Thread: psycopg2 updated to version 2.8.6-2~pgdg+1

psycopg2 updated to version 2.8.6-2~pgdg+1

From Repository Update
The package psycopg2 was updated on

apt-listchanges: Changelogs

psycopg2 (2.8.6-2~pgdg+1) sid-pgdg; urgency=medium

  * Rebuild for sid-pgdg.
  * No source changes.

 -- PostgreSQL on Debian and Ubuntu <>  Tue, 19 Jan 2021 16:35:54 +0100

psycopg2 (2.8.6-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Fix arch-indep build.

 -- Christoph Berg <>  Tue, 19 Jan 2021 16:35:54 +0100

psycopg2 (2.8.6-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Ondřej Nový ]
  * d/control: Update Maintainer field with new Debian Python Team
    contact address.
  * d/control: Update Vcs-* fields with new Debian Python Team Salsa

  [ Debian Janitor ]
  * Apply multi-arch hints.
    + python3-psycopg2-dbg: Add Multi-Arch: same.

  [ Christoph Berg ]
  * New upstream version 2.8.6.
  * DH 13.

 -- Christoph Berg <>  Tue, 19 Jan 2021 13:52:54 +0100

psycopg2 (2.8.5-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release
    - Refresh patches
  * Add d/patches/0007-Use-default-sphinx-theme.patch since 'better' theme
    used by upstream is not packaged in Debian

 -- Scott Kitterman <>  Wed, 08 Apr 2020 00:54:00 -0400

New version 2.8.6-2~pgdg+1:

psycopg2              |  2.8.6-2~pgdg+1         |  sid-pgdg       |  source
psycopg2              |  2.8.6-2~pgdg110+1      |  bullseye-pgdg  |  source
psycopg2              |  2.8.6-2~pgdg100+1      |  buster-pgdg    |  source
psycopg2              |  2.8.6-2~pgdg90+1       |  stretch-pgdg   |  source
psycopg2              |  2.8.6-2~pgdg20.10+1    |  groovy-pgdg    |  source
psycopg2              |  2.8.6-2~pgdg20.04+1    |  focal-pgdg     |  source
psycopg2              |  2.8.5-1~pgdg19.10+1    |  eoan-pgdg      |  source
psycopg2              |  2.8.4-1~pgdg19.04+1    |  disco-pgdg     |  source
psycopg2              |  2.8.6-2~pgdg18.04+1    |  bionic-pgdg    |  source
psycopg2              |  2.8.6-2~pgdg16.04+1    |  xenial-pgdg    |  source
python3-psycopg2      |  2.8.6-2~pgdg+1         |  sid-pgdg       |  amd64,  arm64,  i386,    ppc64el
python3-psycopg2      |  2.8.6-2~pgdg110+1      |  bullseye-pgdg  |  amd64,  arm64,  ppc64el
python3-psycopg2      |  2.8.6-2~pgdg100+1      |  buster-pgdg    |  amd64,  arm64,  i386,    ppc64el
python3-psycopg2      |  2.8.6-2~pgdg90+1       |  stretch-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,   ppc64el
python3-psycopg2      |  2.8.6-2~pgdg20.10+1    |  groovy-pgdg    |  amd64
python3-psycopg2      |  2.8.6-2~pgdg20.04+1    |  focal-pgdg     |  amd64,  arm64,  ppc64el
python3-psycopg2      |  2.8.5-1~pgdg19.10+1    |  eoan-pgdg      |  amd64
python3-psycopg2      |  2.8.4-1~pgdg19.04+1    |  disco-pgdg     |  amd64
python3-psycopg2      |  2.8.6-2~pgdg18.04+1    |  bionic-pgdg    |  amd64,  arm64,  i386,    ppc64el
python3-psycopg2      |  2.8.6-2~pgdg16.04+1    |  xenial-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386,   ppc64el
python3-psycopg2-dbg  |  2.8.6-2~pgdg+1         |  sid-pgdg       |  amd64,  arm64,  i386,    ppc64el
python3-psycopg2-dbg  |  2.8.6-2~pgdg110+1      |  bullseye-pgdg  |  amd64,  arm64,  ppc64el
python3-psycopg2-dbg  |  2.8.6-2~pgdg100+1      |  buster-pgdg    |  amd64,  arm64,  i386,    ppc64el
python3-psycopg2-dbg  |  2.8.6-2~pgdg90+1       |  stretch-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,   ppc64el
python3-psycopg2-dbg  |  2.8.6-2~pgdg20.10+1    |  groovy-pgdg    |  amd64
python3-psycopg2-dbg  |  2.8.6-2~pgdg20.04+1    |  focal-pgdg     |  amd64,  arm64,  ppc64el
python3-psycopg2-dbg  |  2.8.5-1~pgdg19.10+1    |  eoan-pgdg      |  amd64
python3-psycopg2-dbg  |  2.8.4-1~pgdg19.04+1    |  disco-pgdg     |  amd64
python3-psycopg2-dbg  |  2.8.6-2~pgdg18.04+1    |  bionic-pgdg    |  amd64,  arm64,  i386,    ppc64el
python3-psycopg2-dbg  |  2.8.6-2~pgdg16.04+1    |  xenial-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386,   ppc64el
python-psycopg2       |  2.8.4-1~pgdg100+1      |  buster-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386,   ppc64el
python-psycopg2       |  2.8.4-1~pgdg90+1       |  stretch-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,   ppc64el
python-psycopg2       |  2.8.4-1~pgdg19.10+1    |  eoan-pgdg      |  amd64
python-psycopg2       |  2.8.4-1~pgdg19.04+1    |  disco-pgdg     |  amd64
python-psycopg2       |  2.8.4-1~pgdg18.04+1    |  bionic-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386,   ppc64el
python-psycopg2       |  |  xenial-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386,   ppc64el
python-psycopg2-dbg   |  2.8.4-1~pgdg100+1      |  buster-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386,   ppc64el
python-psycopg2-dbg   |  2.8.4-1~pgdg90+1       |  stretch-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,   ppc64el
python-psycopg2-dbg   |  2.8.4-1~pgdg19.10+1    |  eoan-pgdg      |  amd64
python-psycopg2-dbg   |  2.8.4-1~pgdg19.04+1    |  disco-pgdg     |  amd64
python-psycopg2-dbg   |  2.8.4-1~pgdg18.04+1    |  bionic-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386,   ppc64el
python-psycopg2-dbg   |  |  xenial-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386,   ppc64el
python-psycopg2-doc   |  2.8.6-2~pgdg+1         |  sid-pgdg       |  amd64,  arm64,  i386,    ppc64el
python-psycopg2-doc   |  2.8.6-2~pgdg110+1      |  bullseye-pgdg  |  amd64,  arm64,  ppc64el
python-psycopg2-doc   |  2.8.6-2~pgdg100+1      |  buster-pgdg    |  amd64,  arm64,  i386,    ppc64el
python-psycopg2-doc   |  2.8.6-2~pgdg90+1       |  stretch-pgdg   |  amd64,  i386,   ppc64el
python-psycopg2-doc   |  2.8.6-2~pgdg20.10+1    |  groovy-pgdg    |  amd64
python-psycopg2-doc   |  2.8.6-2~pgdg20.04+1    |  focal-pgdg     |  amd64,  arm64,  ppc64el
python-psycopg2-doc   |  2.8.5-1~pgdg19.10+1    |  eoan-pgdg      |  amd64
python-psycopg2-doc   |  2.8.4-1~pgdg19.04+1    |  disco-pgdg     |  amd64
python-psycopg2-doc   |  2.8.6-2~pgdg18.04+1    |  bionic-pgdg    |  amd64,  arm64,  i386,    ppc64el
python-psycopg2-doc   |  2.8.6-2~pgdg16.04+1    |  xenial-pgdg    |  amd64,  i386,   ppc64el

The public mirrors serving are synced hourly,
the updated packages will be available there shortly.