Thread: Valgrind run error with Postgres on OSX

Valgrind run error with Postgres on OSX

Pavel Borisov
Hi, hackers!

I tried to run PG in a Valgrind on OSX 10.13 with Clang 9/10 and get an assertion error inside Valgrind

valgrind --leak-check=no --gen-suppressions=all --time-stamp=yes \
 --log-file=%p.log --trace-children=yes postgres -D ./pgdata \
 --log_line_prefix="%m %p " --log_statement=all
Then I got an assertion error in Valgrind
m_signals.c:1106 (void handle_SCSS_change(Bool)):
Assertion 'ksa_old.sa_flags == skss_old.skss_per_sig[sig].skss_flags' failed 

I am not very much sure it has much do to with Postgres and I will report this error to Valgrind community but it is not raised when I try to run different programs under Valgrind on the same system. I haven't dived deep into the issue and I am not sure that this patch is not an utter hack but it heals an issue which may be useful for some of you.

If you have ideas on the issue please share.

Best regards,
Pavel Borisov

Postgres Professional: