Thread: Missing time zone data

Missing time zone data

PG Doc comments form
The following documentation comment has been logged on the website:


pg_timezone_names supposedly has the list of full time zone names (e.g.,
US/Eastern) used in Postgresql, but all it has is the list of columns for
the list. The list itself appears to be missing.

Re: Missing time zone data

Tom Lane
PG Doc comments form <> writes:
> pg_timezone_names supposedly has the list of full time zone names (e.g.,
> US/Eastern) used in Postgresql, but all it has is the list of columns for
> the list. The list itself appears to be missing.

Hm, works for me:

regression=# select * from pg_timezone_names;
                  name                  | abbrev | utc_offset | is_dst 
 Africa/Accra                           | GMT    | 00:00:00   | f
 Africa/Algiers                         | CET    | 01:00:00   | f
 Africa/Bissau                          | GMT    | 00:00:00   | f
 Africa/Casablanca                      | +01    | 01:00:00   | t
 ... etc etc ...
 W-SU                                   | MSK    | 03:00:00   | f
 Poland                                 | CET    | 01:00:00   | f
 Kwajalein                              | +12    | 12:00:00   | f
 NZ-CHAT                                | +1345  | 13:45:00   | t
(1187 rows)

My guess is you've got an installation problem that prevents PG
from finding the tzdb file tree.  But it's hard to debug that
on the strength of no information about the server configuration.
In any case, I don't think this is a documentation issue ...

            regards, tom lane