Thread: BUG #16853: Materialized view not behaving in fully MVCC-compliant way

BUG #16853: Materialized view not behaving in fully MVCC-compliant way

PG Bug reporting form
The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      16853
Logged by:          Scott Marcy
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 12.4
Operating system:   macOS

I have a materialized view that is very expensive to generate but also
infrequently used, so whenever something happens that invalidates the data
in the MV I use `REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW WITH NO DATA;` to de-populate it.
In the places where the MV will be used, I first check
pg_class.relispopulated to see if the MV has data or not, and if not, I
refresh the MV and then proceed.

However, if one connection removes the data from the MV while another
connection is already in a transaction that will access the MV's data, the
attempt to access the data in the MV should cause a transaction rollback
error, not a "materialized view has not been populated" error.

Here is a simple set of psql commands (run in two different psql
sessions--the indented lines are for the 2nd session) that shows the

create materialized view matview as select * from pg_catalog.pg_class;

begin isolation level serializable;
select relispopulated from pg_catalog.pg_class where relname = 'matview';
-- t

     begin isolation level serializable;

     select relispopulated from pg_catalog.pg_class where relname =

     -- t
refresh materialized view matview with no data;
select relispopulated from pg_catalog.pg_class where relname = 'matview';
-- f

     select relispopulated from pg_catalog.pg_class where relname =

     -- t

     -- Arguably correct under MVCC, although maybe a transaction rollback
error should happen here

     select count(*) from matview;

     ERROR:  materialized view "matview" has not been populated

     -- This should be a transaction rollback error of some sort.

While I can special-case this error to be handled as a transaction rollback
error, that really isn't correct here, and making such a change in my
application's logic runs the risk of real bugs where the MV hasn't been
populated are repeated numerous times to no good purpose.

I have verified this behavior in Postgres 9.4 and 12.4.