Thread: improve the algorithm cached_plan_cost with real planning time?

improve the algorithm cached_plan_cost with real planning time?

Andy Fan

In cached_plan_cost, we do consider the cost of planning, with the following

int nrelations = list_length(plannedstmt->rtable);

result += 1000.0 * cpu_operator_cost * (nrelations + 1);

I run into a case where 10 relations  are joined, 3 of them have
hundreds of partitions.  at last  nrelations = 421 for this case.

| Plan Type    | Estimate Cost | Real Execution Time(ms) | Real Planning Time(ms)  |
| Custom Plan  |     100867.52 | 13                      | 665.816                 |
| Generic Plan |     104941.86 | 33(ms)                  | 0.76 (used cached plan) |

At last, it chooses the custom plan all the time. so the final performance is
678ms+, however if it chooses the generic plan, it is 34ms in total. It looks 
to me that the planning cost is estimated improperly.

Since we do know the planning time exactly for a custom plan when we call
cached_plan_cost, if we have a way to convert the real timing to cost, then we
probably can fix this issue. 

The cost unit is seq_page_scan, looks we know the latency of seq_page
read, we can build such mapping. however, the correct seq_page_cost 
detection needs we clear file system cache at least which is
something we can't do in pg kernel[1].  So any suggestion on this topic?

note that both plans have no plan time partition prune and have run time
partition prune, so the issue at [2] probably doesn't impact this.

Best Regards
Andy Fan

Re: improve the algorithm cached_plan_cost with real planning time?

Andy Fan

On Thu, Oct 15, 2020 at 9:12 PM Andy Fan <> wrote:

In cached_plan_cost, we do consider the cost of planning, with the following

int nrelations = list_length(plannedstmt->rtable);

result += 1000.0 * cpu_operator_cost * (nrelations + 1);

I run into a case where 10 relations  are joined, 3 of them have
hundreds of partitions.  at last  nrelations = 421 for this case.

| Plan Type    | Estimate Cost | Real Execution Time(ms) | Real Planning Time(ms)  |
| Custom Plan  |     100867.52 | 13                      | 665.816                 |
| Generic Plan |     104941.86 | 33(ms)                  | 0.76 (used cached plan) |

At last, it chooses the custom plan all the time. so the final performance is
678ms+, however if it chooses the generic plan, it is 34ms in total. It looks 
to me that the planning cost is estimated improperly.

Since we do know the planning time exactly for a custom plan when we call
cached_plan_cost, if we have a way to convert the real timing to cost, then we
probably can fix this issue. 

The cost unit is seq_page_scan, looks we know the latency of seq_page
read, we can build such mapping. however, the correct seq_page_cost 
detection needs we clear file system cache at least which is
something we can't do in pg kernel[1].  So any suggestion on this topic?

One of the simplest methods might be to just add a new GUC 
seq_page_latency to the user (and we can also provide tools to user
to detect their IO latency [1]) If user set seq_page_latency, then we can 
do the timing to cost translation.  I got the seq_page_latency = 8us on 
my local SSD environment before, if the above real case have similar
number, then the planning cost should be  83227 while the current 
algorithm sets it to 1055.  83227 in this case is big enough to choose
the generic plan. 

Best Regards
Andy Fan