Thread: name and password for pgadmin4

name and password for pgadmin4

I installed phadmin4 Python version on Windows 10 machine:
python3.exe -m pip install pgadmin4

Then started it for the first time:
Starting pgAdmin 4. Please navigate to in your browser.
* Serving Flask app "pgadmin" (lazy loading)
* Environment: production
   WARNING: Do not use the development server in a production environment.
   Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Debug mode: off

It did not ask for any name and password to set them up.

Which name and password is expected on the initial web page?

Re: name and password for pgadmin4

try the pgadmin mailing list (which this is not).

On 2/8/21 7:57 AM, VV wrote:
> I installed phadmin4 Python version on Windows 10 machine:
> python3.exe -m pip install pgadmin4
> Then started it for the first time:
> pgadmin4
> Starting pgAdmin 4. Please navigate to in your browser.
> * Serving Flask app "pgadmin" (lazy loading)
> * Environment: production
>     WARNING: Do not use the development server in a production environment.
>     Use a production WSGI server instead.
> * Debug mode: off
> It did not ask for any name and password to set them up.
> Which name and password is expected on the initial web page?

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