have some chances to 
improve something at execution level.

Best Regards
Andy Fan
On Tue, Mar 1, 2022 at 9:05 PM Tom Lane <> wrote:
> Robert Haas <> writes:
> > I agree. My question is: why shouldn't every case where we can deduce
> > an implied inequality be reasonably likely to show a benefit?
> Maybe it will be, if we can deal with the issue you already mentioned
> about not misestimating the resulting partially-redundant conditions.


> > Second, it looks to me like the patch takes the rather naive strategy
> > of enforcing the derived clauses everywhere that they can legally be
> > put, which seems certain not to be optimal.
> I'm not sure about that ... it's basically what we do with derived
> equalities.  However, there's enough structure in the equivalence-class
> case that we don't end up enforcing redundant quals.  It's not clear
> to me whether the same can be said here.

I mean, to go back to the example of a.x < 42 and a.x = b.x, there are
three possible choices as to where to enforce the qual (a, b, both).
That's a meaningful choice, independent of any estimation issue. I
think it is reasonably common to have cases where a.x < 42 is very
selective and b.x < 42 hardly filters out anything at all, or the
other way around. Certainly, that kind of situation came up a lot in
PostgreSQL-based applications that I wrote myself back in the day. If
we're just talking about btree operators, *maybe* we can say it's
cheap enough that we don't care, but color me a tad skeptical.

> > I don't know whether attaching something to the equivalence class data
> > structure is the right idea or not. Presumably, we don't want to make
> > an extra pass over the query tree to gather the information needed for
> > this kind of optimization, and it feels like we need to know which
> > vars are EMs before we try to derive alternate/additional quals.
> Yeah, we don't want to make an additional pass over the tree, and
> we also would rather not add an additional set of per-operator
> catalog lookups.  We might be able to generalize the code that looks
> for equality operators so that it looks for "any btree operator"
> with the same number of lookups, and then have it feed the results
> down either the EquivalenceClass path or the inequality path
> as appropriate.  At the end, after we've formed all the ECs, we
> could have a go at matching up the inequality structures with the
> ECs.

Interesting idea.

> But I don't agree that ECs are a necessary prerequisite.
> Here are a couple of other patterns that might be worth looking for:
> * "a > b AND b > c" allows deducing "a > c", whether or not any
> of those values appears in an EC.
> * "a > const1 AND a > const2" can be simplified to either "a > const1"
> or "a > const2" depending on which constant is larger.  (The predicate
> proof mechanism already has a form of this, but we don't typically
> apply it in a way that would result in dropping the redundant qual.)
> It's entirely possible that one or both of these patterns is not
> worth looking for.  But I would say that it's equally unproven
> that deriving "a > c" from "a = b AND b > c" is worth the cycles.
> I'll grant that it's most likely going to be a win if we can use
> any of these patterns to generate a restriction clause from what
> had been join clauses.  Beyond that it's much less clear.

Pretty much all of the cases that I've run across involve an equijoin
plus an inequality, so if somebody asked me which problem we ought to
put most effort into solving, I'd say that one. Cases like "a>1 and
a>2" or a same-table case like "a=b and b>3" haven't been as common in
my experience, and haven't caused as much trouble when they do happen.
Part of that is because if you have something like "a>1 and a>2" in
your query, it may be easy for you to just tweak the query generation
to avoid it, and if "a=b and b>3" is coming up a lot, you may choose
to adjust your data model (e.g. choose to store NULL in b to indicate
same-as-a), whereas if you have something like
"orders.orderno=order_lines.orderno and order_lines.orderno<10000,"
what are you going to do to avoid that exactly? If you normalize your
order data and then want to find the old orders, this problem arises

But having said that, I'm not *against* doing something about those
cases if it's cheap or falls out naturally. If we could detect for
free that the user had written a>1 and a>2, it'd certainly be
beneficial to drop the former qual and keep only the latter. If the
user writes a>b and b>c and all those columns are in one table I don't
see how it helps to derive a>c, because we're still going to need to
check the other two quals anyway so we've just created more work. But
if those columns are not all in the same table then I'd say chances
are really pretty good. Like, suppose it's x.a>y.b and y.b>x.c. Well,
like I say, I don't really see people writing queries like that
myself, but if they do, it seems pretty obvious that deriving x.a>x.c
has the potential to save a LOT of trouble. If it's x.a>y.b and
y.b>z.c I don't feel quite so optimistic, but it may be that we would
like to do the x-z join first, and if we do, enforcing x.a>z.c at that
level to shrink the join product seems like a very strong idea. It is
a slight loss if we run that qual on lots of rows and it never fails,
but it is a gigantic win if it filters out a bunch of stuff. I bet a
lot of users would be VERY happy to pay the cost of testing x.a>z.c at
the x-z join level even on queries where the statistics suggest that
it will be entirely useless, because it won't cost that much to check
it, and if by some chance the statistics are misleading, it might
prevent a really bad outcome where the query runs for a super-long
time and they get paged. So the questions in my mind here are all
about whether we can detect this stuff cheaply and whether anybody
wants to do the work to make it happen, not whether we'd get a benefit
in the cases where it kicks in.

Robert Haas

Robert Haas <> writes:
> So the questions in my mind here are all
> about whether we can detect this stuff cheaply and whether anybody
> wants to do the work to make it happen, not whether we'd get a benefit
> in the cases where it kicks in.

Right, my worries are mostly about the first point.

            regards, tom lane

On Wed, Mar 2, 2022 at 11:09 AM Tom Lane <> wrote:
> Robert Haas <> writes:
> > So the questions in my mind here are all
> > about whether we can detect this stuff cheaply and whether anybody
> > wants to do the work to make it happen, not whether we'd get a benefit
> > in the cases where it kicks in.
> Right, my worries are mostly about the first point.

OK, cool.

Robert Haas

On Thu, Mar 3, 2022 at 1:29 AM Robert Haas <> wrote:
On Wed, Mar 2, 2022 at 11:09 AM Tom Lane <> wrote:
> Robert Haas <> writes:
> > So the questions in my mind here are all
> > about whether we can detect this stuff cheaply and whether anybody
> > wants to do the work to make it happen, not whether we'd get a benefit
> > in the cases where it kicks in.
> Right, my worries are mostly about the first point.

OK, cool.

I have finished the PoC for planning timing improvement and joinrel rows estimation. 
the design considers the requirement we can enforce any corrective quals during 
execution (rather than must execute the RestirctInfo which user provides), but
nothing is coded for that part so far. 

Copy the commit message here for easy discussion.

== Planning timing part ==
Patch 1:   expand the duties of check_mergejoinable to check non-equal btree
    operators as well to support the EC Filter function.  A new field
    named btreeineqopfamilies is added in RestictInfo and it is set
    with the same round syscache search for check_mergejoinable. Because
    of this, check_mergejoinable is renamed to check_btreeable.
    The bad part of this is it only works for opclause so far.

Patch 2:   Introduce ec_filters in EquivalenceClass struct, the semantics is that the quals can
    be applied to any EquivalenceMember in this EC. Later this information is used
    to generate new RestrictInfo and was distributed to related RelOptInfo very
    soon.  There are 3 major steps here:

    a). In distribute_qual_to_rels to gather the ineq quallist.
    b). After deconstruct_jointree, distribute_filter_quals_to_eclass distributes
    these ineq-quallist to the related EC's ef_filters.
    c). generate_base_implied_equalities_no_const scan the ec_filters and distribute
    the restrictinfo to related RelOptInfo.

Patch 3:     Reduce some planning cost for deriving qual for EC filter feature.
    Mainly changes include:
    1. Check if the qual is simple enough by checking rinfo->right_relids and
    info->right_relids, save the pull_varnos of rinfo->clause calls.
    2. check contain_volatile_functions against RestrictInfo, so that
    the result can be shared with following calls.
    3. By employing the RestictInfo->btreeineqfamility which is calculating.
    with the same round of calculating  RestrictInfo->mergeopfamilies. In this
    way we save some calls for syscache.
    4. Calculating the opfamility and amstrategy at
    distribute_filter_quals_to_eclass and cache the results in EquivalenceFilter.
    if no suitable opfamility and amstrategy are found, bypass the qual immediately
    and at last using the cached value generate_base_implied_equalities_no_const.

    After this change, there is a testcase changed unexpectedly in equivclass.out
    (compared with Patch-2 expectation file.)

    create user regress_user_ectest;
    grant select on ec0 to regress_user_ectest;
    grant select on ec1 to regress_user_ectest;

    set session authorization regress_user_ectest;

    -- with RLS active, the non-leakproof a.ff = 43 clause is not treated
    -- as a suitable source for an EquivalenceClass; currently, this is true
    -- even though the RLS clause has nothing to do directly with the EC
    explain (costs off)
    regression->   select * from ec0 a, ec1 b
    regression->   where a.ff = b.ff and a.ff = 43::bigint::int8alias1;

    The b.ff = 43 has disappeared from ec1 b. But since it even didn't shown
    before the EC filter, so I'm not sure my changes here make something wrong,
    maybe fix an issue by accident?

== Join Rel size estimation part ==

I have revist the strategy before,  the main reasons are 1).  we should consider every
qual *equally*.  2).  In the past, I just wanted to get the same result as ec filters doesn't
happen,  but later I found that even if there is no ec filter, we still have some estimation error
clearly.  for example:

create table ec_t1000 (a int);
insert into ec_t1000 select i from generate_series(1, 1000)i;
create table ec_t110 (a int);
insert into ec_t110 select i from generate_series(1, 110) i;
create table ec_t200 (a int);
insert into ec_t200 select i from generate_series(1, 200) i;
analyze ec_t1000, ec_t110, ec_t200;

query 1: explain select * from ec_t1000, ec_t110 where ec_t1000.a = ec_t110.a and ec_t1000.a > 100; -- (0.9)

query 2: explain select * from ec_t1000, ec_t110 where ec_t1000.a = ec_t110.a and ec_t110.a > 100; --  (0.1)

query 3: explain select * from ec_t1000, ec_t110 , ec_t200 where ec_t1000.a = ec_t110.a and ec_t110.a = ec_t200.a and ec_t1000.a > 100;

query 4: explain select * from ec_t1000, ec_t110 , ec_t200 where ec_t1000.a = ec_t110.a and ec_t110.a = ec_t200.a and ec_t110.a > 100;

query 5: explain select * from ec_t1000, ec_t110 , ec_t200 where ec_t1000.a = ec_t110.a and ec_t110.a = ec_t200.a and ec_t200.a > 100;

we can see query 1 is the same as query 2,  and query 3/4/5 should be the same as well. The fact
is not. Here is the result on the current master and patched version. 

| Query Id | Real rows | Est. Rows at master | Est. rows with patched |
|        1 |        10 |                  99 |                     10 |
|        2 |        10 |                  10 |                     10 |
|        3 |        10 |                  20 |                     11 |
|        4 |        10 |                   2 |                     11 |
|        5 |        10 |                  11 |                     11 |

Patch 4:  Prepare the code for CorrectiveQual structure.
    Just refactor the method for 2-level loop in
    generate_base_implied_equalities_no_const, no other things are changed.

Patch 5:   struct CorrectiveQuals is as simple as a List of RestrictInfo, the properties
of it are:  a). only one restrictinfo on this group should be counted for any joinrel
size estimation. b). at least 1 restrictinfo in this group should be executed during
execution. In this  commit, only the size estimation issue is tried.

    PlannerInfo.correlative_quals is added to manage all the CorrectiveQuals at
    subquery level. RelOptInfo.cqual_indexes is a List * to indicate a which
    CorrectiveQuals this relation is related to. This is designed for easy to check if
    the both sides of joinrel correlated to the same CorrectiveQuals. The reason why 
    "List *" will be explained later.

    The overall design of handing the joinrel size estimation is:
    a). At the base relation level, we just count everything with the correlative
    quals. b). During any level joinrel size estimation, we just keep 1 side's
    cqual (short for corrective qual) selectivity by eliminating the other one. so
    the size estimation for a mergeable join selectivity becomes to:

    rows = R1.rows X r2.rows X 1 / Max (ndistval_of_colA,  ndistinval_of_colB) X 1 /
    Selectivity(R1's CorrectiveQual).

    r1.rows X 1 / Selectivity(R1's CorrectiveQual) eliminates the impact of
    CorrectiveQual on R1.  After this,  the JoinRel of (R1, R2) still be impacted by
    this CorrectiveQual but "just once" in this level.  Later if JoinRel(R1, R2) needs
    to join with R3,  and R3 is impacted by this CorectiveQuals as well. We
    need to keep one and eliminate the other one as above again.

    The algorithm for which Selectivity should be eliminated and which one should be
    kept is:

    When we join 2 inner_rel and outer_rel with a mergeable join restrictinfo, if
    both sides is impacted with the same CorrectiveQual, we first choose which "side"
    to eliminating based on which side of the restrictinfo has a higher distinct
    value. The reason for this is more or less because we used "Max"(ndistinctValT1,
    ndistinctValT2). After deciding which "side" to eliminate, the real eliminating
    selectivity is RelOptInfo->cqual_selectivity[n],  The left one still takes effect
  and is noted in the joinrel->cqual_selectivitity[n]. 

    Introduction of RelOptInfo->cqual_selectivity:

     The number of elements in cqual_selecitity equals
     the length of cqual_indexes. The semantics is which
     Selectivity in the corresponding CorectiveQuals's qual
     list is taking effect. At any time, only 1 Qual
     Selectivity is counted for any-level of joinrel size estimation. 

    In reality, it is possible to have many CorrectiveQuals, but for design
    discussion, the current implementation only takes care of the 1 CorrectiveQuals.
    This would be helpful for PoC/review/discussion.

    Some flow for the key data:

    1. root->corrective_quals is initialized at
    generate_base_implied_equalities_no_const stage. we create a CorrectiveQual in
    this list for each ec_filter and fill the RestrictInfo part for it. At
    the same time, we note that which RelOptInfo (cqual_indexes) is related to this cqual. 

    2. RelOptInfo->cqual_selecitity for baserel is set at the end of set_rel_size,
    at this time, the selectivity for every RestrictInfo is calculated, we can just
    fetch the cached value.  As for joinrel, it is maintained in
    calc_join_cqual_selectivity, this function would return the Selectivity to
    eliminate and set the above value.

    Limitation in this PoC:
    1. Only support 1 CorrectiveQual in root->correlative_quals
    2. Only tested with INNER_JOIN.
    3. Inherited tables are not supported.

I find it is hard to explain things clearly without the code. Any feedback is welcome. 

Best Regards
Andy Fan

I just tested more cases for the estimation issue for this feature, and we can
find **we get a more accurate/stable estimation than before**. Here is the test
cases and result (by comparing the master version and patched version).

create table ec_t110 as select i::int as a from generate_series(1, 110) i;
create table ec_t200 as select i::int as a from generate_series(1, 200) i;
create table ec_t500 as select i::int as a from generate_series(1, 500) i;
create table ec_t800 as select i::int as a from generate_series(1, 800) i;
create table ec_t1000 as select i::int as a from generate_series(1, 1000) i;


-- 2 table joins.
explain analyze select * from ec_t1000, ec_t110 where ec_t1000.a = ec_t110.a and ec_t1000.a > 100; -- (0.9)
explain analyze select * from ec_t1000, ec_t110 where ec_t1000.a = ec_t110.a and ec_t110.a > 100; --  (0.1)

-- 3 table joins.
explain analyze select * from ec_t1000, ec_t110 , ec_t200 where ec_t1000.a = ec_t110.a and ec_t110.a = ec_t200.a and ec_t1000.a > 100;
explain analyze select * from ec_t1000, ec_t110 , ec_t200 where ec_t1000.a = ec_t110.a and ec_t110.a = ec_t200.a and ec_t110.a > 100;
explain analyze select * from ec_t1000, ec_t110 , ec_t200 where ec_t1000.a = ec_t110.a and ec_t110.a = ec_t200.a and ec_t200.a > 100;

-- 4 table joins.
explain analyze select * from ec_t1000, ec_t110 , ec_t200, ec_t500 where ec_t1000.a = ec_t110.a and ec_t110.a = ec_t200.a and ec_t500.a = ec_t200.a and ec_t1000.a > 100;
explain analyze select * from ec_t1000, ec_t110 , ec_t200, ec_t500 where ec_t1000.a = ec_t110.a and ec_t110.a = ec_t200.a and ec_t500.a = ec_t200.a and ec_t110.a > 100;
explain analyze select * from ec_t1000, ec_t110 , ec_t200, ec_t500 where ec_t1000.a = ec_t110.a and ec_t110.a = ec_t200.a and ec_t500.a = ec_t200.a and ec_t200.a > 100;
explain analyze select * from ec_t1000, ec_t110 , ec_t200, ec_t500 where ec_t1000.a = ec_t110.a and ec_t110.a = ec_t200.a and ec_t500.a = ec_t200.a and ec_t500.a > 100;

-- 5 table joins.
explain analyze select * from ec_t1000, ec_t110 , ec_t200, ec_t500, ec_t800 where ec_t1000.a = ec_t110.a and ec_t110.a = ec_t200.a and ec_t500.a = ec_t200.a and ec_t500.a = ec_t800.a and ec_t1000.a > 100;
explain analyze select * from ec_t1000, ec_t110 , ec_t200, ec_t500, ec_t800 where ec_t1000.a = ec_t110.a and ec_t110.a = ec_t200.a and ec_t500.a = ec_t200.a and ec_t500.a = ec_t800.a and ec_t110.a > 100;
explain analyze select * from ec_t1000, ec_t110 , ec_t200, ec_t500, ec_t800 where ec_t1000.a = ec_t110.a and ec_t110.a = ec_t200.a and ec_t500.a = ec_t200.a and ec_t500.a = ec_t800.a and ec_t200.a > 100;
explain analyze select * from ec_t1000, ec_t110 , ec_t200, ec_t500, ec_t800 where ec_t1000.a = ec_t110.a and ec_t110.a = ec_t200.a and ec_t500.a = ec_t200.a and ec_t500.a = ec_t800.a and ec_t500.a > 100;
explain analyze select * from ec_t1000, ec_t110 , ec_t200, ec_t500, ec_t800 where ec_t1000.a = ec_t110.a and ec_t110.a = ec_t200.a and ec_t500.a = ec_t200.a and ec_t500.a = ec_t800.a and ec_t800.a > 100;

| Query Id | Real rows | Est. Rows at master | Est. rows with patched | table # |
|        1 |        10 |                  99 |                     10 |       2 |
|        2 |        10 |                  10 |                     10 |       2 |
|        3 |        10 |                  20 |                     11 |       3 |
|        4 |        10 |                   2 |                     11 |       3 |
|        5 |        10 |                  11 |                     11 |       3 |
|        6 |        10 |                  10 |                      9 |       4 |
|        7 |        10 |                   1 |                      9 |       4 |
|        8 |        10 |                   6 |                      9 |       4 |
|        9 |        10 |                   9 |                      9 |       4 |
|       10 |        10 |                   8 |                      8 |       5 |
|       11 |        10 |                   1 |                      8 |       5 |
|       12 |        10 |                   5 |                      8 |       5 |
|       13 |        10 |                   7 |                      8 |       5 |
|       14 |        10 |                   8 |                      8 |       5 |

In the past, we can just use the qual user provided to do estimation. As for
now, since we introduce the CorrectiveQuals design, we still keep just only 1
qual counted, but we can choose the best one in CorrectiveQuals no matter which
one is provided by the user. we gain a better and stable estimation because of this.

I'm happy about the overall design but not pretty confident about the method to
"choose the best one to keep". So I did some test case as many as I can to find
something is wrong, so far so good.

I'm also happy with how to keep only one qual in CorrectiveQuals (not choose the
best one). Assume we just have 1 EC filter in this query for simplicity. At the
beginning, all the baserel have been impacted by CorrectiveQual. When join 2
relations, we rollback 1 side and keep the other one. when we join this joinrel
with another rel,  we rollback 1 side and keep the other one and so forth.

(rollback is not changing some things which we already computed, it is only
used when estimating size for coming joinrel). 

The patchset can be applied cleanly with 9e98583898c347e007958c8a09911be2ea4acfb9.

On 2022-03-08 21:44:37 +0800, Andy Fan wrote:
> I have finished the PoC for planning timing improvement and joinrel rows
> estimation.

This currently crashes on cfbot:

As this is clearly not 15 material, I've set the target version as 16. But it
might be good to just move the whole entry to the next CF...


Andres Freund


Thanks for take care of this. 

On Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 9:41 AM Andres Freund <> wrote:

On 2022-03-08 21:44:37 +0800, Andy Fan wrote:
> I have finished the PoC for planning timing improvement and joinrel rows
> estimation.

This currently crashes on cfbot:

The crash happens at my own Assert statement. I assume we know the Selectivity
for a RestrictInfo after set_rel_size, however  this is not true for foreign
table with use_remote_estimate=true. Since we are in a design discussion stage,
I just disable this feature for foreign tables and can fix it later. Would this be the
right way to go?
As this is clearly not 15 material, I've set the target version as 16. But it
might be good to just move the whole entry to the next CF...

Thanks for doing that.  I tried but didn't find how to move it to the next CF.  

Here is the latest code. I have rebased the code with the latest master a1bc4d3590b.

Best Regards
Andy Fan
On Thu, Mar 24, 2022 at 3:22 PM Andy Fan <> wrote:
> Here is the latest code. I have rebased the code with the latest master a1bc4d3590b.

FYI this is failing with an unexpected plan in the partition_join test:

On Tue, May 17, 2022 at 6:52 AM Thomas Munro <> wrote:
On Thu, Mar 24, 2022 at 3:22 PM Andy Fan <> wrote:
> Here is the latest code. I have rebased the code with the latest master a1bc4d3590b.

FYI this is failing with an unexpected plan in the partition_join test:

Thanks.  But I will wait to see if anyone will show interest with this. Or else
Moving alone is not a great experience.  

Best Regards
Andy Fan
On 17/5/2022 05:00, Andy Fan wrote:
> Thanks.  But I will wait to see if anyone will show interest with this. 
> Or else
> Moving alone is not a great experience.
To move forward I've rebased your patchset onto new master, removed 
annoying tailing backspaces and applied two regression test changes, 
caused by second patch: first of changes are legal, second looks normal 
but should be checked on optimality.
As I see, a consensus should be found for the questions:
1. Case of redundant clauses (x < 100 and x < 1000)
2. Planning time degradation for trivial OLTP queries

Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional

Re: Condition pushdown: why (=) is pushed down into join, but BETWEEN or >= is not?

Ian Lawrence Barwick
2022年7月7日(木) 20:11 Andrey Lepikhov <>:
> On 17/5/2022 05:00, Andy Fan wrote:
> > Thanks.  But I will wait to see if anyone will show interest with this.
> > Or else
> > Moving alone is not a great experience.
> To move forward I've rebased your patchset onto new master, removed
> annoying tailing backspaces and applied two regression test changes,
> caused by second patch: first of changes are legal, second looks normal
> but should be checked on optimality.
> As I see, a consensus should be found for the questions:
> 1. Case of redundant clauses (x < 100 and x < 1000)
> 2. Planning time degradation for trivial OLTP queries


cfbot reports the patch no longer applies [1].  As CommitFest 2022-11 is
currently underway, this would be an excellent time to update the patch.



Ian Barwick

cfbot reports the patch no longer applies [1].  As CommitFest 2022-11 is
currently underway, this would be an excellent time to update the patch.
Thank you Ian & Andrey for taking care of this!  I am planning to start 
a new  thread for this topic in 2 weeks,  and will post an update patch
at  that time.  

Best Regards
Andy Fan