Thread: Using composite types in psycopg3

Using composite types in psycopg3

Vladimir Ryabtsev

I have tried psycopg3 very briefly and I have a question.

I have a couple of use cases in systems I currently work with
that prevented (or seriously limited) usage of psycopg2, so
I had to use other drivers. This generally relates to accessing
composite types that you can construct on-the-fly in SQL queries.
Consider the following example:

import psycopg2

def get_query(fpath):
    with open(fpath, 'rt') as f:

def main():
    conn = psycopg2.connect('postgres://user:password@host/db')
    cur = conn.cursor()
    result = cur.fetchone()[0]
    print(type(result), result)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Where query.sql is:

with test as (
    select 1 as id, 'one' val
    union all
    select 1, 'one more'
    union all
    select 2, 'two'
select array(
    select (id, array_agg(val))
    from test
    group by id

psycopg2 returns the 'result' as a basic string, while
in asyncpg and py-postgresql I have structured data
(roughly 'List[Tuple[int, List[str]]]').

I tried the same in psycopg3 and it is little bit better, but
not entirely: it shows the outer list, the tuples inside it,
but the innermost list is still represented as a basic string:
'{one,"one more"}'.

Is it something you are still working on? Any workarounds?


Re: Using composite types in psycopg3

Daniele Varrazzo
On Tue, 10 Nov 2020 at 21:59, Vladimir Ryabtsev <> wrote:

> psycopg2 returns the 'result' as a basic string, while
> in asyncpg and py-postgresql I have structured data
> (roughly 'List[Tuple[int, List[str]]]').
> I tried the same in psycopg3 and it is little bit better, but
> not entirely: it shows the outer list, the tuples inside it,
> but the innermost list is still represented as a basic string:
> '{one,"one more"}'.
> Is it something you are still working on? Any workarounds?
Yes: by obtaining data from the db in binary mode you can get
information about deeply nested objects. psycopg2 works only in text
mode, psycopg3 in both.

    In [1]: query = """
       ...: with test as (
       ...:     select 1 as id, 'one' val
       ...:     union all
       ...:     select 1, 'one more'
       ...:     union all
       ...:     select 2, 'two'
       ...: )
       ...: select array(
       ...:     select (id, array_agg(val))
       ...:     from test
       ...:     group by id
       ...: )"""

    In [2]: import psycopg3

    In [3]: from psycopg3.pq import Format

    In [4]: cnn = psycopg3.connect("")

    In [5]: cnn.cursor().execute(query).fetchone()[0]
    Out[5]: [('1', '{one,"one more"}'), ('2', '{two}')]

    In [6]: cnn.cursor(format=Format.BINARY).execute(query).fetchone()[0]
    Out[6]: [(1, ['one', 'one more']), (2, ['two'])]

Binary loading/dumping is not supported yet for all the data types,
but the plan is to cover all the builtins. Still not sure about the
interface to request text/binary results, or whether binary shouldn't
be the default as opposed to text. There is still ground to cover, but
we are getting there.

-- Daniele

Re: Using composite types in psycopg3

Vladimir Ryabtsev
Awesome, thanks.

It would be great if it worked out of the box, as in other drivers.
Appreciate your efforts.


On Tue, 10 Nov 2020 at 16:24, Daniele Varrazzo <> wrote:
On Tue, 10 Nov 2020 at 21:59, Vladimir Ryabtsev <> wrote:

> psycopg2 returns the 'result' as a basic string, while
> in asyncpg and py-postgresql I have structured data
> (roughly 'List[Tuple[int, List[str]]]').
> I tried the same in psycopg3 and it is little bit better, but
> not entirely: it shows the outer list, the tuples inside it,
> but the innermost list is still represented as a basic string:
> '{one,"one more"}'.
> Is it something you are still working on? Any workarounds?
Yes: by obtaining data from the db in binary mode you can get
information about deeply nested objects. psycopg2 works only in text
mode, psycopg3 in both.

    In [1]: query = """
       ...: with test as (
       ...:     select 1 as id, 'one' val
       ...:     union all
       ...:     select 1, 'one more'
       ...:     union all
       ...:     select 2, 'two'
       ...: )
       ...: select array(
       ...:     select (id, array_agg(val))
       ...:     from test
       ...:     group by id
       ...: )"""

    In [2]: import psycopg3

    In [3]: from psycopg3.pq import Format

    In [4]: cnn = psycopg3.connect("")

    In [5]: cnn.cursor().execute(query).fetchone()[0]
    Out[5]: [('1', '{one,"one more"}'), ('2', '{two}')]

    In [6]: cnn.cursor(format=Format.BINARY).execute(query).fetchone()[0]
    Out[6]: [(1, ['one', 'one more']), (2, ['two'])]

Binary loading/dumping is not supported yet for all the data types,
but the plan is to cover all the builtins. Still not sure about the
interface to request text/binary results, or whether binary shouldn't
be the default as opposed to text. There is still ground to cover, but
we are getting there.

-- Daniele

Re: Using composite types in psycopg3

Daniele Varrazzo
On Wed, 11 Nov 2020 at 00:36, Vladimir Ryabtsev <> wrote:
> Awesome, thanks.
> It would be great if it worked out of the box, as in other drivers.

I do agree.

I have much more experience with the text format, and in my
understanding not all the types support binary I/O. But my
understanding could be wrong.

After covering the binary format for the missing types (especially
numeric and date/time objects) we can probably do more testing and
check if defaulting to the binary format doesn't have unexpected


-- Daniele