Thread: Customer unable to connect on port 5432, Postgres 10.7

Customer unable to connect on port 5432, Postgres 10.7

Keith Christian
Hello again Postgres friends,

Customer is unable to log in to a PG database on 5432 using a Windows client.
Output of my test sessions below, I think the problem may be lines 3 -
7 but no idea.
Ideas greatly appreciated!

Lines 1,2 PG Log entries
Lines 3-7 pg_hba.conf entries
Lines 8-10 postgresql.conf entries
Lines 11-12 Logging into the postgresql machine from a Linux machine
Lines 13-15 Successfully logged in, testing that SSH to the
linuxserver is successful
Lines 16-20 pguser successfully executes a query

     1. LOG:  connection received: host=aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd port=52310
     2. 2021-01-21 15:34:00.657 MST [12011] FATAL:  no pg_hba.conf
entry for host "aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd", user "pguser", database "testpgdb",
SSL off

     3. # IPv4 local connections:
     4. # host    all             all             ident
     5. host    pguser        all               eee.fff.ggg.1/24       password
     6. host    pguser        all               hhh.jjj.kkk.1/24        password
     7. host    pguser        all                  password

     8. #listen_addresses = 'localhost'
     9. listen_addresses = '*'
    10. #port = 5432

    11. pguser@linuxserver:~$ ssh -q
    12.'s password:

    13. [pguser@pgserver ~]$ psql -U pguser -W testpgdb
    14. pguser=> \conninfo
    15. You are connected to database "testpgdb" as user "pguser" via
socket in "/var/run/postgresql" at port "5432".

    16. pguser=> select 5.0/99;
    17.         ?column?
    18. ------------------------
    19.  0.05050505050505050505
    20. (1 row)

Re: Customer unable to connect on port 5432, Postgres 10.7

On 1/21/21 7:30 PM, Keith Christian wrote:
> Hello again Postgres friends,
> Customer is unable to log in to a PG database on 5432 using a Windows client.
> Output of my test sessions below, I think the problem may be lines 3 -
> 7 but no idea.
> Ideas greatly appreciated!
> Lines 1,2 PG Log entries
> Lines 3-7 pg_hba.conf entries
> Lines 8-10 postgresql.conf entries
> Lines 11-12 Logging into the postgresql machine from a Linux machine
> Lines 13-15 Successfully logged in, testing that SSH to the
> linuxserver is successful
> Lines 16-20 pguser successfully executes a query
>       1. LOG:  connection received: host=aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd port=52310

Is "52310" a typo?

>       2. 2021-01-21 15:34:00.657 MST [12011] FATAL:  no pg_hba.conf
> entry for host "aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd", user "pguser", database "testpgdb",
> SSL off
>       3. # IPv4 local connections:
>       4. # host    all             all             ident
>       5. host    pguser        all               eee.fff.ggg.1/24       password
>       6. host    pguser        all               hhh.jjj.kkk.1/24        password
>       7. host    pguser        all                  password
>       8. #listen_addresses = 'localhost'
>       9. listen_addresses = '*'
>      10. #port = 5432
>      11. pguser@linuxserver:~$ ssh -q
>      12.'s password:
>      13. [pguser@pgserver ~]$ psql -U pguser -W testpgdb
>      14. pguser=> \conninfo
>      15. You are connected to database "testpgdb" as user "pguser" via
> socket in "/var/run/postgresql" at port "5432".

What if you add aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd/32 to pg_hba.conf?

Angular momentum makes the world go 'round.

Re: Customer unable to connect on port 5432, Postgres 10.7

Adrian Klaver
On 1/21/21 5:30 PM, Keith Christian wrote:
> Hello again Postgres friends,
> Customer is unable to log in to a PG database on 5432 using a Windows client.
> Output of my test sessions below, I think the problem may be lines 3 -
> 7 but no idea.
> Ideas greatly appreciated!
> Lines 1,2 PG Log entries
> Lines 3-7 pg_hba.conf entries
> Lines 8-10 postgresql.conf entries
> Lines 11-12 Logging into the postgresql machine from a Linux machine
> Lines 13-15 Successfully logged in, testing that SSH to the
> linuxserver is successful
> Lines 16-20 pguser successfully executes a query
>       1. LOG:  connection received: host=aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd port=52310
>       2. 2021-01-21 15:34:00.657 MST [12011] FATAL:  no pg_hba.conf
> entry for host "aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd", user "pguser", database "testpgdb",
> SSL off
>       3. # IPv4 local connections:
>       4. # host    all             all             ident
>       5. host    pguser        all               eee.fff.ggg.1/24       password
>       6. host    pguser        all               hhh.jjj.kkk.1/24        password
>       7. host    pguser        all                  password

Looks like you have the database and user columns switched. Should be 
something like:

host  all pguser ...

Follow format as shown here:

>       8. #listen_addresses = 'localhost'
>       9. listen_addresses = '*'
>      10. #port = 5432
>      11. pguser@linuxserver:~$ ssh -q
>      12.'s password:
>      13. [pguser@pgserver ~]$ psql -U pguser -W testpgdb
>      14. pguser=> \conninfo
>      15. You are connected to database "testpgdb" as user "pguser" via
> socket in "/var/run/postgresql" at port "5432".
>      16. pguser=> select 5.0/99;
>      17.         ?column?
>      18. ------------------------
>      19.  0.05050505050505050505
>      20. (1 row)

Adrian Klaver

Re: Customer unable to connect on port 5432, Postgres 10.7

Keith Christian
Failed to copy pgsql-general, post repeated below:


I used your suggestions, fixed the column order, and it worked the
first time for the customer this morning:

host    testpgdb    pguser    eee.fff.ggg.1/24    password