Thread: BUG #16673: Stack depth limit exceeded error while running sysbench TPC-C

BUG #16673: Stack depth limit exceeded error while running sysbench TPC-C

PG Bug reporting form
The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      16673
Logged by:          David Geier
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 12.4
Operating system:   Ubuntu 18

Hi hackers,

I came across a "stack depth limit exceeded" error which I believe is a bug.
It occurs in parallel workers when running Percona's sysbench TPC-C
benchmark with a fairly large number of parallel workers and sysbench
threads on a beefy machine (e.g. two sockets with 32 cores each). I ran with
PostgreSQL 12.4. Here are the reproduction steps:

1. Apply PostgreSQL configuration attached to this bug report.

2. Install sysbench (>= 1.0.14) from Peronca repos

3. Install sysbench-tpcc by cloning

4. Checkout commit f9f581e7a2ee9b5e9ea8db621c07c03540d9fb79

5. Startup server and create a database called 'tpcc'

6. Run the prepare step: ./tpcc.lua --pgsql-db=tpcc --pgsql-user=postgres
--threads=64 --tables=1 --scale=100 --db-driver=pgsql --rand-seed=1

7. Set the parallel workers storage parameter of all tables in the 'tpcc'
database to 52.

ALTER TABLE customer1 SET (parallel_workers = 52);
ALTER TABLE district1 SET (parallel_workers = 52);
ALTER TABLE history1 SET (parallel_workers = 52);
ALTER TABLE item1 SET (parallel_workers = 52);
ALTER TABLE new_orders1 SET (parallel_workers = 52);
ALTER TABLE order_line1 SET (parallel_workers = 52);
ALTER TABLE orders1 SET (parallel_workers = 52);
ALTER TABLE stock1 SET (parallel_workers = 52);
ALTER TABLE warehouse1 SET (parallel_workers = 52);

8. Run the benchmark:  ./tpcc.lua --pgsql-db=tpcc --pgsql-user=postgres
--time=1800 --threads=64 --report-interval=1 --tables=1 --scale=100
--db-driver=pgsql --rand-seed=1 run

After some time (can be many seconds to minutes) the benchmark fails with
the following error:

FATAL: PQexec() failed: 7 stack depth limit exceeded
FATAL: failed query was: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT (s_i_id))
                        FROM order_line1, stock1
                       WHERE ol_w_id = 82 
                         AND ol_d_id = 1
                         AND ol_o_id < 3495 
                         AND ol_o_id >= 3475
                         AND s_w_id= 82
                         AND s_i_id=ol_i_id 
                         AND s_quantity < 17

The corresponding EXPLAIN output for a similar query looks like:

                                                                  QUERY PLAN

 Aggregate  (cost=2038.32..2038.33 rows=1 width=8) (actual
time=47.873..50.475 rows=1 loops=1)
   ->  Gather  (cost=757.14..2036.86 rows=583 width=4) (actual
time=13.292..50.434 rows=18 loops=1)
         Workers Planned: 52
         Workers Launched: 52
         ->  Nested Loop  (cost=257.14..1531.03 rows=11 width=4) (actual
time=0.080..0.168 rows=0 loops=52)
               ->  Parallel Bitmap Heap Scan on order_line1
(cost=128.67..1022.01 rows=1 width=4) (actual time=0.058..0.066 rows=4
                     Recheck Cond: ((ol_w_id = 64) AND (ol_d_id = 1) AND
(ol_o_id < 5707) AND (ol_o_id >= 5687))
                     ->  Bitmap Index Scan on order_line1_pkey
(cost=0.00..128.67 rows=7 width=0) (actual time=0.545..0.546 rows=213
                           Index Cond: ((ol_w_id = 64) AND (ol_d_id = 1) AND
(ol_o_id < 5707) AND (ol_o_id >= 5687))
               ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on stock1  (cost=128.47..31403.58
rows=83 width=4) (actual time=0.022..0.022 rows=0 loops=213)
                     Recheck Cond: ((s_w_id = 64) AND (s_i_id =
                     Filter: (s_quantity < 10)
                     Rows Removed by Filter: 1
                     ->  Bitmap Index Scan on stock1_pkey
(cost=0.00..128.44 rows=250 width=0) (actual time=0.016..0.016 rows=1
                           Index Cond: ((s_w_id = 64) AND (s_i_id =
 Planning Time: 0.664 ms
 Execution Time: 50.565 ms

The error occurs already with the default stack depth of 7 MiB but it occurs
quicker with a lower stack depth (e.g. 100 KiB). The reproduction steps are
as follows:

I also obtained a stack trace. Because gdb always hung up I ended up loading
an extension which uses the 'emit_log_hook' to sleep so that I could attach
a debugger when "stack depth limited exceeded" occurs. The stack trace is
also attached to this bug report.


PostgreSQL configuration:

autovacuum = off
min_parallel_table_scan_size = 0
cluster_name = '11/main'
datestyle = 'iso, mdy'
default_statistics_target = 2500
default_text_search_config = 'pg_catalog.english'
dynamic_shared_memory_type = posix
force_parallel_mode = False
lc_messages = 'en_US.UTF-8'
lc_monetary = 'en_US.UTF-8'
lc_numeric = 'en_US.UTF-8'
lc_time = 'en_US.UTF-8'
listen_addresses = '*'
log_line_prefix = '%t [%p]: [%l-1] user=%u,db=%d,app=%a,client=%h '
log_min_messages = WARNING
log_timezone = UTC
maintenance_work_mem = 12GB
max_stack_depth = 100
max_wal_senders = 0
max_wal_size = 12GB
port = 5432
#shared_preload_libraries = ''
ssl = False
synchronous_commit = False
timezone = UTC
unix_socket_directories = '/var/run/postgresql'
wal_level = minimal
max_connections = 2000
parallel_leader_participation = False
parallel_setup_cost = 500
parallel_tuple_cost = 0.01
random_page_cost = 128.0
seq_page_cost = 4.0
effective_io_concurrency = 128
enable_partition_pruning = True
enable_partitionwise_aggregate = True
enable_partitionwise_join = True
jit = true
max_worker_processes = 1024
max_parallel_workers = 1024
max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 52
shared_buffers = 48GB
temp_buffers = 2GB
work_mem = 2GB
effective_cache_size = 512GB

Stack trace:

#0  0x00007f63a79ccc41 in __GI___nanosleep
remaining=remaining@entry=0x7ffd0382faf0) at
#1  0x00007f639d78de89 in std::this_thread::sleep_for<long, std::ratio<1l,
1l> > (__rtime=..., __rtime=...) at /usr/include/c++/10/thread:405
#2  my_emit_log_hook (edata=<optimized out>) at
#3  my_emit_log_hook (edata=<optimized out>) at
#4  0x000055ff8d717c25 in EmitErrorReport () at
#5  0x000055ff8d54161b in StartBackgroundWorker () at
#6  0x000055ff8d5507c5 in do_start_bgworker (rw=rw@entry=0x55ff8f1d4940) at
#7  0x000055ff8d55093c in maybe_start_bgworkers () at
#8  0x000055ff8d551299 in sigusr1_handler (postgres_signal_arg=<optimized
out>) at ./build/../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:5178
#9  <signal handler called>
#10 0x00007f63a51be1fd in __GI___sigprocmask (how=how@entry=2,
set=0x55ff8dc74aa0 <UnBlockSig>, oset=oset@entry=0x0) at
#11 0x000055ff8d55135e in sigusr1_handler (postgres_signal_arg=<optimized
out>) at ./build/../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:5258
#12 <signal handler called>
#13 0x00007f63a51be1fd in __GI___sigprocmask (how=how@entry=2,
set=0x55ff8dc74aa0 <UnBlockSig>, oset=oset@entry=0x0) at
#14 0x000055ff8d55135e in sigusr1_handler (postgres_signal_arg=<optimized
out>) at ./build/../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:5258
#15 <signal handler called>
#16 0x00007f63a51be1fd in __GI___sigprocmask (how=how@entry=2,
set=0x55ff8dc74aa0 <UnBlockSig>, oset=oset@entry=0x0) at
#17 0x000055ff8d55135e in sigusr1_handler (postgres_signal_arg=<optimized
out>) at ./build/../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:5258
#18 <signal handler called>
#19 0x00007f63a51be1fd in __GI___sigprocmask (how=how@entry=2,
set=0x55ff8dc74aa0 <UnBlockSig>, oset=oset@entry=0x0) at
#20 0x000055ff8d5511e9 in reaper (postgres_signal_arg=<optimized out>) at
#21 <signal handler called>
#22 0x00007f63a51be1fd in __GI___sigprocmask (how=how@entry=2,
set=0x55ff8dc74aa0 <UnBlockSig>, oset=oset@entry=0x0) at
#23 0x000055ff8d55135e in sigusr1_handler (postgres_signal_arg=<optimized
out>) at ./build/../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:5258
#24 <signal handler called>
#25 0x00007f63a51be1fd in __GI___sigprocmask (how=how@entry=2,
set=0x55ff8dc74aa0 <UnBlockSig>, oset=oset@entry=0x0) at
#26 0x000055ff8d55135e in sigusr1_handler (postgres_signal_arg=<optimized
out>) at ./build/../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:5258
#27 <signal handler called>
#28 0x00007f63a51be1fd in __GI___sigprocmask (how=how@entry=2,
set=0x55ff8dc74aa0 <UnBlockSig>, oset=oset@entry=0x0) at
#29 0x000055ff8d55135e in sigusr1_handler (postgres_signal_arg=<optimized
out>) at ./build/../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:5258
#30 <signal handler called>
#31 0x00007f63a51be1fd in __GI___sigprocmask (how=how@entry=2,
set=0x55ff8dc74aa0 <UnBlockSig>, oset=oset@entry=0x0) at
#32 0x000055ff8d5511e9 in reaper (postgres_signal_arg=<optimized out>) at
#33 <signal handler called>
#34 sigusr1_handler (postgres_signal_arg=10) at
#35 <signal handler called>
#36 0x00007f63a51be1fd in __GI___sigprocmask (how=how@entry=2,
set=0x55ff8dc74aa0 <UnBlockSig>, oset=oset@entry=0x0) at
#37 0x000055ff8d55135e in sigusr1_handler (postgres_signal_arg=<optimized
out>) at ./build/../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:5258
#38 <signal handler called>
#39 0x00007f63a51be1fd in __GI___sigprocmask (how=how@entry=2,
set=0x55ff8dc74aa0 <UnBlockSig>, oset=oset@entry=0x0) at
#40 0x000055ff8d55135e in sigusr1_handler (postgres_signal_arg=<optimized
out>) at ./build/../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:5258
#41 <signal handler called>
#42 0x00007f63a51be1fd in __GI___sigprocmask (how=how@entry=2,
set=0x55ff8dc74aa0 <UnBlockSig>, oset=oset@entry=0x0) at
#43 0x000055ff8d55135e in sigusr1_handler (postgres_signal_arg=<optimized
out>) at ./build/../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:5258
#44 <signal handler called>
#45 0x00007f63a51be1fd in __GI___sigprocmask (how=how@entry=2,
set=0x55ff8dc74aa0 <UnBlockSig>, oset=oset@entry=0x0) at
#46 0x000055ff8d55135e in sigusr1_handler (postgres_signal_arg=<optimized
out>) at ./build/../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:5258
#47 <signal handler called>
#48 0x00007f63a51be1fd in __GI___sigprocmask (how=how@entry=2,
set=0x55ff8dc74aa0 <UnBlockSig>, oset=oset@entry=0x0) at
#49 0x000055ff8d55135e in sigusr1_handler (postgres_signal_arg=<optimized
out>) at ./build/../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:5258
#50 <signal handler called>
#51 0x00007f63a51be1fd in __GI___sigprocmask (how=how@entry=2,
set=0x55ff8dc74aa0 <UnBlockSig>, oset=oset@entry=0x0) at
#52 0x000055ff8d55135e in sigusr1_handler (postgres_signal_arg=<optimized
out>) at ./build/../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:5258
#53 <signal handler called>
#54 0x00007f63a51be1fd in __GI___sigprocmask (how=how@entry=2,
set=0x55ff8dc74aa0 <UnBlockSig>, oset=oset@entry=0x0) at
#55 0x000055ff8d55135e in sigusr1_handler (postgres_signal_arg=<optimized
out>) at ./build/../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:5258
#56 <signal handler called>
#57 0x00007f63a51be1fd in __GI___sigprocmask (how=how@entry=2,
set=0x55ff8dc74aa0 <UnBlockSig>, oset=oset@entry=0x0) at
#58 0x000055ff8d55135e in sigusr1_handler (postgres_signal_arg=<optimized
out>) at ./build/../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:5258
#59 <signal handler called>
#60 0x00007f63a51be1fd in __GI___sigprocmask (how=how@entry=2,
set=0x55ff8dc74aa0 <UnBlockSig>, oset=oset@entry=0x0) at
#61 0x000055ff8d55135e in sigusr1_handler (postgres_signal_arg=<optimized
out>) at ./build/../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:5258
--Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging--
#62 <signal handler called>
#63 0x00007f63a51be1fd in __GI___sigprocmask (how=how@entry=2,
set=0x55ff8dc74aa0 <UnBlockSig>, oset=oset@entry=0x0) at
#64 0x000055ff8d55135e in sigusr1_handler (postgres_signal_arg=<optimized
out>) at ./build/../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:5258
#65 <signal handler called>
#66 0x00007f63a51be1fd in __GI___sigprocmask (how=how@entry=2,
set=0x55ff8dc74aa0 <UnBlockSig>, oset=oset@entry=0x0) at
#67 0x000055ff8d55135e in sigusr1_handler (postgres_signal_arg=<optimized
out>) at ./build/../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:5258
#68 <signal handler called>
#69 0x00007f63a51be1fd in __GI___sigprocmask (how=how@entry=2,
set=0x55ff8dc74aa0 <UnBlockSig>, oset=oset@entry=0x0) at
#70 0x000055ff8d5511e9 in reaper (postgres_signal_arg=<optimized out>) at
#71 <signal handler called>
#72 sigusr1_handler (postgres_signal_arg=10) at
#73 <signal handler called>
#74 0x00007f63a51be1fd in __GI___sigprocmask (how=how@entry=2,
set=0x55ff8dc74aa0 <UnBlockSig>, oset=oset@entry=0x0) at
#75 0x000055ff8d55135e in sigusr1_handler (postgres_signal_arg=<optimized
out>) at ./build/../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:5258
#76 <signal handler called>
#77 0x00007f63a51be1fd in __GI___sigprocmask (how=how@entry=2,
set=0x55ff8dc74aa0 <UnBlockSig>, oset=oset@entry=0x0) at
#78 0x000055ff8d55135e in sigusr1_handler (postgres_signal_arg=<optimized
out>) at ./build/../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:5258
#79 <signal handler called>
#80 0x00007f63a51be1fd in __GI___sigprocmask (how=how@entry=2,
set=0x55ff8dc74aa0 <UnBlockSig>, oset=oset@entry=0x0) at
#81 0x000055ff8d55135e in sigusr1_handler (postgres_signal_arg=<optimized
out>) at ./build/../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:5258
#82 <signal handler called>
#83 0x00007f63a51be1fd in __GI___sigprocmask (how=how@entry=2,
set=0x55ff8dc74aa0 <UnBlockSig>, oset=oset@entry=0x0) at
#84 0x000055ff8d5511e9 in reaper (postgres_signal_arg=<optimized out>) at
#85 <signal handler called>
#86 sigusr1_handler (postgres_signal_arg=10) at
#87 <signal handler called>
#88 0x00007f63a51be1fd in __GI___sigprocmask (how=how@entry=2,
set=0x55ff8dc74aa0 <UnBlockSig>, oset=oset@entry=0x0) at
#89 0x000055ff8d55135e in sigusr1_handler (postgres_signal_arg=<optimized
out>) at ./build/../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:5258
#90 <signal handler called>
#91 0x00007f63a51be1fd in __GI___sigprocmask (how=how@entry=2,
set=0x55ff8dc74aa0 <UnBlockSig>, oset=oset@entry=0x0) at
#92 0x000055ff8d55135e in sigusr1_handler (postgres_signal_arg=<optimized
out>) at ./build/../src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c:5258
#93 <signal handler called>
#94 0x00007f63a52960f7 in __GI___select (nfds=nfds@entry=8,
readfds=readfds@entry=0x7ffd03848490, writefds=writefds@entry=0x0,
exceptfds=exceptfds@entry=0x0, timeout=timeout@entry=0x7ffd03848400)
    at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/select.c:41
#95 0x000055ff8d5519d9 in ServerLoop () at
#96 0x000055ff8d552efa in PostmasterMain (argc=5, argv=<optimized out>) at
#97 0x000055ff8d4a9aba in main (argc=5, argv=0x55ff8f171060) at

PG Bug reporting form <> writes:
> [ signal recursion in postmaster ]

This looks like the same issue that we fixed in HEAD/v13 just about
a year ago:

  Author: Tom Lane <>
  Branch: master Release: REL_13_BR [9abb2bfc0] 2019-10-13 15:48:26 -0400

    In the postmaster, rely on the signal infrastructure to block signals.
    POSIX sigaction(2) can be told to block a set of signals while a
    signal handler executes.  Make use of that instead of manually
    blocking and unblocking signals in the postmaster's signal handlers.
    This should save a few cycles, and it also prevents recursive
    invocation of signal handlers when many signals arrive in close
    succession.  We have seen buildfarm failures that seem to be due to
    postmaster stack overflow caused by such recursion (exacerbated by
    a Linux PPC64 kernel bug).
    This doesn't change anything about the way that it works on Windows.
    Somebody might consider adjusting port/win32/signal.c to let it work
    similarly, but I'm not in a position to do that.
    For the moment, just apply to HEAD.  Possibly we should consider
    back-patching this, but it'd be good to let it age awhile first.

Maybe now it's aged enough to back-patch?

            regards, tom lane

Re: BUG #16673: Stack depth limit exceeded error while running sysbench TPC-C

David Geier
Hi Tom,

Thanks for the quick reply. We gonna try it with PSQL 13 and let you 
know if the bug still appears.


On 15.10.20 16:09, Tom Lane wrote:
> PG Bug reporting form <> writes:
>> [ signal recursion in postmaster ]
> This looks like the same issue that we fixed in HEAD/v13 just about
> a year ago:
>    Author: Tom Lane <>
>    Branch: master Release: REL_13_BR [9abb2bfc0] 2019-10-13 15:48:26 -0400
>      In the postmaster, rely on the signal infrastructure to block signals.
>      POSIX sigaction(2) can be told to block a set of signals while a
>      signal handler executes.  Make use of that instead of manually
>      blocking and unblocking signals in the postmaster's signal handlers.
>      This should save a few cycles, and it also prevents recursive
>      invocation of signal handlers when many signals arrive in close
>      succession.  We have seen buildfarm failures that seem to be due to
>      postmaster stack overflow caused by such recursion (exacerbated by
>      a Linux PPC64 kernel bug).
>      This doesn't change anything about the way that it works on Windows.
>      Somebody might consider adjusting port/win32/signal.c to let it work
>      similarly, but I'm not in a position to do that.
>      For the moment, just apply to HEAD.  Possibly we should consider
>      back-patching this, but it'd be good to let it age awhile first.
>      Discussion:
> Maybe now it's aged enough to back-patch?
>             regards, tom lane

David Geier <> writes:
> Thanks for the quick reply. We gonna try it with PSQL 13 and let you 
> know if the bug still appears.

FYI, I did back-patch, so that fix will be in next month's
minor releases.

            regards, tom lane

Re: BUG #16673: Stack depth limit exceeded error while running sysbench TPC-C

David Geier
We re-tested and the bug is gone with PG 13.

Thanks for back patching. Much appreciated.


On 19.10.20 16:31, Tom Lane wrote:
> David Geier <> writes:
>> Thanks for the quick reply. We gonna try it with PSQL 13 and let you
>> know if the bug still appears.
> FYI, I did back-patch, so that fix will be in next month's
> minor releases.
>             regards, tom lane