Thread: Re: Calendar support in localization

Re: Calendar support in localization

Thomas Munro
Hi Surafel,

On Tue, Mar 16, 2021 at 3:48 AM Surafel Temesgen <> wrote:
> My country(Ethiopia) is one of the nations that uses different kind of calendar than what PostgreSQL have so we are
deprivedfrom the benefit of data datatype. We just uses String to store date that limits our application quality
greatly.The lag became even worst once application and system time support is available and it seems to me it is not
fairto suggest to add other date data type kind and implementation for just different calendar that even not minor user
group.Having calendar support to localization will be very very very very exciting feature for none Gregorian calendar
usergroup and make so loved. As far as i can see the difficult thing is understanding different calendar. I can prepare
apatch for Ethiopian calendar once we have consensus. 

One key question here is whether you need a different date type or
just different operations (functions, operators etc) on the existing

> I cc Thomas Munro and Vik because they have interest on this area

Last time it came up[1], I got as far as wondering if the best way
would be to write a set of ICU-based calendar functions.  Would it be
enough for your needs to have Ethiopic calendar-aware date arithmetic
(add, subtract a month etc), date part extraction (get the current
Ethiopic day/month/year of a date), display and parsing, and have all
of these as functions that you have to call explicitly, but have them
take the standard built-in date and timestamp types, so that your
tables would store regular date and timestamp values?  If not, what
else do you need?

ICU is very well maintained and widely used software, and PostgreSQL
already depends on it optionally, and that's enabled in all common
distributions.  In other words, maybe all the logic you want exists
already in your process's memory, we just have to figure out how to
reach it from SQL.  Another reason to use ICU is that we can solve
this problem once and then it'll work for many other calendars.

> Please don't suggests to fork from PostgreSQL just for this feature

I would start with an extension, and I'd try to do a small set of
simple functions, to let me write things like:

  icu_format(now(), 'fr_FR@calendar=buddhist') to get a Buddhist
calendar with French words

  icu_date_part('year', current_date, 'am_ET@calendar=traditional') to
get the current year in the Ethiopic calendar (2013 apparently)

Well, the first one probably also needs a format string too, actual
details to be worked out by reading the ICU manual...

Maybe instead of making a new extension, I might try to start from and see if it makes sense to extend
it to cover calendars.

Maybe one day ICU will become a hard dependency of PostgreSQL and
someone will propose all that stuff into core, and then maybe we could
start to think about the possibility of tighter integration with the
built-in date/time functions (and LC_TIME setting?  seems complicated,
see also problems with setting LC_COLLATE/datcollate to an ICU
collation name, but I digress and that's a far off problem).  I would
also study the SQL standard and maybe DB2 (highly subjective comment:
at a wild guess, the most likely commercial RDBMS to have done a good
job of this if anyone has) to see if they contemplate non-Gregorian
calendars, to get some feel for whether that would eventually be a
possibility to conform with whatever the standard says.

In summary, getting something of very high quality by using a widely
used open source library that we already use seems like a better plan
than trying to write and maintain our own specialist knowledge about
individual calendars.  If there's something you need that can't be
done with its APIs working on top of our regular date and timestamp
types, could you elaborate?


Re: Calendar support in localization

Thomas Munro
On Thu, Mar 18, 2021 at 3:48 AM Tom Lane <> wrote:
> Robert Haas <> writes:
> > It's not very obvious how to scale this kind of approach to a wide
> > variety of calendar types, and as Thomas says, it would much cooler to
> > be able to handle all of the ones that ICU knows how to support rather
> > than just one. But, the problem I see with using timestamptz is that
> > it's not so obvious how to get a different output format ... unless, I
> > guess, we can cram it into DateStyle. And it's also much less obvious
> > how you get the other functions and operators to do what you want, if
> > it's different.
> Yeah, I'm afraid that it probably is different.  The most obvious
> example is in operations involving type interval:
>         select now() + '1 month'::interval;
> That should almost certainly give a different answer when using a
> different calendar --- indeed the units of interest might not even
> be the same.  (Do all human calendars use the concept of months?)

Right, so if this is done by trying to extend Daniel Verite's icu_ext
extension (link given earlier) and Robert's idea of a fast-castable
type, I suppose you might want now()::icu_date + '1 month'::internal
to advance you by one Ethiopic month if you have done SET
icu_ext.ICU_LC_TIME = 'am_ET@calendar=traditional'.  Or if using my
first idea of just sticking with the core types, perhaps you'd have to
replace stuff via search path... I admit that sounds rather error
prone and fragile (I was thinking mainly of different functions, not
operators).  Either way, I suppose there'd also be more explicit
functions for various operations including ones that take an extra
argument if you want to use an explicit locale instead of relying on
the ICU_LC_TIME setting.  I dunno.

As for whether all calendars have months, it looks like ICU's model
has just the familiar looking standardised fields; whether some of
them make no sense in some calendars, I don't know, but it has stuff
like x.get(field, &error), x.set(field, &error), x.add(field, amount,
&error) and if it fails for some field on your particular calendar, or
for some value (you can't set a Gregorian date's month to 13
(apparently we call this month "undecember", hah), but you can for a
Hebrew or Ethiopic one) I suppose we'd just report the error?

> I don't feel like DateStyle is chartered to affect the behavior
> of datetime operators; it's understood as tweaking the I/O behavior
> only.  There might be more of a case for letting LC_TIME choose
> this behavior, but I bet the relevant standards only contemplate

About LC_TIME... I suppose in one possible future we eventually use
ICU for more core stuff, and someone proposes to merge hypothetical
icu_date etc types into the core date etc types, and then LC_TIME
controls that.  But then you might have a version of the problem that
Peter E ran into in attempts so far to use ICU collations as the
default: if you put ICU's funky extensible locale names into the
LC_XXX environment variables, then your libc will see it too, and
might get upset, since PostgreSQL uses the en.  I suspect that ICU
will understand typical libc locale names, but common libcs won't
understand ICU's highly customisable syntax, but I haven't looked into
it.  If that's generally true, then perhaps the solution to both
problems is a kind of partial separation:  regular LC_XXX, and then
also ICU_LC_XXX which defaults to the same value but can be changed to
access more advanced stuff, and is used only for interacting with ICU.

> Gregorian calendars.  Also, the SQL spec says in so many words
> that the SQL-defined datetime types follow the Gregorian calendar.


Re: Calendar support in localization

Vik Fearing
On 3/17/21 3:48 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
> Also, the SQL spec says in so many words
> that the SQL-defined datetime types follow the Gregorian calendar.

We already don't follow the SQL spec for timestamps (and I, for one,
think we are better for it) so I don't think we should worry about that.
Vik Fearing

Re: Calendar support in localization

Surafel Temesgen

On Wed, Mar 17, 2021 at 3:39 PM Thomas Munro <> wrote:
On Thu, Mar 18, 2021 at 3:48 AM Tom Lane <> wrote:

Right, so if this is done by trying to extend Daniel Verite's icu_ext
extension (link given earlier) and Robert's idea of a fast-castable
type, I suppose you might want now()::icu_date + '1 month'::internal
to advance you by one Ethiopic month if you have done SET
icu_ext.ICU_LC_TIME = 'am_ET@calendar=traditional'.  Or if using my
first idea of just sticking with the core types, perhaps you'd have to
replace stuff via search path... I admit that sounds rather error
prone and fragile (I was thinking mainly of different functions, not
operators).  Either way, I suppose there'd also be more explicit
functions for various operations including ones that take an extra
argument if you want to use an explicit locale instead of relying on
the ICU_LC_TIME setting.  I dunno.

As you know internally timestamptz data type does't existe instead it stored as integer kind and we depend on operating system and external library for our date data type support so i think that put as on the position for not be the first one to implement timestamptz data type thing and i don't know who give as the casting for free? 


Re: Calendar support in localization

"Daniel Verite"
    Thomas Munro wrote:

> Right, so if this is done by trying to extend Daniel Verite's icu_ext
> extension (link given earlier) and Robert's idea of a fast-castable
> type, I suppose you might want now()::icu_date + '1 month'::internal
> to advance you by one Ethiopic month if you have done SET
> icu_ext.ICU_LC_TIME = 'am_ET@calendar=traditional'.

I've pushed a calendar branch on icu_ext [1] with preliminary support
for non-gregorian calendars through ICU, so far with only format and parse
of timetamptz.
The ICU locale drives both the localization of field names (language) and the
choice of calendar.

It looks like this:

\set fmt 'dd/MMMM/yyyy GGGG HH:mm:ss.SSS zz'

 WITH list(cal) AS ( values
fmt AS (
  icu_format_date(now(),  :'fmt', 'fr@calendar='||cal) as now_str,
  icu_format_date(now()+'1 month'::interval,  :'fmt', 'fr@calendar='||cal) as
  from list
 icu_parse_date(now_str, :'fmt', 'fr@calendar='||cal) as now_parsed,
 icu_parse_date(plus_1m, :'fmt', 'fr@calendar='||cal) as plus_1m_parsed
FROM fmt;

-[ RECORD 1 ]--+-------------------------------------------------------
cal           | gregorian
now_str        | 26/mars/2021 après Jésus-Christ 18:22:07.566 UTC+1
now_parsed     | 2021-03-26 18:22:07.566+01
plus_1m        | 26/avril/2021 après Jésus-Christ 18:22:07.566 UTC+2
plus_1m_parsed | 2021-04-26 18:22:07.566+02
-[ RECORD 2 ]--+-------------------------------------------------------
cal           | japanese
now_str        | 26/mars/0033 Heisei 18:22:07.566 UTC+1
now_parsed     | 2021-03-26 18:22:07.566+01
plus_1m        | 26/avril/0033 Heisei 18:22:07.566 UTC+2
plus_1m_parsed | 2021-04-26 18:22:07.566+02
-[ RECORD 3 ]--+-------------------------------------------------------
cal           | buddhist
now_str        | 26/mars/2564 ère bouddhique 18:22:07.566 UTC+1
now_parsed     | 2021-03-26 18:22:07.566+01
plus_1m        | 26/avril/2564 ère bouddhique 18:22:07.566 UTC+2
plus_1m_parsed | 2021-04-26 18:22:07.566+02
-[ RECORD 4 ]--+-------------------------------------------------------
cal           | roc
now_str        | 26/mars/0110 RdC 18:22:07.566 UTC+1
now_parsed     | 2021-03-26 18:22:07.566+01
plus_1m        | 26/avril/0110 RdC 18:22:07.566 UTC+2
plus_1m_parsed | 2021-04-26 18:22:07.566+02
-[ RECORD 5 ]--+-------------------------------------------------------
cal           | persian
now_str        | 06/farvardin/1400 Anno Persico 18:22:07.566 UTC+1
now_parsed     | 2021-03-26 18:22:07.566+01
plus_1m        | 06/ordibehešt/1400 Anno Persico 18:22:07.566 UTC+2
plus_1m_parsed | 2021-04-26 18:22:07.566+02
-[ RECORD 6 ]--+-------------------------------------------------------
cal           | islamic-civil
now_str        | 12/chaabane/1442 ère de l’Hégire 18:22:07.566 UTC+1
now_parsed     | 2021-03-26 18:22:07.566+01
plus_1m        | 14/ramadan/1442 ère de l’Hégire 18:22:07.566 UTC+2
plus_1m_parsed | 2021-04-26 18:22:07.566+02
-[ RECORD 7 ]--+-------------------------------------------------------
cal           | islamic
now_str        | 13/chaabane/1442 ère de l’Hégire 18:22:07.566 UTC+1
now_parsed     | 2021-03-26 18:22:07.566+01
plus_1m        | 14/ramadan/1442 ère de l’Hégire 18:22:07.566 UTC+2
plus_1m_parsed | 2021-04-26 18:22:07.566+02
-[ RECORD 8 ]--+-------------------------------------------------------
cal           | hebrew
now_str        | 13/nissan/5781 Anno Mundi 18:22:07.566 UTC+1
now_parsed     | 2021-03-26 18:22:07.566+01
plus_1m        | 14/iyar/5781 Anno Mundi 18:22:07.566 UTC+2
plus_1m_parsed | 2021-04-26 18:22:07.566+02
-[ RECORD 9 ]--+-------------------------------------------------------
cal           | chinese
now_str        | 14/èryuè/0038 78 18:22:07.566 UTC+1
now_parsed     | 2021-03-26 18:22:07.566+01
plus_1m        | 15/sānyuè/0038 78 18:22:07.566 UTC+2
plus_1m_parsed | 2021-04-26 18:22:07.566+02
-[ RECORD 10 ]-+-------------------------------------------------------
cal           | indian
now_str        | 05/chaitra/1943 ère Saka 18:22:07.566 UTC+1
now_parsed     | 2021-03-26 18:22:07.566+01
plus_1m        | 06/vaishākh/1943 ère Saka 18:22:07.566 UTC+2
plus_1m_parsed | 2021-04-26 18:22:07.566+02
-[ RECORD 11 ]-+-------------------------------------------------------
cal           | coptic
now_str        | 17/barmahât/1737 après Dioclétien 18:22:07.566 UTC+1
now_parsed     | 2021-03-26 18:22:07.566+01
plus_1m        | 18/barmoudah/1737 après Dioclétien 18:22:07.566 UTC+2
plus_1m_parsed | 2021-04-26 18:22:07.566+02
-[ RECORD 12 ]-+-------------------------------------------------------
cal           | ethiopic
now_str        | 17/mägabit/2013 après l’Incarnation 18:22:07.566 UTC+1
now_parsed     | 2021-03-26 18:22:07.566+01
plus_1m        | 18/miyazya/2013 après l’Incarnation 18:22:07.566 UTC+2
plus_1m_parsed | 2021-04-26 18:22:07.566+02
-[ RECORD 13 ]-+-------------------------------------------------------
cal           | ethiopic-amete-alem
now_str        | 17/mägabit/7513 ERA0 18:22:07.566 UTC+1
now_parsed     | 2021-03-26 18:22:07.566+01
plus_1m        | 18/miyazya/7513 ERA0 18:22:07.566 UTC+2
plus_1m_parsed | 2021-04-26 18:22:07.566+02
-[ RECORD 14 ]-+-------------------------------------------------------
cal           | iso8601
now_str        | 26/mars/2021 après Jésus-Christ 18:22:07.566 UTC+1
now_parsed     | 2021-03-26 18:22:07.566+01
plus_1m        | 26/avril/2021 après Jésus-Christ 18:22:07.566 UTC+2
plus_1m_parsed | 2021-04-26 18:22:07.566+02
-[ RECORD 15 ]-+-------------------------------------------------------
cal           | dangi
now_str        | 14/èryuè/0038 78 18:22:07.566 UTC+1
now_parsed     | 2021-03-26 18:22:07.566+01
plus_1m        | 15/sānyuè/0038 78 18:22:07.566 UTC+2
plus_1m_parsed | 2021-04-26 18:22:07.566+02

I understand that adding months or years with some of the non-gregorian
calendars should lead to different points in time than with the gregorian

For instance with the ethiopic calendar, the query above displays today as
17/mägabit/2013 and 1 month from now as 18/miyazya/2013,
while the correct result is probably 17/miyazya/2013 (?)

I'm not sure at this point that there should be a new set of
data/interval/timestamp types though, especially if considering
the integration in core.

About intervals, if there were locale-aware functions like
 add_interval(timestamptz, interval [, locale]) returns timestamptz
 sub_timestamp(timestamptz, timestamptz [,locale]) returns interval
that would use ICU to compute the results according to the locale,
wouldn't it be good enough?

Another argument for new datatypes could be that getting the
localized-by-ICU display/parsing without function calls around the dates
means new I/O functions. In the context of the extension, probably,
but in core, if DateStyle is extended to divert the I/O of date/timestamp[tz]
to ICU, I guess it could work with the existing types.

Another reason to have new datatypes could be that users would like
to use a localized calendar only on specific fields. I don't know if that
makes sense.


Best regards,
Daniel Vérité
PostgreSQL-powered mailer:
Twitter: @DanielVerite

Re: Calendar support in localization

Thomas Munro
On Sat, Mar 27, 2021 at 6:51 AM Daniel Verite <> wrote:
> now_str        | 17/mägabit/2013 après l’Incarnation 18:22:07.566 UTC+1

Very nice!

> For instance with the ethiopic calendar, the query above displays today as
> 17/mägabit/2013 and 1 month from now as 18/miyazya/2013,
> while the correct result is probably 17/miyazya/2013 (?)
> I'm not sure at this point that there should be a new set of
> data/interval/timestamp types though, especially if considering
> the integration in core.
> About intervals, if there were locale-aware functions like
>  add_interval(timestamptz, interval [, locale]) returns timestamptz
> or
>  sub_timestamp(timestamptz, timestamptz [,locale]) returns interval
> that would use ICU to compute the results according to the locale,
> wouldn't it be good enough?

+1, I'd probably do that next if I were hacking on this...

Re: Calendar support in localization

Matthias van de Meent
On Fri, 26 Mar 2021 at 18:51, Daniel Verite <> wrote:
> [...]
> -[ RECORD 2 ]--+-------------------------------------------------------
> cal            | japanese
> now_str        | 26/mars/0033 Heisei 18:22:07.566 UTC+1
> now_parsed     | 2021-03-26 18:22:07.566+01
> plus_1m        | 26/avril/0033 Heisei 18:22:07.566 UTC+2
> plus_1m_parsed | 2021-04-26 18:22:07.566+02
> -[ RECORD 3 ]--+-------------------------------------------------------
> [...]
> -[ RECORD 12 ]-+-------------------------------------------------------
> cal            | ethiopic
> now_str        | 17/mägabit/2013 après l’Incarnation 18:22:07.566 UTC+1
> now_parsed     | 2021-03-26 18:22:07.566+01
> plus_1m        | 18/miyazya/2013 après l’Incarnation 18:22:07.566 UTC+2
> plus_1m_parsed | 2021-04-26 18:22:07.566+02
> -[ RECORD 13 ]-+-------------------------------------------------------
> cal            | ethiopic-amete-alem
> now_str        | 17/mägabit/7513 ERA0 18:22:07.566 UTC+1
> now_parsed     | 2021-03-26 18:22:07.566+01
> plus_1m        | 18/miyazya/7513 ERA0 18:22:07.566 UTC+2
> plus_1m_parsed | 2021-04-26 18:22:07.566+02
> [...]
> I understand that adding months or years with some of the non-gregorian
> calendars should lead to different points in time than with the gregorian
> calendar.
> For instance with the ethiopic calendar, the query above displays today as
> 17/mägabit/2013 and 1 month from now as 18/miyazya/2013,
> while the correct result is probably 17/miyazya/2013 (?)

Seeing the results for Japanese locale, you might want to update your
ICU library, which could fix this potential inconsistency.

The results for the Japanese locale should be "0003 Reiwa" instead of
"0033 Heisei", as the era changed in 2019. ICU releases have since
implemented this and other corrections; this specific change was
implemented in the batched release of ICU versions on 2019-04-12.

With regards,

Matthias van de Meent

Re: Calendar support in localization

"Daniel Verite"
    Matthias van de Meent wrote:

> The results for the Japanese locale should be "0003 Reiwa" instead of
> "0033 Heisei", as the era changed in 2019. ICU releases have since
> implemented this and other corrections; this specific change was
> implemented in the batched release of ICU versions on 2019-04-12.

Right. I've run this test on an Ubuntu 18.04 desktop which comes with
libicu60 . The current version for my system is 60.2-3ubuntu3.1.
Ubuntu maintainers did not pick up the change of the new Japanese era.
As a guess, it's because it's not a security fix.
This contrasts with the baseline maintainers, who did an
exceptional effort to backpatch this down to ICU 53
(exceptional in the sense that they don't do that for bugfixes).

>> For instance with the ethiopic calendar, the query above displays today as
>> 17/mägabit/2013 and 1 month from now as 18/miyazya/2013,
>> while the correct result is probably 17/miyazya/2013 (?)

> Seeing the results for Japanese locale, you might want to update your
> ICU library, which could fix this potential inconsistency.

I agree it's always best to have the latest ICU version, but in the
context of Postgres, we have to work with the versions that are
typically installed on users systems. People who have pre-2019
versions will simply be stuck with the previous Japanese era.

Anyway, for the specific problem that the interval datatype cannot be
used seamlessly across all calendars, it's essentially about how days
are mapped into calendars, and it's unrelated to ICU updates AFAIU.

Best regards,
Daniel Vérité
PostgreSQL-powered mailer:
Twitter: @DanielVerite

Re: Calendar support in localization

Matthias van de Meent
On Mon, 29 Mar 2021 at 14:33, Daniel Verite <> wrote:
>         Matthias van de Meent wrote:
> > The results for the Japanese locale should be "0003 Reiwa" instead of
> > "0033 Heisei", as the era changed in 2019. ICU releases have since
> > implemented this and other corrections; this specific change was
> > implemented in the batched release of ICU versions on 2019-04-12.
> Right. I've run this test on an Ubuntu 18.04 desktop which comes with
> libicu60 . The current version for my system is 60.2-3ubuntu3.1.
> Ubuntu maintainers did not pick up the change of the new Japanese era.
> As a guess, it's because it's not a security fix.
> This contrasts with the baseline maintainers, who did an
> exceptional effort to backpatch this down to ICU 53
> (exceptional in the sense that they don't do that for bugfixes).
> >> For instance with the ethiopic calendar, the query above displays today as
> >> 17/mägabit/2013 and 1 month from now as 18/miyazya/2013,
> >> while the correct result is probably 17/miyazya/2013 (?)
> > Seeing the results for Japanese locale, you might want to update your
> > ICU library, which could fix this potential inconsistency.
> I agree it's always best to have the latest ICU version, but in the
> context of Postgres, we have to work with the versions that are
> typically installed on users systems. People who have pre-2019
> versions will simply be stuck with the previous Japanese era.
> Anyway, for the specific problem that the interval datatype cannot be
> used seamlessly across all calendars, it's essentially about how days
> are mapped into calendars, and it's unrelated to ICU updates AFAIU.

Ah, yes, I only glanced over the supplied query and misunderstood it
due to not taking enough time. I understood it as 'use icu locale info
to add 1 month to the current date', which would use ICU knowledge
about months in the locale and would be consistent with the question
mark, instead of 'use icu to interpret the result of adding one
non-icu-locale-dependent month to the current non-icu-locale-dependent
date'. If it were the former, my response would have made more sense,
but it doesn't in this case. So, sorry for the noise.

> About intervals, if there were locale-aware functions like
>  add_interval(timestamptz, interval [, locale]) returns timestamptz
> or
>  sub_timestamp(timestamptz, timestamptz [,locale]) returns interval
> that would use ICU to compute the results according to the locale,
> wouldn't it be good enough?

I agree, that should fix the issues at hand / grant a workable path
for locale-aware timestamp manipulation.

With regards,

Matthias van de Meent

Re: Calendar support in localization

Surafel Temesgen
Hi Daniel,

On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 8:51 PM Daniel Verite <> wrote:
        Thomas Munro wrote:

> Right, so if this is done by trying to extend Daniel Verite's icu_ext
> extension (link given earlier) and Robert's idea of a fast-castable
> type, I suppose you might want now()::icu_date + '1 month'::internal
> to advance you by one Ethiopic month if you have done SET
> icu_ext.ICU_LC_TIME = 'am_ET@calendar=traditional'.

I've pushed a calendar branch on icu_ext [1] with preliminary support
for non-gregorian calendars through ICU, so far with only format and parse
of timetamptz.


I understand that adding months or years with some of the non-gregorian
calendars should lead to different points in time than with the gregorian

For instance with the ethiopic calendar, the query above displays today as
17/mägabit/2013 and 1 month from now as 18/miyazya/2013,
while the correct result is probably 17/miyazya/2013 (?)

yes it should be 17/miyazya/2013 (?)
I'm not sure at this point that there should be a new set of
data/interval/timestamp types though, especially if considering
the integration in core.

About intervals, if there were locale-aware functions like
 add_interval(timestamptz, interval [, locale]) returns timestamptz
 sub_timestamp(timestamptz, timestamptz [,locale]) returns interval
that would use ICU to compute the results according to the locale,
wouldn't it be good enough?

Yes it can be enough for now but there are patches proposed to support the system and application time period which are in SQL standard and if we have that feature the calendar has to be in core and It doesn't appear hard for me to support the calendar locally. Postgresql itself does't store Gregorian date it stores julian date(which is more accurate than gregorian calendar) and almost all of function and operator is done using julian date converted to second(TimestampTz) so what it takes to support calendar locally is input/output function and a converter from and to julian calendar and that may not be that much hard since most of the world calendar is based on julian or gregorian calendar[0]. Thought? 


Re: Calendar support in localization

"Daniel Verite"
    Surafel Temesgen wrote:

> > About intervals, if there were locale-aware functions like
> >  add_interval(timestamptz, interval [, locale]) returns timestamptz
> > or
> >  sub_timestamp(timestamptz, timestamptz [,locale]) returns interval
> > that would use ICU to compute the results according to the locale,
> > wouldn't it be good enough?
> >
> >
> Yes it can be enough for now but there are patches proposed to support the
> system and application time period which are in SQL standard

To clarify, these function signatures are not meant to oppose
a core vs extension implementation, nor an ICU vs non-ICU
implementation. They're meant to illustrate the case of using
specific functions instead of adding specific data types.
AFAIU, adding data types come from the idea that since
(non-gregorian-date + interval) doesn't have the same result as
(gregorian-date + interval), we could use a different type for
non-gregorian-date and so a different "+" operator, maybe
even a specific interval type.

For the case of temporal tables, I'm not quite familiar with the
feature, but I notice that the patch says:

+    When system versioning is specified two columns are added which
+    record the start timestamp and end timestamp of each row verson.
+    The data type of these columns will be TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE.

The user doesn't get to choose the data type, so if we'd require to
use specific data types for non-gregorian calendars, that would
seemingly complicate things for this feature. This is consistent
with the remark upthread that the SQL standard assumes the
gregorian calendar.

> what it takes to support calendar locally is input/output function
> and a converter from and to julian calendar and that may not be that
> much hard since most of the world calendar is based on julian or
> gregorian calendar[0]

The conversions from julian dates are not necessarily hard, but the
I/O functions means having localized names for all days, months, eras
of all calendars in all supported languages. If you're thinking of
implementing this from scratch (without the ICU dependency), where
would these names come from? OTOH if we're using ICU, then why
bother reinventing the julian-to-calendars conversions that ICU
already does?

Best regards,
Daniel Vérité
PostgreSQL-powered mailer:
Twitter: @DanielVerite

Re: Calendar support in localization

Surafel Temesgen

On Tue, Mar 30, 2021 at 11:16 AM Daniel Verite <> wrote:
The conversions from julian dates are not necessarily hard, but the
I/O functions means having localized names for all days, months, eras
of all calendars in all supported languages. If you're thinking of
implementing this from scratch (without the ICU dependency), where
would these names come from? OTOH if we're using ICU, then why
bother reinventing the julian-to-calendars conversions that ICU
already does?

i donno why  but  currently we are using our own function for converting (see j2date and date2j) maybe it's written before ICU but i think ICU helps in adding other calendar support easly. Regarding  I/O functions postgresql hard coded days and months names on array and just parse and string compare, if it is not on the list then error(see datetime.c) and it will be the same for other calendar but i think we don't need all  that if we use ICU   


Re: Calendar support in localization

Thomas Munro
On Wed, Mar 17, 2021 at 8:20 AM Thomas Munro <> wrote:
> *I mean, we can discuss the different "timelines" like UT, UTC, TAI
> etc, but that's getting into the weeds, the usual timeline for
> computer software outside specialist scientific purposes is UTC
> without leap seconds.

(Erm, rereading this thread, I meant to write "time scales" there.)